Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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Well folks, I wish you well and ask that you please continue to do whatever you can to aid in finding Jennifer. I have a very tight schedule the next few weeks and I've pretty much answered all that I am able to answer. Keep all who love Jennifer and miss her in your prayers, please.
From what I was told, the family asked Remy to not do interviews. They did not want their lives opened up and personal life divulged as they've seen happen to other families. He respected their wishes. When I learned that no media has been done I explained to him it is very important to have media to stay involved in Jennifer's case because if the media goes away...that lessons the public awareness. We need the public awareness. This is why we do things in "steps"...when nothing new in a case the media will not report. So we create "events" to give the media something to they stay involved and the public is continually made aware. Because all of you are so glued to Jennifer's case is not a reflection of the community. I can assure you that if you talk to 20 people many will not have even heard about it. We need the public. Someone HAD to have seen her drive away that day. Someone may not even realize that they could have vital information that could help Jennifers case. So many questions and no answers. Even the van. We don't know who put the van there? For all we know since the keys were in it could have been somewhere else and someone found it, took it for a joy ride and abandoned it at that apartment...doesn't mean that Jennifer left it there..doesn't mean if she met up with someone that they left it there. Nobody knows. We need to find Jennifer. There are 3 children who need to know where their mother is....and one of 3 is old enough to be reading this entire thread.

BBM - This is new information, that the keys were in the van. Thank you for sharing. This indicates that the van wasn't meant to be left there for a short period of time and then returned to (like, for example, Jennifer getting in someone else's car to spend the day with them, meaning to be dropped back off for the car at the end of the day).

BBM, about the kids - I've always felt that it's the parent's job to keep kids away from things they shouldn't see on the internet. I would hope that internet access is being severely restricted from this kid right now. I realize that kids can see things in other places (school, library, friend's house), but in this case, I would think that all adults would keep this child away from any online access. I don't believe we should feel limited in what we can discuss because of who might see it. It's just the unfortunate reality of the world we're living in today, ya know? (I'm only saying anything because this has been brought up many times, about JR's kids being able to see this thread).

ETA: I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm not a parent - maybe I'd feel differently about it if I were!
........We need the public. Someone HAD to have seen her drive away that day. Someone may not even realize that they could have vital information that could help Jennifers case. So many questions and no answers. Even the van. We don't know who put the van there? For all we know since the keys were in it could have been somewhere else and someone found it, took it for a joy ride and abandoned it at that apartment...doesn't mean that Jennifer left it there..doesn't mean if she met up with someone that they left it there. ....

snipped for brevity...
so the keys were IN the van huh?? first I have heard that. Thanks...that is interesting.

Lavanda- do you even know if LE was able to ascertain IF she even MADE it to the mall that day? Was a dress for the daughter or gift for hubby found in the vehicle?

I think that is one thing driving me wacky, not knowing if LE thinks she disappeared heading to , while at, or returning from ... the mall.
In every case we've had when someone has failed a poly they are always brought in and administered a second one and many interrogations in between. We have had many of our missing located as victims of homicide and we continue with our support for the families through all processes which includes those who may have been the ones who caused the death of their loved one. Seen it many times.

No debate forthcoming. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree and move on.
I feel like this case is going no where......Even after this interview.
:sigh: I wish so strongly that something would turn up to get us closer to finding Jennifer.

The interview made me feel as though GR (and the reporters from the way they reported it) truly believe JR went missing of her own accord....GR goes from very sad tears to subtle anger that JR is being unfair to her kids for leaving (paraphrasing here).

I understand those feelings....they make sense, they really do..but I still have trouble believing that JR went missing because she wanted to. Why would she leave when things were going so well? Losing weight, dressing up, gaining confidence, planning to buy a dress for her daughter that from all accounts she loved very much, and planning to buy a gift for GR as well...... I just can't wrap my head around the idea that she had all these POSITIVE changes and then decided to leave her life, her children, and her husband behind for some internet lover she met playing games on her phone (which by the way: who actually pays attention to who they play games with online???? And if she did play games with one person in particular I'd think LE would have some clues to follow in regards to that person. Wouldn't there be some kind of emails, messages back and forth about one another as they got to know each other, and where he was, his name, etc, etc???).

Sorry, just had to get that out...:rant:

JMO of course........:sigh:
The following link is really interesting, in terms of comparison!

"The Hacking Case in Quotes"

"It really blows me out of the water to see how many people care and are willing to give so much of themselves. . . . " — Mark Hacking, July 19, commenting on volunteer searchers and the disappearance of his wife, Lori.

--I've been feeling, all along, like GR is just SO nice and thankful towards everyone, but I guess it really doesn't mean anything, right? Words are just words.

--Sounds like there were volunteers looking for Lori in this case.

"The only thing that's suspicious is that she hasn't returned." — Salt Lake police detective Dwayne Baird, July 19, commenting on Lori Hacking's disappearance.

--Sounds familiar.

"No. There is no way. Nobody who knows them suspects any iota of foul play." — Douglas Hacking on July 20, refuting the possibility his son is responsible for Lori's disappearance.

