Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 5

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Are those rhetorical questions, or can we answer? ;)

I see the mason tip jar wasn't posted next to the billboard from JR's "event" on Saturday.

Poor choice in music.

JR's youngest on the mistress' (yes, STILL mistress) lap? If they really think she's checking out youtube, and they really want her back, why post such a video with disrespectful pics?

Look so staged in my cynical opinion.

Way too much grandstanding, too.

tip jar?? lol.
Yeah, not to be the cynic that I am, lol, but I have never seen hope or prayers solve a missing persons case.

What does solve them are plenty of searches, lots of police interviews, maybe even a GPS device on cars of certain people, as much publicity as possible, LE releasing enough info to the public to possibly jog a memory, letting the public know what items may still be missing, etc. You know, most of the things not being done in the unsolved cases of Holly Bobo, Kortne Stouffer, and others.

In my opinion... Hope an prayer is what is needed to help gain the energy to...

Do Interviews
Go public
Keep Being the Voice for the person that cannot be heard
Persevere.... Even against tough odds

Um, anyone else find that video a little....bizarre? Maybe it's just the cynic in me

nothing to do with cynical..... I would like a SAR video with how to tips, clothing ( they have receipts- go buy copies) shoes, glasses, purse, etc.
In my opinion... Hope an prayer is what is needed to help gain the energy to...

Do Interviews
Go public
Keep Being the Voice for the person that cannot be heard
Persevere.... Even against tough odds


I do agree with at as well, but in this case none (or very little) of those things have been done. It's all well and good to tell people you have hope, but doesn't really ring true if you are not actually doing anything.
He just meant, "Let the police do their job."
My impression was "Why do you care?"
That's what was frustrating.
Why wouldn't we care?

Things can be done without people "getting in the way of the police doing their jobs." Let's just be glad he's not on the case & hope an LEO with a better attitude is.

Exactly. I feel the same way.

Sometimes I feel like we're working harder than other people closer to her should be. And I don't mean that as a slam at all. I know JR's family members are wonderful, kind and very loving people. And they sure as heck have a lot of support behind them community-wise. They're very respected on the HFJR site and are defended each step of the way when need be. It's like there's an invisible wall support there for them.

I just wish there were shout outs to the media ~ "SHE DID NOT LEAVE ON HER OWN!" Make some noise. I don't know. Maybe there are reasons for keeping quiet as there are kids involved, and maybe some other issues, too. But like someone else mentioned earlier, making some noise would probably make them feel safer. I agree with that.

You can be darn sure the media will be knocking on their doors if/when they find a body, and that's a shame. Where are the media now?

I guess for me the kid issue doesn't make sense. As a child while your mother is missing wouldn't it help to see people pleading for someone to help? Asking for assistance? No matter what the outcome years later will they want to be remembered as the ones that sat silent while she went missing? This would more help the kids than hinder them. For all we know the media has been told NOT to talk to them by them or someone else. Someone needs to stand up & say they know Jennifer & that they don't believe she'd ever leave her kids-if that's their thought.

This is going to sound terrible but even if they discover a body-Justice has to be rendered & what happens now will probably come into play irregardless of who is guilty. Even once she is found, the parents will want her face still out there people to not forget who she was & what kind of mother, wife, daughter, sister & friend she was. And if she isn't & she is missing for a long period of time I'm sure they will want the same.

Where are you Jennifer? No matter where you are-we are here fighting for you!
It would be good if there was a lot of public commentary on the local LE FB sites about Jennifer still being missing.

A surprising amount of people check LE FB sites regularly.

When our local young woman Rachael Moritz was missing, the public commentary on our local LE FB site ran riot (with or without LE updates). Lots of people were commenting day after day, LE had to monitor it fairly closely to ensure it was all ‘kept clean’.

I’m sure LE was glad when Rachael finally reappeared and the hubbub on their FB page died down … took some pressure off them.
But it sort of forced their hand into giving us updates every now and then.
I do agree with at as well, but in this case none (or very little) of those things have been done. It's all well and good to tell people you have hope, but doesn't really ring true if you are not actually doing anything.

Oh.. Sorry... I think I wasn't clear...

I was just stating that hope and prayer would best be used for inspiration ..... Than for results...

It takes action to get results...

Please re-read the post .I believe it is someone not related or working on the case.
Hope. You have to have hope. There is no concrete evidence at this time that Jennifer is deceased.

