NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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We are dealing with a very sick man. We can't help but to think rationally and try to make sense out of crazy. He could have defleshed them because he likes to experiment and nothing more. I'm sure the next four will be discarded under entirely different circumstances. He probably looks at his work as an art form. We just might be dealing with the Michael Angelo of serial killers.

Hi, Sistah Sleuth. The man who killed the prostitutes was hardly a Michael Angelo. He called one victim's several times several times and made no effective attempt to conceal the bodies.

Furthermore, as he's being presented here, he murdered numerous women and then buried them suspiciously close to his home. Not a master criminal.
Guys this couldn't have come at a worst time for me- I'm crazed this week but I want to get involved in this case with you all..... hope for a rainy weekend ;)
keep up the great work! see you soon!
Some very interesting stuff here today. I'm still not sold on the "single SK" theory but things are coming into focus.

I don't think there is any doubt that Jessica Taylor and Jane Doe #6 are done by the same UNSUB. The woman whose legs were found washed up on Fire Island in 1996 was very likely by the same UNSUB as well. Apparently only the head was found near Jones Beach. I'm wondering if the torso is somewhere near Manorville and has never been found. (Removing the legs of bodies is frequent done by killers to make it easier to move bodies that would otherwise be too heavy to move)

The child/probable mother seems different from the others. While it isn't unprecedented for a hooker to take a child with her on a "date", it is a little unusual. It is very unusual for a mother/daughter to go missing and have it not be reported. It is possible they came from a long distant or they were illegal immigrants and no one wanted to file the report. It would be interesting to know what race they were and verify that the mother was also "non-Caucasian")

The location of the child and Jane Doe #6 would seem to connect them. As it has been pointed out, they were so close together on a very long stretch of road; what are the odds? I did notice that both bodies were found just a little ways past a "u-turn" lane that permitted traffic going east bound to go back west. It is possible that the UNSUB in both cases was coming east from Nassau County and made the "u-turn" and immediately stopped to drop their load. Regardless of which way the UNSUB was coming, the North side of the parkway would be the best side to dump a body.
Hi, Sistah Sleuth. The man who killed the prostitutes was hardly a Michael Angelo. He called one victim's several times several times and made no effective attempt to conceal the bodies.

Furthermore, as he's being presented here, he murdered numerous women and then buried them suspiciously close to his home. Not a master criminal.

Yeah, well, in your rational mind he's not a master criminal. In his irrational mind--it's art.

Anyway, master sk or not, this oven roasted nut just landed on the radar of LE and we can assume that he's been killing since at least 1996. It took about 15 years for him to get noticed. How frustrating for him to have legs washing up here and there, headless torso's found etc.--and nothing. He then stages 4 women in AC which is him screaming, "Hey people! Look at me! I'm out here...helloooooo....?" Eh, it got a little bit of attention. The taunting of the GB4 victim's sister, again, "Hey! I've harrassed a teen and told her what I did to her sister! I'm out here, you ought to be looking for me! What's a serial killer gotta do to get some notoriety around here? Good grief LE is so clueless. Keystone Cops, I tell you. I could walk up and bite the words 'serial killer' right in their butts and they still wouldn't recognize that I exist!"

