Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 7

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Just a few questions about missing persons organizations.
They say their job is to support the family of this missing, help with posters etc.
So once the missing person is found I assume their job in a professional capacity is finished?
Would they continue on - ie - advising family members on doing more interviews, prepping them on what to say? Continue to vigorously and aggressively defend said family member? Continue to critcise and attack other family members?
Is this standard for these sorts of organizations?
And if they are not for profit, I assume they rely on donations?
Can we assume they come from the people that they represent?

"Thanks" is not enough!
OHHHH ok now I feel a little silly. :blushing:

The person (IMO) who should feel silly is the one who behaves in an unusual way regarding his missing/deceased wife. Others have done these things before - and they've been caught.

If you watch enough cases here, sometimes while still on the first page, you feel like, 'Here we go again.'

Justice for Jennifer!!!!!

I didn't didn't realize you were related. I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say that hasn't been already, please know that we are all behind you fighting for Jennifer, know her or not, we will fight for Justice to ensure not only is she not forgotten but Justice is served.

I know this may sound goofy but ever since we have heard word that she was found (Tuesday) I have thought to myself, "What can I do to honor Jennifer today?" Each day I have done something for my family knowing that this was stolen from Jennifer. I have made them dinner from scratch, their favorite desserts, sat and cuddled with my babies, my spouse, etc. Things that I know as a wonderful mother and wife Jennifer had taken from her. I may not have known her but I think of her daily and will make sure going forward that I do something in her honor to show that I am thankful for the time that I have to be the mother than she would have been. Please share my condolences with your family. :heartbeat:

Oh, this was so lovely. And thank you, mikkisom, for stepping in to help with the confusion. My aunt June was murdered many years ago and was just as lovely as Jennifer, and suffered just as many indignities. She was murdered by my uncle, her husband, then buried in her own backyard and not found for seven years, thanks to him and his (charming??) lies.

I know this thread's for Jennifer, but I am sure my June and our Jenny would have got along just fine, and had a lot to talk about. I'll take just one of your kind thoughts for my sweet aunt June, if you don't mind, caring4many, and we'll save the rest for Jenny.
I didn't didn't realize you were related. I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say that hasn't been already, please know that we are all behind you fighting for Jennifer, know her or not, we will fight for Justice to ensure not only is she not forgotten but Justice is served.

I know this may sound goofy but ever since we have heard word that she was found (Tuesday) I have thought to myself, "What can I do to honor Jennifer today?" Each day I have done something for my family knowing that this was stolen from Jennifer. I have made them dinner from scratch, their favorite desserts, sat and cuddled with my babies, my spouse, etc. Things that I know as a wonderful mother and wife Jennifer had taken from her. I may not have known her but I think of her daily and will make sure going forward that I do something in her honor to show that I am thankful for the time that I have to be the mother than she would have been. Please share my condolences with your family. :heartbeat:

Wow... What a wonderful way to memorialize Jennifer...

cooking specialties from "scratch" (cooking from scratch...,what does that mean?...:giggle:... J/K), paying special attention to your loved ones...

I think Jennifer would be very proud to know that people are "Paying it Forward".... So to speak... In her memory....

she seems like she would be the type of person who would "Pay it Forward" , too, if given a chance...

Just a few questions about missing persons organizations.
They say their job is to support the family of this missing, help with posters etc.
So once the missing person is found I assume their job in a professional capacity is finished?
Would they continue on - ie - advising family members on doing more interviews, prepping them on what to say? Continue to vigorously and aggressively defend said family member? Continue to critcise and attack other family members?
Is this standard for these sorts of organizations?
And if they are not for profit, I assume they rely on donations?
Can we assume they come from the people that they represent?

Actually al MPO's are different. But most do provide some services after the victim is found whether they are safe or sadly deceased. There are services that can be provided for victims or survivors. But in the overall scheme of things there "job" is done so to speak. They do offer some initial guidance for a period of time and refer them to the services available but honestly there really is a lot of times a bond there between the person that worked the case & the families. But again- there are all different, just saying what I have seen from what I have been involved in.
Just an example, an MPO that I have volunteered for worked with a family that had a teenager that was missing, it was a case that was taken, when LE was agreeable, searchers were brought in along with LE, along with other services as well, teen was located a few days later, (sadly deceased), but other things were done as well. A vigil was set up, connected to victims assistance programs since the teen was a victim of violence & her state offers that, etc. Not to mention that each case in itself is different.

Yes they do usually rely on donations as well, but no not always from the people that they represent, at least not the MPO I have worked with, it is not for profit & not funds are expected. If you can't donate, you should still be able to have the same services given to you as anyone else & have your loved one searched for.
I hope some of this makes sense, sorry for the overly wordy post.