"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
― Laini Taylo (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

Jennifer, if you're out there and reading here - everyone misses you SO very much!

Thank you for that quote, PennyFlower! I hope you don't mind, but I'm posting it on another thread (Dylan Redwine).

ETA: hmm...just got further in the thread and saw the comments on how important action is. I agree with that too! In Dylan's case, today there is a lot of action: family taping on Dr. Phil and K-9 Forensics is searching for him. do we get more action for Jen?
Just a reminder and no one is in "trouble" or anything. :blowkiss:

We don't block Topix because sometimes they have some interesting clues. However, if they are just accusing someone without any basis at all, we don't allow a link there. Hope that makes sense.

Carry on! Find Jennifer!!!
nothing to do with cynical..... I would like a SAR video with how to tips, clothing ( they have receipts- go buy copies) shoes, glasses, purse, etc.

Why not make a SAR video; I'm sure there is someone here with the talent to do that or has connections to make one. JR's parents or sister could be contacted for "permission".

I live in JR's area and the silence is deafening! We need more exposure. And when you boil it down, JR either left of her own will or foul play was involved. I don't like where they have stated that she either 1. left 2. went to meet someone 3. foul play. IMO, it's either she left or foul play - there are many scenarios that can be played out under either situation but it boils down to one of these. Let's give each situation a 50/50 representation in a video but not heavily favor one over that other as others have done. IMHO
I guess for me the kid issue doesn't make sense. As a child while your mother is missing wouldn't it help to see people pleading for someone to help? Asking for assistance? No matter what the outcome years later will they want to be remembered as the ones that sat silent while she went missing? This would more help the kids than hinder them. For all we know the media has been told NOT to talk to them by them or someone else. Someone needs to stand up & say they know Jennifer & that they don't believe she'd ever leave her kids-if that's their thought.

This is going to sound terrible but even if they discover a body-Justice has to be rendered & what happens now will probably come into play irregardless of who is guilty. Even once she is found, the parents will want her face still out there people to not forget who she was & what kind of mother, wife, daughter, sister & friend she was. And if she isn't & she is missing for a long period of time I'm sure they will want the same.

Where are you Jennifer? No matter where you are-we are here fighting for you!

This is so very, very true. You would not believe the anger I still sometimes feel towards the adults who did nothing when my sister went missing. I was 11 years old, and my other sisters were only a few years older than me. We could do nothing about it then. And those who did nothing know very well that I'm not happy with their lack of action. In fact, only 2 of them still talk to me because I've told every single one of them how I felt, and most couldn't take responsibility for their lack of action and couldn't bare to hear the truth in what I was saying. I do not blame them for her disappearance, but I do blame them for the fact that she's still missing.

This is what that family will have to face in 5,10,15 years if nothing is done now. God forbid she is never found because those kids WILL have something to say about it when they are old enough to understand exactly what went on! :furious:
Does anyone know if JR's parents or sister are in touch with LE on a regular basis? I really wish we had an update from LE - something, anything, even if it's still waiting on forensics. There has to be a reason LE is not searching, IMO. And not providing updates. I wondered if one of JR's family had been in touch and could give us an update. The 3 billboards will help....still need more exposure.
"Jen would NEVER EVER leave our kids and I willingly,” the posting continued. “She has never left home and not keep in contact within 2-3 hours via phone or text. She would never miss our daughters’ Winter Concert last night or her birthday tomorrow. I hate to say this but I have given up hope that she’ll be found safe and sound."

“All I want is for Jen to come walking through our front door safe and sound and giving us all hugs, but I have lost all faith that will be the case."

This was MSM December 19th - so just a week after Jenn went missing.

There's no doubt in my mind that we're not going to see her again," Ramsaran said. "There's not doubt in my mind. And that's what keeps us strong."

................... something isn't right.
Does anyone know if JR's parents or sister are in touch with LE on a regular basis? I really wish we had an update from LE - something, anything, even if it's still waiting on forensics. There has to be a reason LE is not searching, IMO. And not providing updates. I wondered if one of JR's family had been in touch and could give us an update. The 3 billboards will help....still need more exposure.

Agreed they will help-do we know when they will all be up? I've seen conflicting stories & a possibility of a 4th. I hope soon & honestly no funds should have to be fronted for these billboards. There's a lot more that they can do with donated money.
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