GUILTY NY - Fahim Saleh, 33, millionaire tech entrepreneur, dismembered, Manhattan, 15 July 2020 *Arrest*

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I wonder why they haven’t released how the assailant entered the building? Only that “he was waiting around in the lobby until fahim entered and then followed Him to the lift” almost as if he’s been told that fahim was on his way back to the apartment, as I can’t imagine him hanging around in the lobby for hours... any longer than 10/15 mins would arouse suspicion.
It’s also suspicious how as the sister came up in the lift, he bolted down the stairs, again as if he’s been tipped off somehow that she was on her way up.
Is it common for luxury condos to have cctv covering the stairwell/ back exits? You’d hope so at least.
The amount of cctv around + the evidence he’s left behind, surely this won’t take long to trace him.

ETA - they should look into who he was with on that Monday morning, and knew his time table for that day. Especially anyone who knew he was on his way back home around 1.40pm.

I think the killer would have simply followed Fahim to his apartment, and making it appear like he was waiting there. But, if he was there waiting, he could have been waiting at the complex indefinitely if the place didn't have a lot of traffic and there weren't a lot of people entering/exiting their residences.

I would think the complex would have a pretty good CCTV coverage, but who knows? Let's be hopeful that the cops are looking into all these.

If he was seen on that day alive and outside of his apartment, then the theory of the killer having spent substantial time in the apartment cannot be true.

The location of the apartment seems to be in a densely populated area. So, there must be lots of CCTVs around.
Meet the minds behind the success of Pathao
October 1st, 2017

'' Pathao’s ride sharing platform has now become a familiar name alongside other popular services such as Uber, Grab or OLA. In spite of the popularity, Pathao is not the pioneer in motorcycle-based ride-sharing in Bangladesh. That honour rests with Share-A-Motorcycle - SAM, which started on May 7, 2016. But Pathao's functionality and ease of service propelled them across the board''

''Who are the people behind Pathao?
Not some big businessmen, but three university graduates came up with a solution to commute quicker around the city. Hussain M Elius, a North South University alumnus, Shifat Adnan, a graduate from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), and Fahim Saleh from Bentley University in the US co-founded the company together in 2015. Both Shifat and Fahim have graduated in computer science and engineering from their respected universities. Fahim, who lives in New York, envisioned a venture in Bangladesh with the intention to help, rather than focus on profit maximisation. Elius and Shifat had been working together to create tech solutions.''
That's what happened in the DC Mansion Murders where Savvas Savopolous and his whole family were tortured for about the long as a combination of making Savvas turn over money and a matter of personal revenge.
Yes, but I think his son was the object there. Savvas would take any physical torture if he was being told his sons life was going to be endangered. Side note, I just finished the 22 Hours 12 part podcast on that crime! Give it a try.
Yes, but I think his son was the object there. Savvas would take any physical torture if he was being told his sons life was going to be endangered. Side note, I just finished the 22 Hours 12 part podcast on that crime! Give it a try.

That was actually my point. I was bringing it up since you raised it in regards to "He’s not a trained spy or Navy Seal" with length or torture, which neither Savvas nor his child were spies or SEALs. You don't have to have a special background or even be an adult to be tortured over the course of a day.
Also like with the Mansion Murders I wonder if Fahim Saleh was doing emails/calls with work while under duress

This guy was the founder and CEO of multiple companies yet what happens to stop the crime-in-progress is a neighbor calling his sister rather than employees wondering where their heck their founder/CEO/funder is during the work week, unless he or the perp (using FS's email account) were in communication

Very good point.

I can see Tech entrepreneurs living on their phones. Heck, a good number of Tech start up entrepreneur / CEOs may even forgo traditional offices completely and use mega capable phones and lap tops as a virtual "office".

Tech start ups also probably center on speedy decisions and that require near instant communication. As you stated, their employees and partners are probably very accustomed to a "During work, I am always available for emails, calls, texts, zooms, skypes and what ever else" environment.

At least some of the probably numerous inquiries were being answered under duress as you stated. The answers could have been short, choppy and incomplete, but not to the extent that they raised alarms.
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Dismemberment of Tech C.E.O. Fahim Saleh Looks Like ‘Professional Job’
Updated July 16, 2020

"A Police Department spokesman said he could not comment on how the killer entered the building. The property’s management company said that the building did not have a doorman but had extensive security in place.

The management company, in a statement, said Mr. Saleh was an active member of the condominium board.

“The unit owners, residents, board and management are all quite upset,” the statement said."


"Mr. Saleh grew up near Poughkeepsie, N.Y., according to public records. As a teenager, he learned to code and began to develop websites, his friends said. He graduated from Bentley University, a small college in Waltham, Mass., in 2009 with a degree in computer information systems, according to his LinkedIn profile."


