NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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I just read that LE now thinks there are 4 Killers involved in the LI case, and, thank goodness WS gave this case it's own forum, because I get confused just reading an article on the subject, omg.

BBM: Does anyone know the 2 Cold Cases they have re-opened?

That could be the women that were found in suitcases. I believe there were two. And there was dismemberment involved.

I do recall reading that when she did state her location, she told the 911 caller that she was out on Fire Island!!

I'm wondering, how did they ever finally figure out she wasn't?

Did SG ask one of the residents for an address?

For all we know, when she was first asked her location, she drew a blank and had to really concentrate to even come up with Fire Island.

Excuse the snip.....I think they found out where she was because of Gus Coletti's 911 call. I know he waited for them and SG was already gone when they got there. I wonder what they did then? Did they try to find her?
Excuse the snip.....I think they found out where she was because of Gus Coletti's 911 call. I know he waited for them and SG was already gone when they got there. I wonder what they did then? Did they try to find her?

911 can find a location from a cell phone. It just usually takes longer than calling from a landline.
okay,yeah...what does really bother me is the question of what exactly they did after they showed up to look for Shannan...I can't believe that with all the people that saw her running around...these cops couldn't locate her....

how much did they look? was it cursory or did they fan out?

what did they think happened to her after all that? did they think she levitated off of the beach? was there a lack of concern???

did they decide she got into a car with someone..?
okay,yeah...what does really bother me is the question of what exactly they did after they showed up to look for Shannan...I can't believe that with all the people that saw her running around...these cops couldn't locate her....

how much did they look? was it cursory or did they fan out?

what did they think happened to her after all that? did they think she levitated off of the beach? was there a lack of concern???

did they decide she got into a car with someone..?

Hi minazoe,

I too am really troubled by that. I can't recall reading anything that said LE had done a search for her that morning. I'd sure like to know...because as I said before - I don't think they searched JB's house until the FBI came in in December 2010, 6+ months later. JMO, but I'm sticking to it 'til proven otherwise!
When you have a wealthy, influential, probably politically connected family involved with a "disturbance" involving an erratic prostitute, what do you think is likely to be the outcome of an investigation? Especially since at the time no one knew there were dead bodies nearby.
I'm embarassed I can't post this link! Im linkelly challenged!
Google gus coletti interview video.
Here's a snip of the transcript from 4/13/2010. I guess it's CNN, but I think CBS interviewed him about the same thing...

This investigation all started with the disappearance of this woman, Shannon Gilbert. She lived in Jersey City, New Jersey, worked as a call girl, and was last seen not far from here, back on May 1st is of last year..

At about 5:00 that morning, she banging on the door of a homeowner begging for assistance. He called the police right away but she disappeared. Now we spoke with him yesterday and he told us that the police detectives in this area did not interview him in depth until August of last year, about four months later. Here's what he said. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

GUS COLETTI, OAK BEACH, N.Y. RESIDENT: Missing person detective came here, like in August, and was asking about her and I said, where have you been? He said the kind of thing of New Jersey Police Department didn't take them. And --

CHERNOFF: They didn't come. She was missing May 1st.


CHERNOFF: But the police did not come to visit you until August?

COLETTI: That's correct.

CHERNOFF: Nothing?

COLETTI: Nothing.

CHERNOFF: May, June, July. Finally in August.


CHERNOFF: Four months?

COLETTI: Right. And that was missing persons.

CHERNOFF: And you called the police immediately?

COLETTI: Yes. Well, they came in here, but as far as investigating it, no.


CHERNOFF: The Suffolk Police say indeed they did speak with Mr. Coletti several times that they have spoken with him several times since May 1st and they also say that he provided a written statement back in June of last year but he disputes that -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Well, Allan, why wouldn't police question this guy sooner? I mean, was it because of this woman's background or what she did?

CHERNOFF: Carol, that's a very, very good question. They do say, as I just told you, they say that they have spoken with him several times. But what he told me again this morning was on that very morning, May 1st, he spoke with the Marine Bureau that responded to his 911 call for 30 seconds, told them where she went, which direction the woman ran. They couldn't find her, came back. He spoke with those officers for about four minutes. And he said --

COSTELLO: Well, I just want -- I just want to be more clear. This woman -- Allan?

CHERNOFF: Until August, he did not have any more contact.

COSTELLO: Allan, this woman was a prostitute, right?

CHERNOFF: Yes. That is correct. That is correct.
When you have a wealthy, influential, probably politically connected family involved with a "disturbance" involving an erratic prostitute, what do you think is likely to be the outcome of an investigation? Especially since at the time no one knew there were dead bodies nearby.

Sadly, you are probably right.

Thanks for the interview, Twocuriouscats.
okay yeah..but still...she was on the phone with the cops for a long time...she said they were trying to kill her...she was hysterical and possibly a danger to herself or others...

so the john and the pimp shrug their shoulders and everyone leaves?

after that...after that did someone go down to the beach to talk to her? it got light...people were sighting her....

so did someone walk down and find her...? did they then regain control of her, ala Jeffrey Dahmer?
okay yeah..but still...she was on the phone with the cops for a long time...she said they were trying to kill her...she was hysterical and possibly a danger to herself or others...

so the john and the pimp shrug their shoulders and everyone leaves?

after that...after that did someone go down to the beach to talk to her? it got light...people were sighting her....

so did someone walk down and find her...? did they then regain control of her, ala Jeffrey Dahmer?

