NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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Great work you guys - and the conversation between Inspector and Truth is making me dizzy!!:crazy: All of it is just fascinating. Goathairjones, I love the lengths you are going to for us!!! :floorlaugh: I also think the SK may end up being someone we haven't heard of yet, but there are less than 100 people that live in that community, so the list of suspects can't be THAT long. Why do you think LE has not allowed Gilbert's family to hear the 911 call? That just seems like it would be standard procedure because the family might recognize some nuance of what SG said that would be helpful. This has always bothered me about LE's management of this case.

Why do you think LE has not allowed Gilbert's family to hear the 911 call?

Because LE knew from the start that the Gilbert's weren't going to be very cooperative and not talk. Not talk to the press, not say who they believe or recognize on the tape, not spill the beans on LE's effort to build their case against an excellent adversary. If the cat is out of the bag on who their suspect is, they know they will never get what they need from the suspect; another big mistake. The prosecutor doesn't want to try a case based on a "voice line-up" because they wont get a conviction. If they heard the tape the Gilbert's would probably setup camp in front of the suspects house and protest until something happened. You have to love them for this, but it will hurt LE's ability to get a conviction.
Why do you think LE has not allowed Gilbert's family to hear the 911 call?

Because LE knew from the start that the Gilbert's weren't going to be very cooperative and not talk.

SBM - Good point Truthspider. If it was me, however, I would set up camp in front of police headquarters and demand to hear it. I just think it would drive me insane.
The jacket was definitely found on Anchor by the police but was subsequently lost by the police.

I noticed the "lost jacket" comment some time ago and wondered if losing evidence was normal there. I came across this.

“In 43 years, we’ve never lost a piece of evidence,” said officer Michael Beam, the firearms and
narcotics control officer who works in the Property Section.
Because of its sterling reputation, the Suffolk County Property Section has earned numerous
awards and national recognition. It has been featured on Discovery Channel’s “Curators of Crime”
program, and is used as an example in seminars conducted by the International Association for
Property and Evidence. Officials from more than 30 law enforcement agencies have visited Suffolk
County to learn about how to improve their own evidence management procedures.
Interesting. I just wish people would "Date" articles and postings.
CPH may be the nicest guy in the world, but the lying and phone calls just puts up a huge red flag to me.

Snipped by me...

The more I hear about CPH the more it seems that he was just trying to help and got himself into a pile of *stuff* that he wasn't expecting... I think the lies might be the result of pressure (or a good scolding) from an overbearing/domineering wife... jmoo of course...
Snipped by me...
The more I hear about CPH the more it seems that he was just trying to help and got himself into a pile of *stuff* that he wasn't expecting... I think the lies might be the result of pressure (or a good scolding) from an overbearing/domineering wife... jmoo of course...

The details in the damming phone call are almost as good as a fingerprint in my opinion.

His wife's behavior is responsible for him claiming he runs a rehab center?

Or did the "real SK" know CPH well enough to make up a lie that was sooo suitable to him?

I think for someone to know enough about CPH and his past experience (rehab), they would have to know him very very well, and if that were the case, wouldn't CPH be able to deduce who made that phone call?

And certainly a good helpful citizen such as CPH would inform LE of who he thought could have made that damming call? instead of brushing it off smiling saying "no one would frame me". Why the smile when he answered that question? (Because he is getting off on being untouchable and you can see it in his demeanor)

"only blank could have and would have said that while trying to put the blame on me"-CPH inner monologue, IF he didn't make the call.

