GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #1

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Comparisons to Etan Patz.

Security video footage shows Leibby speaking to Aron on a corner by his car, police said. Aron then went across the street and entered a building, while Kletzky waited for seven minutes. When Aron returned, the boy and the man got into his car, police said.

Detectives discovered that the building was a dentist's office where Aron went and paid a bill while Leibby waited.

After locating one of the dentists at the practice in New Jersey and a receptionist, the man's identity was determined and police went to his house, a three story home owned by the suspect's father. Aron's parents live on the first floor, his uncle lives on the second and he had been living in the third floor attic apartment, police said,

Police arrived at Aron's apartment at about 2:40 a.m. and found the door slightly ajar. The suspect was standing shirtless in the middle of the room. When asked where the boy was, he pointed toward the kitchen, police said.

The case has drawn comparisons to the mysterious and highly publicized 1979 disappearance of Etan Patz, a 6-year-old boy who left for school and never came home. No body or suspect was ever found and the case was re-opened in May 2010.
I've been following this since last night also..All I can think about is this little boy was embarking on one of his first childhood advetures being able to walk to meet his mother like a little man...this has taken that and any to follow away.Leiby's parents will feel guilt forever for just being parents and sharing in the exuberance of youth.
Thank God they have a strong faith and good community. RIP Little Man.
Anyone that harms, molestes, murders a child should recieve the death penalty and maybe these nuts will think twice before they ruin a child's life.
We give these monsters to many 'rights'...........sorry for the rant but we must do something to protect our little ones NOW!

I agree 100% with your post! It has been proven these monsters can not be rehibilitated....period!

Oh how this breaks my heart.

I had wondered about the possibility that Leiby might be somewhere on the autism spectrum because of the picture of him that was used in the flyer and the only other picture I have seen of him which was similar to a school photo. The flyer picture had him looking down, and the school-type photo had him looking straight ahead but without expression. I have worked with folks on the autism spectrum for 30 years, and I know how difficult it is to get a 'good' photo of some of my friends with autism. They don't quite get how to relate to a camera, or to the people who are trying to take their picture.

If Leiby was indeed on the autism spectrum, he must have been fairly high-functioning, perhaps even Asperger's. However, getting lost in the city is exactly the kind of social situation that would have totally stymied him. Oh, he was so vulnerable in that kind of event. I know that Leiby is safe from harm and pain now. My prayers are for his devastated family and friends. May their faith relieve them of some of the terrible burden of 'if only'.
Having been around WS for a while I have become somewhat jaded and nothing surprises me anymore. I must say waking up to this, I am shocked! I did not expect this. Love to you precious baby boy xoxo
Press Conference on NY1. Raymond Kelly speaking.
Killed him in his apt.
Boy was lost. He asked Aron for directions. Did not know him.
Suspect had visited dentist, and boy waited for him on other side of street?

Oh, this is more heartbreaking, if greater sadness than we had until now can even be imagined. That dear little boy was brought up to instinctively give respect and obey what an older person tells him. The monster was "one of us," he didn't appear threatening, probably told the child "stay here while I go to that office for a minute and then I'll drive you to where your mother is waiting." And he did, that sweet child. A grownup told him to wait, and he did.

The depth of this horror, the anguish, it is incomprehensible. As we say when hearing of a death, Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet- Blessed be the True Judge. As he rises up among the angels, may the soul of this little boy be an advocate for us, a melitz yosher, that we may know God's mercy.
Could someone familiar with the funeral services required by Leiby's religion, let us know what is typically required for a death in that faith?

UGH this sick son of a B*** Why? Why didn't we have any more warning on this Mother F? Do you think when the kids came home and told mommy that the strange man asked to take them in a car, that they were protecting their own? Or maybe the children never spoke up until now. So many thoughts are in my mind right now, most of them angry and shocked.

Watch- you're gonna hear all kinds of creepy details about this piece of $***, how people thought he acted strangely, hurt small animals, mutilated things..... watch. :banghead:
This one makes me sick to my stomach. I pray for his parents and the rest of his family members, that they can find peace at some point. This is so sad. They must just be beating themselves up over the fact that this was his first time walking alone. :( What are the odds???

There are so many sick people in this world. God bless and protect our little children.
Oh how this breaks my heart.

I had wondered about the possibility that Leiby might be somewhere on the autism spectrum because of the picture of him that was used in the flyer and the only other picture I have seen of him which was similar to a school photo. The flyer picture had him looking down, and the school-type photo had him looking straight ahead but without expression. I have worked with folks on the autism spectrum for 30 years, and I know how difficult it is to get a 'good' photo of some of my friends with autism. They don't quite get how to relate to a camera, or to the people who are trying to take their picture.

If Leiby was indeed on the autism spectrum, he must have been fairly high-functioning, perhaps even Asperger's. However, getting lost in the city is exactly the kind of social situation that would have totally stymied him. Oh, he was so vulnerable in that kind of event. I know that Leiby is safe from harm and pain now. My prayers are for his devastated family and friends. May their faith relieve them of some of the terrible burden of 'if only'.

BBM, yes Asperger children are innocent........they do not have the 'gift of fear'.
My grandson is one. We cannot let him out of our site at the age of 12.
He wants independance also, I sure do understand. But we will have to be helicopter parents and grandparents most of his life, I think.
As others I was hoping for something better when I woke up this morning. There was such a huge community outpouring and support that I felt that he would be found safe, perhaps scared but at least safe, I just never thought he would be found otherwise.

My thoughts will be with his family in the coming days, I can't imagine the heartbreak they are experiencing.

Someone upthread asked about the burial practices, here is a wiki link that explains what is done and such: Bereavement in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As others I was hoping for something better when I woke up this morning. There was such a huge community outpouring and support that I felt that he would be found safe, perhaps scared but at least safe, I just never thought he would be found otherwise.

My thoughts will be with his family in the coming days, I can't imagine the heartbreak they are experiencing.

Someone upthread asked about the burial practices, here is a wiki link that explains what is done and such: Bereavement in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how his body will be handled since it was dismembered and has to undergo an autopsy...
His ex-wife had two young children of her own:

Aron's ex-wife filed for divorce in January 2007, and a decree was granted two months later in a Memphis court.

The woman, the mother of two young children, cited "irreconcilable differences" in her Chancery Court complaint. Documents show that the couple’s marriage lasted a year and the divorce decree stipulated that before Aron left Memphis, “he will return to Wife the children’s mattresses, and the master bedroom furniture.”
The only thing I can hope now is that LE gets a full confession and avoids a trial. It is the only thing this person can do that might possibly be of use to this greiving family at this point...
He'll be looked over with a fine-toothed comb...everywhere he's ever resided and visited:

Included in the “Activities and Interests” on Aron’s Facebook profile is a link to a page for a non-profit organization that offers tips on how to find sex offenders in your neighborhood. The page is headlined, “IS YOUR FAMILY SAFE? Find out who really lives in your area!”
Poor poor Lieby. I thought about you last night and hoped and prayed you would be back in the loving arms of your family. My heart is breaking.

Another beautiful child gone......evil is everywhere. May his family/community come together to mourn him and be a comfort to each other.

I wanted a different outcome. I wanted him to go home. Poor baby.
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