NY - Gov Spitzer tells staff he's linked to prostitution ring

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I've heard a small group of his so called friends are telling him to ride it out and see if the public changes its tune!!! The public didn't like him before this with the drivers liscense debacle,why does he think we like him now.
I think there would be a riot at the Capital if he decided to stay.

BTW, the email jokes have already started. I got a great one today with #9's pictures photoshopped in. How can I put in on here? I'm not good with comuter stuff.
On FoxNews now, Sptizer spent state funds for his hookers, and he is withholding his resignation to reach plea deal, SOB!!!
Drudge is reporting Spitzer will resign this morning, I certainly hope so. HM you are so right about a riot, people are furious!
On FoxNews now, Sptizer spent state funds for his hookers, and he is withholding his resignation to reach plea deal, SOB!!!

I hope they are wrong, why on earth would a billionaire spend state funds on hookers! This is so bizarre, we are already 5B in debt oh my!
I hope so Moe. They just said on Fox News that he's withholding it. We'll see what happens. Now with the news that he was using state funds, I can't imagine how he thinks he could stay.
Senator Bruno, announced a press conference @10:45, somethings up.
Maybe he's going to notify the Love Gov (as my husband calls him) that he is going to be impeached.
The NY Times said Spitzer's wife is urging him to stay on. There goes my sympathy for his wife.

Question#1 : Spitzer's "relationships" have been going on since before he became governor, but let's just focus on since he was elected. He had state trooper protection. Where were these guys that, not once but several times, hookers were able to by-pass security? Either they're incompetent, or they were in on the ruse.
The NY Times said Spitzer's wife is urging him to stay on. There goes my sympathy for his wife.

Question#1 : Spitzer's "relationships" have been going on since before he became governor, but let's just focus on since he was elected. He had state trooper protection. Where were these guys that, not once but several times, hookers were able to by-pass security? Either they're incompetent, or they were in on the ruse.

My guess is that his security knew what was going on. How could they not if they are with him??? Sick. Maybe they got themselves a hooker too.:furious: I'm sooooo freaking mad that he used state funds. My taxes were paying for his good time. :mad:
Fox News alert, according to a state official Spitzer will resign effective Monday.

I'll believe it when it is done.
Effective Monday, what's up with that? Just say good bye already, boy this guy has my blood boiling.
I wonder how much this all is costing us, more of our tax dollars down the drain. Don't even get me going on how much we pay in the first place.
Oh Jeez, Monday is St. Patrick's Day! The whole state will be partying for two reasons.
He's announcing his resignation at 11:30 eastern time.
He's announcing his resignation at 11:30 eastern time.

Okay, who else thinks Spitzer will have the same flat demeanor as our old friend Scott Peterson? Will he cry some crocodile tears? Bets anyone?

I say both!
Okay, who else thinks Spitzer will have the same flat demeanor as our old friend Scott Peterson? Will he cry some crocodile tears? Bets anyone?

I say both!
I think that he will say that although it is a personal issue he is resigning for the good of the State and for the good of the fine people of New York. He is arrogant. IMO, he will not admit to anything and will diminish the situation. Of course, if it were anyone else and he were prosecuting the person, he would be crowing about what a big catch this was, yada, yada, yada.

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