NY - Gov Spitzer tells staff he's linked to prostitution ring

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She did look like she had been crying a lot and/or not sleeping.

He, on the other hand, looked fine.

I want to know why he even has the option to bargain with LE in the first place. There was going to be an impeachment process anyway, so charge him w/his crimes and let the government kick him out of office. (I know that would take more time, but still.)
Did you catch Letterman's comment - along the lines of "Is it too soon to start hitting on Mrs. Spitzer?"
She is a very attractive woman, isn't she? I'm sure that she is wondering what she is lacking that made him do this? It is not about HER. Sad to say, it is all about him and his sense of entitlement. It appears that she is staying with him. Go figure...
She is a very attractive woman, isn't she? I'm sure that she is wondering what she is lacking that made him do this? It is not about HER. Sad to say, it is all about him and his sense of entitlement. It appears that she is staying with him. Go figure...

Hey Nan! I couldn't find the post where you pegged it, but you were dead on:

'I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people's work'

Did you know that hiring prostitutes constitutes a private failure? Wonder if all of the prostitutes sitting in prison right now because of him we'll be let out?
The poor woman, maybe she is standing next to him for her children? Those girls must be having a terrible time too, what a jerk.
My husband owns a business here in NY,and you have no idea how ridiculous it is with all the taxes. He is nickled and dimed to death. We in upstate pay for everyone in NYC. (Frankly it should be its own state and support itself).The only saving grace for us here in upstate is we are going to become the "tech valley" of the East coast.
Ok,back to #9. I did not feel he was sincere in his apology. He is sorry he got caught,thats it. His arrogance still came across,and if he was any sort of man,whether his wife wanted to stand by him or not,he should have insisted she not be by his side.She has bags down to her chin, the poor woman.
Jeanine Pirro noted that the atty. that is now in charge of Spitzer's case,is some high powered guy,leading her to speculate,he may be in more trouble than we think. Too bad for him!

Question...what if some major disaster happens in NY before Monday? Who would be in charge?
Hey Nan! I couldn't find the post where you pegged it, but you were dead on:

'I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people's work'

Did you know that hiring prostitutes constitutes a private failure? Wonder if all of the prostitutes sitting in prison right now because of him we'll be let out?
LE has said that no deal has been struck. I hope to heck that they prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law for his "private" failings... :rolleyes: It would be poetic justice at its finest...
My husband owns a business here in NY,and you have no idea how ridiculous it is with all the taxes. He is nickled and dimed to death. We in upstate pay for everyone in NYC. (Frankly it should be its own state and support itself).The only saving grace for us here in upstate is we are going to become the "tech valley" of the East coast.
Ok,back to #9. I did not feel he was sincere in his apology. He is sorry he got caught,thats it. His arrogance still came across,and if he was any sort of man,whether his wife wanted to stand by him or not,he should have insisted she not be by his side.She has bags down to her chin, the poor woman.
Jeanine Pirro noted that the atty. that is now in charge of Spitzer's case,is some high powered guy,leading her to speculate,he may be in more trouble than we think. Too bad for him!

Question...what if some major disaster happens in NY before Monday? Who would be in charge?

Spitzy would be. He's still the Love Gov until Monday.
LE has said that no deal has been struck. I hope to heck that they prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law for his "private" failings... :rolleyes: It would be poetic justice at its finest...

No kidding. But, he'd probably get sent to one of those white collar prisons where they get massages and play golf all day.

No kidding. But, he'd probably get sent to one of those white collar prisons where they get massages and play golf all day.

I personally think that Elliott Spitzer is so arrogant and has so much family money that he feels that his high-powered lawyers will work out a deal for him. What is disgusting to me is that he prosecuted so many people, many who didn't deserve to be prosecuted, and he bullied and offended so many people that he deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I know that the state would be paying for him to be prosecuted; however, if I were still living in the state, I'd be all for it. Of course, suffice it to say, that I did not vote for the guy. ;)
Less than a mile from the Mayflower - if the weather's nice and I get some free time I'll mosey on over there and harass the help.

Besides, I'm only bringing a couple thousand bucks - just enough to cover cab fare, tolls & dinner. I don't know how people can live in that city - you get paid a lot but you don't get to keep much of it.

lol, very true !!! but there is nothing like it !!!

better bring another couple of K's @ the location you are heading to !! im confused, are you referring to the mayflower where he had his tryst?? that is in DC, not NYC
He had better resign today, he is truly showing how arrogant he is by playing Let's Make a Deal on the state's dime. What a hypocrite, NYS is in enough trouble right now with out this guy jerking us around. It infuriates me to think of Spitzer sitting in his Park Avenue apartment, while the rest of the state waits in turmoil.

... a building that his family owns -- family's worth is 500 million

it adds insult to injury, IMO
We were up there because of my husband's job, too. I had a good job/career here in Cincinnati before we made the decision to move because of a promotion. My career went to heck in a handbasket. His salary did not make up for the loss of my salary and the high cost of living. To give you an example, we paid $12,000 in property tax in NY. We pay $4,000 here right outside of Cincinnati. Oh, btw, our home here cost twice as much... :rolleyes:

Even something as small as trash pickup is amazingly different. In NY, every box or bag or whatever we put on the curb had to have a "tag" on it. Not only did you pay for the trash service, you had to buy tags for each piece. Here, you can put out anything! We don't have to buy tags!! I know that sounds small, but we have a zillion boxes that we are emptying. It was a hassle in NY to get rid of them. We had to call the moving company to pick up or take them to the dump. Here, we just put it out and they take it! No, we're not hard to please... :eek:

Has your husband looked for employment in other states? I would think that he could get a job anywhere. I know that I hated NY and practically did backflips when I heard we were leaving.

nan -- where in NY? ive lived here my entire life and ive never heard of this garbage problem, what tags?? do you mean recycling cardboard & glass? sorry for the o/t
** Some may think this is a racy pic in the link below.

Page Six is saying this may be "Kristen". I hope she feels great about the money she's made and the pain she's helped to reap upon Silda Spitzer and her daughters. No one can tell me these prostitutes don't know they're messing with lots of married men!*


*I still hold the idiot Eliot Spitzer responsible for his selfish actions.
Top Ten Messages Left On Eliot Spitzer's Answering Machine

10) Hey, what's new?
9) It's Barack Obama. Remember our conversation about being my running mate? Nevermind.
8) Ralph Nader here, glad to hear I'm not the only politician who has to pay for it
7) I'm calling from the 'New York Post.' Would you rather be known as 'Disgraced Gov Perv' or 'Humiliated *advertiser censored* Fiend'?
6) This is John McCain, if it makes you feel better, I once got caught having sex with Lincoln's wife

rest at link....

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