Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 1

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I agree... This choice of turning primarily to a psychic for help in finding his wife is seemingly incongruous with his apparent level of education and intelligence..

I am NOT bashing psychics.... But as a primary form of investigation they are limited...


Ooooooh, what you quoted was misquoted as me saying that - I never said that! Just some WS glitch I guess, but just want to make it clear that that is not a quote from me.
Here's a possible scenario:

We don't know exactly when Jen became missing the day of 12/11/12. We're assuming she left around 10:00 to drive to the mall, as reported.

GR's publicly stated "air tight alibi" includes going to the Y in Norwich and entering the sauna, where he runs into an old friend (state trooper). He doesn't normally go to the sauna, but did this day, because he didn't dress for the weather, which is odd because most outdoor enthusiasts up here check the weather forecast first. I think he pre-staged his alibi. The first part of his alibi involves being on the computer while he was alone in the house with his wife for two hours, after their children were off to school (presumably by bus). He states he can prove what he was doing because he was emailing for work (working from home).

Anything could have happened in the home during the times he *wasn't* emailing for work.

Jennifer's car is then found on Route 23 in Norwich. The YMCA that GR went to was less than 1/2 mile away from the car. It was also reported in local papers (I'll look for the link) that GR was seen jogging that day in Plymouth (which is near where both JR's car AND her phone were found).

It's possible that GR drove the car with JR in it for at least part of the destination, to it's final location at 98 Plymouth St., Norwich NY, jogged a few miles away to dispose of her phone, and then went to the Y to "thaw out" and then jogged home. GR was the last person to see her alive, and the only person who stated her alleged plans to go shopping at the mall.

This seems far more plausible than a depressed, formerly devoted mother leaving her kids. Depression is paralyzing. Even making plans for suicide is sometimes exhausting. Not saying she's suicidal, because if she were, she had the means to off herself at home (gun in the home, as posted on her FB page). Every step weighs a thousand pounds for someone who's depressed. And yet GR wants the public to believe that JR concocted this elaborate plan to leave, even though it was far more beneficial to stay and end the marriage (she would get the house, 1/2 of all other property/assets, pension, etc., 1/3 GR's income in child support, etc, etc). He has an affair with her best friend, he asks her for a divorce, she begs him not to divorce her, and then poof, she's gone, like someone else mentioned here on WS in a much earlier post. It just doesn't add up. Even statistically it doesn't make sense.

Do we have a link stating GR had an affair with JR's best friend.... Or is this a hypothetical situation...

(and could you give the initials of her best friend, please?)

Since having joined websleuths, and from watching NG and JVM and all those shows, and following missing persons cases like I do.... I sometimes cringe to think what people would suspect about me if one of my loved ones ever went missing. Things I've done or said or posted on facebook or my online search history. It could all so easily be taken out of context and put together to form a picture that would make me look awful. I think just about anyone could say the same thing, if ya think about it, KWIM? It's more than a little scary.

And I think that's what's going on with GR here. Being a living, breathing person, there are going to be things about him that can be put together to make him seem like a "suspicious" person. If he'd been out of town on the day she went missing, we could easily conclude that he hired someone to do something.... just for example. So no matter what he did on the day of, and no matter what was going on in their marriage, he is going to be looked at with suspicion simply because she is missing and he is the husband.

But I can honestly say that out of all the missing wife cases I've followed, he seems the LEAST likely candidate out of all of them to have killed his wife. I'll be the first in line to eat my words if I'm wrong, but I just don't think he did anything!
just found this, as posted by her sister:

note: "....her van found (unusually covered with mud) at Plank Road Manor, Plymouth Street, in the City of Norwich.

Great find!!!

Hmmmmmm. Working on my personal theory (I'm sure you guys will cover the other bases), I wonder if she tried to ditch the van down some dirt road and changed her mind and left it at the apt complex. A stretch, I know, but all I can think of off the top of my head.

Or, worse case scenario, someone left her somewhere out of the way, and then ditched the car at the apt complex.
Was it raining on the day, or the days leading up to, the day she disappeared??? Or snowing? (Making the ground a mess....)
it's been reported that he took a polygraph. (see previous posts for links).
if he passed, he seems to be the type to shout it from the rooftops.

why did he wait 1 1/2 days to use the iphone tracker app on his phone? if his child was missing would he have waited 1 1/2 days?

when he finally DID use the iPhone tracker, he went alone, took pictures, and only THEN called the police. if there were any indications of a threat of criminal activity (and there should have been, since he's the one who reported her missing), then why on earth would he go alone? why wouldn't he call the police from his home prior to going to retrieve her phone? seems to me he knew he wouldn't be running into any criminal activity. that's just beyond sketchy to me.

it was reported there were problems in the marriage. we can only speculate as to whether they were minor, moderate or severe, or if they were fixable or not.

seems fishy that she went missing while they were experiencing marital problems, and not when everything was fine.
What do you make of this mud?
I wish we had a more accurate description.'s a valuable piece of info, IMO.

my suspicious mind says that unless JR went "mudding" (a common activity around here), someone drove her car around in fields and/or forests.

skiing at whaupaunaucau state forest was closed last weekend due to search and rescue being there. i'll go find the link.
Was it raining on the day, or the days leading up to, the day she disappeared??? Or snowing? (Making the ground a mess....)

we didn't get much snow up here until the 21st. before that, just rain and flurries.
Ok locals... where's the mud?

where *isn't* the mud is more like it! :)

there are many seasonal roads in this area. also, lots of trails through state forests, some wetlands, and many farmer's fields. LOTS of abandoned buildings with drainage not being tended to due to vacancy.
the 2006 T & C Van is front wheel drive- unless she had a Touring or Limited model, it has no traction control, and has a decent 3.3 V6, causing the back to lose traction faster than the front because the front wheels control, and the back end is lighter than the front. Touring & Limited have traction control, and a 3.8L V6.
Depending on where the mud is located, spray pattern, thickness, etc.- it would be possible to tell if this van got stuck, needed to be pushed or towed out, or was in more of a muddy puddle type situation. Of course, the type of soil this mud is made up of can be traced to particular areas.

ETA: The oxygen sensor in this van- every model- is extremely sensitive- if it got clogged with mud, or got wet, the van may bog ( like it's going to stall ) and have problems with acceleration.
Is there a case map showing the home, where the car was found, cell was found, mall?

where *isn't* the mud is more like it! :)

there are many seasonal roads in this area. also, lots of trails through state forests, some wetlands, and many farmer's fields. LOTS of abandoned buildings with drainage not being tended to due to vacancy.

key will be her or husband's phone GPS- or both. Think the phone was not dropped until it was certain she was "gone".Phone was not found until 1 1/2 days later for same reason, and/or van may have been stuck in the mud somewhere. Her phone will tell if it went for a ride with the van- or not.
key will be her or husband's phone GPS- or both. Think the phone was not dropped until it was certain she was "gone".Phone was not found until 1 1/2 days later for same reason, and/or van may have been stuck in the mud somewhere. Her phone will tell if it went for a ride with the van- or not.

If so, that is something LE should have known for a long time by now. Wonder if the phone data had anything to do with the search of the property back in December. Didn't they kind of suddenly search the yard, etc.?
If so, that is something LE should have known for a long time by now. Wonder if the phone data had anything to do with the search of the property back in December. Didn't they kind of suddenly search the yard, etc.?

What a great question! They did search her property- maybe the phone did not go for a ride? or went on a different day?
ETA: I have the stone age phone- I'm sure the Iphone experts can offer better input
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