NY - Gov Spitzer tells staff he's linked to prostitution ring

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Per AP - out on Monday.

I'll be in New York that day!

Really ?? Where are you staying?? A hotel?? How much money you bringing with ya??
Hmmmmm...questions,so many questions,so little time.Maybe I should just call the IRS....you know so to be sure your not being blackmailed.
It doesn't cost anyone anything - the government pays for it!
I know that you are kidding. ;) Unfortunately, there are many people who have this attitude (in my family, too)! They take, take, take and figure that it's just a company or just the government or just the insurance or credit card or mortgage company who they are taking from. They don't stop to think that we, the rest of the law abiding and hard working people, are paying for it through higher costs and higher taxes.

I lived in New York for seven, miserable years. Taxes are out of this world. Costs are sky high. The answer to everything in that state is to raise taxes. Job opportunities were practically nonexistent where I lived. Hillary did nothing for Upstate--like she promised. :eek:
I know that you are kidding. ;) Unfortunately, there are many people who have this attitude (in my family, too)! They take, take, take and figure that it's just a company or just the government or just the insurance or credit card or mortgage company who they are taking from. They don't stop to think that we, the rest of the law abiding and hard working people, are paying for it through higher costs and higher taxes.

I lived in New York for seven, miserable years. Taxes are out of this world. Costs are sky high. The answer to everything in that state is to raise taxes. Job opportunities were practically nonexistent where I lived. Hillary did nothing for Upstate--like she promised. :eek:

Tell me about it Nan. I can't STAND living here. Unfortunately this is where hubby's job is. We can't even afford a house here. And when I hear things like this it makes me nuts!!! He used state funding to pay for his good time and I can't even buy a house because the prices are too freaking HIGH!!! Now don't get me wrong, my hubby makes a good living, but he has to work 3 JOBS. It is INSANE!!! His salary as an 18 year teacher should be enough, but it is not. Very sad.
The NY Times said Spitzer's wife is urging him to stay on. There goes my sympathy for his wife.

Question#1 : Spitzer's "relationships" have been going on since before he became governor, but let's just focus on since he was elected. He had state trooper protection. Where were these guys that, not once but several times, hookers were able to by-pass security? Either they're incompetent, or they were in on the ruse.
They just said that perhaps his wife said that early on when she thought that it is just one indiscretion. I can't imagine that she would feel the same way when she discovered that it covered years and tens of thousands of dollars.

The State Troopers turned their heads or were in on it. Same thing with Clinton. In fact, wasn't it a State Trooper who propositioned Paula Jones for him?
Less than a mile from the Mayflower - if the weather's nice and I get some free time I'll mosey on over there and harass the help.

Besides, I'm only bringing a couple thousand bucks - just enough to cover cab fare, tolls & dinner. I don't know how people can live in that city - you get paid a lot but you don't get to keep much of it.

That sure is the truth. It's getting worse and worse every year.
Tell me about it Nan. I can't STAND living here. Unfortunately this is where hubby's job is. We can't even afford a house here. And when I hear things like this it makes me nuts!!! He used state funding to pay for his good time and I can't even buy a house because the prices are too freaking HIGH!!! Now don't get me wrong, my hubby makes a good living, but he has to work 3 JOBS. It is INSANE!!! His salary as an 18 year teacher should be enough, but it is not. Very sad.
We were up there because of my husband's job, too. I had a good job/career here in Cincinnati before we made the decision to move because of a promotion. My career went to heck in a handbasket. His salary did not make up for the loss of my salary and the high cost of living. To give you an example, we paid $12,000 in property tax in NY. We pay $4,000 here right outside of Cincinnati. Oh, btw, our home here cost twice as much... :rolleyes:

Even something as small as trash pickup is amazingly different. In NY, every box or bag or whatever we put on the curb had to have a "tag" on it. Not only did you pay for the trash service, you had to buy tags for each piece. Here, you can put out anything! We don't have to buy tags!! I know that sounds small, but we have a zillion boxes that we are emptying. It was a hassle in NY to get rid of them. We had to call the moving company to pick up or take them to the dump. Here, we just put it out and they take it! No, we're not hard to please... :eek:

Has your husband looked for employment in other states? I would think that he could get a job anywhere. I know that I hated NY and practically did backflips when I heard we were leaving.
Tell me about it Nan. I can't STAND living here. Unfortunately this is where hubby's job is. We can't even afford a house here. And when I hear things like this it makes me nuts!!! He used state funding to pay for his good time and I can't even buy a house because the prices are too freaking HIGH!!! Now don't get me wrong, my hubby makes a good living, but he has to work 3 JOBS. It is INSANE!!! His salary as an 18 year teacher should be enough, but it is not. Very sad.
Ditto, I hate living here too! All the young people move away when they finish college, they can't "make it here". We are waiting on my husband's raise, we may be headed down south or out west. It truly is amazing to watch everyone leave, soon there won't be anyone left to pay the taxes.
Ditto, I hate living here too! All the young people move away when they finish college, they can't "make it here". We are waiting on my husband's raise, we may be headed down south or out west. It truly is amazing to watch everyone leave, soon there won't be anyone left to pay the taxes.

In about 3 years, almost all of my family has moved out of NY. I want to cry just thinking about it. I have an aunt and sister still living here, that's it. My inlaws are in FL and my Parents, aunt and brother are in Jersey. My other aunt plans on leaving soon, so soon I'll be here all by myself. :(
Has your husband looked for employment in other states? I would think that he could get a job anywhere. I know that I hated NY and practically did backflips when I heard we were leaving.

Yes, he has looked in Florida where my inlaws are. They offered to buy us a house but we just couldn't swing it. They pay 18 year teachers there 1/2 of what they pay here, and he would lose a lot if he left now. They don't have a strong union in FL and we would have had to pay over $300 a month for insurance for the family. Lots of downsides to it. And Jersey doesn't take any of the years my hubby has in teaching so he would have to start all over. I'm hoping when he reaches 20 years we can get the heck out of here.
I'm sorry MM, that must be hard. My family is in MA and my husband's are in the Milwaukee area, it sure is hard not having family around.
I'm sorry MM, that must be hard. My family is in MA and my husband's are in the Milwaukee area, it sure is hard not having family around.

I'm extremely close to my Mother In Law. I had just had my baby when they told us they were moving. I swear I think I cried everyday for 2 years. We are more like friends then mother in law and daughter in law. We would go to lunch and shopping together. She would watch the kids so hubby and I could go out. None of that anymore. We visit frequently, but it's soooo hard to leave. My son cries the entire day before we are leaving there. Wakes up and starts saying, this is our last day here, he has a hard time with it. She used to come to visit us a couple of times a year and we go there during school breaks and the summer, but since my FIL got sick she hasn't been able to come.
Is anyone watching TV? Reminiscent of OJ, the press is tailing his car from a helicopter!
Jerry Springer was forced to resign as Mayor of Cincinnati when it was discovered that he was associating with prostitutes. So, perhaps, Elliott Spitzer can get a "talk" show of sorts or become a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. The scandal didn't seem to hurt Jerry. :eek:
He's giving PC now. His wife looks like she hasn't slept for days.

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