NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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@nugzter: Correct, what you said about SOP, but otherwise, I don't share your optimism about the reasons for the press conference. To me, it looked more like they stuck and got heat not to involve the public. So they made a press conference, spiced it up with some minor new details, but kept the interesting facts for themselves. Which mostly is regardless because a lot of them leaked out anyway.
And I read your Lolita-post with a wide grin. I was yesterday so about to write something similar but thought, it would be so political incorrect to mention it when the girls meant it only well.
So I was thinking back and I remember hearing something about CPH traveling out of state right after SG's disappearance. I'm not sure if this information was ever substantiated but does anyone remember where he supposedly went and why?

yes, it was substantiated that within a week of the Gilbert family showing up at his house to confront him about the phone calls to the mother and little sister, he drove cross country with his daughter to Arizona where she was starting her new job as a national park ranger. They stopped at multiple national parks along the way. I expect at least some of SG's remains to be in some of the national parks he stopped in along the way. I have already posted the list of all the state and county parks that almost all of the bodies from this case ended up in.

It was also substantiated that he returned to NY in the beginning of June, prior to June 6th when the next victim went missing. Seems like the very short 1 month cool off period may have been a result of how wrong the SG event went on May 1.

that post is here:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7139378&postcount=920"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10[/ame]
Hempstead Lake State Park - "Peaches"

Jones Beach State Park - Unidentified remains, gender unknown.

JFK Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary - skull, gender unknown.

Gilgo Beach Park - Gilgo 4, asian male, j. taylor, manorville female #2, child.

Peconic River County Park - J. Taylor, Manorville female #2.

LI State Pine Barrens Preserve - Manorville Male #2.

Dennistown Bell Park - decomposed body missing a head.

James Baird State Park - "Lotus Flowers"

It's pretty clear that the suspect has knowledge of and is comfortable in Long Island's County and State Parks. I think he is an avid user of such parks and probably knows the ins and outs of their regulation, access, hours of operation, and if they are patrolled by anyone and during what hours. He may partake in activities such as hiking, fishing, birding or just getting away from it all and spending time in parks. I think his experience with parks makes him comfortable lying about his reason for being in a park and generally using his interest in the park as a cover for criminal activities.

Finally, I believe his acute interest in parks and experience as a Suffolk County Director carried over onto his family, especially his childrens lives and their work experience.

the following are verifiable facts about Mr. Hyde:

child #1:
Has worked in Robert Moses State Park (at the light house), and is currently a National Park Ranger out west.

child #2:
has stated "I have an obsession with National Parks. I want to learn more. ALL THE TIME."

child #3:
Works at Captree State Park on charter fishing boats.

for convenience...
@Sistah Sleuth: 100 points for humor. However, for the same reasons, I can't put Manorville and GB in one pot, I can't put AC and GB in one pot. Behavioral patterns which would be hard to overcome, if at all. Having said that, there are some minor similarities and it wouldn't make me wonder, if we find one day, LISK and AC share one or two of the secondary diagnoses.
Well, lets take a risk, because I have now to include two highly political incorrect terms: Ethnics and religion. Hopefully, I will not get banned for it.

First take a look at the staging in AC:
Face down, no shoes but otherwise wearing clothes, faces turned to the East.
Burying someone face down is in many cultures a sign of disgust for things, the dead did during lifetimes. Rarely, it is also a protection measure against upset spirits who may come back to haunt someone, who believes the spirit of this dead person has maybe a reason to take revenge - e.g. for killing the person buried.
Face east and no shoes is something, you find in some Islamic cults. Normally Islamic burial tradition demands, that nothing goes in the ground that can't decompose. That is the reason, that the dead normally wear light leather sandals or just linen shoes when buried. Some variants of Islam include simply socks but no shoes. And east isn't only the direction to the casinos of AC but also the traditional direction to Mecca ... well, this comes from the time, nobody had really figured the world is round, so it's ritualistic always east.
Another detail points in the same direction. The arms were straight at the sides. Western/Christian burial traditions would put the hands/arms crossed over the chest. But that's a hard one, because the bodies were staged face down.
All together: This has all the hallmarks of an Islamic burial staged to express disgust beyond death. Which isn't too surprising at all, because all the victims were prostitutes, which are seen in Islam as in Christianity as equal evil. But it is at the same time a sure sign of a (negative) relation with the victim beyond death. This negative relation is the justification for what the AC-killer does and therefore, it would be hard for him, not to stage. In itself, the staging is kind of a statement.