Please let me add-not all MPO's are like LnM. NOT AT ALL. I know I have said this before & am beating a deadhorse- but it is how I have learned & have seen & what I myself believe. THE VICTIM COMES FIRST, and then their family(and usually those that aren't guilty totally back your efforts), and anything else after that.
OHHHH ok now I feel a little silly. :blushing:

Oh... Please don't... I have made the same connection on other cases...

it is not silly at all... Since so many on this thread has had life changing tragic events in their lives...

and since family members DO, at times, post on these threads...

You were just being the caring person we so appreciate on here!

Oh, this was so lovely. And thank you, mikkisom, for stepping in to help with the confusion. My aunt June was murdered many years ago and was just as lovely as Jennifer, and suffered just as many indignities. She was murdered by my uncle, her husband, then buried in her own backyard and not found for seven years, thanks to him and his (charming??) lies.

I know this thread's for Jennifer, but I am sure my June and our Jenny would have got along just fine, and had a lot to talk about. I'll take just one of your kind thoughts for my sweet aunt June, if you don't mind, caring4many, and we'll save the rest for Jenny.

Please do..I am so sorry Zwiebel about your Aunt! What strength you have to come here & help others that have suffered like her. Thank you for honoring us with joining our group. :heartbeat:
Oh... Please don't... I have made the same connection on other cases...

it is not silly at all... Since so many on this thread has had life changing tragic events in their lives...

and since family members DO, at times, post on these threads...

You were just being the caring person we so appreciate on here!


Thank you. I know some people are able to walk on a search zone, search & are ok leaving. I am a little different I guess. I like to know the case, understand more about the victim, (I guess I get too personal- it's who I am),then search & help in any way I can. In every case that I have been a part of I have taken something away from it and tried to change something in myself or my home in that persons honor.

I also discuss these things with my kids. Don't get me wrong not all the specific details, but if the case is a teen, I remind them how easily they can become a victim- what to watch out for, etc. With this case, I told them that there were babies at home missing their Momma and a Momma that couldn't hug her babies because someone was so selfish & heartless that they separated them. Now mind you I have 2 boys, almost both in their teens, they still will hug their Momma & hold her when she has tears in her eyes. But this time was different, they wanted to know why someone would do something like this at Christmas to kids, take their Momma away when it was time they should be with family most. Out of the mouth of babes right?
The kids miss their old mom, not the one that was here the last six or nine months when she went through all the different changes.” - OMG speaking I'll of their Mum & of the dead!

But other than that.... The lady doth protest too much!
Has this been posted yet?

Remy says the community has been extremely supportive during the search and he says he and his children will remain in town.
Remy says one of the hardest things he has been dealing with are rumors on the internet.

"That was a horrible experience. All the internet people who don't know what's going on, the speculation the innuendos--it's brutal," says Ramsaran.

And keeping the rumors on social media sites away from his 13-year- old daughter.

"They really hurt her bad--so many different things that are on them that she knows is not true," says Ramsaran.

"A lot of people are weighing in with opinions and we certainly would like to have them take a step back. You know, the family is involved and obviously there are children involved and family member--it's a very trying time on them, " says Chenango County Sheriff Ernest Cutting Jr.

The Sheriff says they will now wait for the autopsy results and the investigation will continue from there.

-Remain in town? Was there a question about them leaving? Did he plan on not staying at their home? What answer to which unasked question are we getting now?

-What rumors? Haven't most turned out to be true? Tryst vs Affair- I think we pretty much have shown that even a TRYST IS AN AFFAIR- and if it was 1 night, all of the COMMUNITY wouldn't have known before JENNIFER did.

-Again with the brutal?
-I'm sorry I have to ask this again- his daughter is 13! & the daughter of a recently missing, now murdered (they have said killed did they not?) mother- WHY is his daughter online without supervision? Why is she allowed to even be subjected to what people are saying? Oh yeh- that's right because her father is too busy giving interviews to be worried about being a PARENT!

I apologize for being so frustrated but seriously....wth?
I had a friend just pop over for a visit. While she was here, I showed her the interview from when it wasn't unconfirmed and the interview from just after it was confirmed. Without any knowledge of this case (we are in Australia remember) and without any guidance from me, her first comment was 'What a lying sack of ****', followed by 'It's all about him'.

If that doesn't sum it up in a short and concise manner, I don't know what does.
Jennifer has got some nice, nice people on her side.

ETA: And she's going to need us.
From Caring4Many's link:

"He told me that they found the body and if I had any questions and all I can remember saying is 'did you tell my in-laws next door,'" says Remy Ramsaran, husband of Jennifer Ramsaran.

"Stuff like this doesn't happen. You don't ever think that it will happen to you," says Ramsaran.



Hope his DD doesn't read THESE articles.

I do not think it possible for me to dislike GR more...
Oh just wait, I am sure another interview is on the horizon.....:furious:

Please let me know when his media blitz is over. What's next, The View?

I understand the Sheriff asking for people to take a step back as it's been a long and dramatic few months, and tensions are high now that Jen has been found. I only hope that they see through the BS as we do. There can't be any other explanation.
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