"Mark is a wonderful person. I love him, and I'll stand by him." — Eraldo Soares, Lori's father, July 22.

--I guess appearances can be deceiving, even to those closest to the couple!

From the beginning the evidence gathered "strongly indicated Lori was the victim of a homicide and Mark was the individual responsible." — Police Chief Rick Dinse, Aug. 2, in announcing the arrest of Mark Hacking.

--Maybe that's the case here, and LE just isn't telling us.
who actually pays attention to who they play games with online???? And if she did play games with one person in particular I'd think LE would have some clues to follow in regards to that person. Wouldn't there be some kind of emails, messages back and forth about one another as they got to know each other, and where he was, his name, etc, etc???).

~respectfully snipped for space

What a great point!! I knew something had been nagging at me about the online gaming. How "close" to other gamers do you really get? It's all anonymous, I'm sure, so how would you even know who to start talking to? The only gaming experience I have is, so I don't really know how it is. But it seems unlikely that you'd meet a love interest in this way.

I have to carefully add, though, that KF has said JR was indeed talking to a few guys.

And you're right, wouldn't LE already have a lead on these guys? If they had anything to do with this, surely LE would know by now.

I don't know, that whole deal is a bit confusing and sketchy. Then again, there was that Lifetime movie "Tall Hot Blonde" where the married guy met someone in a game room, and it was (however loosely) based on a true story. So who knows.
~respectfully snipped for space

What a great point!! I knew something had been nagging at me about the online gaming. How "close" to other gamers do you really get? It's all anonymous, I'm sure, so how would you even know who to start talking to? The only gaming experience I have is, so I don't really know how it is. But it seems unlikely that you'd meet a love interest in this way.

I have to carefully add, though, that KF has said JR was indeed talking to a few guys.

And you're right, wouldn't LE already have a lead on these guys? If they had anything to do with this, surely LE would know by now.

I don't know, that whole deal is a bit confusing and sketchy. Then again, there was that Lifetime movie "Tall Hot Blonde" where the married guy met someone in a game room, and it was (however loosely) based on a true story. So who knows.

But once LE had a murder victim, it was not difficult to discover all of the online data in that case. I would think computer examinations would have been in Jennifer's case by now. Maybe LE has an idea as to whether or not she did leave to meet someone, but if so, what "evidence" could searchers contaminate?
My blood is boiling :furious: your wife and mother of your children are missing and the most important thing you have to say is to talk about her weight loss and that she hasn't weighed that in years! Disgusting!! I think we know what's important to GR and I don't believe it's his wife....IMO

Exactly! Such a strange thing to say. Not to mention the unfortunately she changed comment. Why be so negative about your wife? If GR really believes she has simply run away, how is a comment like that going to encourage her to return?
But once LE had a murder victim, it was not difficult to discover all of the online data in that case. I would think computer examinations would have been in Jennifer's case by now. Maybe LE has an idea as to whether or not she did leave to meet someone, but if so, what "evidence" could searchers contaminate?

I guess I was just pointing out that in the movie, the guy did meet a love interest in an online gaming room. I wouldn't think it was really likely that this could happen, but in the movie it did.

My post might have been kind of wishy-washy and :fence:, sorry!
I guess I was just pointing out that in the movie, the guy did meet a love interest in an online gaming room. I wouldn't think it was really likely that this could happen, but in the movie it did.

My post might have been kind of wishy-washy and :fence:, sorry!

No, it is possible, I just think the person would be traceable.

In the video, his rapid and dramatic range of emotions, trigger moods, facial expressions, body language and almost every other nonverbal communication are evident from the 46 second mark to the 30 second mark.

In that very brief period of time he runs the gamut of seemingly experiencing overwhelming sadness and desperation (sighing, slouching his shoulders inward, holding back tears, choking up) while talking about those who support him, to quickly switching on the signs of anger and resentment (shaking his head, stern looks, glaring at the camera person, forceful words) when talking about the people who don't know him.

All in 16 short seconds. That's pretty good (or bad) turn-it-on-turn-it-off action, IMO.

And the Oscar goes to.....

BBM - Exactly what I was thinking as watching it.
Comment Gone

Wow... Wonder why that doesn't surprise me...

In short... The poster was commenting that the arranged search that was called off should have been allowed... And was commenting about the high level of organization, planning, and support from the community that was so evident... But then was not utilized...

I haven't watched this whole thing in it's entirety yet, so I don't know who the guy doing the body language analysis is, but check out this video:


There are clips of interviews/press conferences with Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, and Mark Hacking in the days after Laci, the kids, and Lori went missing. It's interesting to watch their demeanor and compare it to GR's in his interview.
Oh, me too!! Most definitely.

That is why it is weird that LE is worried about evidence being contaminated; I mean, they should know by now if she had made any actual plans to meet someone, even if it seemed to be a vague plan. So if this is the case, what evidence would be out there to contaminate? And if not the case, searching needs to be done.
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