NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

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If the SK is smart enough to know that Cell phones can be tracked then he surely is smart enough to know not to show face in The Port Authority with any of the missing victims. Everyone knows that since 9/11 there are high tech video cameras that use facial recognition software in the bus terminal, at all of the toll booths for the bridges/tunnels, and at the major train stations.
This SK surely is smart enough to know this.

Also, I thought it has already been established that each of the id'd victims were working (and advertising) on Long Island at the time they went missing (or shortly before they went missing).

I know the first four were advertising on Craigslist for sure. Was it LI specifically and only? I'm thinking since you can do multiple locations on CL even if they advertised LI possibly they did other areas too? Could have even used multiple names? You know he could have learned a few things in using craigslist from that previous investigation of the first dubbed craigslist killer. They tracked him at the hotel and showed surveillance of him in the hotel. I know LE tried tracking him through the internet but don't recall how he got around that because that's not how he got caught. That was a high profile case and a lot was in the media so if he watched that investigation he may have learned a few things from it or even got ideas. Calling the girls family is very bold and taunting. I think he'd make a game out of taunting LE as well.
Don't forget wet, Secret. That would make someone crazy paranoid as well.

As Redbird said your average heroin addict isn't going to be paying for sex. That would be two bags easy. Not to mention they wouldn't want anything getting in the way of their high including sex.

It's fair game to figure any house where you have that going on somebody is getting scammed every single day. The only people in the mix that never get beat is the dealer and I highly doubt any dealer in their right mind would be living out of that house. Probably wouldn't even deliver there as there's too much drama.

Of course along with the dope there's bound to be crack or meth especially for the trick.

Not to be on a soap box, but I just wanted to add that indeed heroin addicts lie to their own mom. They steal from their kids. They trick their behinds out. However, this can happen to anyone. These are someone's family members and at one time someone's child. Heck, I've seen women fall from pretty high positions as pillars of the community. Men as well.

Scams are inevitable. You put yourself out there you're going to get beat.

Um, dare I ask? What is wet secret?
This story is so sad on so many levels!!! The issue with drugs being involved in someone's life so that they have to sell their body to get their next fix is just beyond acceptable. Why do you suppose it is primarily women addicts that resort to this? Men seem to find other means of "adapting". From my personal experience, most of these women were in abusive relationships before the drugs - thus the drugs - and then they use the abuse to fund the habit that is an attempt to numb the abuse. Shame on anyone who would take advantage of these women... shame on them! I want to see this SK caught so bad.... if I had a **** it would be ****. Can't type that - and it is OK to delete it Mods..... I just had to get it off my chest because I am sick of the abuse of women and the reaction of our society to that abuse. Time will catch this SOB. He is a truly a 'dead man walking'.

There are so many more males that resort to prostitution due to drug addictions than you are aware I think. Many of them become victims of SK's as well. However, it is harder to kill a male than a woman for one thing so I think they aren't as vulnerable in that aspect. There is also a higher demand for female prostitutes. Drug addicts also resort to robbery, shop lifting, etc. Armed robbery, purse snatching and home invasions are more male oriented crimes but we're seeing quite a bit of a mix in genders there as well where women are along with a male team committing those types of crimes as well. I'm from Baltimore so I've seen it all but Philly, NYC, AC, Camden for example are all really bad because of the drugs imo. The real hard a$$es are drug dealers and in gangs usually die young or go to prison but look how many females are resorting to gangs in the areas I mentioned. They may not all start out as drug addicts but then neither are all prostitutes. They end up in the same life style so to speak, no? When it's gang murders they don't label them SK's or mass murderers.
Hi, Was there a search today? I guess I'm ansy, waiting for something to pop in the case. A poster this week mentioned an upcoming presser and I've heard no more about that. Then too I've been reading about specific serial killers and need to stop for awhile.

It is a fascinating study but then again when you have to go to the store after dark . . . . :banghead: They just arrested a guy in Tacoma who they think is a SK and that's only 3 hours away. Then Ridgeway dumped bodies in the greater Portland area.

You be careful. Can't forget Ridgeway. Haven't heard about the latest one. My brother was watching a show about GR several years ago and started telling me about this guy that he just couldn't believe he wasn't as well known as Ted Bundy. Just astonished him, he had never heard of him and I said; "oh you're talking about the green river killer." He was just so shocked and to me that was a little unusual. I've followed too much true crime for too long.
this is a dec truck from NY in a different area than oak beach. It looks similar to the bing map truck, except this DEC truck doesn't seem to have windows on the cap. the SCPD have this same truck as the DEC but with windows and is white with the blue police stripe. Even with the recent higher zoom bing shot I still can't tell if it's the police truck. I wonder if any oak beach residents personally own one of these...


