NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #11

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but she called 911 before leaving the house, and no account has pak going into the house prior to the call. also her phone records show lots of calls back and forth between SG and MP which doesn't seem to fit that scenario. Also, why would LE NOT play the tape for the family, BUT tell them the most relevant part of the tape? Is there a logical explanation to that or does the family not really know what she said on the tape?

According to FSG.com the last call made at 0451 was to 911. She could have called from JB's house but ran while still on the phone with 911. That would make the whole chase scenario 23 mins long from when she left JB'- to GC- to in the truck. A total of 23 mins. Plausible...

I think this SK who goes OUT OF HIS WAY to avoid being connected to his victims in anyway, isn't going to kill someone who IS DIRECTLY CONNECTED to him. Doesn't fit the pattern at all.

I guess you could say the same for CHP. Why would a SK Go out of his way to Directly Connect himself to a girl who went missing near his own personal grave yard. Then go on to kill 2 more girls soon after SG went missing. Knowing that LE is gonna eventually look for her. That FOR SURE does not fit the pattern.
don't know that it amounts to anything, but when perusing older articles the other night, I read on newslibrary.com that in 2007 all the major cellular companies began reserving/booking the roof of the Holiday Inn Express in Hauppauge for their cell towers.
These alleged SY posts make it sound like he's an international pimp, not just a john... could he be involved in sex-trafficking? Do we know 100% that it's him and not someone either with the same name or someone trying to ruin his business rep? Would be another insane coincidence, of course...
These alleged SY posts make it sound like he's an international pimp, not just a john... could he be involved in sex-trafficking? Do we know 100% that it's him and not someone either with the same name or someone trying to ruin his business rep? Would be another insane coincidence, of course...

yeah I was really skeptical at first, but after reading the posts, I think it is actually him, so many of these older men who are fairly new to the net make such stupid mistakes (anthony weiner). I think you misread the one post that described the guide in thailand, it wasn't describing himself. SY is a multi-millionaire, I don't think he needs to make a few extra G's here and there in the prostitution biz. He just seems like an uncareful middle age man with no wife and $ to burn on escorts to me. Also, since the posts were back in 2005 etc, I don't think it's someone else trying to make him look bad.
I guess you could say the same for CHP. Why would a SK Go out of his way to Directly Connect himself to a girl who went missing near his own personal grave yard. Then go on to kill 2 more girls soon after SG went missing. Knowing that LE is gonna eventually look for her. That FOR SURE does not fit the pattern.

When you say, "go out of his way to connect himself" do you mean the rehab phone call?

I think that May 1st became a $h1t $how after one of the men "tried to kill" SG and JB, MP, and CPH all went into an unplanned damage control mode each trying to cover their own asses without having time to think through how they were going to do it.

JB's plan
: get SG out of his house ASAP, "she left my house, it didn't happen in my house, I don't know nuthin"

MP's plan: He couldn't "handle" SG or the situation, so he bolts. But maybe not until after he brings her back to CPH, "you deal with this overdosing mess"

CPH's plan: Fall back on his "I'm the helping doctor" persona. I just saw some girl looking sick and distressed so I tried to help her with a sedative. (that was his first story to neighbors and press, and it jives with the rehab phone call)

When I look at the 3 men's different versions of damage control/lies, CPH's actually seems like the only story with any thought put into it, it is also the only version that really blames someone else.

in short, only 1 of the men tries to blame one of the others, and only 1 of them keeps changing his story.
JB - I don't know nuthin
MP - I couldn't find her/get her to leave
CPH - she left with MP
I tend to think in light of the "Mike" drop, is that SG has nothing to do with the GB4 murders except that the bodies were found in search for SG. So if it is true that PAK was the one named as wanting to kill her, what would be his motive? If it is true that JB called PAK and asked him to get her out of the house, that is his job. So lets say JB didn't pay her, how is she gonna pay PAK for sitting around for over at least an hour and a half if not more. She could have been scared her "driver" was gonna demand payment and she begged not to leave the house. SG is one tough girl, but she is still the weaker of the species. If PAK started to get stupid with her and maybe even physical, that could have sent her into hysterics, causing her to run to GC's house. After GC's call she sees PAK driving down the road and cannot expect to be protected by an old guy like GC and splits again under the boat. GC speaks to PAK and I guess you could say PAK sort of made a threat. GC,"I called the police". PAK, "You shouldn't have done that."
PAK continues to search for SG. SG must now have made the last call for 23 mins. If it is true that the 911 call reveals SG being pulled into the truck and telling the dispatcher they guys name is Mike, it can only be one Mike she is speaking of. It is not clear exactly where SG was put into the truck, or if she really ever was in it.
The whole CHP thing could have started by his own will, trying to get involved and look like he is some sort of private guard of the community. Hey this did happen on his so called "watch". He just bumbled and lied and got in way tooo far over his head. MOO. This is not based on FACTS, but it an attempt to track the events, although it is in an abbreviated way.

yeah dude, I speculated this way back..that she wanted cops to get her and keep her from getting her a__ kicked for not moneying up with her driver.

although I don't see where he had time to hide her.

police were on the way...that would have been extremely bold.
could it just be that this killer was near his quarry on the beach, driving by to check his girl garden when lo and behold...here comes a hooker in a blonde wig up the road with her thumb out.