By the way, Chanler, that burlap bag definitely blends well with the brush over there. They were close to the road but not easily noticed. He practically hid them out in the open.
@Truthspider: Okay, the LI beach is about 80,000ft long. That may appears big to you, but I can assure you, the San Francisco area is bigger. Nevertheless, Alcala and the Hillside Stranglers left bodies around the same foothill. One SK, one team, in a much bigger area, still the same dumping ground.
Greater London is also bigger than the LI beaches. But in 1888, four sks, Jack the Ripper, London Torso II, Cream and Koslowski left bodies in the same area.
And again back to LA, after the Grim Sleeper was caught, police wnet through cold cases to link more to him ... and found out, some of the dead bodies belonged to another guy, they had already for murder in prison.
So, common sense tells us, that if that happened all the time in SK cases, geographical vicinity is no reason to assume, there is only one. Ted Bundy crossed the path of a SK who was specialized in gas stations and maybe another SK's path during his visits on the East Coast. Happens all the time, pure vicinity is no prove. But different behavioral patterns pointing out a different kind of driving fantasy behind the murders is a strong sign for more than one.
Now, the torso killers established regularly a typology in their own rights. I am speaking here about the guys who leave behind body parts as messages. There are other dismemberers, who do so as counter measure, to make identification more difficult and so on, and then there are partially dismemberers, mostly beheaders, who do what they do as part of an emotional necessary ritual, for example to establish a bond beyond death. But the real torso killers are somewhat special. In this typology arrogance combines with extreme sadism (a lot of them start dismembering while the victim is still alive, others right after strangulation). The core point in staging body parts is to make a statement, kind of yelling: "Look what I can do!" Which in itself establish two common "traits" of that category:
1.) They tend to keep body parts as souvenirs, rarely jewelry or clothes (the keeper behavior)
2.) They consider the body parts og which they get rid as too important to just drop them. For them, it's about the statement. London Torso II, I referred already to him, placed a torso on the construction site of New Scotland Yard and spread the limbs out along the Thames shore. Not in one day, but over time, to get some media attention. In vain, I should add, Jack stole still the show.
For reasons, I haven't figured out, real torso killers are rather rare in the US compared to the total number of SKs. Maybe it's an old world thing, I don't know. But they exist also here. And there is one thing, I can trust in. A real torso killer, the kind that stages and spreads body parts over many many miles, would never just drop a body. He would, with increasing age, maybe get sloppy in the staging, he also would maybe get sloppy with the cuts (a typical sign of aging in this category is the use of motor saws where they cut in younger years through the joints) or he would drop some limbs somewhere in the bushes after he staged somewhere the torso or the head, but he wouldn't drop a body in one piece, simply because it's the ultimate fulfillment of a damage fantasy and, in connection with the staging, his self-esteem boost. So by all means, Manorville just couldn't do what LISK did and just drop the bodies. Those bodies for him (or maybe with a smaller probability them, because I think, it could be a team in Manorville) are the ultimate goal of the whole operation. So common sense tells us, that if a real torso killer is in the game and there are also bodies in one piece, there is most likely more than one.
"Additionally, forensic anthropologists have made a connection between remains found in April and a woman's legs discovered on the bay side just west of David Park Beach on Fire Island on April 20, 1996"

So it was the skull in the JFK memorial sanctuary (Gugenheim Pond) on Jones Island that matched the legs wrapped in plastic that floated up @ Davis Park Fire Island, and not the Manorville victim.

Now that I have the date of Arpil 1996, I am certain they floated to Davis Park from elsewhere due to severe coastal flooding from the Nor Easter Storm in January 1996. (Nobody would be in Davis Park until April to find the legs as the town shuts down for winter) I know the exact location where those legs washed up, just west of 5th walk at davis park, there is a catchment area or basin where floating debris from the bay collects when the wind blows north for a few days, we used to play over there as kids because there was always neat and weird things to pick through that washed up. I should be at Davis Park this weekend, I will take a picture of the location where the legs washed up.

@Peter Brent - we will just have to wait and see how many killers it turns out to be, and we can revisit the topic as facts come in. My money is on 1 person, specifically I refer to him as Mr Hyde and it hasn't been a secret.

The toddler is now connected to Jane Dough #6 from Manorville, but was placed next to Jessica Taylor from Manorville connecting for us at least both sets of Manorville victims. Manorville set #1 from 2000 was a male and female, and set #2 from 2003 was a male and female. In both cases the females were dismembered while the males were not.

I also think the primary choice of state or county park territory as a dumping ground leads me to believe it is the same person. You need to be aware that the parks chosen in Manorville and Jones Island are surrounded by terrain that is the same as the park and is not bordered by distinguishable markers leading me to believe the person has inside knowledge of the parks or at least a map that specifies park and non-park territory.

