GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #1

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Do we have another case in the Jewish community to compare this to? Because this is an awesome response and I'm wondering if it's the community... kind of like Elizabeth Smart?

WOW... that is awesome. I hope they find him soon.

it is hard for most people who are not from the NYC area to fully grasp how insular this community is. generally speaking, they stick to their own, they live within the confines of delineated neighborhoods for religious purposes, send their kids to religious schools, and only deal with non-Orthodox when necessary.

it does not surprise me that there are stories that the boy was seen in the company of an Orthodox male. had he been walking with a non-Orthodox person, everyone in the community would have been staring and it would have set off alarm bells immediately.
I think the confusion stems from the usual media reporting what they have read in other media reports and so on.....

It sounds like the family was going to meet him near 50th and 13th (IIRC) and when he headed in ? direction on 44th be passed 13th instead of turning to the correct direction and kept on walking. At least that is how I am reading the map not being local.
If he was set to walk 6 city blocks, that is just too far, IMO, and it can be confusing, even though it is straight, if the sidewalks are crowded at certain points, etc...easy to lose track of where you are . I hiked 1/2 that the last time I was there to meet a friend at a hotel and it was enough of a walk for me, and too much of a walk for a child, IMO.

The streets are never empty...someone should have seen him at each hour since last night...unless he curled up someplace to sleep, but even so, it has been 24 hours...way too long.
7,000 people showed up to help search. Wow.

Where are you dear child?
Brooklyn, NY - In an effort to make sure that no stone goes unturned in the search for young Leibby Kletzky, VIN News has learned that 8th District Congressman Jerrold Nadler consulted with an expert in the field of missing persons, Janice Fedarcyk, Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office at the FBI, who agreed to deploy FBI agents to assist the NYPD in this case.
“Not to take anything away from the NYPD,” said Robert Gottheim, District Director for the Congressman in an exclusive interview with VIN News, “but the FBI has considerable experience in cases such as these. They have resources that can aid in this case including manpower, equipment such as helicopters, invaluable expertise in their computer systems and vast databases, all of which can be used in the search. Furthermore, if G-d forbid the boy was taken across state lines, the FBI’s experience and resources could prove to be of great significance.”
it is hard for most people who are not from the NYC area to fully grasp how insular this community is. generally speaking, they stick to their own, they live within the confines of delineated neighborhoods for religious purposes, send their kids to religious schools, and only deal with non-Orthodox when necessary.

it does not surprise me that there are stories that the boy was seen in the company of an Orthodox male. had he been walking with a non-Orthodox person, everyone in the community would have been staring and it would have set off alarm bells immediately.

bbm.. actually aside from the big city aspect I understand it personally quite well as I grew up a few miles from the largest amish community in the united states. i am not at all surprised at the turn out of this community.

and it does comfort me to some extent that he was seen talking on video with another religious member... it seems he is truly lost... so sad.. his first day walking alone to get lost like this.. but now that he is out and about and seemingly very mobile I am very worried about whom else he could run into that could cause him harm. I hope to hear very soon that he was safely found sitting on a bench, etc....
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children link:


Case Type: Endangered Missing DOB: Jul 29, 2002 Sex: Male Missing Date: Jul 11, 2011 Race: White Age Now: 8 Height: 4'0" (122 cm) Missing City: NEW YORK Weight: 50 lbs (23 kg) Missing State : NY Hair Color: Black Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Brown Case Number: NCMC1175546

Circumstances: Leiby was last seen on July 11, 2011. He was last known to be wearing a blue and green striped polo shirt, navy pants, black shoes, and a black Yamaka. Leiby may be carrying a blue backpack with Hebrew writing on the back.
Temps have been in the upper 80s in Brooklyn, with lows in the 70s and upper 60s. We don't have to worry about him getting cold, but definitely overheated and dehydrated.

I hope he is just lost, waiting to be found.
This is such an amazing response from the community of this family's faith. I am in awe and deep admiration. What a wonderful sense of unity and glimpse into this close-knit culture.

The videos are such a valuable tool for investigators. I know there are mixed feelings about such intrusions into our private lives, but those of us here on WS know how important those cameras can be in some missing persons cases. I am praying and hoping that he is in a park somewhere, confused and unsure how to be found. If he is, I trust the authorities will locate him very very soon.
I do think the boy was clearly lost. It appears that he is standing on the corner trying to get his bearings...then walks quickly behind a man who crosses the street, as if following him. I was thinking that he wanted to ask the man for directions but never caught his attention.

I don't think any child should walk even 1 block without a cell phone for emergencies. Not in this modern time...its just so sad that children can't trust adults generally.

I am so impressed by the turnout of volunteers. I pray for them as they search....and for little Leiby. May he soon be found.
Regarding the search, it sounds like they were quite organized, very quickly, but have now hit a wall. :(

To coordinate search efforts, the neighborhood safety patrol has been handing out grid cards that assign each volunteer a two-block area to search, he said.

"They haven't stopped for one minute," Mr. Moskovitz said Tuesday afternoon of the response from volunteers. "I cannot hand out the grids fast enough."

NYPD officers using helicopters, horses and search dogs have also been canvassing the area, so far without success.

Mr. Moskovitz said the searchers had covered a 10-square-mile area from Borough Park into Flatbush twice by Tuesday. "But unfortunately we've hit a brick wall," he said Tuesday afternoon.
Where could he have gone? Could he have asked the wrong person for assistance? Surely, if someone had found him, we would know by now. This is so heartbreaking. I know his parents must be crazy with worry.
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