"Sumeet Rametra, who met Mr. Saleh in college and has been in close communication with his family since his death, described his friend as someone who indulged in kind gestures, like buying his parents a home and a Tesla."
Very good point.

I can see Tech entrepreneurs living on their phones. Heck, a good number of Tech start up entrepreneur / CEOs may even forgo a traditional offices completely and use mega capable phones and lap tops as a virtual "office".

Tech start ups also probably center on speedy decisions and that requires near instant communication. As you stated, their employees, partners are probably very accustomed to an "During work, I am always available for emails, calls, texts, zooms, skypes and what ever else" environment.

At least some of the numerous inquiries were being answered under duress as you stated. The answers were probably short, choppy and incomplete, but not to the extent that they raised alarms.

I'm still very curious if there was some sort of payoff in Nigeria or at least an attempt at one. I don't think the matter was actually settled with Gokada switching to delivery. I've mentioned this before with how people should watch 'Law And Disorder In Lagos' by the BBC to see the environment that Gokada was operating in. Officially NURTW (and related groups who both compete with each other and internally) has semi-official blessing on selling passes for transport but unofficially their 'area boys' shakedown all merchants in the area (this is shown in the BBC documentary how these gangs go beyond their semi-official transport license selling and then all this business extortion money is delivered in bags daily to the head honcho), so just because Gokada switched doesn't mean that roving street gangs engaging in business extortion are suddenly going to start leaving Gokada alone as long as they continued to operate in Lagos.
Let's take the thread back to our victim and his family.

Family of slain tech whiz found dismembered in NYC condo says only arrest of killer ‘who exhibited nothing short of evil’ will bring them peace

The family of the tech entrepreneur found decapitated and dismembered inside his $2 million Lower East Side condo says nothing will ease their grief until his killer is arrested.

In a statement provided to the Daily News, the family of victim Fahim Saleh said they still “cannot fathom” his gruesome death.

“There are no words or actions to provide any of us comfort except the capture of the person who exhibited nothing short of evil upon our loved one,” the family said.

Autopsy results show that Saleh, 33, was fatally stabbed in the chest by his assassin before the cold-blooded killer, clad in a ninja-style mask and fancy suit and tie, decapitated the victim and lopped off his arms and legs with an electric saw.

But before the killer could scrub the condo clean and dispose of the body, Saleh’s sister buzzed into the building through a virtual doorman, prompting the killer to bolt down the stairs, a source said.

A police source indicated investigators believed the grisly execution was prompted by a business deal gone lethally bad.

His family urged police to “work diligently to get to the bottom of his horrific crime.”

More @ link WS/TOS
JMO and questions
I keep seeing Business deal gone bad.

Where had Fahim been that morning on Monday?
Why did the killer choose a Monday? Especially at 1:40 pm (daytime)
Did the killer know his schedule?
Was Fahim due to leave NYC soon to travel?
What was Fahim's activities like the weekend before his murder?
Business deal could be anything not necessarily related to his tech companies.

good link which settles a lot; thanks.

Virtual doorman - no eyes on property.

Ninja ‘mask’, but dress suit and tie - was he wearing the mask in the elevator? Maybe it came from his duffel.
I'm still very curious if there was some sort of payoff in Nigeria or at least an attempt at one. I don't think the matter was actually settled with Gokada switching to delivery. I've mentioned this before with how people should watch 'Law And Disorder In Lagos' by the BBC to see the environment that Gokada was operating in. Officially NURTW (and related groups who both compete with each other and internally) has semi-official blessing on selling passes for transport but unofficially their 'area boys' shakedown all merchants in the area (this is shown in the BBC documentary how these gangs go beyond their semi-official transport license selling and then all this business extortion money is delivered in bags daily to the head honcho), so just because Gokada switched doesn't mean that roving street gangs engaging in business extortion are suddenly going to start leaving Gokada alone as long as they continued to operate in Lagos.
July 16 2020
Nigeria’s Gokada to press on despite CEO’s shocking death

''In Nigeria, the Gokada delivery service continues on despite the gruesome murder of CEO Fahim Saleh, whose body was discovered in New York City on Tuesday.

“As painful as these last days have been for us, we at Gokada owe it to ourselves and to Fahim’s memory to act and fulfill his vision for the company and for Nigerian youth,” Gokada said in a series of statement’s announcing Saleh’s death.

“Your teachings on safety, efficiency and kindness will continue to follow us as we uphold the legacy which you successfully began,” added Gokada. “RIP, Fahim. You will be missed by everyone at Gokada and by the entire Nigerian startup community.”
More from @dotr
Link above
Excellent MSM from Africa and what is being reported.

The app-driven motorbike firm, which switched to transporting packages rather than people in February, remains open for business. But the investigation into what appears to be the professional assassination of Saleh is just beginning.