The other reason I don't think killers would use ocean parkway as a dumping site if they were not very comfortable there (ie lived there) is that it is known as a strip of roadway patrolled by state police where people are frequently pulled over for speeding etc. Most of the experts have stated from early on that this is someone who likely lives or works on the barrier island because they must be very comfortable there, pulling over on the side of the road where there are signs warning against doing so. The SK is very likely an area "insider". Moreover, the population of that island is extremely low (something like 200 homes) for the NY area, so looking for 2 unrelated SK's who are both likely locals is ridiculous. I drive ocean parkway every day and sometimes stop to surf at Gilgo, I can take some pictures of specific locations if anyone wants to see them.

I only offer all this information not to compete with your knowledge of the SK subject, you clearly have more than I do, but knowing this very unique area well is priceless in understanding the mindset of this SK, the barrier island is a place like no other, and I feel like I know it inside and out, so I hope to share that insider knowledge to help all the sleuthers understand what the area is really like, to help them form more realistic and accurate opinions.

And as for that NY Times article, Gilgo State Park is about as different as can possibly be from Pelham Bay State Park.
truthspider, I am very grateful for the insight that you and other LI residents give those of us who aren't familiar with the areas.

I think LE should search all the parks on LI starting at the perimeter and work inward. This unusual person has another dumping ground somewhere, it just hasn't been discovered yet. MOO.

I've been searching for a link that states MW left her phone behind and found it on this blog.


Isn't it ironic that both MW and ALC left their phones behind and they were murdered after Shannan dialed 911 in May and went poof into the night?

no irony....strict anti-phone rules were put into play immediately following the disaster of of SG and her darn phone!
After watching that movie "Erza: Fear of a Faceless God", I considered the theory that maybe the GB4 were initially lured by a woman (a "madame" or fellow pro maybe?), thus possibly explaining why they could feel more comfortable and thus let down their guards and dispose of normal safety precautions. Has this theory been discussed here before?
I am asking all sleuther's on here to help me determine the dates that CPH worked at Riverhead hospital (just past Manorville)

I have already shown that he is listed as having been employed there, but I wasn't able to confirm the dates.

If anyone can help me determine the dates, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am guessing that his employment there was prior to 2000, and may or may not have continued past 2003. (for obvious reasons)

Has anyone run a formal background check that has dates and place of employment?

let's start using real hard data again!
thanks in advance
The location of the child and Jane Doe #6 would seem to connect them. As it has been pointed out, they were so close together on a very long stretch of road; what are the odds? I did notice that both bodies were found just a little ways past a "u-turn" lane that permitted traffic going east bound to go back west. It is possible that the UNSUB in both cases was coming east from Nassau County and made the "u-turn" and immediately stopped to drop their load. Regardless of which way the UNSUB was coming, the North side of the parkway would be the best side to dump a body.

I have been saying the u-turn thing for months. That would leave the Ocean Parkway west of the Wantagh Parkway to be searched as well. I don't know why they stopped just east of the Wantagh....Were they avoiding the possibility of finding more bodies?
while driving past oak beach everyday on my way home, all the things I learned about this case percolate in my mind, I realized I don't think I shared this when I found it, it's an article about a town meeting to discuss the proposal of condos going in where OBI was:


(relevant section pasted below, full name removed by me)

"CPH, a practicing physician based in Oak Beach, pointed out that environmental concerns are beyond the point of being easily swept aside.

"We’re concerned about health, specifically the increase in waste water from septic systems and the increase in chemicals used to clean and maintain them," CPH explained. "There’s also a very good possibility we could see an increase in mosquito breeding."

CPH said he has other concerns, as well. "What about (unrestricted) access for the fire department?" he pointed out. "And, what about having parking below the flood plane? Cars will have to be parked elsewhere in the event of storms and hurricanes. There are a lot of (things) that need to be addressed. But unfortunately, it seems the proposal already has the blessing of the town board."

what at first seemed like a fairly irrelevant article, now I feel sheds light on 2 important character traits: territorial behavior and being well spoken.

