CONVICTION OVERTURNED NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - #15

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I haven't (yet) seen the show, the the previews were kind of ticking me off -- like mentioning a "long list of potential suspects" and implying that Jennifer set herself up for murder by giving out "personal information" to online friends. That's just playing right into GR's hand (some of the local journalists were sucked in, in the early days, but once more evidence came to light, I don't think a single person with rudimentary logical reasoning and familiar with all the facts of the case was fooled).

The first half of the show was very misleading, IMO. In the first half it was pretty much presented in the way Remy would have you believe it all looked. The second half blew all the carp in the first half to smithereens, making all in the first half almost laughable, if it weren't so tragic for Jennifer.

I think the 'long list' turned out to be

1. Guy from England that JR met through gaming
2. Remy
3. Remy's mistress

My husband knew nothing about the case but I asked him watch it with me. Of course I was yelling at the TV like it was a football game in the first half, "OH, whatever! You were ****ing your wife's best friend!" "Right! iPhone screens are super durable and would totally look like that it you flung them from a bridge!"

The first reaction from my husband was during the second half when Remy was smiling and LAUGHINGLY admitting yes, isn't it terrible, an affair with my wife's best friend, ha ha ha. My (deep voiced) husband was all squeaky, "THAT'S FUNNY?!?! Are you kidding me with this? What an *advertiser censored*****e!"

We were both equally disgusted with the mistress. Sorry, she has no soul. Yup, I felt guilty. So guilty, I kept doing Remy. Her 'I felt terrible' face is the same as her 'I did laundry for them' face is the same as her 'it was weird because when I dropped him off after picking him up at the Y, we totally could have done the nasty at their house' face, and her 'I have to live with this the rest of my life' face. I feel sorry for her husband and children. I think she (mistress) and Remy deserve one another.

My husband also was appalled by the juxtaposition of Remy on the phone with 911 vs Jennifer's father on the phone with 911 (when he found her car).
Her father (who has a soul) sounds devastated, in tears. Remy sounds like how he thinks he should sound.

My husband was disgusted with Remy badmouthing Jen. Oh, and toward the end when he was all (paraphrased), "Why would I kill her? I had everything! I had a wife, a mistress!, my children, why would I want to ruin that?" Not even kidding.

I can not wait until someone can post the section where he's laughingly admitting to his affair. It's repugnant.
After watching it last night, ES seems so callous and cold when talking about Jennifer. No real emotion. Yet when it came time to talk about how her life is affected (scarlet letter) the water works began. I don't believe for a minute she is innocent. She knows more than she is letting on. It really ticked me off how much evidence they left out and how they portrayed Jennifer in the episode. My husband who didn't follow the case said, if he's guilty he is good. Ticked me off because it was based on what dateline showed and not all the facts. He couldn't see the cell phone as a good indicator of guilt because he could see where having the iPhone ap pinging sound at the sight made a difference in finding her phone.

Haha, my husband watched it with fresh eyes and determined A) Remy's guilty, B) He's a narcissist @****** C) Both Remy and his mistress are horrible people who deserve each other.

We also have two kids with iPhones and we know that the screens crack when a house fly bumps into them. ;)
After watching it last night, ES seems so callous and cold when talking about Jennifer. No real emotion. Yet when it came time to talk about how her life is affected (scarlet letter) the water works began.


Another thought:

And how self-serving and narcissistic to appear on the show! She certainly didn't have to. She wanted to. Now, thanks to this, her cuckolded husband and innocent children can watch mommy whine (with expressionless face) about how badly she just felt about all the sex she had with her best friend's husband, and how the only way she could console herself was through continued booty calls with her best friend's husband. So hard on her. Scarlet Letter, boo-hoo. I'm sure ES's children and her children's friends will all think this is awesome sauce when they're young adults. Poor, poor ES. So misunderstood.
ilovewings, it's actually nice to see that her name isn't recalled so easily. She shouldn't have had the attention she received in Dateline's report last night and her name shouldn't be so memorable.

I'd like to see a re-do by Dateline with the focus on Jennifer, her family and what really happened.
My husband had this on last night and since I always tape Dateline just in case, I was staying out of the room. Later he said (before I watched it) he said well they found him guilty, I wonder of he was. I put it on and one minute in I was screaming "he is SO guilty, I followed that case with that slimy Bxxxxxx all last year.". I had no idea Jennifer's murder was the featured case. Did not even watch it, as I did not even see or hear anyone speaking in his defense, or see his mug. Not sure how "simply circumstantial" the case was made to look, but I assume that everything we learned here did not make it to the show, for my husband to even wonder...but then he was not paying strict attention either, what with Halloweeners coming.

Another thought:

And how self-serving and narcissistic to appear on the show! She certainly didn't have to. She wanted to. Now, thanks to this, her cuckolded husband and innocent children can watch mommy whine (with expressionless face) about how badly she just felt about all the sex she had with her best friend's husband, and how the only way she could console herself was through continued booty calls with her best friend's husband. So hard on her. Scarlet Letter, boo-hoo. I'm sure ES's children and her children's friends will all think this is awesome sauce when they're young adults. Poor, poor ES. So misunderstood.