Your other option is to believe that Mrs. Gilbert made up the statement, with no motive to do so. I suppose you just think she is "crazy" too. CPH would like you to think she is. I give Mrs gilbert a lot of credit, but I don't give her enough credit to have been able to find out enough about CPH's past to construct a lie that so perfectly suits him. Unless you believe she is "super lucky" lol

For someone other than CPH to make up that lie, they would need to know his name, that he lives in the oak beach association, that he does or doesn't (but claims) to practice out of his home in the association, that SG had a drug problem, that SG came with a driver, and that CPH has had his own experience with rehab (making the lie believable, because remember they are trying to make people believe that CPH is saying this). Keeping in mind that this magical mysterious SK didn't expect May 1st to go down the way it did, so wouldn't have had much time to plan this phone call. If you gave a really smart bad guy a week, he could probably have found and created a patsy this well, but given the emergency and stress of the situation... and only a day or 2? Who but CPH could have constructed this lie?

My opinion is that if such a person existed and was a SK, they would have to live in the association and CPH would know who it was in about 2 seconds flat.

Which one do you really believe?

Think about the motive behind the statement, "I run a rehab center, she spent the night, and left with her driver" (more or less) does that sound like someone trying to place blame and make CPH look like an abductor or killer? Or does the intent of the lie seem to be from someone looking to explain why they may have been seen with her or why she would have mentioned his name in a phone call to 911 or family? The lie doesn't match up with the intent of someone else trying to blame CPH for murder.
Trying to keep an open mind here.. there is no evidence (that we know of) that links SG and the bodies found on OP to the same one killer. There are differences. ie, Shannan had a driver, the other women did not…
So, IMOO, a statement like 'CPH can't physically handle strangling all of these women, putting them in sacks, and dumping bodies, or dismembering them' does not convince me that he didn't have anything to do with Shannan's disappearance…

MOO - In Shannan’s case, CPH is a POI, MP is a POI, JB is a POI, + more
MOO - In GB4’s case, Staten Island cop that was last to speak to (MBB?) is a POI, an unknown psycho John calling from CL is a POI, + more
Different people to look at, IMO, in both situations is what I’m saying…

I do not, what so ever, think these cases should be sleuthed separately, but while wracking our brains, we should all keep in mind that we, or they, may be dealing with 2, 3, 4, 5 different sickos. It is because of the search for SG that other families have closure, but, it is also because of these bodies, that SG’s name is out there and has gone global...

I have a question. Since Shannan’s body hasn’t been found, does any one know what, if anything, is not allowed to be done? If there is no body, I understand that that makes this 100 times harder, no evidence, no COD, no nothing really.. but are there rules in law enforcement that if there is no body, certain parts of the investigation can’t go on? as in they don’t have the ‘OK’ to move further in a certain direction?

I saw the CBS 48 Hours online. But I heard CNN did another one a few days after. I still can’t find that video..@ WM, thanks for the CBS link, I watched it again ;) ..But I think I found transcripts to the one on CNN. And now I know what a few of you were talking about when you heard a police officer say, “There is no secret that we've been dumping bodies out here for decades.” That’s exactly what it says in the transcript. Then, the interviewer said: “He says police have always known the area as a good place to get rid of a body…” Very interesting…Maybe, THIS is why they suspect a cop. Not only because he knew where to call from, what type of phone to use, and how long to stay on, but because cops in the past have talked about that exact area being a “good place to get rid of a body.”

Also I remember someone trying to figure out ALC’s last known actions, saying she left her call phone at her home, and must have deleted the john’s phone number out of her phone. But just so you have your notes together, I believe ALC used her roommate, DS’s phone to post her ads and book her appointments. It’s really not too clear. But shouldn’t there be SOME sort of phone records, WTH? The only link I can find right now..
Trying to keep an open mind here.. there is no evidence (that we know of) that links SG and the bodies found on OP to the same one killer. There are differences. ie, Shannan had a driver, the other women did not…
So, IMOO, a statement like 'CPH can't physically handle strangling all of these women, putting them in sacks, and dumping bodies, or dismembering them' does not convince me that he didn't have anything to do with Shannan's disappearance…

MOO - In Shannan’s case, CPH is a POI, MP is a POI, JB is a POI, + more
MOO - In GB4’s case, Staten Island cop that was last to speak to (MBB?) is a POI, an unknown psycho John calling from CL is a POI, + more
Different people to look at, IMO, in both situations is what I’m saying…

I do not, what so ever, think these cases should be sleuthed separately, but while wracking our brains, we should all keep in mind that we, or they, may be dealing with 2, 3, 4, 5 different sickos. It is because of the search for SG that other families have closure, but, it is also because of these bodies, that SG’s name is out there and has gone global...