"Territorial: Displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders"
I believe our sk is a long time oak beach resident and is very territorial...

As for being well spoken, I have to believe to be awarded the positions and titles that CPH has held in the past, he must be a capable and well spoken individual, I feel his quote in this article shows this to be the case. This guy can handle public speaking. So why the near jibberish when being questioned by the news/media? Why is his affect wrong in his responses to members of the media? And how come I can't sleep? :\

CPH, I hate condos as well, but I am not sure I understand the science behind condos and additional mosquito breeding. Can you explain? You seem to have a better understanding of the shoreline ecology than most OB residents.

NIMBY because that's where I keep my secrets....?

I feel the need to look over some of our past findings now that we know the area was the SK dump site since 1995. This article is from January 2001. I find it pertinent that the oak beach resident who made the most fuss over not having condos built at oak beach is also a POI in the case. Out of all the parties with a vested interest in the area and possible condo development, CPH was the most outspoken against it. The article undoubtedly displays how territorial he is over the area.

Keep in mind this article was written and his statements were made a mere 2 months after Jane Dough #6 from Manorville's head, hands and right foot, and the toddler were discarded in the immediate area.

The article is more interesting to me since yesterday's news broke.
I feel the need to look over some of our past findings now that we know the area was the SK dump site since 1995. This article is from January 2001. I find it pertinent that the oak beach resident who made the most fuss over not having condos built at oak beach is also a POI in the case. Out of all the parties with a vested interest in the area and possible condo development, CPH was the most outspoken against it. The article undoubtedly displays how territorial he is over the area.

Keep in mind this article was written and his statements were made a mere 2 months after Jane Dough #6 from Manorville's head, hands and right foot, and the toddler were discarded in the immediate area.

The article is more interesting to me since yesterday's news broke.

wait a minute, were we ever given information as to when those two sets of remains were discarded at gilgo??? as far as i knew, beyond the date of discovery of the torso in Manorville in 2000, we weren't really given any timeline as to when remains were discarded, only discovered. am i wrong? didn't dormer say yesterday that it was estimated that the toddler/relative went missing between one and five years ago???
@Truthspider: I go here just through point by point, because those points appear to me interesting:
So it was the skull in the JFK memorial sanctuary (Gugenheim Pond) on Jones Island that matched the legs wrapped in plastic that floated up @ Davis Park Fire Island, and not the Manorville victim.

Of course, if I cut off a head from a body and then cut off the legs, I end up with a torso with arms. Which has to be somewhere. So by all outer appearence, this degree of dismembering appears rather consistent with the Manorville victims than the GB4. However, parts of the signature appear to me less developed than the later Manorville stagings, which makes me think, 1996 was maybe near to the begin of the series.

we will just have to wait and see how many killers it turns out to be, and we can revisit the topic as facts come in. My money is on 1 person, specifically I refer to him as Mr Hyde and it hasn't been a secret.

So true. I find it interesting, you call him Mr. Hyde, because it's pretty typical for such torso killers to have really a kind of Jekyll/Hyde personality.

The toddler is now connected to Jane Dough #6 from Manorville, but was placed next to Jessica Taylor from Manorville connecting for us at least both sets of Manorville victims. Manorville set #1 from 2000 was a male and female, and set #2 from 2003 was a male and female. In both cases the females were dismembered while the males were not.

The females and only the adult females were dismembered. That points to a heterosexual sadist. The male in women's clothes probably caused rather an outbreak of rage, but no sexual interest after the killer found out, his victim wasn't correctly equipped ... or over-equipped ... or how to call that politically correct. The point that bothers me is the toddler. Prostitutes normally don't bring their kids to a date. Thus, the Manorville killer must have had access to the victims home/private life to get the toddler in the first place. Note, that the toddler wasn't dismembered, so we can exclude a pedophile tendency, but assume rather, the toddler was just there, when he got the mother.

