NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #11

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it is beyond me that this girl was pulled into a truck and they have no idea...wth?

they were on the phone with her.

20 minutes on the phone.

I want to hear it.

so how long do we wait (give the police) before the public demands the tape released? they have what they need to solve it, they just dont think they can win the case yet. do we give them forever to figure it out? at what point do they say, we will never convict this person, we might as well release the tape so people know who it is, for the sake of public safety? The next organized gathering for this case should include a protest demanding the tape be released.

Maybe they don't want to release it because she is screaming, "he's a police officer, hes a cop." ? and LE really wants an open and shut case to avoid backlash from the public.
why don't they just leak it.

also I really wish I could hear his voice...could they hear voices? his voice?
so how long do we wait (give the police) before the public demands the tape released? they have what they need to solve it, they just dont think they can win the case yet. do we give them forever to figure it out? at what point do they say, we will never convict this person, we might as well release the tape so people know who it is, for the sake of public safety? The next organized gathering for this case should include a protest demanding the tape be released.

Maybe they don't want to release it because she is screaming, "he's a police officer, hes a cop." ? and LE really wants an open and shut case to avoid backlash from the public.

There has to be something on there they don't want out. You can turn on the TV at any given time and they got some 911 tape playing from some where. Why isn't MSM all over this? They love them tapes. Hell even a few exceprts would be better than nothing. She was on with them for quite a while. I do not understand them not releasing at least part.....bizzare it is.
I found this in the NY post, for what ever that is worth....

"We all heard the last 911 call," Gilbert's mother, Mari, told The Post at her home in upstate Ellenville. "[Shannan] was screaming the person's name [and saying,] 'He is trying to kill me!' She was saying, 'Help me! Help me! Help me!'

"She was trying to escape. We know who it is."

There is def similar article that clearly states she was saying "the john's name"
I think if she just said a name or names, we would have to assume she had never met him/they before, and he/they didn't use real names, making the tape not as useful. But if she gave a description, "the cop", "the doctor", "the crazy guy with a limp" etc is trying to kill me, then we could deduce who it is.

From what I have heard in MSM I think that initially she got the idea from somewhere that people were conspiring to kill her, and in the end she was running from a single person. Otherwise I can't make sense of her seeming paranoia, 911 call, and refusal to leave JB's house. I don't know whether multiple people did actually conspire to kill her or a single event/person unintentionally/intentionally convinced her of it. I believe in the end that only one person is responsible for the murders, and kidnapping, but likely there were multiple people involved in a conspiracy to buy/sell drugs, sex, or people.

I have been forgetting that even if she said on the tape, "he is john smith and his address is ...and he is trying to kill me..." she is merely a missing person and the john couldn't be charged for the murder of anyone.
I found this in the NY post, for what ever that is worth....

"We all heard the last 911 call," Gilbert's mother, Mari, told The Post at her home in upstate Ellenville. "[Shannan] was screaming the person's name [and saying,] 'He is trying to kill me!' She was saying, 'Help me! Help me! Help me!'

"She was trying to escape. We know who it is."


then we have the gilbert family's attorney in the 48 hours special emphasizing that she said "they", "they were gonna get her, they were going to kill me". I also remember somewhere the family saying they didn't actually hear the tape. uggg
why don't they just leak it.

also I really wish I could hear his voice...could they hear voices? his voice?

More important IMHO;

Release some of the, at least 7, phonecalls that the probable Long Island Serial killer made, from Barthelemy's cell phone, to Melissa Barthelemy's little sister, the calls starting back in mid July 2009 and ending August 25 2009.

In thise phonecalls the actual voice of the probable killer is to be heard.

Somone might recognice the voice.
There is def similar article that clearly states she was saying "the john's name"

So lets take this for what it is. If they know who the John is, by SG screaming his name. And LE and SG's mom know who she was screaming about. JB and PAK would be the most ignorant killers in the world.
So what is all the talk about someone trying to drag her in the car/truck? Can that be proven by an MSM article?
So lets take this for what it is. If they know who the John is, by SG screaming his name. And LE and SG's mom know who she was screaming about. JB and PAK would be the most ignorant killers in the world.
So what is all the talk about someone trying to drag her in the car/truck? Can that be proven by an MSM article?

Gilbert's mother Mari Gilbert told WABC 7 that "[Gilbert's] last phone call was 23 minutes to 911 when she was grabbed and pulled into a truck."

Her mother, Mari Gilbert, has said that her daughter’s last phone call was “…23 minutes to 911 when she was grabbed and pulled into a truck.”