Now Gilgo Beach:
The phone calls were taunting but also justification if the tids and bits, we got, are correct. In fact, the justification part of the message is a little similar, because it concentrates on the generic accusation of being a "*advertiser censored*" and gives quickly room for sexual fantasies. This a little cramped relation to sexuality is in itself pretty Christian, other cultures don't have such big problems with the subject.
Now look at the victimology. Four women, all looking caucasian but otherwise different. They were just naked as they were at the time of the killing. And their bodies were dropped just out of sight. That's a killer, who has no relationship beyond death with his victims. He doesn't feel bound to do anything to use the bodies as statement. If you study a lot of cases, you will find, it's pretty rare that sexual driven SKs have no special visual type of victim. Ridgway, the Green River Killer, is such a case. But typically, those rare non-typed sexual predators also change ethnicity of the victims just for the sake change. Psychologically, they explore differences in how it feels. Now, LISK2 didn't do that. Which makes the whole picture a lot more similar to some serial rapists than to other SKs. There were already some SRs who stuck in one victimology but no definable optical type of victim. The Waldo-Rapist is at least here where I am, the best known case. It's a cross over between over-compensator for some deep sitting feeling of inferiority and anger-assault-rapist. Regularly those perpetrators are African-American and pick exclusively white women to assure their dominance in forced sexual acts establishing the usual over-compensation of the typical NPD patient. In a psychological way, it's the instrumentation of a defense mechanism called "splitting"

So, sorry, no way, that is one and the same guy.
Truthspider is the advocate for the one killer solution and everything is so easy. I am rather a stickler in behavioral details and patterns and thus can't go over that "easy" bridge when behavioral patterns are that different.

Ted Bundy delivered a nice example. In times, his outer life was okay for him, he strangled and took a lot of time for control-assurance. In times, his outer life was a little harder, he beat his victims to death

You are contradicting yourself here, you just taught me that SK's can have completely different patterns based on logistical reasons or things happening in their life. There can be a million reasons why he dismembered then stopped, or changes his pattern in other ways. Bodies far away from home are left in the open, close to him, hidden in burlap. That is a common pattern among SKs.

"one killer solution and everything is so easy" - it isn't "easy" it is just more probable. I am not trying to keep my analysis simple, I am trying to keep it probable. It is much more likely to be the case that we have 1 SK, then it being a gang, or cult, or male female team, or 2 unrelated serial killers doing the same thing and dumping in the same spot. All those things are much less likely than 1 depraved individual.

And frankly, I think this case is very easy to figure out, which is why I think the FBI lended their help for about a day and a half, then the SCPD started interrogating and searching CPH home and property, and asked him to take a poly. If that isn't clear enough for people, then I can't help or convince you. The only reason this case isn't wrapped up is that the SK leaves no physical evidence, which leads us more to someone like CPH. It took almost no time at all for the FBI to decide who to interrogate, whose house and property to search, and who to ask to take a poly. The quantico boys know exactly what they are doing, we should be wise and heed their actions. There is no need to over complicate this case other than for ones own entertainment.
No, I don't contradict, you are obviously only not familiar with the details of the Bundy case. Power and control are two related terms since you need the feeling of power first to live out the urge for control. As such, the resulting differences occurred in MO but not the basic signature, which always included violent beating before strangling in the control cases.
On what numbers do you base your "more probable"? Kill couples (including the pure male gay ones and the pure female lesbian ones) make about twenty percent of all sexual driven serial killer cases in the last two decades. To that, we add the non-sexual bound ones (teams that are bound to each other by non-sexual reasons, like e.g. the Hillside Stranglers or Charles Ng+Leonard Lake). The numbers go even higher if you add hierarchic control structures and submissive helpers (Freeway-Strangler, Watts, ...)
I think, the statistic is NOT your friend here.
yes, it was substantiated that within a week of the Gilbert family showing up at his house to confront him about the phone calls to the mother and little sister, he drove cross country with his daughter to Arizona where she was starting her new job as a national park ranger. They stopped at multiple national parks along the way. I expect at least some of SG's remains to be in some of the national parks he stopped in along the way. I have already posted the list of all the state and county parks that almost all of the bodies from this case ended up in.

It was also substantiated that he returned to NY in the beginning of June, prior to June 6th when the next victim went missing. Seems like the very short 1 month cool off period may have been a result of how wrong the SG event went on May 1.

that post is here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

another interesting point is that i think someone mentioned here a while back that his boat is named "Canyon Explorer". Is that a proven fact? The grand canyon is also in Arizona. Never been there but I wonder if it would be possible to dump a body/remains there?