I have a question. Since Shannan’s body hasn’t been found, does any one know what, if anything, is not allowed to be done? If there is no body, I understand that that makes this 100 times harder, no evidence, no COD, no nothing really.. but are there rules in law enforcement that if there is no body, certain parts of the investigation can’t go on? as in they don’t have the ‘OK’ to move further in a certain direction?

I saw the CBS 48 Hours online. But I heard CNN did another one a few days after. I still can’t find that video..@ WM, thanks for the CBS link, I watched it again ;) ..But I think I found transcripts to the one on CNN. And now I know what a few of you were talking about when you heard a police officer say, “There is no secret that we've been dumping bodies out here for decades.” That’s exactly what it says in the transcript. Then, the interviewer said: “He says police have always known the area as a good place to get rid of a body…” Very interesting…Maybe, THIS is why they suspect a cop. Not only because he knew where to call from, what type of phone to use, and how long to stay on, but because cops in the past have talked about that exact area being a “good place to get rid of a body.”

Also I remember someone trying to figure out ALC’s last known actions, saying she left her call phone at her home, and must have deleted the john’s phone number out of her phone. But just so you have your notes together, I believe ALC used her roommate, DS’s phone to post her ads and book her appointments. It’s really not too clear. But shouldn’t there be SOME sort of phone records, WTH? The only link I can find right now..


I always get excited when I see your posts because it usually means that we are going to get a nice new tidbit of information. This post didn't have any new info, but it brings us back to reality. It is very easy to try and link these cases together. The common denominator is that SG and the GB4 all advertised on Craiglist and other escort sites. But SG's case is very different from the others and it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was completely unrelated. In fact, I do believe it is unrelated because a SK would never have a driver deliver the victim to his house.

I just keep getting pulled back to MP. She was on the phone with him 6 times in the last 2 hours. They had a fight about his refusal to go to CVS. She was running from him. He took off after her after she ran from GC's boat down Anchor. She was last seen in the vicinity of Anchor. His past felony conviction. His escape to Georgia. He was her pimp and arranged her date with JB that night. He probably arranged other dates for her that night as well.

I really think he snatched SG and left Oak Beach prior to GC getting to the gate to let the cops in. LE should have taken his SUV and searched it like they did to JB.
In one of the GC interviews, GC mentions that SG ran down the street across from his house and then ran back to his house and under the boat. I always assumed that she went to EC's door on Anchor Way AFTER GC spoke with MP. But now I am thinking that SG ran the following route:

Ran out of JB's house and tripped down the deck stairs. Her earring came off at that point but she still has her jacket. She runs east down Fairway and bangs on doors but nobody answers because most of the houses are still vacant in the off=season. She gets to GC's house and knocks on the door. Throws her jacket over her shoulder. GC comes to the door and lets her in. She is screaming Help Me Help Me. He calls the cops and she bolts. Trips down the deck steps again and gets up and runs down Galley East Street (which is also called Anchor Way on Google Maps). She knocks on EC's door and EC tells her that she is going to call the cops and she runs. Goes back to Fairway and see's MP's SUV coming. Hides under GC's boat. As GC is talking to MP, SG takes off toward the gate and down Anchor Way. Still has her jacket. MP sees her and takes off after her. GC goes back in the house the tell his wife that he is going to wait for the cops at the gate. In the meantime, MP catches up to SG, opens the passenger door and pulls her into the SUV. She drops her jacket on Anchor Way at this point. MP puts her in a choke hold until she is unconscious and he leaves Oak Beach via the exit gate. He takes SG out of there and disposes of her body never to be found again. If the body is never found, It is almost impossible to prove that a crime took place.
My friend that lives in Oak Beach told me that CPH was injured a long time ago when he stopped to help someone with a flat tire and was hit by a vehicle while helping this person out and he lost his leg as a result of that accident. She said this happened a LONG time ago. My guess is 15-20 years ago.

