Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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This seems to reaffirm many on this board's belief that bodies, and also live missing persons, are not found without a search.

How unfortunate for the family of that individual that there wasn't a search rather than an "event".

I am reading messages that are somewhat insinuating that we hold events and not searches. That is not the case. We subcontract professional SAR teams all over the country. No different than CUE and other groups. Albeit, Cue has a few of their own members that are certified searchers so they go out and do the physical work too. But they also subcontract out with other teams and specialists to do searches, as well or to attend with them. We do the same from boats, woods, fields to aerial searches. Whomever is informing you that we do not organize searches is wrong. What we do not do is broadcast to the public. The young man that you are referring to had searches conducted by Texas Equusearch. So please do not feel that family was neglected. They were not in any way.
I wouldn't necessarily read too much into GR not wearing a wedding ring....Some people just don't over time for one reason or another. My husband doesn't anymore as he started having a skin reaction to it....of course it could mean something, but maybe not.

I'm glad to see GR finally doing an interview. Not sure how the actual content makes me feel though. :waitasec:
Assuming Jennifer's point last seen was the family home...seen by the husband, and I assume the children before departing for school that morning? Or did she take them to school and return home??
Then IMHO that seems like the best place to start searching, unless LE can verify that Jennifer did indeed venture out in the van that morning.
Also, then, assuming the cell phone was in her possession if she did venture out that morning, then I would think phone records could indicate where the phone had been prior to being found by the husband. and that should provide an area of interest for searching.
And then the location the van was found, if indeed Jennifer drove it to that location.
There that is at least 3 search areas, the family home and its surroundings being foremost.
Granted there were some early searches by LE, and family members, but it might behoove LE to consider a do-over possibly? And utilize SAR that are available...even reaching out to local volunteers to assist?
Sort of didn't go with the whole idea that she stopped cooking months prior to her disappearance, right?

I just can't help shake the notion that a lot of the "facts" put out into the media, assumingly from GR seem to try to portray her in a light that really doesn't depict who she REALLY is.

What's bothersome to me is the painting a picture (IMO) to set the stage of an emotionally fragile, struggling with her weight, SAHM, into a secrecy of online gaming, who up and left her beloved family - all the while, GR claiming she would never leave.

Nothing flows ...

Again, this is just my opinion.

Any word locals on this new update of GR going to be interviewed? When, where?

People break all the time and spouses are left wondering what the heck happened:( All we can hope and pray for is this IS the case of what happened to Jennifer. It's "fixable"...the alternative is not.

In the video, his rapid and dramatic range of emotions, trigger moods, facial expressions, body language and almost every other nonverbal communication are evident from the 46 second mark to the 30 second mark.

In that very brief period of time he runs the gamut of seemingly experiencing overwhelming sadness and desperation (sighing, slouching his shoulders inward, holding back tears, choking up) while talking about those who support him, to quickly switching on the signs of anger and resentment (shaking his head, stern looks, glaring at the camera person, forceful words) when talking about the people who don't know him.

All in 16 short seconds. That's pretty good (or bad) turn-it-on-turn-it-off action, IMO.

And the Oscar goes to.....
IMO, LE believes Jennifer never got anywhere near the Destiny mall that day. That's why LE and other agencies spent 4 days intensively searching the home and its surrounding 18 acres.
Yep! Sorry, didn't know if I could link to it.

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I just don't understand why there weren't large scale searches at the time Jennifer went missing. but there's no point wondering that now I guess.

Looking forward to seeing the interview.

There was. By LE and their search teams. Ground and Arial.
Social Networks Info :)

Thank you for the reminder! I think we're all so hesitant about what we can and can't discuss that this one is good to remember:

"Links may be used to direct posters to view something on a social networking page."

(I myself sometimes forget that we can do this).

Lavonda, do you know how long this witness said the van had been there?

I believe the witness felt the van was there on Wednesday the day after she went missing. Again, she "felt" the van was there from Wednesday until found.
Knock off the subtle snark. If you have a problem, alert the post and move on.


This post lands at random and is directed at both sides of the fence. Knock it off.
I have watched both interviews, and I think it's important that everyone watch both of them. I'm so happy that GR is finally doing interviews.
The reporting and editing is vastly different. One has reporters that seem very experienced, the other one not so much (sorry, trying to put it as politely as possible). The first one I watched was with the inexperienced reporters, and I was livid! The second one seemed to be edited much better.
Among all that everyone else has pointed out in regards to him making it sound like she ran off in the interview. I must comment on when he said "Forget about me, it's not fair to the children, and it's not fair to my in-laws". That isn't copied word for word, but as close as I remember. I must say that if he left out everything else to give the impression that she ran off, just this ONE statement would make me assume she ran off if I were the average viewer.
BUT, we don't know everything that was said that didn't make the final cut.....
I'm trying my hardest to stay neutral.
There is a comment on the Jennifer L Ramsaran missing Facebook page - its a comment on someone posting the interview, that gives a reason why this is the first interview we've seen. Lavanda, I wonder if maybe you can shed some light whether this comment is true and if so if you know the reason behind it?

Can you please provide a link? Thanks

ETA Nevermind, found it.
I love that we have nurse here!!!!

It makes my heart happy. I'm without a computer an phone sleuthing sucks for me.

Great job guys. I love you all, seriously. She didn't just leave! I'd bet almost everything.

Until tomorrow!
People break all the time and spouses are left wondering what the heck happened:( All we can hope and pray for is this IS the case of what happened to Jennifer. It's "fixable"...the alternative is not.

No, people don't break all the time and if and when they do, they don't go missing.

Can I have a link of Jennifer being diagnosed with a mental illness that would substantiate her leaving her children?
"Ganesh Ramsaran has offered his DNA, and to take a lie detector test if it would help the investigation."

Wow indeed! He hasn't taken a poly? LE are dropping the ball in so many ways....

Nope. Media reported it incorrectly. He has taken DNA and he has taken a polygraph and entire house has been checked with luminol and all electronic devices that go online, phones, laptops and computers removed. LE did absolutely a good job.
Nope. Media reported it incorrectly. He has taken DNA and he has taken a polygraph and entire house has been checked with luminol and all electronic devices that go online, phones, laptops and computers removed. LE did absolutely a good job.

Then the news station should be contacted so they can retract it. That's good to know. Thanks
I'm in a situation that no matter what I try to convey it is not understood. So maybe it is the way I am saying it?

Lavanda, please trust me when I say that I'm saying this gently to you: It's not that no one's understanding you. It's that most (?) people aren't agreeing with you. I sense that you're frustrated because maybe you feel the need to change people's opinions and it's not working. It doesn't mean we're not learning something from you, though. I can speak for myself and many people here, when I say that I do believe in the power of organized community searches. You won't change my mind, no matter how often you reword it, or how many times you say it. I'm trying to find kind words to say that, because again, I do sense your frustration and I also don't want to come off sounding mean. We're hearing you loud and clear. Just over and over. FWIW.
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