Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 1

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Who is KF? Am I understanding that you are posting what she tells you to post here?
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dreams and Visions

From Tricia...

Psychics On Websleuths.

This topic has always been a hot potato and very controversial.

The reason I do not allow psychic discussions on Websleuths has to do with controversy and the problems that come along with allowing psychics on the forum.

How do you tell which psychic is correct?

Who do we link to and who do we not link to as far as psychics?

What if a psychic is popular but wants money, do we link and discuss that psychic?

Imagine how many psychics would suddenly appear on Websleuths discussing their "visions" on cases if we allowed this. Psychics that could casually steer people to their for profit only websites.

We do not have the people power to monitor every post every psychic makes. No way.

How do we let just a few psychics on the site? Who decides who is good enough to post and who isn't?

If I opened the door to psychic visions Websleuths would turn into a battle ground like no other. I know this to be a fact. Just one mention of one psychic on the Caylee Anthony forum caused me so much grief and hell I can't tell you.

The battle wouldn't be between members and psychics. It would be between psychics and psychics.

You should have seen the behind the scenes crap that went on between waring factions of Psychics. It was disgusting.

I will not allow Websleuths to be used by people who claim to be psychic just so they can become famous.

Of course I know not all psychics are like this but trust me when I tell you most of the ones who will want to post on Websleuths will not have the best interest of the families in their hearts. In my opinion based on past experience.

Of course there are very dedicated, kind, and caring psychics. No doubt. Those people would be drowned out by the others.

So, between deciding which psychics to let post and which ones to not, between the waring factions of the psychics, between the posters who despise psychics and those who do not, I cannot allow psychics on Websleuths because of the problems.
Who is KF? Am I understanding that you are posting what she tells you to post here?

I'm not the only one. It's been being done for quite a while now, and nobody said anything about it being against the rules!! I figured that is was okay, or something would have been said by now. So yeah, I'm not doing anything that wasn't done previously......

I'm not the only one. It's been being done for quite a while now, and nobody said anything about it being against the rules!! I figured that is was okay, or something would have been said by now. So yeah, I'm not doing anything that wasn't done previously......



If its been done previously it shouldn't have been. Mods don't get to read every single post and case. If its not alerted, we probably won't see it.

If your friend wants to join Websleuths, she's more than welcome here, however psychic discussion is not allowed and if you all want to discuss the case it has to be with what is known at this time thru main stream media and law enforcement. You can speculate with the facts as we know them.

Hope that clarifies things a little bit anyhow.


If its been done previously it shouldn't have been. Mods don't get to read every single post and case. If its not alerted, we probably won't see it.

If your friend wants to join Websleuths, she's more than welcome here, however psychic discussion is not allowed and if you all want to discuss the case it has to be with what is known at this time thru main stream media and law enforcement. You can speculate with the facts as we know them.

Hope that clarifies things a little bit anyhow.


Okay, thank you for the clarification. She's tried to join, and none of her email addresses are being accepted. I had the same problem when I first joined.

If its been done previously it shouldn't have been. Mods don't get to read every single post and case. If its not alerted, we probably won't see it.

If your friend wants to join Websleuths, she's more than welcome here, however psychic discussion is not allowed and if you all want to discuss the case it has to be with what is known at this time thru main stream media and law enforcement. You can speculate with the facts as we know them.

Hope that clarifies things a little bit anyhow.


Ima ~ if JR's friends and family members are contacting me, can I post what they're reporting to me? Earlier I was told by another mod that I could, as long as it was paraphrasing. I would only do so with their permission, of course. Just want to clarify...because a lot of seemingly important information is now coming out, after over a month of deafening silence...
Jillian and krey,

I will alert on your posts so Admin can see about helping her get registered.

Ima ~ if JR's friends and family members are contacting me, can I post what they're reporting to me? Earlier I was told by another mod that I could, as long as it was paraphrasing. I would only do so with their permission, of course. Just want to clarify...because a lot of seemingly important information is now coming out, after over a month of deafening silence...


I'm checking into it Jillian, I'll let you all know.

One more thought I've had....

As someone who is insecure about myself and my weight, I can see how JR's weight might have (this is just a guess) caused problems between her and GR... on her end, mostly. Can you imagine how she must have felt about herself, being married to someone who is in top shape, and whose life revolves around being fit and running marathons? And they would be constantly surrounded by other fit people in the marathon world. We women are insecure as it is... add to this a weight problem (again, not judging, because I struggle with it too), and always feeling bigger and slumpier than everyone else around you. How could you not get depressed?? How could you trust that your husband really wanted to be with you, no matter how many times he said he loves you regardless?

Maybe she's having like a mid-life crisis type of thing. After feeling poorly about herself, she starts losing weight, and at the same time starts talking to some other guy, and all of a sudden she starts wanting freedom from the "old" her and everything that goes with it, and wants to run off and be a "new" her.


BBM ... My ex-boyfriend was a cyclist. Whenever we went to the store, he would read off the fiber content of everything before putting it in the cart. He weighed his food. He worked out hard on his elliptical every day. He noticed when anyone looked slightly heavier or thinner.

It had a significant impact on me. My weight has always gone way up and way down. It was down when he and I met, but being around him for three years took a toll. I started to eat. And eat. And eat. Our food and body-image issues were incompatible and -- even though he never scrutinized me -- his self-scrutiny and scrutiny of others really pushed my buttons. I internalized my feelings of insecurity and piled on the pounds. Our last year together was misery.