  • stos 1 spill response.jpg
    stos 1 spill response.jpg
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ARE makes caps that are similar in appearance to that picture:

And here's another young woman missing from Portland, ME: Krista Dittmeyer's car was found running, with her baby inside, but not trace of her:

NH NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - car found with baby left inside - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This is where spouse and I go hiking regularly, so scary on that front. Even weirder, one of the local-to-me websites had comments that indicated this woman had several friends in common with Elena Lozada. But the comments have been deleted.

Man, I hope it's just coincidence.

me too!
And here's another young woman missing from Portland, ME: Krista Dittmeyer's car was found running, with her baby inside, but not trace of her:

NH NH - Krista Dittmeyer, 20, Conway, 23 April 2011 - car found with baby left inside - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This is where spouse and I go hiking regularly, so scary on that front. Even weirder, one of the local-to-me websites had comments that indicated this woman had several friends in common with Elena Lozada. But the comments have been deleted.

Man, I hope it's just coincidence.

OH SHOOT! DISREGARD! HAHA! This was what i was referring to http://www.onlinesentinel.com/news/Missing-NH-womans-body-found-in-Clinton.html?comments=y
It's usually a cigarette or joint dipped laced with pcp and dipped in formaldehyde. A scary scary drug

I do not want to keep arguing about the drug thing, but I have been reading a lot of the comments written by johns who frequently mention they do not want to give money to a stoned, drunk, or nodded out prostitute. They get angry and leave. I think you are confusing two separate subcultures. The pros do their drugs on their own time. A john would be crazy to give PCP to a girl who would become freaked out and a pros would certainly not want to have a freaked out PCP user on their hands. I am sure girls with any sense at all guard againt any drug being slipped into their drinks. I would think the reasons why are obvious. The descriptions of these half hour to one hour encounters, which is the most most of them can afford, are strictly business transactions. Some of them don't want the pros to even talk to them or kiss them. They are both on the clock. Doesn't sound like much of a party to me.
NJG, sorry, I wasn't directing my comment to you particularly.
I do not want to keep arguing about the drug thing, but I have been reading a lot of the comments written by johns who frequently mention they do not want to give money to a stoned, drunk, or nodded out prostitute. They get angry and leave. I think you are confusing two separate subcultures. The pros do their drugs on their own time. A john would be crazy to give PCP to a girl who would become freaked out and a pros would certainly not want to have a freaked out PCP user on their hands. I am sure girls with any sense at all guard againt any drug being slipped into their drinks. I would think the reasons why are obvious. The descriptions of these half hour to one hour encounters, which is the most most of them can afford, are strictly business transactions. Some of them don't want the pros to even talk to them or kiss them. They are both on the clock. Doesn't sound like much of a party to me.

I simply answered a question that a poster had about what a particular drug was. No where in my one sentence post did I proclaim the girls and the johns were doing any sort of drugs, let alone pcp. Don't know where you got that info from in my post but I answered a question that a poster had. That's all
Redbird, understood and no hard feelings. Disregard my above post

I simply answered a question that a poster had about what a particular drug was. No where in my one sentence post did I proclaim the girls and the johns were doing any sort of drugs, let alone pcp. Don't know where you got that info from in my post but I answered a question that a poster had. That's all

After I posted, I realized it may have sounded like I was replying to your comment. Sorry. I just picked your comment for the subject "pcp" and the fact your comment was short. Didn't mean to offend and I did understand your comment when you made it. :truce:
After I posted, I realized it may have sounded like I was replying to your comment. Sorry. I just picked your comment for the subject "pcp" and the fact your comment was short. Didn't mean to offend and I did understand your comment when you made it. :truce:

No problem and I apologize for my immediate reply. Have a good one
on the white truck parked on the side of the road at at least 2 different areas along Ocean Parkway (I previously posted screen shots)...I've been looking at the entire neighborhood thru map satellite images looking for that truck.

Interestingly - the neighbor across the street from Joseph Brewer seems to have a vehicle very similar.

Here's a screen capture from Bing

Hi All, I think I used to have an account here back in 2005 or 2006. Just want to mention the white truck that was captured on both the Google & Bing Satellite images. Also want to say that I used street view and moved the length of the OP manually and never once saw any image (they were dated Google 2009) that showed even a single vehicle pulled onto the grassy shoulder...hummm. My feeling is that whoever is dumping these people along the side of the OP, they are doing it in broad daylight and in a vehicle that no one would question or stop to assist as it pulled off and onto the shoulder.

Both Nassau and Suffolk County Animal/Pest Control have official trucks as well as subcontract out to private Animal Control and DEC or County approved and certified companies. They also do the same with Tree Maintenance Companies. For now, as I already typed this and switched screens only to lose my typing, I will show you a link that shows the type of truck that both Nassau & Suffolk County use. It is nearly identical to the one in the satellite images. Here is the link. Just scroll down the page to the middle and you will see the vehicle/truck. http://www.nassaucountyanimalcontrol.com/Suffolk-County.html
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