Hi, I think she made 3 calls totaling 23 min to 911. I think she was more panicky rather than hysterical. She knew she was unsafe.

I don't think the driver was her pimp - not sure, but he did go to the front door of JB's house, saw her sitting in a chair on the phone. Then she evidently ran out of the house past him running up the street to Gus' house and the driver followed her in his vehicle.

After she ran out from under the boat by Gus' she knocked on the door of a woman who also called 911 and Shannan ran away.

Then I think she met her fate and someone either grabbed her or pulled her into his car and she was never seen again.

I know she didn't go into the ocean or the bay because her body would have washed up eventually. She had to have been taken and I think it might be close to the woman's house. IMO

ETA: She was hiding behind that boat. She evidently already knew someone was looking for her and going to grab her. We think the driver is not on LE's radar, right? Since her fear originated at JB's house I think it might have been the 'drifter' who scared her so. Maybe whoever said he was a drifter {JB ?} was protecting someone who was there at his house and who is the opposite of a drifter. Hmmmmmm
okay yeah..but still...she was on the phone with the cops for a long time...she said they were trying to kill her...she was hysterical and possibly a danger to herself or others...

so the john and the pimp shrug their shoulders and everyone leaves?

after that...after that did someone go down to the beach to talk to her? it got light...people were sighting her....

so did someone walk down and find her...? did they then regain control of her, ala Jeffrey Dahmer?

Great questions. I am pretty curious as to what was on that 911 tape. I know she named who she thought was trying to kill her....but I don't think that's ever been released. LE has to have something in the works.....or had to look into the person she named, at the very least. I imagine there is a lot going on that has not been released.......

I wonder why they decided to released the info about Jessica Taylor now? It's hard for me to believe they just got that info. They probably checked her DNA as soon as they found the skull. Any ideas?
Maybe the reason they haven't released the name on the 911 call is because whomever it is is a powerful person in the community. Maybe they're trying to dot their Is and cross their Ts as far as trying to get enough evidence to make charges stick? I'm not sure why they waited to release the info about Jessica unless they think the same person that Shannan named is the one who killed Jessica.
with Shannan, I keep going back to the beginning of this where she is refusing to leave JB's house.

now.. she thinks someone is outside, right? but she won't go with her driver. why not?

that's the part I can't make work. The driver pulls up and she runs from him...so what is going on here?

right here...this is wher everybody is calling her irrational....this really bothers me.
After re-reading my above post something stuck out to me. She called 911 3 times. Why? And then when those who she went to for help called 911 it spooked her and she ran away.

I'm thinking Shannan suspected the one who was a threat to her was in LE. Maybe there was talk in the house about this and she overheard him talking about how he was above the law, or something like that. She knew he could make a call to 911 and cancel her call or need for assistance. That would really frighten someone, eh?
reminds me of slasher movies where the actress knows a killer is coming into the house...so she runs deep into the house and traps herself in a room...instead of just running out the back door.

I wish we could do a re-inactment.
with Shannan, I keep going back to the beginning of this where she is refusing to leave JB's house.

now.. she thinks someone is outside, right? but she won't go with her driver. why not?

that's the part I can't make work. The driver pulls up and she runs from him...so what is going on here?

right here...this is wher everybody is calling her irrational....this really bothers me.

Yes, after I wrote out that post I saw where the driver could be very suspicious and working in cahoots with someone else. He could be part of the 'them'. But I thought he was cleared by LE, or at least not being looked at seriously for some reason.

And of course I always come back to Mr Hyde who patrolled the neighborhood with his red lights. Since he had at one time been affiliated with LE as a surgeon, maybe he still felt he had that power. If he was at the house why wouldn't JB just tell that to LE? Could he have been afraid of him? From his body language Jb seems to me a wincy kind of a guy, soft and not very forthright.
so maybe she got ahold of some pcp by accident and was tripped out and super impaired.

maybe she thinks that once the police think she has left with her driver...her driver will just return her to the john or take her to another john in her state of terror.

so , I am trying to put myself into her head....

she wants the cops to take her in.

she wants to be removed...she doesn't trust the driver not to get with her pimp and force her to go back and get her money...she isn't sure...she is afraid JB will ask her to be brought back....after the scene calms down and the cops leave.

This is the first hunch I've ever gotten from a dream, but stranger things have happened, and I thought I'd run it by you all to see what you think.

Big rig truck drivers sit rather high up. This gives them a different view of not just the road but the surrounding countryside. If the killer (or, sheesh, one of them) drove a truck like this, it would make it easier for him to see the victims as he drove by, particularly if he were looking for the burlap.
About that call to CVS: Another very simple explanation would be that she got the number off a prescription bottle that she saw in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Either she saw something else that scared her and hung up or perhaps she was interrupted with threats while making that call.
After re-reading my above post something stuck out to me. She called 911 3 times. Why? And then when those who she went to for help called 911 it spooked her and she ran away.

I'm thinking Shannan suspected the one who was a threat to her was in LE. Maybe there was talk in the house about this and she overheard him talking about how he was above the law, or something like that. She knew he could make a call to 911 and cancel her call or need for assistance. That would really frighten someone, eh?


Where are you getting this from, Scandi? From everything I've seen there was only one 911 call and that one call lasted for 23 minutes.
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