GUILTY NY - Jenni-Lyn Watson, 20, Clay, 19 Nov 2010

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Bizarre from day 1.....that LE has kept so much information away from the public. Compare this case to other ones that we have followed through the years.

I will say that on the first day that this case became public, I received a private message from a friend of Jenni-Lyn. The information this individual shared could not be verified by me and the person stated that because of this, the info should be considered "hearsay." Apparently an individual said they saw Jenni-Lyn on the morning of her disappearance and that's all I'll say about that and I only bring it up to show how frightened this person was to openly share something that would be helpful to discuss.

With this in mind, why would LE not reveal more details about this case? The whole public relations aspect of this case is poor. It essentially shuts down the flow of information and prohibits the public from sharing about it. This means the case loses interest and gets lost. If you look back at the recent Hermann/Maynard case, you can see how much more open things were right from the start.
When you say the person was frightened to openly share information,who were they afraid of? A possable perp,or that LE would be angry? I hope this person has shared with LE by now,a possable sighting of Jenni.
Has there been any media what-so-ever on her parents? I am wondering if they are important people or were important people due to the hush-hush on information (and I really hope it's hush-hush rather than "rut-roh.")
Has there been any media what-so-ever on her parents? I am wondering if they are important people or were important people due to the hush-hush on information (and I really hope it's hush-hush rather than "rut-roh.")

I have not seen the parents mentioned anywhere and I know that Good Morning America (not the segment that was on this morning, but the one a few days ago) said that they were too distraught to be on the show. I don't think the parents' names have even been released. I'm not sure what the reason is for the secrecy surrounding the parents; maybe because she's a 20-year-old adult? I can understand her parents not being able to go on all the news shows but you would think we would know some information about them, such as their names, pictures, etc.

Another thing we don't know is how exactly it transpired that they realized Jenni Lyn was missing. Who came home first? Mom, dad, or sister? Did they call 911 right away or did they wait a little bit in case Jenni Lyn had just left to go to a friend's house or something? I feel that we know that information in every other case but not this one. It's just so vague.
According to the FB page, the family does not want any t-shirts, pages, flyers, etc. except what they personally approve?

I am just missing something here, but don't know what...people are wanting to do something but are being held they have expectations that Jenni-Lynn will be found this weekend? One poster indicated that they were told to hold off on more t-shirts until next week...
According to the FB page, the family does not want any t-shirts, pages, flyers, etc. except what they personally approve?

I am just missing something here, but don't know what...people are wanting to do something but are being held they have expectations that Jenni-Lynn will be found this weekend? One poster indicated that they were told to hold off on more t-shirts until next week...

I'm sorry but something is plain odd about how this case is being handled. Wouldn't you want her picture everywhere and anywhere?
Are they thinking maybe she went somewhere voluntarily and are embarrassed?
The lack of information is staggering to me.
A lengthly interview with Sgt D'Eredita is available at:

Click on this video choice on the left:
RAW Video: Jenni-Lyn Watson search update from Sheriff's Department 11-26-10

This interview clarified a couple of things for me.
tape min ~3:20- The area pointed out by the phone records was based on use of the phone on Friday 11/19.
I wasn't certain that the phone usage was on that Fri; I thought it had been reported that the cell was turned on on Wed 11/24- the day that LE first converged at the area. It would be interesting to know the time of the cell use that Friday.

tape min ~5:00- "The investigation up to this point has indicated this is a home event, this is why we're focused here, as opposed to national..."
The belief that this is a local incident is not based exclusively on the Verizon records but on the "investigation up to this point". The focus of the search efforts has not changed since the addition, in recent days, of other county, state and national LE groups on site, including a representative of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I wonder if this means that the more experienced investigators that are now involved concur with the assessment that this is local ?

tape min ~7:20- The Sgt elaborated on the clothing description that has been released. He said it is the "last known clothing", what the parents saw her in when they left for work. He said "she may have been in any type of clothing when she left the house".
I assume this means that the sweatshirt, socks, pajama bottoms are missing from the house but that they have not been able to tell if any other clothing is missing.

tape min ~1:20- The search area has been extended to:
Morgan Rd east of Clay
the area between Buckley & 481
and some areas north of Taft Rd
This is a link that shows the parameters of the search as they were defined on 11/23:
Has there been any media what-so-ever on her parents? I am wondering if they are important people or were important people due to the hush-hush on information (and I really hope it's hush-hush rather than "rut-roh.")

