Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 2

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Strange that there is no link to the blog on the Missing site, yet they give to us here!!

Very strange... another threat to keep people quiet, especially if they are advocate for husband and not Jennifer.

Very interesting.

Interesting...I have never seen on any missing website so much space given to the spouse of the missing person, their alibis and their feelings. Isn't this about Jennifer? Why wouldn't there be more information about her. Once is about the husband, not jennifer.....interesting.

Three items that jumped out at me from this blogspot...

Veiled... And not-so-veiled threats that persons physically searching for Jennifer can expect consequences of the law.... (Yet... This is NOT an LE publication!)

We continue to read about the husband.... Not the actual MISSING PERSON!

after quite a bit of effort is put into "discouraging" persons from searching for Jennifer.... There is a plea at the end of the blog which requests information from the community of Jennifer's whereabouts.....

All points made above are "crazy making"..... And leaves a feeling with the reader that there is an ulterior agenda for creating this blogspot...

Three items that jumped out at me from this blogspot...

Veiled... And not-so-veiled threats that persons physically searching for Jennifer can expect consequences of the law.... (Yet... This is NOT an LE publication!)

We continue to read about the husband.... Not the actual MISSING PERSON!

after quite a bit of effort is put into "discouraging" persons from searching for Jennifer.... There is a plea at the end of the blog which requests information from the community of Jennifer's whereabouts.....

All points made above are "crazy making"..... And leaves a feeling with the reader that there is an ulterior agenda for creating this blogspot...


Wow ... ME ME ME ME ME ME .. not Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer

The HELP FIND is all about Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer .. it's not about the so called "15 minutes of FAME!!" - SO BIZARRE!
The great thing about WS, the WWW, and the US of A- everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We are also free to use whatever services we desire, as well as any number of social media outlets, newspapers, groups, forums, and investigators.

If certain ideas and theories are contrary to our beliefs, we are free to express that.

Many good people with good intentions try to help others who have no voice. Most WS members put much thought into every post, and are also members of communties, non-profit groups, and/or have professsional expertise. Folks have their own reasons for becoming verified or not.

Of course, having a gut feeling or an idea does not require a license, affliation, or a college degree. One should not feel "less than" for expressing their feelings- which are as valid as anyone else's; no matter what their background.

Silence is a result of the feeling of being put down. Silence benefits the dominant, the aggressive, and the criminal. Intimidation is akin to bullying and causes fear purposely- trying to silence another's beliefs with force.

Shaming or blaming others for assumed "inexperience" attempts to make one person, group, idea, or opinion superior to another. Life has provided expert experience to draw from for most.

Jennifer's father found her van, and her husband found her phone- and I have not heard that either has SAR experience.

There is great blocking software available- as well as simply turning off internet access when children are viewing things that are inappropriate.

Due to the cutbacks in almost every LE in the country, concerned citizens are needed more than ever to provide assistance, information, and comfort. Community policing is vital to maintaing a positive place for all to live.

The "Thanks" button was not enough - I totally agree with everything you said!

I (and this is my opinion only) do not see an issue with multiple pages for Jennifer - especially if both are successful in getting the word out. Twice the visibility - twice the chance of successfully locating her, I would think!

In past missing persons cases we've seen as many as 3 or 4 pages dedicated to a missing person, with no conflict, strife, or with one page putting down the good intentions or experience of the other. It's been proven over and over again that the public and visibility via social media can be an invaluable tool in locating someone who is missing.

IMO, A family's questioning of the validity of an additional, rapidly growing in popularity page regarding their loved one who is missing, a page that has done nothing more than increase public awareness of that person being missing, only raises rmore red flags and makes me question, why? We all want Jennifer to be found - shouldn't that be the point?
GR's personal attempts at painting himself in a favorable light haven't worked for him, the KF PR attempt was a major fail and now, after reading that blog, I'm even more suspicious of him than I already was. IMO
The 'Help Find' page is now being run by a voluntary organisation, I don't think it has to be a registered Non-profit organisation to volunteer to help. They have apparently been in existance since 2011 - so not that new to this. These are not the same people that started the page, they have done the same as the 'Missing' page and called in 'experts' as is stated on the page, the 'missing' page has not stated this so I imagine followers are unaware.

"Does not want to divulge their Identity" - they have Identified themselves on the page, the 'missing' page has not.
~respectfully snipped for space

Welcome aboard, sleepinoz!
Thanks for this point, because I wanted to clarify any confusion.
The "Help Find Jennifer Ramsaran" FB page is still being run by the original creators, me and two other people. A media specialist has been brought on board and is revamping the page and sharing and using her expertise in that regard. She has a great deal of knowledge and is also helping in an admin role for now. It's more of an affiliation than "being turned over to.."

We are still very much behind the scenes and will remain so until Jennifer is found.

hi, wow, as sad as the topic is its nice to see so much going on in here!

just quickly (I should be working) - we now have two people unconnected to the family who are convinced GR is nothing to do with Jennifer's disappearance.