I want to come back to the subject of state parks: Sometimes, the parks are not marked and only someone who knows the area would know whether he is in one or just a few steps outside. However, that is in the times of GPS-apps on iPhones not such a mystery. And some parts of the Manorville victims were staged outside of state parks in an obviously intentional way.
The situation is a little different however, with Gilgo Beach. There is a road that looks pretty remote and someone who doesn't live there would probably not come to the idea, this road is patrolled by police because basically, there seems not much to be between the gated community and the park. Whoever dropped the GB4 just stopped a little behind the Oak Beach community, grabbed the already wrapped body, carried it a little in the bushes and dropped it. A thing of less than a minute, provided, he has the physical strength. But somehow I doubt, it was so fast because he was afraid of the police patrolling there (in that case he would have just chosen another dumping ground) but because he wanted just to get rid of the body as quickly and unceremoniously as possible. The victims had for LISK not more value than a trash can up to get carried out. All of this indicates that LISK's familiarity with the area is rather casual, like someone would have who worked there for a time, but never really lived there for a longer time.

I only offer all this information not to compete with your knowledge of the SK subject, you clearly have more than I do, but knowing this very unique area well is priceless in understanding the mindset of this SK, the barrier island is a place like no other, and I feel like I know it inside and out, so I hope to share that insider knowledge to help all the sleuthers understand what the area is really like, to help them form more realistic and accurate opinions.

Much appreciated. It's just I came to profiling like a virgin to a child, originally from my work with history, which also forced sometimes to understand mindsets of people, who are dead since a long time. So for me the focus is on comparison to known cases and behavioral patterns. Which obviously includes sometimes a certain degree of political incorrectness, sorry for that.

Isn't it ironic that both MW and ALC left their phones behind and they were murdered after Shannan dialed 911 in May and went poof into the night?

People nowadays are so used to carry their whole lives in form of phone contacts, passwords, bank information and what not on their phones around, that in some situations, the question comes up, whether some would risk to bring the phone to a place where safety for all of that isn't ensured. And female risk-takers (which include prostitutes, but not only them) have a tendency to leave such information behind in a safe place. Half of Hanson's victims for example didn't even carry ID or driver's licenses. Because they didn't want to give someone a hint where their families lived in case ...

@Ashley123: A woman lurking the victims to a male killer would be also a not unknown pattern for heterosexual kill couples (e.g. the Birnies in Australia to a degree or the Lonely Hearts Killers in the 40s). The theory in a little changed form maybe rather applies to the Manorville murders. I still can't come over the access to at least one victim's private life.
did they say CPH was a POI?

I don't need for him to have a designation. The SCPD has spoken to him on "a number of occasions", and after the FBI showed up to help, SCPD immediately ask him to take a lie detector test, and brought cadaver dogs through his house and property.

That is enough for me.
wait a minute, were we ever given information as to when those two sets of remains were discarded at gilgo??? as far as i knew, beyond the date of discovery of the torso in Manorville in 2000, we weren't really given any timeline as to when remains were discarded, only discovered. am i wrong? didn't dormer say yesterday that it was estimated that the toddler/relative went missing between one and five years ago???

Dormer stated that she was last seen in late summer of 2000. Her remains were found in Nov. of 2000.

"Dormer revealed that Jane Doe No. 6 may have been last seen alive in the late summer of 2000. In addition, based on some of the other victims, they are considering the possibility that this woman worked as a prostitute."

So I should correct myself, Jane Dough #6 remains would have been dumped off ocean parkway between end of summer and November, assuming he dumped them around the time he dumped the torso in manorville.
Either way, her remains were dumped within 6 months of the statements CPH made about condo's being built in the area of the dump site.
assuming that the killer did NOT rape, torture, and brutally murder, the child and transexual male other male victims, is assuming ALOT.

a sadist is a sadist is a sadist.
So true. I find it interesting, you call him Mr. Hyde, because it's pretty typical for such torso killers to have really a kind of Jekyll/Hyde personality.

Interesting, I just picked that name because I thought it summed up his 2 careers quite well. Dr. and Murderer

I wonder if Doctors who are also serial murderers tend to dismember more than other serial killers? hmmm
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