Apparently he is the type to go way out of his way to help people out.
GHJ, I agree. MP is my number 1 suspect. As I have said before, I believe MP knows a lot more than what he has told. And some of what we THINK we know about that night came from Mike Pak himself. IMO, he told HIS VERSION of the story. But he didn’t want his name mentioned in the beginning, and he still hasn’t given an interview, barely any statements… MP says he found Shannan on the phone with 911 when he got into JB’s house. But when the neighbor, Gus C. says he called the police, MP says he shouldn’t have done that and that SG was going to be in big trouble. So SG calling 911 is ok, but a neighbor calling wasn't ok? To me, it sounds like SG was running from MP and with her running on foot and MP in his SUV, how could he NOT have caught up to her? Then, I start to think, omg, maybe he was trying to catch up to her, ran her over by mistake, and then had to hide her body. But, NO! That poor girl, an ESCORT, called the PO-Lice because she was scared for her life and someone WAS trying to kill her. She wasn’t hit by a car. She didn’t drown in the dang water!! Someone WAS trying to kill her, like she said.

Now, I know it’s late, and I might be speculating here, but..on this blacklist site, there is a listing on 02/10/11 about a john with the same last name as MP. I don’t know how common that last name is in that area, and you really can’t read the complaint, but it made me wonder if there was any relation.
http://www.nationalblacklist.com/city_report.aspx?City=New York
In one of the GC interviews, GC mentions that SG ran down the street across from his house and then ran back to his house and under the boat. I always assumed that she went to EC's door on Anchor Way AFTER GC spoke with MP. But now I am thinking that SG ran the following route:

Ran out of JB's house and tripped down the deck stairs. Her earring came off at that point but she still has her jacket. She runs east down Fairway and bangs on doors but nobody answers because most of the houses are still vacant in the off=season. She gets to GC's house and knocks on the door. Throws her jacket over her shoulder. GC comes to the door and lets her in. She is screaming Help Me Help Me. He calls the cops and she bolts. Trips down the deck steps again and gets up and runs down Galley East Street (which is also called Anchor Way on Google Maps). She knocks on EC's door and EC tells her that she is going to call the cops and she runs. Goes back to Fairway and see's MP's SUV coming. Hides under GC's boat. As GC is talking to MP, SG takes off toward the gate and down Anchor Way. Still has her jacket. MP sees her and takes off after her. GC goes back in the house the tell his wife that he is going to wait for the cops at the gate. In the meantime, MP catches up to SG, opens the passenger door and pulls her into the SUV. She drops her jacket on Anchor Way at this point. MP puts her in a choke hold until she is unconscious and he leaves Oak Beach via the exit gate. He takes SG out of there and disposes of her body never to be found again. If the body is never found, It is almost impossible to prove that a crime took place.

Just brilliant IMO. And it might have been all about money. She didn't get what she thought she would from JB {and friends, maybe}. And MB might have thought she was holding out on him from the paltry amount she gave him and whacked her good after he finally found her and pulled her into the car, causing her death. She could be anywhere, and now I don't think her disappearance is SK related.

If he had a dead body in his car, would he want to unload it quickly or keep on driving back to an area where he was in a comfort zone? Closer to where he lived for instance.
My friend that lives in Oak Beach told me that CPH was injured a long time ago when he stopped to help someone with a flat tire and was hit by a vehicle while helping this person out and he lost his leg as a result of that accident. She said this happened a LONG time ago. My guess is 15-20 years ago.

Apparently he is the type to go way out of his way to help people out.