Hi I'm Mike...look'in for a date? She is not looking for a date. She is f'd up. He follows her trying to coax her into the car. Now he is menacing and tells her she can't hide and she might as well take the ride.

So she goes back to the cul de sak and calls police and bangs on doors.

I don't know....its just an idea.
Maybe when she says they are trying to kill me...she means.

Mike Pak...who she can't pay....and may figuratively want to kill her.

and some dude named mike who is now after her on the beach.
yeah I was really skeptical at first, but after reading the posts, I think it is actually him, so many of these older men who are fairly new to the net make such stupid mistakes (anthony weiner). I think you misread the one post that described the guide in thailand, it wasn't describing himself. SY is a multi-millionaire, I don't think he needs to make a few extra G's here and there in the prostitution biz. He just seems like an uncareful middle age man with no wife and $ to burn on escorts to me. Also, since the posts were back in 2005 etc, I don't think it's someone else trying to make him look bad.

You're right, on second read, it does look like he was responding to another post. It is ridiculous that someone would sign their name to something like that... but it certainly does happen. How common is the name?
You're right, on second read, it does look like he was responding to another post. It is ridiculous that someone would sign their name to something like that... but it certainly does happen. How common is the name?

good point, it could be a different SY, there are others out there, not too common a name though. also the SY we are interested in, has a fb page, judging by looks, it looks like he knows has a bunch of escortish friends on his fb lol.
These alleged SY posts make it sound like he's an international pimp, not just a john... could he be involved in sex-trafficking? Do we know 100% that it's him and not someone either with the same name or someone trying to ruin his business rep? Would be another insane coincidence, of course...

Maybe someone can help explain this... I've stared at it and can't figure out what I'm looking at:


Check out the part where it says:

I cannot figure this out for the life of me, but it seems relevant.

It seems like Dr. "C" was SY's mentor, and is also a founder of this group called "Negoish". See: http://www.negoish.com/partners.html

You'll also see that one of the partners ("O'Brien) is a a co-founder of Daytop Village. Daytop is a drug rehab in Brooklyn that uses this confrontational therapy which has been re-branded as "Therapeutic Communities".

Note that there's another guy named Ronnie BronXXXX (I left out the last 4 letters). It seems that he was involved with both Synanon and Daytop as well:

So, Daytop and SY's ACI seem like a derivative of Synanon, a rehab-like cult from the 70s.

From the above link, here's an account from the Elan School, another derivative of Synanon:

On a February morning in 1979, deep in the piney woods of Maine, 20-year-old Liz Arnold watched as a houseful of teens berated a weeping girl who'd just wet her pants. The girl's name was Kim. She was 17. Moments before, she'd been spanked with a paddle in front of the 100 fellow delinquents and drug addicts—more than two thirds of them men—who made up the student body of the Elan School, a therapeutic community of last resort that, during its seventies heyday, may have been something far from therapeutic.

As the residents surged over the scuffed linoleum of the dining room, knocking over metal chairs, Kim curled into a ball. "You ****ing *****, ****ing *advertiser censored*, ****ing ****-up!” Kim was enduring a "learning experience." She'd mouthed off to the school's senior residents, and at Elan in the seventies, this was the response. But the lesson was getting out of hand. "[We] were whipped into a mob," says Arnold, an ex-speed addict who'd arrived at Elan in 1978 after a phony suicide attempt forced her affluent Ridgewood, New Jersey, parents to seek professional help. "It was brainwashing. People like Kim were gonna be junkies or hookers if we didn't make them get their **** together." Arnold soon added her voice to the eardrum-breaking sound of 100 young adults caught up in the adrenaline rush of anger. To an outsider, it must have looked like mad*ness, a Lord of the Flies outpost with castaways who were regularly dressed in tinfoil, diapers, and "hooker" skirts. Some had signs around their necks that read: I’M AN EMOTIONAL VAMPIRE or ASK ME WHY I’M A BABY or CONFRONT ME AS TO WHY I’M A *advertiser censored*. All were red with rage. "Kim," Arnold recalls, "was semi-catatonic."

