NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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Lets hope they didn't use bomb dogs for that run. Ever read "Where the red fern grows"? Every time the racoon crossed the creek the dogs on it's tail lost the scent. If their is as much water as it looks like there was much matter to retain the scent. Still though, you would think they would have picked up something off her initial path towards the marsh.

Cadaver dogs can air-scent and don't have to have a "trail" like a tracking dog. There are even cadaver dogs that are water trained, as bodies in water emit decomp gases to the surface. I can see that initial searches for SG would have included tracking dogs in that she was just "missing" at that point, so maybe they wouldn't have brought in cadaver dogs early in the case.

Anybody know if that stretch of OP was previously searched with cadaver dogs?
Sorry to quote myself but everyone please look at the photos again and look what you see in the middle of Ocean Parkway between the East and West lanes.... LARGE PINE TREE VEGETATION.... AGAIN.

Folks, there is part of our LISK's M.O.- all of his Suffolk County dump sites have been at specific stretches of Ocean Parkway where there are large trees & heavy pine vegetation making it virtually impossible for a car that is approaching from the other direction to see the other side of Ocean Parkway. This short stretch of parkway where her body was found was the last stretch of Ocean Parkway in Suffolk county where a body was not found (until today).

There are already reports (unconfirmed of course) that the officers on the scene DID NOT find a metal plate on the jaw of the skeletal remains (of course the plate could be overgrown with scar tissue or for all we know, it may not actually exist). For what it's worth, until the reports are released confirming that this find is Shannan and that she was not murdered, I think we need to keep an open mind and accept that it might even be possible that this find may not even be Shannan. Either way, no matter what the reports finally say my logic and gut instinct tell me that there is absolutely no way that the death of the person found today was accidental. Just does not fit and Shannan or not, I will not buy that story (and either should anyone else).

Seaslug, that was the first question in my mind....'What if this is not Shannan?'

Wouldn't that be a game changer?
ya, I am having a prob with the hypothermia... she is young and healthy, and it wasn't that cold, 40's with the sun coming up.

I mean seriously, the way we used to play when we were kids???? shoo we would all be dead from hypothermia...

saying that she became exhausted and just died there after running into a spot no one could even search because it was completely flooded is just...well...she would have to have been a drooling slobbering falling down hallucinating disaster area...

come on now....really?

I say no.
fwiw there is a street light you can see beside the first white van in seaslugs pic..
Could have been running towarrds it..
If 1 was going to dump a body would you park near a street light?

just More ,2cents
Mari Gilbert, Lorrainne Waterman Ela, and Melissa Cann are doing a news conference right now, absolutely heartbreaking, I cannot imagine what these women have been through.
Where are you guys hearing that the body may not be Shannan's?
fwiw there is a street light you can see beside the first white van in seaslugs pic..
Could have been running towarrds it..
If 1 was going to dump a body would you park near a street light?

just More ,2cents

The street light could be a landmark.
This chart shows a dip in temperature and an increase in wind speed from 5-6 AM in Islip.

This shows average surface water temperatures at approx. 8 degrees Celsius (49 degrees Farenheit). I assume that the tidal marsh is somewhat close in temperature.

This chart for Fire Island shows sunrise at 5:48 AM.

We know Shannan was known for discontinuing her medication. I think this may be the cause of her intense fear of death and flight that night:
"The psychological withdrawal symptoms can include psychosis, and can be mistaken for a relapse of the underlying disorder."

"Withdrawal-related psychosis from antipsychotics is called "supersensitivity psychosis", and is attributed to increased number and sensitivity of brain dopamine receptors, due to blockade of dopaminergic receptors by the antipsychotics, which often leads to exacerbated symptoms in the absence of neuroleptic medication."

"These adverse effects are more likely during rapid changes between antipsychotic agents, so making a gradual change between antipsychotics minimises these withdrawal effects."


"Paradoxical undressing
Twenty to fifty percent of hypothermia deaths are associated with paradoxical undressing. This typically occurs during moderate to severe hypothermia, as the person becomes disoriented, confused, and combative. They may begin discarding their clothing, which, in turn, increases the rate of heat loss.[21][22]

Rescuers who are trained in mountain survival techniques are taught to expect this; however, some may assume incorrectly that urban victims of hypothermia have been subjected to a sexual assault.[23]

One explanation for the effect is a cold-induced malfunction of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body temperature. Another explanation is that the muscles contracting peripheral blood vessels become exhausted (known as a loss of vasomotor tone) and relax, leading to a sudden surge of blood (and heat) to the extremities, fooling the person into feeling overheated.[23]

Terminal burrowing
An apparent self-protective behaviour known as terminal burrowing, or hide-and-die syndrome[24], occurs in the final stages of hypothermia. The afflicted will enter small, enclosed spaces, such as underneath beds or behind wardrobes. It is often associated with paradoxical undressing.[25]"

"Heat is lost more quickly in water[18] than on land. Water temperatures that would be quite reasonable as outdoor air temperatures can lead to hypothermia. A water temperature of 10 °C (50 °F) often leads to death in one hour, and water temperatures hovering at freezing can lead to death in as little as 15 minutes."

