NY - Former President Donald Trump charged with 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records, Apr 2023

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Trump says his lawyers claim there is no case against him

In his speech, Trump quoted unnamed analysts who have said there is not strong evidence again him.

"Every single pundit and legal analyst said there is no case," Trump told the crowd.

He said that when he was indicted, his lawyers told him "there's nothing here, they're not even saying what you did."

And perhaps the biggest blow for Trump in all of this is that the charges have come in New York City, the city he helped build, and which built him.

"So here we are now, in a city that was so gracious 4 or 5 years ago," he said.


Trump criticizes Judge Merchan and his family

Jason Abbruzzese
Trump referred to Juan Merchan and his family as "a Trump-hating judge, with the Trump-hating wife and family whose daughter worked for Kamala Harris" during his speech at Mar-a-Lago.

Merchan, who is presiding over Trump's criminal case, just hours earlier told Trump and potential witnesses that they should refrain from statements that might incite violence and avoid making any statements that undermine the rule of law.


Trump makes the attacks personal​

"The real criminal is the district attorney because he illegally leaked," Trump says about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

He says that the leaking of information to the press should lead to his prosecution or at the very least his resignation.

He goes on to condemn a tweet from Bragg's wife saying that the charges will "nail" Trump.

"She has since locked down her Twitter account," he claims.

He also attacks the judge's family, saying: "I have a Trump-hating judge with a Trump-hating family, whose daughter worked for Kamala Harris."

This is not the first time that Trump has criticised the judge overseeing his case.

The ex-president finished up abruptly, after speaking for about 25 minutes.

After listing off a number of grievances, attacking those involved in the multiple investigations and criminal cases against him, and rambling a number of of-repeated falsehoods about the 2020 elections, he walked off stage.

The speech was in many ways a standard performance, but shorter.

Fact-check: Classified documents

Donald Trump has repeatedly misconstrued the investigation into his possession of classified documents, comparing what he did to what his predecessors did.

Trump took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago, whereas former president Barack Obama turned over documents, according to the National Archives and Records Administration itself. In the cases of other former presidents, the NARA moved documents out of DC to other facilities.


Media outlets cut away from Trump's speech or avoid altogether

Dani Anguiano
CNN cut away from its live coverage of Trump’s speech as the former president continued to rail against the charges against him.

Meanwhile, MSNBC opted not to broadcast Trump’s remarks at all. Instead, host Rachel Maddow said the outlet would monitor his remarks for any news rather than cover them in full.

“This is basically a campaign speech in which he is repeating his same lies and allegations against his perceived enemies,” Maddow said. “He’s just giving his normal list of grievances. We don’t consider that necessarily newsworthy and there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”

NPR also did not air Trump’s speech live.


What did Trump say tonight?​

We just watched the former president address a crowd in Mar-a-Lago in a roughly 25-minute speech.

These were his first public remarks since his arrest earlier on Tuesday.

Trump repeated many of his campaign talking points and argued that he has been the victim of a Democratic conspiracy to tank his re-election bid.
  • He began by denying his guilt and arguing that his opponents "seek to destroy" the nation
  • He falsely claimed that every single pundit and legal analyst said there is no case against him
  • Trump reiterated personal attacks on the wife of the Manhattan district attorney and the daughter of the judge overseeing his case
  • "I have a Trump-hating judge from a Trump-hating family," he complained, calling the court biased against him
  • He also listed the other investigations that are looking into him, and denounced the prosecutors leading the cases in New York, Georgia and Washington DC
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Trump was joined tonight by his children Don Jr, Eric and Tiffany, as well as supporters including Roger Stone, Mike Lindell, far-right representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz, and former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.

Missing tonight were Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka Trump, who has distanced herself from her father after working for his administration, and Melania Trump.
Fact check: Classified documents

During the speech, Trump also claimed that the Presidential Records Act involves a negotiation with the National Archives and Records Administration over documents, which is false. In fact, Nara gets custody of presidential documents the moment he leaves office.


