NY - Karina Vetrano, 30, found murdered, Queens, 2 Aug 2016 #4

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Police said they had a break in the case and yet, at that particular press conference with the family, they spoke about the need for familial DNA testing and not about the break in the case.
Did I miss something?
I wonder if any of CL' s relatives are in the system and if CL could have been identified a lot sooner through familial DNA testing.

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<snip> &#8220;I was angry. I had some issues at home. I just lost it. When I saw her, I just hit her and kept hitting her. I hit her and choked her,&#8217;&#8217; said unemployed Chanel Lewis, 20, according to sources.

<snip> &#8220;The perp said he had a bad temper. He confessed on video about the assault specifically. He did not want to admit to the rape,&#8221; a source claimed.


I'm sure rape charges will be added.

Link has other new info

He's dangerous and IMO a sadistic young man

Imagine finding out thnat your precious daughter was brutally beaten because...someone was in a bad mood. Imagine dealing with the enormity of her suffering...because someone thought there were too many people in his house. How do you deal with this? It's not "personal"...just something this 20 year old...felt like doing.

Let's add that he had lots of energy to put into hisviolence because at 20 years old, he was allowed to,lay around the house...no job, no volunteer work...just getting annoyed because there were too many people in his space. Twenty year old, healthy...and nothing to do...but wander through yards, peering into cars, frightening people, and finally indulging his entitled self...who has no need to work or volunteer...by savaging attacking a girl who never said a word to him, did him no harm.

I can't imagine how the Vetranos process this.

And, as for his Father....he seems to be enjoying his twenty minutes of fame. He should have the decency and respect for the Vetrano family to step back. His son confessed. His son has done irreparable harm to the Vetranos. Frankly, who cares about his report cards. The real definition of his sons character was the terribly beaten corpse of an innocent young woman, just minding her own business. Trash the report cards..they are garbage.
No DNA does not equal no rape.

Slightest penetration equals rape, at least in NY. No completion does not equal no rape.

In order to charge him with rape, they need to be able to prove it. In this case he hasn't confessed to rape and victim is dead so she can't testify.
IIRC MSM/LE had, originally, said KV was raped 2x. I agree, Epiph. Rape charges will follow.
IIRC MSM/LE had, originally, said KV was raped 2x. I agree, Epiph. Rape charges will follow.

I think one rape charge and one criminal sexual act:


2. What constitutes a sexual offense?

If any of the following acts are perpetrated against a victim without his or her consent, as defined above, it is a crime under New York State Law. Unless otherwise stated, these crimes are found in the NYS Penal Law under article 130.

· Sexual Intercourse (Rape): the penetration of the penis into the vagina, however slight. In other words, if the penis goes into the vagina just a little, not in its entirety, that is considered completed "sexual intercourse.&#8221; There is no requirement of physical injury or ejaculation.

· Criminal Sexual Act (Oral or Anal Sexual Conduct): does not require any penetration and occurs upon contact between penis and mouth, penis and anus, mouth and anus, or mouth and the vulva (the external opening of the vagina).

Hmmm...I thought he was living at his dad's house at the time of the attack.?

"Following the attack, Lewis &#8220;had all these scratches on him, and when he went home, his mother asked him what happened and he lied to her,&#8221; a source said."


Put together the statement that he "hates women" with the statement that his Mother's apartment was also home to his sisters and their children, and that he was mad at there being too many people in "his" home, and I'll bet that whomever stated he was living with his Father was not being "accurate."

There's a lot being said outside of LE statements that has not been verified.
New York Second Degree Murder Laws

Under New York criminal law, murder in the second degree is one of several forms of homicide, or conduct which causes the death of a person. Other forms of homicide include first-degree murder, manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, and abortion. Pursuant to the statute, a person commits second-degree murder in one of five ways:

3. acting alone or in concert with others, the defendant commits or attempts to commit a specified felony (including robbery, burglary, kidnapping, arson, rape, and sexual abuse) and, in the course of and in furtherance of such crime or of immediate flight therefrom, he or she causes the death of a non-participant;


New York Penal Law § 125.25: Murder in the second degree

3. Caused the death of another person during the commission of another crime such as robbery, burglary, arson, or sexual assault,



It appears to me that the 2nd degree murder charge includes rape. I don't see why a separate rape charge is necessary. jmo
Hmmm...I thought he was living at his dad's house at the time of the attack.?

"Following the attack, Lewis &#8220;had all these scratches on him, and when he went home, his mother asked him what happened and he lied to her,&#8221; a source said."


They may have all been living where father resides now. Perp, sibs + their children, Mother and Father.