Back to the original "Negoish" group, I'm thinking the [FAMILY] designation is like some form of group lingo? So supervin, is he involved in sex trafficking? I dunno. But he was "friends" with that PayPal guy who could show you the ropes in Thailand. And as a leader of a rehab community with many vulnerable people passing through, I'm not sure what kind of mentor you can be if you're simultaneously exploiting the same types of people in your personal life that you're trying to help.

At this point, Flukeyou's crazy rants are sounding less crazy.

I think the police should interview this Negoish guy and find out exactly what "human trafficking" and "date rape" he's referring to in his blog post. Not sure they would turn on their FAMILY if this "disclosure" was all part of some group therapy.
before you start friending this person, download, take snapshots of as many pics as you can:

look who else is mentioned here:


I think this particular reference to "PA" is referring to the Microsoft co-founder, not the "drifter" that was at JB's party that night (note the DT, LE (from Oracle)). I agree though, this whole thing looks like some kind of coded language.
I think this particular reference to "PA" is referring to the Microsoft co-founder, not the "drifter" that was at JB's party that night (note the DT, LE (from Oracle)). I agree though, this whole thing looks like some kind of coded language.

yeah i realized that shortly after, yeah its def code for sex parties, its pretty obvious. i wonder if this is the complex part of the case that has slowed LE

for those who have never read, "anyone you want me to be" now would be the time,
there is def organized sexual slavery involved in this case... I think oak beach has a few members of this organization, and one of them was the disposer.
Negoish in Fire Island??



OK, so Melissa Barthelemy went missing July 10, 2009. The above post was dated Aug 7, 2009. Based on some comments that I read here (http://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=3097&page=398), it got me thinking that maybe she (Melissa) was "hired" in July and trained as a BDSM slave for a '3 HOUR DEMO" in Fire Island, sometime in August, but maybe she wasn't approved by the group and was ultimately disposed of.

Here's some background on the first "Internet" serial killer:

By the way, this Negoish software (CyberTilly) is some kind of Internet-based communication tool. I'd love to know more about it.

Also, that "PROTECTION FOR ALL" comment. Sounds like "bring a condom".
Negoish in Fire Island??



OK, so Melissa Barthelemy went missing July 10, 2009. The above post was dated Aug 7, 2009. Based on some comments that I read here (http://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=3097&page=398), it got me thinking that maybe she (Melissa) was "hired" in July and trained as a BDSM slave for a '3 HOUR DEMO" in Fire Island, sometime in August, but maybe she wasn't approved by the group and was ultimately disposed of.

Here's some background on the first "Internet" serial killer:

By the way, this Negoish software (CyberTilly) is some kind of Internet-based communication tool. I'd love to know more about it.

Also, that "PROTECTION FOR ALL" comment. Sounds like "bring a condom".

Good theory inspectr. According to this link, the last call to Melissa's sister was on 8/26/09.


The police traced the calls to cellular towers in Times Square and Madison Square Garden, but got nowhere. Lynn said they received five more calls, the last one on August 26, 2009. "The last call, he said he killed her," then hung up.

Negoish in Fire Island??

BDSM slave for a '3 HOUR DEMO" in Fire Island, sometime in August, but maybe she wasn't approved by the group and was ultimately disposed of.

Here's some background on the first "Internet" serial killer:

By the way, this Negoish software (CyberTilly) is some kind of Internet-based communication tool. I'd love to know more about it.

Also, that "PROTECTION FOR ALL" comment. Sounds like "bring a condom".

ooooooh, I don't think any of this stuff was happening on fire island, unless possibly at the grove, its too quiet and tight knit to pull off dodgey stuff. I'm starting to think that Fluke You's mention of JB's house having a nickname ... could it be "Fire Island" In the beginning of this case it was reported that SG told 911 that she was on Fire Island. she obv wasn't, maybe JB and co. kept referring to it as that. we will hack them. look at the registered HQ for the business image attached.

We definitely have a John Edward Robinson on our hands....

sharpen your pitchforks folks .... let's leave wall st alone for a minute and knock on these doors

something tells me when you get inside this sight, you will find dark *advertiser censored*, possibly child, possibly snuff, S&M etc.


  • negoish headquarters.jpg
    negoish headquarters.jpg
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ts & ig, You guys rock!!! Finally, there are qualified people who are brave enough to sleuth this angle as this kind of group involvement has been a gut feeling I have had for quite awhile. I just didn't know where to start looking for such groups and to be honest, I am abit afraid of visiting such sites.

I would like to know more about this software and it's capabilities. As I have stated before, someone is very tech saavy.

This theory would explain alot of things. The neighbors in OB being reticent to speak......MG's alleged comments on the LISK site about a ring leader or 'president' of a group....CPH's conflicting statements, etc.

I'd bet that MP is in on it as 'the driver' with CPH being the 'fixer'. MOO

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