Another fun fact I discovered, I think on one of his bio sites it says CPH went to med school in Canada, but according to wikipedia, there are no colleges of osteopathic medicine in canada and a "Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. or DO) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians in the United States." It appears schooling and training required to be a MD and a DO are identical, with a few extra requirements, training and specialty board exams for DOs. So I'm wondering if he received an MD degree in Canada and then a DO here?
Another fun fact I discovered, I think on one of his bio sites it says CPH went to med school in Canada, but according to wikipedia, there are no colleges of osteopathic medicine in canada and a "Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. or DO) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians in the United States." It appears schooling and training required to be a MD and a DO are identical, with a few extra requirements, training and specialty board exams for DOs. So I'm wondering if he received an MD degree in Canada and then a DO here?

I don't think it was the same person. There are at least 3 people with the name and title... Dr. Peter Hackett. One is up here in Canada, one is in Telluride, CO (seems to deal with high altitude health... mountain climbing etc..) and then there's our CPH.
another interesting point is that i think someone mentioned here a while back that his boat is named "Canyon Explorer". Is that a proven fact? The grand canyon is also in Arizona. Never been there but I wonder if it would be possible to dump a body/remains there?

Another fun fact I discovered, I think on one of his bio sites it says CPH went to med school in Canada, but according to wikipedia, there are no colleges of osteopathic medicine in canada and a "Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. or DO) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians in the United States." It appears schooling and training required to be a MD and a DO are identical, with a few extra requirements, training and specialty board exams for DOs. So I'm wondering if he received an MD degree in Canada and then a DO here?

This has been sleuthed thoroughly here. He went to and graduated from medical school on long island to a school that awards DO. He has never held the MD. This was verified. He also falsely represented himself in the first court case as an MD. He then correctly identified himself as a DO in the second case. Its all in this threads past.
This has been sleuthed thoroughly here. He went to and graduated from medical school on long island to a school that awards DO. He has never held the MD. This was verified. He also falsely represented himself in the first court case as an MD. He then correctly identified himself as a DO in the second case. Its all in this threads past.

I'm going to read through the past threads and review. thanks.
So...CPH is the guy but LE needs physical evidence. Now that i think about it i think i would surveil him for the longest before making an arrest. They better have their ducks in a row because God forbid a bonfied blood pumping sk gets O'Casey J'd and limps free.
I'm going to read through the past threads and review. thanks.

cool, I enjoyed reading your posts today because you made the logical leaps and questions that most of us did back when we first discussed him. There are answers and documents to verify all the questions you asked today, maybe if I have time I will find the posts and give you the link. sistah, you are quicker than most.
So...CPH is the guy but LE needs physical evidence. Now that i think about it i think i would surveil him for the longest before making an arrest. They better have their ducks in a row because God forbid a bonfied blood pumping sk gets O'Casey J'd and limps free.

thats my werd

You seem to be solely focused on the Doc and simply do not want to hear any other plausible explanation. While I certainly acknowledge the CPH doesn't look good, it seems you will consider no other alternative to the case. I question why that is, because there is no direct physical evidence linking him to the case, the police have interviewed a number of times, and see no reason to charge him at this point. Now it may come at a later date, and if he is in fact responsible for this, I will be relieved that he was caught, however, it seems your fascination with CPH will not allow you to consider any other alternatives.


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You seem to be solely focused on the Doc and simply do not want to hear any other plausible explanation. While I certainly acknowledge the CPH doesn't look good, it seems you will consider no other alternative to the case. I question why that is, because there is no direct physical evidence linking him to the case, the police have interviewed a number of times, and see no reason to charge him at this point. Now it may come at a later date, and if he is in fact responsible for this, I will be relieved that he was caught, however, it seems your fascination with CPH will not allow you to consider any other alternatives.

"the police have interviewed a number of times, and see no reason to charge him at this point"

I would change that to "have no ability" ... to charge

I will revisit this post at the conclusion of the case ;)

  • Sketches show an unidentified woman, whose body was one of 10 bodies found near Gilgo Beach since December 2010, in this Suffolk County Police handout image released to Reuters on September 20, 2011. ... more
    Sketches show an unidentified woman, whose body was one of 10 bodies found near Gilgo Beach since December 2010, in this Suffolk County Police handout image released to Reuters on September 20, 2011. Police investigating 10 bodies dumped by a possible serial killer near a Long Island beach said on Tuesday two of the victims may be a mother and her toddler daughter. Police suspect some of the remains, found near New York's Gilgo beach since December, belong to victims of at least one serial killer preying on prostitutes who sought clients on the Internet, including on Craigslist. REUTERS/Courtesy of Suffolk County Police/Handout (UNITED STATES

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