I appreciate your thought about him. But even if he has nothing to do with any of these murders, he is still an odd duck worthy of study. There are simply too many Circumstantial possibilities about him and what he could have become after all those years. Things happen to the best of people we will agree, I am sure.
My friend that lives in Oak Beach told me that CPH was injured a long time ago when he stopped to help someone with a flat tire and was hit by a vehicle while helping this person out and he lost his leg as a result of that accident. She said this happened a LONG time ago. My guess is 15-20 years ago.

Apparently he is the type to go way out of his way to help people out.

Ouch! that's the kind of experience that would make a person angry. If I were in a car accident, there is always some chance that it is at least a little bit my own fault (blame). But hit by someone else? definitely not his fault, and being hit while trying to help someone ... well that just reeeeaally sucks. That kind of thing would make you angry at God. Then again, who really knows, maybe the person with a flat was a young attractive female, in which case I would probably have stopped too, and it's not because I'm nice :crazy:

Or maybe he was helping a little old lady and a dumb 22 year old girl ran him over with a red Mazda RX-7 while she sang along to "I wanna dance with somebody" by Whitney Houston (big hit in 1987). Maybe he lied and it wasn't an accident, maybe he was strangling some girl and her boyfriend/pimp hit him with his car as a result. Maybe he just tells people it was a car accident because he didn't want to tell people when he was growing up that his schizophrenic mother chopped off his leg with an axe when he was 8. Maybe he's only getting into trouble when he is trying to "help" minors, maybe he can't stay away from minors even if it puts him in danger... (court cases against minors are not hearsay).

We have no idea.

Sorry to be so ridiculous, but we are talking about hearsay and you wouldn't be able use it in court. We have no idea what happened to his leg at this time, and can't make character judgements on hearsay. We do know that his drug rehab treatments were during 1987, 1988, and 1989. My best guess is that his "accident" was the cause of the drug addiction, but that is pure speculation, he may have just really enjoyed freebasing cocaine in the 80's like so many other people. I for one will try my best to pay attention to facts and not hearsay.
I have a question. Since Shannan’s body hasn’t been found, does any one know what, if anything, is not allowed to be done? If there is no body, I understand that that makes this 100 times harder, no evidence, no COD, no nothing really.. but are there rules in law enforcement that if there is no body, certain parts of the investigation can’t go on? as in they don’t have the ‘OK’ to move further in a certain direction?
You can convict someone of murder even if there is no body, I don't think it restricts the investigation. This may just end up being one of those rare cases that is brought to trial without a body.
I still have a feeling GB4 is not related to Shannan being missing. It just makes no sense to me that the SK or SK'ers would do something so stupid. Yes, things might have gotten out of hand - but still..I think her case is unrelated to the GB4. IMO I'm sticking with idea that GB4 is a single person (1) living in the area of Wantagh -> West Islip and either used to or currently works in NYC. I'm leaning towards he (don't think it's a she) is unemployed and has been for some time. Used to have a good paying job and partied quite often.. (maybe had a house @ gilgo or oak beach at some point, lost it or sold it...and now lives with family or in an apt. elsewhere) This person's family might have some money/properties. He probably had hired these girls several times before and maybe started to go all "pretty women" on them to gain their trust. This would give the girls a different view of him....He might not be considered a 'client' at this point. I think we are focusing on Shannan too much. Lets look at this as a whole and I believe it will open new doors in the hope to find Shannan.
The details in the damming phone call are almost as good as a fingerprint in my opinion.

His wife's behavior is responsible for him claiming he runs a rehab center?

Or did the "real SK" know CPH well enough to make up a lie that was sooo suitable to him?

I think for someone to know enough about CPH and his past experience (rehab), they would have to know him very very well, and if that were the case, wouldn't CPH be able to deduce who made that phone call?