While I personally don't believe JR ran away, I do feel (based on her husband's words and behaviors) that she was under a lot of pressure in their relationship. She may have wanted out, and her attempt to take control of her life may have been more than her husband's fragile ego could take.

My opinion only. I hope I'm wrong.
BBM ... My ex-boyfriend was a cyclist. Whenever we went to the store, he would read off the fiber content of everything before putting it in the cart. He weighed his food. He worked out hard on his elliptical every day. He noticed when anyone looked slightly heavier or thinner.

It had a significant impact on me. My weight has always gone way up and way down. It was down when he and I met, but being around him for three years took a toll. I started to eat. And eat. And eat. Our food and body-image issues were incompatible and -- even though he never scrutinized me -- his self-scrutiny and scrutiny of others really pushed my buttons. I internalized my feelings of insecurity and piled on the pounds. Our last year together was misery.

While I personally don't believe JR ran away, I do feel (based on her husband's words and behaviors) that she was under a lot of pressure in their relationship. She may have wanted out, and her attempt to take control of her life may have been more than her husband's fragile ego could take.

My opinion only. I hope I'm wrong.

I've also dated two different guys like that, exactly as you've described. You always feel "less than" b/c you're not living up to the extremely high standards these guys place on themselves and everyone around them (even if they're not mean or outwardly critical about it). It can definitely make you feel like hell about yourself! I'm beginning to think that for people who are that extreme about health and fitness, they should be with a partner who is equally extreme, or there will always, always be problems under the surface related to the issue.
I have looked and looked, maybe I missed it... was a purse/wallet/ID of JR's found? Also were the keys found with the vehicle?
Jillian and krey,

Have the friend that is having trouble with registering to send an email to Chico at she can help her/them.

I also checked with Admin about posting what someone is telling you that is not a member here and I'm sorry but its not allowed. That is similar to posting something as fact without a link from main stream media and or law enforcement.

If you have any other questions you can pm me or any Mod here, we are happy to help.

Of course, maybe she did erase some stuff? We don't know what was found on the phone. As for throwing away something so expensive, that would be hard for me to do, as well!! But if she's one-track-minded about getting away undetected, she wouldn't care about the phone. If she doesn't care about her kids, she's not gonna care about a phone! JMO

Also, maybe she's not tech-savy enough to erase everything entirely. My mom has an iphone and would have no clue about, well, anything lol.

I am just jumping off your post...

If JR had indeed been communicating hours upon hours with someone(s)... I wonder if ALL of that material could be erased... Especially if multi- forms of technology was being used...

From info in an article (sorry... Can't remember which one ATM) LE were in the process of reviewing gaming info of JR's... So that tells me LE was able to find at least some evidence ...

therefore... I am very curious as to who that/those people were that she was primarily in connection with....

I know KF mentioned a man in the UK... But I would like to know more about her correspondences...

Jillian and krey,

Have the friend that is having trouble with registering to send an email to Chico at she can help her/them.

I also checked with Admin about posting what someone is telling you that is not a member here and I'm sorry but its not allowed. That is similar to posting something as fact without a link from main stream media and or law enforcement.

If you have any other questions you can pm me or any Mod here, we are happy to help.


Thank you so much, Ima, for checking on that for us! :)
Lots of information has been shared with police.
39 emails today on JR Help Find Her site.
So glad that people are finally talking!! And sharing!
So wish I could say what they've shared, and what I've heard around town today, but none of it is in the newspapers and none has been shared by the police (just to them).

It's looking good though. I wonder why the spike in activity today, of all days???

People getting sick of being quiet, maybe.
If we had more to go on in terms of what game she was so invested in, or the screenname of the person she was talking to so much, or any clues at all about her online activity, we might be able to find something. Or if we had HER gaming screenname, that would be very helpful.

<<hint hint>>

Just Jumping off your post...

If indeed JR was spending so much time corresponding with others on-line... It seems to me that these "others" would be coming forward to LE to say they are concerned and wish to help find JR....

I realize that users take on anonymous "hats ( as we do on WS).... But with that amount of time I would think some type of personal info would be shared...

and if someone just up and stopped communicating after hours/days of being in communication... I imagine some of those people would be concerned...

....Maybe even get a hint that it was MISING JR they had been in communication with...

Of course... LE may have already received this type of tips already....

Are any of Jennifer's family, friends, neighbors concerned that Jennifer may have been abducted and murdered? Just thinking about Whitney Heichel.

That is a very good question...

If that were a viable option in the family's eyes... Would they be approaching this situation differently than they are now?

would we be witnessing a greater urgency in finding her?

Dad seems to be an intelligent, educated, career-minded, well-spoken (from quotes I've read) father which is why in this case his use of this psychic is, IMO, bizarre, deliberate and frankly appears ridiculous.

I agree... This choice of turning primarily to a psychic for help in finding his wife is seemingly incongruous with his apparent level of education and intelligence..

I am NOT bashing psychics.... But as a primary form of investigation they are limited...

ETA... Had she been a psychologist... She would have crossed the line of "Conflict of Interest" (among others) long ago in their relationship...

That is a very good question...

If that were a viable option in the family's eyes... Would they be approaching this situation differently than they are now?

would we be witnessing a greater urgency in finding her?


I think so. I think if they thought that ANYONE had harmed her (GR, stranger, someone online, whoever), they'd be doing press conferences, getting it on the news, saying more online, etc. I mean, just like what you said - showing more urgency, basically. JMO
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