Yes, Dateline probably could not believe their luck when she agreed to be on the show. She certainly appeared in very poor contrast to Jen’s real friend who spoke of all the wonderful things that Jen did.

Another thought:

And how self-serving and narcissistic to appear on the show! She certainly didn't have to. She wanted to.

Just to set the record straight, she didn't want to be on Dateline. She was coerced into it by some leverage they had.


Just to set the record straight, she didn't want to be on Dateline. She was coerced into it by some leverage they had.


AFAIK - she was told that if she didn't appear Dateline would use her testimony in the program - she still had a choice. Now it is there for her children to see in years to come, so who is it that is putting it all out there for the children to find out about all of this duplicity that she was involved in.

Sorry everyone - I'm cranky tonight. :)
View attachment 62561

Remy smiling and laughing as he admits his affair on Dateline at 21:00. "Oh yes! Oh yes! VERY bad thing HA-HA-HA!" :puke:

He also admitted feeling no guilt whatsoever about cheating on Jen -- his rationale -- that she had "changed" and they'd grown apart -- but wasn't that putting the cart before the horse? If the affair started in February, and Jen's alleged changes didn't begin until April, AFTER Remy said he wanted a divorce (the first of several times that year), wouldn't the alleged changes, the "checking out" been a reaction to his bad behavior? And to her best friend's treachery? I can totally understand retreating into a fantasy world when reality sucked as much as it did for Jen.

Interesting thing -- ES, in the interview, indicated that even though they had sex the day before Jen was killed, she didn't want to "further the relationship" -- and indicated that this made GR angry: "he want what he wants" --
this seems a bit in contrast to my understanding of what she said on the stand -- that they were planning a future together on the day before Jen was murdered. Maybe some of the locals who were there for her testimony could clarify that. Because...I believe this footage was taped during the same week as her testimony...wouldn't that be perjury?
Was ES paid for the interview?? Apologies for harping on about the Baden Clay case but the similarities just keep on keeping on.

His mistress was paid a very hefty six figure amount for doing a 60mins interview, along with another load of $$$s from a magazine photo shoot and article, she's quite the wealthy woman now. Not once in any of those interviews did she offer up a dot of sympathy towards Allison. It was all "poor me".
He also admitted feeling no guilt whatsoever about cheating on Jen -- his rationale -- that she had "changed" and they'd grown apart -- but wasn't that putting the cart before the horse? If the affair started in February, and Jen's alleged changes didn't begin until April, AFTER Remy said he wanted a divorce (the first of several times that year), wouldn't the alleged changes, the "checking out" been a reaction to his bad behavior? And to her best friend's treachery? I can totally understand retreating into a fantasy world when reality sucked as much as it did for Jen.

Interesting thing -- ES, in the interview, indicated that even though they had sex the day before Jen was killed, she didn't want to "further the relationship" -- and indicated that this made GR angry: "he want what he wants" --
this seems a bit in contrast to my understanding of what she said on the stand -- that they were planning a future together on the day before Jen was murdered. Maybe some of the locals who were there for her testimony could clarify that. Because...I believe this footage was taped during the same week as her testimony...wouldn't that be perjury?


Isn't that what they all say when they are cheating? 'She's changed' 'She doesn't take care of herself' 'She doesn't take care of the house' 'She doesn't take care of me' blah blah blah... If it wasn't so tragic for Jen and her family... He's pathetic!
For whatever reason Eileen did the Dateline program for $ or sympathy. It sure didn't work for me as far as sympathy goes.

Who goes on National TV and tells a sob story of why you cheated on your husband and your girlfriend. I feel very bad for all of the children involved in this ugly mess! I am glad that Jen's children are with her parents.

RIP Jen you are safe now!
I totally missed this entire case. Apparently, I missed a very compelling one. I first learned of it yesterday when I watched Dateline on DVR. Coming from no knowledge, I found Remy to be a total jerk, especially his laughter about his "perfect life" with a wife, family, and girlfriend. He gave me the heebee-jeebies from the start.

However, based on the information Dateline included, I left wondering if he was, indeed guilty. Then, I happened on this thread and read the first post and got a lot of the information I was missing. I then read the rest of the thread, and it was enough. It's no wonder the jury found him guilty so soon. He was his own worst enemy on the stand.

IMHO, Jen reminded me eerily of Jodi Arias with her demeanor. Her only thoughts were for herself. I think Dateline wasted valuable time by making her a centerpiece of the program. While jail calls from Remy were mentioned, the program in no way mentioned the sheer volume.

Just to set the record straight, she didn't want to be on Dateline. She was coerced into it by some leverage they had.


Dateline coerced her? Is this according to Eileen?

co·erce verb \k&#333;-&#712;&#601;rs\

: to make (someone) do something by using force or threats

: to get (something) by using force or threats
Sitting here trying to make myself watch the episode. Know I have to, but know I'm not going to like what I see either.
Sitting here trying to make myself watch the episode. Know I have to, but know I'm not going to like what I see either.

Just finished watching it. Dateline sure made a point to play up Jen's online
activities, while downplaying the Remy show. Very disappointed.

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While putting off looking at the video, I made the mistake of looking on twitter and saw a couple of comments there that are very frustrating.

I'm going to watch the video. No way out. :(
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