And certainly a good helpful citizen such as CPH would inform LE of who he thought could have made that damming call? instead of brushing it off smiling saying "no one would frame me". Why the smile when he answered that question? (Because he is getting off on being untouchable and you can see it in his demeanor)

"only blank could have and would have said that while trying to put the blame on me"-CPH inner monologue, IF he didn't make the call.

Your other option is to believe that Mrs. Gilbert made up the statement, with no motive to do so. I suppose you just think she is "crazy" too. CPH would like you to think she is. I give Mrs gilbert a lot of credit, but I don't give her enough credit to have been able to find out enough about CPH's past to construct a lie that so perfectly suits him. Unless you believe she is "super lucky" lol

For someone other than CPH to make up that lie, they would need to know his name, that he lives in the oak beach association, that he does or doesn't (but claims) to practice out of his home in the association, that SG had a drug problem, that SG came with a driver, and that CPH has had his own experience with rehab (making the lie believable, because remember they are trying to make people believe that CPH is saying this). Keeping in mind that this magical mysterious SK didn't expect May 1st to go down the way it did, so wouldn't have had much time to plan this phone call. If you gave a really smart bad guy a week, he could probably have found and created a patsy this well, but given the emergency and stress of the situation... and only a day or 2? Who but CPH could have constructed this lie?

My opinion is that if such a person existed and was a SK, they would have to live in the association and CPH would know who it was in about 2 seconds flat.

Which one do you really believe?

Think about the motive behind the statement, "I run a rehab center, she spent the night, and left with her driver" (more or less) does that sound like someone trying to place blame and make CPH look like an abductor or killer? Or does the intent of the lie seem to be from someone looking to explain why they may have been seen with her or why she would have mentioned his name in a phone call to 911 or family? The lie doesn't match up with the intent of someone else trying to blame CPH for murder.

Good analysis. For arguments sake, have you ever been to the hospital and had a bunch of doctors? Have you ever forgotten one of their names, perhaps even the name of the PRIMARY doctor responsible for a surgery, at least temporarily? Shoot, you might tell me your name at a party and 2 minutes later I've completely forgotten it. It's pretty normal. I'm not saying that SG's mom made up the call entirely, but it's possible that she forgot the caller's name and only "remembered" that it was "CPH" after a later discussion with Diaz/Pak, perhaps after seeing CPH's "calling card". Thus, in this scenario: (1) there is no attempt by the SK to make anyone a "patsy", and (2) the motive is to misguide the mom/family/LE.

I also wouldn't think CPH can name anyone that he might suspect due to fear of legal reprisals.

That said, I think your argument is sound and CPH looks guilty as sin, at least with respect to SG's disappearance. However, I think that the SK we're looking for, if we assume the 2 are tied, probably has a highly developed "pathological narcissism" disorder (a common trait in SKs, and the underlying reason why they do what they do to these women). I believe that the real SK's everyday behavior would be much different - that they would completely lack empathy for others. CPH stitching a neighborhood kid's wound, helping in the search by calling the mom (if genuine), hoping for her safe return, as well as the fact that others in the community speak highly of him (as mentioned in earlier posts) would be evidence against CPH being a pathological narcissist, and thus not a SK. We also have testimony from his wife that the worst thing he does is come home late for supper. The wife of a narcissist probably wouldn't have much good to say about him. I just don't see it, Truth, even though you're arguments are highly compelling. Keep convincing me though.
Good analysis. For arguments sake, have you ever been to the hospital and had a bunch of doctors? Have you ever forgotten one of their names, perhaps even the name of the PRIMARY doctor responsible for a surgery, at least temporarily? Shoot, you might tell me your name at a party and 2 minutes later I've completely forgotten it. It's pretty normal. I'm not saying that SG's mom made up the call entirely, but it's possible that she forgot the caller's name and only "remembered" that it was "CPH" after a later discussion with Diaz/Pak, perhaps after seeing CPH's "calling card". Thus, in this scenario: (1) there is no attempt by the SK to make anyone a "patsy", and (2) the motive is to misguide the mom/family/LE.