Last call to 911 ended 23 minutes after 4:51 (so 5:14 AM).

Based on my own personal experience, you can get lost in the woods in the dark even with a flashlight literally inside of 45 seconds after walking off the trail. You get disoriented very quickly and you need to repress your own panic. If Shannan ran into that tidal marsh, and she got wet, and she got lost, I guarantee she would be in a total panic. If she was wading through 49 degree water, she wouldn't have very long to live, especially if the wind picked up while the air temperature dropped.

She'd probably be close to death before sunrise. If she went into "terminal burrowing" inside that marsh, she probably covered herself entirely with reeds and muck. Finding her might be impossible even if a searcher were staring right at her. It will probably take 2 months of intense searching. I would comb over the area close to where they found the jeans multiple times.

I read that you can die of hypothermia in 79 degree water if you are there long enough. But if it was too warm for hypothermia - what about snake bite? I don't know about LI, but in SC that is the first thing I think about in a marsh.
ya, I am having a prob with the hypothermia... she is young and healthy, and it wasn't that cold, 40's with the sun coming up.

I mean seriously, the way we used to play when we were kids???? shoo we would all be dead from hypothermia...

saying that she became exhausted and just died there after running into a spot no one could even search because it was completely flooded is just...well...she would have to have been a drooling slobbering falling down hallucinating disaster area...

come on now....really?

I say no.

Forty degrees and wet, it's definitely possible.


UNDERSTANDING COLD. Most hypothermia cases develop in air temperatures between 30 and 50 degrees. Most outdoor enthusiast simply can't believe such temperatures can be dangerous. They fatally underestimate the danger of being wet at such temperatures. Fifty degree water is unbearably cold. The cold that kills is cold water running down your neck and legs, and cold water removing body heat from the surface of your clothes.
Where are you guys hearing that the body may not be Shannan's?

No one heard this...it was speculation in the discussion. A 'what if' scenario.

There is a RUMOR about that no metal plates were found with the remains.

Nothing concrete.
I read that you can die of hypothermia in 79 degree water if you are there long enough. But if it was too warm for hypothermia - what about snake bite? I don't know about LI, but in SC that is the first thing I think about in a marsh.
Im not entirely certain but I don't think any poisonous snake breeds are native to Long Island. The only snakes I have ever encountered were garter snakes who are not venomous.
Here are some photos from the press.
Way back in the far distance is Anchor Way.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sure looks like an existing trail from Ocean Parkway leading to her resting place and not one that was just made this week.
THANK YOU Seaslug44 for those images!
While trying to find that exact location, I see what looks like a white figure to me. Could these satellite images have captured her? What do you guys think?
Or would it be a few meters east of that white line? Maybe where the yellow ? is?



link to MAP to explore the area http://maps.yahoo.com/#q=Circle+Dr%2C+Oak+Beach%2C+NY++11702&conf=1&start=1&lat=40.638458&lon=-73.272163&zoom=17&mvt=s&trf=0


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Having a vision, hope I'm allowed to post it here. IMO and against some peoples reservations, I have to put it out there just in case it could possibly help catch this sicko. 1) He's young (40's or 50's) with dark brown hair 2) Well dressed and groomed 3) Has a family, wife and kids and leads a pretty "normal" (or so they think) life. 4) Very well liked??? He would never be suspected ever of doing any of this 5) Said it before, works somehow in LE or for the gov't, maybe a cop, forensic department something like that 6) He's very smart and very careful, never thought they would search that area ( I think the cops even said that they were surprised about the location) 7) Don't think he lives in Long Island 8) There's another burial ground, this wasn't the only place he dumped bodies 9) Difficult to catch, no one suspects him and he won't stop unless he's caught, even though LE has found the bodies. Katydid23, noticed you popped in here, miss your posts, what do you think??
two more shots since I may have been a bit south again just a reference and too see the possible area if they cannot access maps at this time.


Hi, I think you're right about that. I was looking at that 2 lane Highway and know each lane {IMO} will be between 11 to 15' across. Initially I thought 50' across for both lanes but that might be too wide. Maybe someone knows the specific width in NY. But using that to judge what 100' would look like, it would appear Shannon was closer to the highway.
just more .2cents
She could have broke an ankle or leg as well and went into shock...
I beleive Bi polar folk go into shock very easily, not for sure on that tho
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