Clearly, they've been given information to convince them of this, surely, but since they are not LE or family members, this must be information that is not secret. I'm wondering why, if this info exists, and is allowed to be shared, nobody has shared it here? Does that make sense?
Noted that those pesky telephone records that were still not in the hands of LE/Cutting on Friday were not referred to.
The "Thanks" button was not enough - I totally agree with everything you said!

I (and this is my opinion only) do not see an issue with multiple pages for Jennifer - especially if both are successful in getting the word out. Twice the visibility - twice the chance of successfully locating her, I would think!

In past missing persons cases we've seen as many as 3 or 4 pages dedicated to a missing person, with no conflict, strife, or with one page putting down the good intentions or experience of the other. It's been proven over and over again that the public and visibility via social media can be an invaluable tool in locating someone who is missing.

IMO, A family's questioning of the validity of an additional, rapidly growing in popularity page regarding their loved one who is missing, a page that has done nothing more than increase public awareness of that person being missing, only raises rmore red flags and makes me question, why? We all want Jennifer to be found - shouldn't that be the point?

As admin of the "Help Find Jennifer Ramsaran" FB page, I can say that the offer for him to join us toward working toward the common goal of helpign to find Jennifer was extended more than once to him, and each time it was dismissed.
Lavanda Dolce, thank you for joining the thread, and for explaining a little about what you do.

I was wondering if you could clear up a couple of things I'm confused about? I understand if it's not possible, and TIA.

- on the blogpost it states she was using a lightening rinse- would this be something along the lines of those shampoos that gradually lighten/help with the upkeep of lightened hair?

- I'm confused about the statement about the gas - since the car was found I don't really understand why it's important that her husband had filled the tank, or when he filled it?

About the Facebook page you mention, I appreciate what you're saying and I know you didn't imply any malicious intent on behalf of the creators but I wanted to note that I do believe that all the intentions behind that page were and are only good ones.

How much gas is in a tank when the vehicle was found will determine to investigators just how far a person went. Luckily Ganesh had a pattern of consistently filling the gas tank so he knows when/where and how much. From this the police can calculate how much gas in vehicle, mileage driven...that is...if it was not filled again by whomever abandoned it. Keep in's a tool in the investigation when a vehicle is found.

The lightening rinse is merely to lighten a color so as not to be harsh. Chamomile hair lighteners and similar products are sold all over including walmart. Yes, shampoo hair then apply and rinse.

No, I do not believe any purposeful malicious intent is being done on the "other page." However, with that said...It took my intervention to have appropriate things done and it was upsetting to hear how much of an impact that had on Ganesh and other family members (and friends.) People need to realize that when a loved one goes missing the first thought is they were abducted and when complete strangers (who do not identify themselves) begin to "take over" the missing is hard on the family. While we all know people want to the family it is distressing and almost like they are "kidnapped again." If that makes sense. It made it more complicated when the husband was banned. When ANY organization works with a family of missing, they need to work with ALL family members. ALL of them. Even when discourse may be within the family unit. Part of their jobs are to bring the families together and not separate them by taking sides. They also need to have full accountability and be "identifiable." Just as you would want for your family and I for mine.
I second fringles statement that there are nothing but good intentions behind the Help Find Jennifer Ramsaran page. In all fairness, my understanding is that the Missing Person page (the one created by friends of the husband) has blocked a large number of people from their page for seemingly no good reason. Those who were blocked are not people who said anything inflammatory or rude in any way - they asked simple questions in a respectful manner, and got blocked for it. I only bring this up in response to your statements above, Lavanda, about the Help Find Jennifer page.

That said, I do appreciate your taking the time to post here! We all want only to help find Jennifer, and if there's anything we can do to help find her, we are more than willing.

There was a lot of blocked people due to messages and conversations "behind the scenes" that the public was not aware that caused distress. Those managing the page ALSO are not experienced and had nothing but good intentions. That is why we are here to help. Finger pointing and other things is not going to find Jennifer. Ganesh and those on the official page only want to find Jennifer and needed the guidance as to how to manage all from media to social media to ways they can be productive to help find her...that is why they came to us.
GR's personal attempts at painting himself in a favorable light haven't worked for him, the KF PR attempt was a major fail and now, after reading that blog, I'm even more suspicious of him than I already was. IMO

Have no clue what blog or KF or PR is. Sorry. Trying to catch up and all I can tell you is...don't believe all you read. We've been through this before with two, not, 3 other major cases that we managed in which everyone had the husband (of 2) convicted in their theories and a young mom, the same. In two of the cases it detailed an arrest of a neighbor (not the husband as all felt), in another the young mom died of hypothermia (not the husband whom many dug into his personal life and had him convicted) and the other case is ongoing and those results will one day also show the person innocent. A good investigator keeps their opinions and thoughts open without confirmed "convictions" in their thought processes.
FYI: "achieving" 501c3 status is a matter of following the rules, and paying the fees: my kids wrestling club is a 501c3. You can look up information on every 501c3 online.
( how much for admin costs, salaries, etc. )