Saleh, born to Bangladeshi parents in Saudi Arabia, moved to New York in his youth and remained in the United States. But his business interests were international, and police are looking at how those businesses – especially investors or companies encountering reversals, like Gokada – may be linked to the crime.
So much amazing information on this thread! In some ways it is good it happened in NYC. NYPD is very experienced in all kinds of crimes and criminal enterprises. Much more so than a smaller department would be. I do also wish we could see video. Surely we could tell at least something from the size, skin and eye color, etc. Agree that the NYPD must have a handle on it - I live in a NYC suburb and NYPD releases video all the time - from turnstile jumping to rape to assault. If they thought it would help here, I bet they would release it.

Right now I would guess related to the Nigerian venture. Either "mafia' - thank you @SpanishInquisition for that info - or maybe Nigerian investors who lost money. But he has so many companies, it could be linked to any one of them. I could also see a Washington Mansion style financial crime.

Yep, the deputy lost his job because of Fahim's app and there was apparently a lawsuit against Fahim with the deputy seeking at least $10 million.

I would cross Kirk Eady off the list. From other reading he seems like your run-of-the-mill, not-too-bright crooked NJ type (I live in NJ - I hope I don't offend anyone, but it is Hudson County). He spies on his employees and then sues basically saying "It's not my fault. i didn't know better." I think the killer was much smarter and more organized.
Trial of Hudson County jail's deputy director charged with eavesdropping begins in Newark

ETA - @BrownRice - just downloaded "22 Hours." I remember that case well - so heartbreaking.
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Surely there are easier ways to for a hit man to kill somebody without stun-gunning, stabbing, then dismembering, cleaning up and disposing of the victim in bags?

Pretty shabby job for a well-dressed killer at a multi-million dollar Manhattan condo, imo, speculation.
Lower East Side killer wore ninja-style mask, fled gruesome murder scene as victim Fahim Saleh’s sister rode the elevator upstairs for a visit: sources
''The assassin stabbed him repeatedly in the chest to kill him, according to his autopsy results. He used a stun gun to incapacitate Saleh before murdering him, police sources said.''

''It shows the victim getting into the elevator Monday, followed quickly by a second man, dressed in a suit, wearing gloves and a hat, with a mask over his face.''

I'm sorry, but please help me understand. I thought the elevator went directly to the victim's apartment. Would he not be suspicious of someone getting on the elevator with him, knowing it went to his apartment, or did it stop at many and his was just one. Then, couldn't anybody get on it and end up in someone else's apartment? So sorry if I am being dense, but I don't quite get it. Thank you to anyone who knows the answer (probably everyone, but me)!! Thanks, Katt
I don’t doubt that doing business in Nigeria can involve some chaos & criminality, altho standard beyond the western world. Surely there was a local partner or office of some sort that a vengeful Nigerian could’ve attacked, instead of buying a ticket & flying to an incredibly expensive & complex city like NYC. Or even paying American prices for a hitman.

Fahim looks like such a fun-loving and sweet guy in his pics. So distressing to think of his ordeal and his poor loving family’s ongoing agony. Still hoping & expecting a big break v soon....
I'm sorry, but please help me understand. I thought the elevator went directly to the victim's apartment. Would he not be suspicious of someone getting on the elevator with him, knowing it went to his apartment, or did it stop at many and his was just one. Then, couldn't anybody get on it and end up in someone else's apartment? So sorry if I am being dense, but I don't quite get it. Thank you to anyone who knows the answer (probably everyone, but me)!! Thanks, Katt

He had a 'keyed elevator' where what that type of elevator lets you do is only open up if you have the entry for your floor. The perp acted like they had entry for another floor but instead followed FS out on his floor. If you lived on say floor 3, you could only get out on floor 3 with your entry rights but if you're in the elevator with someone who has entry rights to another floor you could follow them in, like what the perp did. Once the perp got on the elevator with FS having his key fob, FS was at the perp's mercy.
I'm sorry, but please help me understand. I thought the elevator went directly to the victim's apartment. Would he not be suspicious of someone getting on the elevator with him, knowing it went to his apartment, or did it stop at many and his was just one. Then, couldn't anybody get on it and end up in someone else's apartment? So sorry if I am being dense, but I don't quite get it. Thank you to anyone who knows the answer (probably everyone, but me)!! Thanks, Katt

IMO based on various sometimes conflicting press reports, it sounds like the perp got in the elevator with him & pretended to be trying to go to another floor. Then he was still there at Fahim’s floor (‘Fahim gave him a puzzled look’) but what was Fahim going to do that point? Even if he sensed danger, they were already in his apt. Presumably he just hoped to get out of that iffy situation quickly & forget it about it. :(

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