I also wouldn't think CPH can name anyone that he might suspect due to fear of legal reprisals.

That said, I think your argument is sound and CPH looks guilty as sin, at least with respect to SG's disappearance. However, I think that the SK we're looking for, if we assume the 2 are tied, probably has a highly developed "pathological narcissism" disorder (a common trait in SKs, and the underlying reason why they do what they do to these women). I believe that the real SK's everyday behavior would be much different - that they would completely lack empathy for others. CPH stitching a neighborhood kid's wound, helping in the search by calling the mom (if genuine), hoping for her safe return, as well as the fact that others in the community speak highly of him (as mentioned in earlier posts) would be evidence against CPH being a pathological narcissist, and thus not a SK. We also have testimony from his wife that the worst thing he does is come home late for supper. The wife of a narcissist probably wouldn't have much good to say about him. I just don't see it, Truth, even though you're arguments are highly compelling. Keep convincing me though.

First, I didn't know 'unexplained time away from home' was a positive thing to say about a spouse lol.

Second, let's not use the notion that 99% of the time a doctor is helping, to mean that the other 1% of the time they couldn't be dismembering/murdering. Anyone that is an actual doctor will have a long list of people they helped... certainly all the other murderous/serial killer doctors out there actually did help most people. I'm concerned with the few they didn't help.

Quick list of some murdering doctors, some serial some not.
(in fact it has become a field of study to analyze the correlation between murdering people and wanting to be/being a doctor.)

________________ (saving this top spot in the list for CPH's conviction)
Dr Thomas Neill Cream, the London “Prostitute Poisoner”
Dr. Harold Shipman
Dr. Michael Swango
Dr Bennett Clarke Hyde
Dr Morris Bolber
Dr Ronald E Clark
Dr John Bodkin Adams (forger of prescriptions)
Dr Sam Sheppard
Dr Warder
Dr George Chapman
Dr Robert George Clements
Dr Carl Coppolino
Dr Buck Ruxton
Dr Debra Green
Dr. Reza (from my home town .. well 1 mile away)
Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald (from my home town)

"There are enough recorded instances of multiple murders by doctors (real or bogus) to make at least a prima facie case that the profession attracts some people with a pathological interest in the power of life and death...." - Dr. Herbert Kinnel
regarding the phone calls from SG's phone to MP. we don't know what was discussed or who was doing the talking on SG's phone. there were numerous calls, and it could have been anyone in JB's residence at the "party" that night or any combination of those people since there were multiple calls. in fact, i am pretty sure iirc JB himself said he spoke with pak on the phone about SG not wanting to leave. whose phone was that? records should tell this story.

so the calls could have been from SG or JB, etc. to MP, trying to get MP to leave. i.e. SG is going to stay the night, we'll get her a ride home, etc. or go to cvs and "pick up a pack of playing cards and some lube" for example. the intention could have even been to get MP outside of the gated community and lock him out. both SG and the SK could have had a motivation to get him out of the picture, it could have been SG's opportunity to take home more $$.

i think MP has some critical information that can solve this case, and i'm not convinced he is not a suspect either, however, i don't see any damming evidence against him yet, like CPH's phone calls or the fact that the 911 call was placed from inside JB's house before MP went in. true he has a human trafficking conviction and was looking for SG when GC encountered him, but she was also his paycheck for the night (as driver or pimp). if he doesn't find her not only has he wasted a night, but also gas for his SUV and tolls.

plus, we know MP went back to look for Shannan in the days following her disappearance. if he was the SK, he could have just as easily told Diaz or SG's family that he dropped her off in Jersey City or at Penn Station when the night was over and that's the last he saw her, steering any missing persons search away from the SK's dumping grounds. i think whatever happened to SG, happened in or very near Oak Beach. i also think that more than 1 person knows what happened and is involved.

MP is quite likely to be the key to solving the case and tying everything together. if can finger a killer on long island, i can certainly understand why he would move to georgia.
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