Correct. There has to be accountability. There is so much misconception about nonprofits and that many feel they want to start one as they believe they will be "rolling in the dough" when quite is extremely difficult. Our last years donations I believe (when our accountant is finished) is probably somewhere around $4,000 donated. My own personal contributions out of my income to fund our work is probably around $9,000. Nobody gets paid...fact is, it costs us! lol. Unless one gets huge Govt grants like Susan Komen or Red truly is not any kind of money making is done for the goodness of helping. Period. A calling is what I believe it is for me as I can make a difference. With that, there must be accountability, Board of Directors, lawyers, reputation, references, etc.
Have no clue what blog or KF or PR is. Sorry. Trying to catch up and all I can tell you is...don't believe all you read. We've been through this before with two, not, 3 other major cases that we managed in which everyone had the husband (of 2) convicted in their theories and a young mom, the same. In two of the cases it detailed an arrest of a neighbor (not the husband as all felt), in another the young mom died of hypothermia (not the husband whom many dug into his personal life and had him convicted) and the other case is ongoing and those results will one day also show the person innocent. A good investigator keeps their opinions and thoughts open without confirmed "convictions" in their thought processes.

Hi Lavanda ,

Yes, it's true that it's not always the husband, agreed. Can you tell me if Ganesh has been cleared? Initially I didn't get the vibe that he was involved AT ALL but as time passed, I have to admit, my feelings changed drastically. This isn't about being right or wrong, it's about Jennifer returning to her family.

It's hard as an "investigator" to not raise an eyebrow at some of if not the majority of GR's behavior.

As an FYI - KF is the psychic that Ganesh contacted who is now a personal friend. I'll keep my thoughts on that for another post.
Hmmmmmm.....People advocating for GR, specially KR and the current blog, do not know GR and what they have written is what he has told them. I am sure he can be very charming and convincing....when he needs to be. He is spending more time making himself look good instead of looking for his wife who is out there somewhere. People who do not know JR are desperating trying to find her, and GR is hiding behind his computer. Interesting....G.R was a constant poster on FB until around Thanksgiving, then his posts abruptly stopped. A couple of people even commented on this on or about December 11th. What if......JR was afraid for her safety and was looking for a way to leave him and did confide to someone and LE is aware of that fact???? Treading lightly here if you know what I mean.

BBM- thanks Clayton :)
Hi Lavanda ,

Yes, it's true that it's not always the husband, agreed. Can you tell me if Ganesh has been cleared? Initially I didn't get the vibe that he was involved AT ALL but as time passed, I have to admit, my feelings changed drastically. This isn't about being right or wrong, it's about Jennifer returning to her family.

It's hard as an "investigator" to not raise an eyebrow at some of if not the majority of GR's behavior.

As an FYI - KF is the psychic that Ganesh contacted who is now a personal friend. I'll keep my thoughts on that for another post.

In ANY case, until a confirmed knowledge as to what happened to a missing person...nobody is ever cleared. Not even if Ganesh was having lunch and spent the night at the police chief or DA's house during the time the spouse disappeared would he/she be cleared. Remember....all ducks MUST be in a row. It is an investigation that could literally one day turn to a criminal trial against someone or a group of people......therefore, ALL people who know the missing loved one will always be suspect until a case is solved. Many times when you do hear in the media that a police dept issues a "person cleared" statement...they truly are not cleared 100% anyhow unless and until some huge break in the case transpires in which a true suspect has been named. (named publicly or privately in an investigation.)
That is interesting data. How big was the sample size in this study? I'm asking because in my opinion, that figure surely can't be represenative of 95%of all families of missing persons. It's an interesting point though. I'm going to dig for some data. As the parent of a child with special needs who HAS gone missing, I can't imagine NOT going out "looking" for him, nor can I imagine that the vast majority of people take a "wait and see" approach, unless they have good reason, or evidence to do so. As a parent, I would think desperation is the main driving force to do something.

Thank you for posting this...

Statistics of our own families that we work with. We track most everything as it pertains to our cases from and including guilt ratios, recovery statistics, even clear to missing loved ones by internet influence.
Also as a parent of a special needs young adult, looking for a missing child who may have wandered or an elderly family member who may have wandered usually has their case resolved within hours to a few days. Horrible fear and stress during that time..but yes....out looking, driving up and down streets...etc...just as Ganesh has done the first days until realized that his wife was in fact...truly missing. Not lost. But missing.
That is interesting data. How big was the sample size in this study? I'm asking because in my opinion, that figure surely can't be represenative of 95%of all families of missing persons. It's an interesting point though. I'm going to dig for some data. As the parent of a child with special needs who HAS gone missing, I can't imagine NOT going out "looking" for him, nor can I imagine that the vast majority of people take a "wait and see" approach, unless they have good reason, or evidence to do so. As a parent, I would think desperation is the main driving force to do something.

Thank you for posting this...

Sorry forgot to mention. Yes..there is a difference between "lost" and "missing."
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