The counts cover 34 separate instances of a false business entry or record. Some refer to false entries into business ledgers. Others refer to false invoices or checks. All 34 counts against Trump are felony charges (class E) instead of misdemeanors. To make that case, Bragg must convince a jury that all of the criminal record-keeping was done in order to cover up some larger crime.
Bragg appended a “statement of facts” to the indictments that maps out his theory of the larger underlying crimes. Bragg alleges an entire “scheme” that goes far beyond Trump’s well-publicized hush-money payment to actress Stormy Daniels. The statement says that Trump, the National Enquirer (and its former parent company American Media Inc.), and its former publisher, David Pecker, were involved in a long-standing “catch-and-kill” operation to pay people for their disparaging stories about Trump and then not publish
Fact check: Judge in hush money case

Trump called justice Juan Merchan a “Trump-hating judge with a Trump-hating wife whose daughter worked for Kamala Harris.”

Merchan’s daughter is president of Authentic, an agency that has worked with the campaigns of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris , Cory Booker and other Democrats. But that is not a conflict of interest for the justice, or grounds for a recusal by judicial ethics standards.

Had he not been running in the 2024 election there never would have been an indictment.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Something tells me that 2024 voters have a considerable interest in this guy's
2016 presidential election crimes precisely because he's running again in 2024.

Similarly, 2024 voters will be interested in this guy's next indictment count set for
2020 presidential election crimes.
(Election crimes, sedition, indictments (from 2020) are coming up - from GA - and from Feds/Jan 6.)

Is this guy a serial election stealer? Or just a sore loser?

Standby. The 2024 voters will figure it out. MOO
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There won’t be a gag order against his son.
before I meant to explain, sorry. here's my thinking...
it depends, IMO.
what does he know about the 2016 campaign? or the falsified records.
will he be called as witness?
family & 3rd parties w/ knowledge relevant info to the case are often asked to follow the gag order.
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Trump is bracing his GOP supporters for more indictments

Sahil Kapur
After pleading not guilty to criminal charges in New York, Trump gave a speech in Mar-a-Lago that braced his supporters for more indictments — and insisted they would all be politically motivated.

In Trump’s narrative, the cases are meritless, the prosecutors are liberals and his critics are conspiring to wield the law against him unfairly — all with the aim of stopping him from becoming president in 2024.

The Manhattan case? A “ridiculous indictment,” he said, and “the criminal is the district attorney.”

The probe in Washington involving misuse of presidential records? “Gun-toting” FBI agents targeted him wrongly, he said. “There is no criminality.” The special counsel charged with looking into it? A “lunatic,” he said.

His legal woes in Georgia due to asking Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to overturn his 2020 defeat? He said the phone call was “perfect.” And the case is about trying “to interfere with the 2024 election.”

He also went after New York Attorney General Letitia James as an anti-Trump political actor for the civil case involving him. “It’s cost hundreds of millions of dollars to defend,” he said, vowing not to settle it.

The Mar-a-Lago crowd booed the names as he mentioned them.

Trump is currently the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, and his speech was an attempt to give his supporters a permission structure to minimize further legal woes that he anticipates. And he also sprinkled some more campaign rhetoric in the speech.

“We are now a failing nation,” he said. “We are a nation in decline.”

While we do not routinely approve opinion articles, the above is by an attorney who is a former federal prosecutor, so it is being approved.
Thank you for letting us know as we move forward I will remember this.

Michael Cohen says documents will show Trump's guilt

David Ingram
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who is expected to be a witness against his former boss in any potential trial stemming from the hush money probe, said the case will come down to documents, not testimony.

"I can promise you that Mr. Bragg and his qualified team will be providing a significant amount of documentary evidence that will corroborate all of the allegations," Cohen said tonight in an interview on CNN.

Cohen, who admitted to an array of crimes in 2018, said his credibility will matter less than Trump's own before a jury.

"Michael Cohen's not the defendant, Donald. You are," Cohen said into the camera.

"He thinks by attacking people — whether it's the judge or the judge's daughter, myself, or anybody — that this gives the appearance of strength. It doesn't. It actually gives the appearance of ignorance and stupidity," Cohen said.

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The great irony, is that this indictment probably makes him even more popular with his base.

Possibly. From what I see here and there, I'm not so sure. If you mean the 30%ers who are hardcore Trump all the way, yes, that's likely. But the GOP is made up of more than that and they need the 19-20% in addition to position themselves for a win in the next election.

I think some 3rd party people will move away from the GOP if Trump is the candidate.

I have to say that I don't know a lot of Trump supporters personally, but my family members who supported Trump last election are not at all fond of him at this exact moment. So it varies. He solidifies his hardcore base, but in my observations, he's alienated his more religious base (the people I'm mentioning are in that segment of his support).

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