At least one news outlet reported that Jenni-Lyn's father was a local school administrator.
A lengthly interview with Sgt D'Eredita is available at:

Click on this video choice on the left:
RAW Video: Jenni-Lyn Watson search update from Sheriff's Department 11-26-10

This interview clarified a couple of things for me.
tape min ~3:20- The area pointed out by the phone records was based on use of the phone on Friday 11/19.
I wasn't certain that the phone usage was on that Fri; I thought it had been reported that the cell was turned on on Wed 11/24- the day that LE first converged at the area. It would be interesting to know the time of the cell use that Friday.

tape min ~5:00- "The investigation up to this point has indicated this is a home event, this is why we're focused here, as opposed to national..."
The belief that this is a local incident is not based exclusively on the Verizon records but on the "investigation up to this point". The focus of the search efforts has not changed since the addition, in recent days, of other county, state and national LE groups on site, including a representative of the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I wonder if this means that the more experienced investigators that are now involved concur with the assessment that this is local ?

tape min ~7:20- The Sgt elaborated on the clothing description that has been released. He said it is the "last known clothing", what the parents saw her in when they left for work. He said "she may have been in any type of clothing when she left the house".
I assume this means that the sweatshirt, socks, pajama bottoms are missing from the house but that they have not been able to tell if any other clothing is missing.

tape min ~1:20- The search area has been extended to:
Morgan Rd east of Clay
the area between Buckley & 481
and some areas north of Taft Rd
This is a link that shows the parameters of the search as they were defined on 11/23:

Based on this,because they don't know what she was wearing,she could have been out for a walk for all anyone knows. Some random person could have just abducted her. All along I thought if she was dressed in her PJs it was probably someone she knew who took her from home,but this changes everything. That last ping from her cell could have been her out walking,and using the phone.
I know I am obsessed with what shoes are missing,but also what about a winter jacket? Is the Northface jacket missing?
If you do a Facebook search for Jenni-Lyn's full name, you can find a group called Jenni-Lyn Watson's North Face and the description is:

I am looking for Jenni Watson North Face double layer jacket its black, double layer, extra small, and it has her id inside. please return it to me or help look for it.

I don't know why or what this means. I'm just posting this FWIW.
If you do a Facebook search for Jenni-Lyn's full name, you can find a group called Jenni-Lyn Watson's North Face and the description is:

I don't know why or what this means. I'm just posting this FWIW.

It doesn't give a date as to when that page was made. Maybe she lost her jacket at one point at school and posted that page hoping someone would find it and return it?

On another page I saw someone saying she may have been wearing the northface and black pants when she went missing. Don't know where they cam eup with that?
Did Jenni have a roomate at school? Maybe she would know what clothes of hers are missing? Girls have so many clothes,but maybe she could look thru what was left at schoool and what she brought home and see if something isn't there?
Also on the FB page, someone said that her case will be on America's Most Wanted tonight...which seems odd, if LE is convinced this is a "local event"...
Also on the FB page, someone said that her case will be on America's Most Wanted tonight...which seems odd, if LE is convinced this is a "local event"...

You would think,but believe it or not some people just don't watch the local news. My nephew lives in Syracuse and on Thanksgiving we were talking about the case and he had no idea.I guess thats why I don't understand why anyone would be hesitant to have T shirts,flyers,etc put out. I think the more exposure the more people may remember something. Sometimes I feel like I'm an oddball because I seem to know everything in the news and lots of people I know are completly oblivious to the world around them.

Searchers seek Jenni-Lyn Watson clues at Clay Central Park

Officials searching for Jenni-Lyn Watson combed Clay Central Park this morning, a site east across Henry Clay Boulevard from the wooded tract where the search had gone on most of the past week.


Officials have said they were attracted to the original search zone, bordered by Henry Clay, West Taft Road, Morgan Road and Interstate 481 because of a transmission of some sort from Watson’s cell phone, a Verizon LG enV3 with a blue cover.
I know I am obsessed with what shoes are missing,but also what about a winter jacket? Is the Northface jacket missing?

The shoes ! I thought of you the moment that I heard the Sgt clarify what their description was based on. Jenni-Lyn could have been wearing shoes. They really don't know

Early in the initial FB posts a longtime friend of Jenni-Lyn's said that Jenni-Lyn's sister said there is no Northface jacket missing, or something to that effect.
This is driving me crazy-what does LE mean by what the investigation has revealed so far?? To convince them it is a local case? I do agree, I think it is too, but that is just a feeling. It seems too coincidental that she would just be home from college and then abducted by a stranger...I think she went either willingly or not, with someone she knows, someone who knew exactly when she would be home alone. I am still hopeful that the person who took her is obsessed with her in a way that will keep him from harming her...

I'm also thinking that the phone ended up in the wooded area on the day it was activated, and not Jenni-Lynn. Seems they should have found her by now, even with only a max of 100 searchers.

I cannot understand, at this point, why locals are being kept from searching...a snowstorm is on the way...any help and people on the ground they can get should be taken advantage of...forensics are likely to be comprimised by weather, if that is the big worry-JUST FIND HER-
Oh no...word on FB is she has been found in a swamp...unconfirmed...

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