He may be baiting the V's, may want to agitate, get a reaction, elicit some neg criticism of them, etc.

Saw that with Sliwa's (founder of the Guardian Angels) first ex-wife, Lisa Evers, when she had the gall & audacity IMO to troll KV's mother and ask her how she felt about what the perp's father has said. She knew someone would give her an explosive reaction as it was being filmed.

That was despicable of Lisa Evers (Fox5) of all reporters imo
The punitive consequences for this type of behavior results in life imprisonment or the death penalty. Did you have some harsher than that in mind? I think the punishment is very harsh but it doesn't stop these types of predators so it's important to figure out how they come to be. I'm certainly not trying to justify a savage, rapist murders actions. There are all sorts of motivations to murder. Someone who kills a rival gang member is a different type of killer than one who viciously beats, rapes and kills a stranger or multiple strangers. If the why's can be uncovered maybe someday we can figure out ways to prevent someone growing into a monster like this. It's not excusing what he did. It's trying to understand why so it can be prevented.

Lots of things in life have "been around since the beginning" it doesn't stop scientists and doctors from trying to understand them so we can progress and be better, do better. By all means though, you feel free to tell all the law enforcement, social workers,profilers, therapist, teachers, psychologist etc who dedicate their lives to attempting to understand how killers operate so they can prevent these types of crimes how useless it all is.

The experts and the professions you have listed have been unable to prevent crimes from happening. No one can predict who will actually become a rapist or a murderer or both...not even the experts who studies such subjects after they have already done their violent crimes. There simply is no way to determine it before a crime has happened. I wish it could be done but all of the studies and experience these professionals have has never prevented one crime from happening before it happened. The profilers assist LE when they are looking for a suspect who has already committed their crime/s and not before they have happened. All of the professional studies are based on crimes that have already occurred and not on ones who have not happened yet.

As far as harsh punishments such as the death penalty the death penalty was never enacted to deter crime committed by others in the first place. It is an individual punishment rendered to individuals who qualify to have the death penalty imposed at sentencing if convicted. It is not a collective punishment nor meant to deter under the states which have death penalty sentences. It is an individual punishment based solely on each individual defendant at the time for their jury to consider when imposing sentence if the defendant is found guilty.

He will not be given the death sentence in NY for I don't believe they have the death penalty but he most certainly does deserve the harshest punishment allowed under NY statutes which most likely is LWOP.

No LE is going to say they know how to prevent someone from committing any crime before they even happen and the other professions you have listed will honestly say they dont have that ability either.
So it was incorrect that either of these perp related addresses were government housing?
So it was incorrect that either of these perp related addresses were government housing?

IDK But I do know that some people rent(homes)through the gov to section 8 which is government housing, the reason for doing it is it is guarantied money every month. jmo

In a neighborhood I grew up in there was one home that sold and the selling agent bought it and went through (gov housing) to rent it. btw out of the house in the neighborhood it stood out. jmo
I posted a link last night to a video from a news source asking her parents about getting justice but it looks like it was deleted. Sorry mods, didn't realize that was in violation of TOS.

I was just trying to show the level of anger her parents are at right now, understandable anger at that. I feel like this has just begun for them and they are going thru a roller coaster of emotions. My heart is with them all right now!!!

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Wouldnt a retired school principal have received a large enough pension to be ineligible for Section eight? Asking generically...just to understand the parameters. I know in NJ, teachers retirement includes full benefits and a substantial retirement income.
IDK But I do know that some people rent(homes)through the gov to section 8 which is government housing, the reason for doing it is it is guarantied money every month. jmo

In a neighborhood I grew up in there was one home that sold and the selling agent bought it and went through (gov housing) to rent it. btw out of the house in the neighborhood it stood out. jmo

Yes, section 8 is exactly what you explained here and that is what he and his family could have been listed under. We touched on this yesterday, however I don't believe we know the fathers exact address. Could that address be considered projects or public housing as well?

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They may have all been living where father resides now. Perp, sibs + their children, Mother and Father.

He may be baiting the V's, may want to agitate, get a reaction, elicit some neg criticism of them, etc.

Saw that with Sliwa's (founder of the Guardian Angels) first ex-wife, Lisa Evers, when she had the gall & audacity IMO to troll KV's mother and ask her how she felt about what the perp's father has said. She knew someone would give her an explosive reaction as it was being filmed.

That was despicable of Lisa Evers (Fox5) of all reporters imo

I agree with the Lisa Evers comment, I posted the video to that last night and in retrospect feel horrible doing so. She was in fact trolling them and trying to illicit a reaction.

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