"Her last phone call was 21 minutes to 911, when she was grabbed and pulled into a truck, the police missed her by about 5," said Mari Gilbert, Shannon's mother.
That clears that up. So, she knew her attacker, and she named him. Why then have LE cleared JB and PAK? Or was there a 3rd or 4th person involved? Her BF maybe along for the ride? PAK had a friend along?
I am just trying to understand the angle that LE is taking on the SG disappearence. Why have they not made an arrest? Named a POI to turn up the heat? Do they susspect JB, PAK, 3rd or 4th person in the GB4 murders? Would she have known CHP long enough to call him by his name? This would tend to tell me she was in a pretty good state of mind to name people she had only first met an hour or so ago. Hell, I can barley remember peoples names I just met.
So lets take away the GB4 for a min. and ask, why did LE NOT put the smack down on JB and PAK from the get go? If the person she named was the last to see her alive, and they have 911 tapes and voices of people trying to calm her down, that could be enough for an arrest, and a conviction. What is the time line where LE could concider a missing person to be dead? Or do they (LE) believe that she is still alive somewhere? Either SCPD are law enforcement geniuses, or they should all be fired.
what the h is the name then?

tell it.

who does she say is attacking her?

if it's only a first name ...let's hear it.
So lets take this for what it is. If they know who the John is, by SG screaming his name. And LE and SG's mom know who she was screaming about. JB and PAK would be the most ignorant killers in the world.
So what is all the talk about someone trying to drag her in the car/truck? Can that be proven by an MSM article?

We also know that Shannan must have been giving a description of the vehicle to LE on the 911 call, otherwise they wouldn't know it was a truck.

"He's chasing me in a truck" or "They are in a white truck", or "He's coming after me in a police truck"

Which should add credibility to her state of mind, she wasn't paranoid, and she wasn't crazy, she was able to describe her attacker by name and vehicle, that doesn't sound like a hallucinating, paranoid person that some oak beach residents described her as.
They've been talking about "SY" over at LISK, and he's been talked about here before too. I'm not sure what his connection is (other than drug rehab), but I found an online record showing SY had a restraining order and a protective order issued during a divorce proceeding in the Bronx. I can't get the actual orders online, but it seems that a protective order is pretty serious stuff...

From some random lawyer website:
Q. Can I get a protective order because of mental abuse?
A. No. You must show that family violence -- physical abuse (pushing, shoving, slapping, hitting, kicking, choking, or any other act intended to cause physical harm) or the threat of imminent physical abuse (the person is able and likely to follow through) -- has occurred and is likely to occur in the future.

Note the "choking".
what the h is the name then?

tell it.

who does she say is attacking her?

if it's only a first name ...let's hear it.

Just for the record, my money is on her saying the name, "Peter" or "_____ the cop".

Also, in terms of remembering someone's name she just met that night,
remember that she is a bright person who graduated HS a year early, and very well may have spent up to an hour with the person talking or whatever and may have traded numbers and added this person to her cell phone, typing his name in to her contact list. That would help you remember someones name you just met.

I think there is a strong likely hood that the SK got her number either from her or from JB because we know this SK loves phone games, and loves assuming other identities while on the phone. He may have gotten her number during their first encounter then started sending her messages (as himself, or pretending to be someone else) and manipulated her to behave the way he wanted her to. Convincing her that JB and or Pak were bad guys looking to harm her, "if you need help, I'll save you" or some such fantasy.

I think that at first she believed the lies and thought the whole "party" was planning her demise, but I think by the end of the call she ultimately figured out who the real threat was. We know he is an SK who manipulates girls into coming with him/meeting him alone so that people can't directly connect or prove the victim went with him. I think May 1st the SK tried (with or without pre-planning) a variation of his "don't tell anyone where you are going, or who you are going with, and come meet me" routine.
They've been talking about "SY" over at LISK, and he's been talked about here before too. I'm not sure what his connection is (other than drug rehab), but I found an online record showing SY had a restraining order and a protective order issued during a divorce proceeding in the Bronx. I can't get the actual orders online, but it seems that a protective order is pretty serious stuff...

From some random lawyer website:
Q. Can I get a protective order because of mental abuse?
A. No. You must show that family violence -- physical abuse (pushing, shoving, slapping, hitting, kicking, choking, or any other act intended to cause physical harm) or the threat of imminent physical abuse (the person is able and likely to follow through) -- has occurred and is likely to occur in the future.

Note the "choking".

That dude is super creepy, extra style points for his 1980's commercial, and his bio mentioning him witnessing his fiance's decapitation. I think saying, witnessing my fiances death led to heroin, would have been sufficient. I admit that guy's image alone gives me nightmares, but ....

why didn't LE go through his yard and house with the dogs since they know who SG mentioned by name in the 911 call?

why doesn't the Gilbert family mention him while they angrily and publicly curse CPH?

If he were our sociopathic, sadistic serial killer, who dismembers women, would witnessing his fiance's violent death send him into a drug fueled heroin depression?

(the last question isn't rhetorical, looking for an answer from the behaviorists)
I feel like junkies don't have the energy to be elusive serial killers....
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