NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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oh i found a Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Sexual Offender / Predator flyer concerning someone with the same name, age and ethnicity as someone mentioned in msm in connection with this case. probably not allowed post it. not sure it's same guy. anyone else see this?
Strange as it may seem, it is entirely possible that 4 different killers chose the same stretch of road as a dump site. L.I. has 8 million and is heavily developed. There just aren’t that many obvious spots.

JT, the Jane Doe from Marionville and the Jane Doe from Hemsted State Park are probably related. The MO of disposal is unusual and very similar. The fact that a rigorous attempt was made to prevent identity suggest these are a little different from most SK's of prostitutes are because usually, there is no attempt to prevent identity. Like the GB4 situation, there is usually nothing to link the John to the victim. This sort of effort would be most consistent with the killer and victim having strong ties; like a pimp, possibly. JT was identified, but it took a while and this delay could have allowed the trail to grow cold.
My guess is the two Jane Does are not from the NYC area and like JT; they probably had broken ties with their families and were probably more "street-walker” type hookers than the GB4. That might explain why they aren’t on any missing person site.
I still think the burlap had some sort of significance to him. It wasn't as if he did it within a short time frame, where he just happened to have burlap laying around due to some landscaping project or something. He used burlap for at least 3 years to hide 4 bodies! I believe it had some sort of religious significance where it was meant to "chastise" the bodies of these women who were prostitutes - sort of like the rituals of groups like Opus Dei with their flagellation rituals. (Nothing personal against Opus Dei - that is just what came to my mind.) The first 4 bodies that were found, and the 4 bodies in AC just have a "ritualistic" feel to them. With the paltry amount of information we have, the other bodies that have been found do not seem to fit the same mold. I can't help but believe at least all of the LI murders are connected, but that means he changed up his MO at some point. How much longer is it going to take to get an ID on some of the other victims??

Please forgive me if I'm not the first person to discuss this - I just got back from a Celtics playoff game (a loss in OT! :-() so I'm behind on the threads and have only read the victim profile threads thus far on this case...

I was looking into burlap and why the SK would have used it - (besides being an environmentalist SK who wanted to give his victims "conservation burials") and came across this interesting reference - apparently another word for prostitute in the 19th century was "burlap sister"?:


did a little more research on this connotation, I won't post the results because they weren't very nice, but apparently "burlap" was a 19th-century term for copulation. So, there's that. It may be completely unrelated but I thought an interesting connection nonetheless.
Not sure about how accurate the reporter is for this article, but here you go....

"Brainard-Barnes rang friends in distress that night from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in midtown Manhattan, saying she had been robbed of the money she earned that day.
"She just wanted to come home," said the friend. "She said she was coming that night and would check in." She was never heard from again."


IMO, if she was robbed of all her earnings for the evening, she may have been scared of not bringing any money back to her pimp and desperate for another job.

Maybe she agreed to take one more job and was promised a lot of money for it to go out to Oak Beach, by the SK.
I think the Asian male is totally unrelated to the others. I am guessing that he was not strangled, but probably shot in the head. That is what cops are calling "radically different" MOD.

The Snakeheads (gang that smuggles in illegal Chinese) may have something to do with this man's murder, execution-style.

True, I was not aware of the John Doe's method of death. I wonder how likely it is for a serial killer to deviate from his preferred method - strangulation v. gunshot. Anyone know?
Please forgive me if I'm not the first person to discuss this - I just got back from a Celtics playoff game (a loss in OT! :-() so I'm behind on the threads and have only read the victim profile threads thus far on this case...

I was looking into burlap and why the SK would have used it - (besides being an environmentalist SK who wanted to give his victims "conservation burials") and came across this interesting reference - apparently another word for prostitute in the 19th century was "burlap sister"?:


did a little more research on this connotation, I won't post the results because they weren't very nice, but apparently "burlap" was a 19th-century term for copulation. So, there's that. It may be completely unrelated but I thought an interesting connection nonetheless.

interesting. this from a BDSM site:
"A burlap sack is as effective a hood as anything else. It keeps Lilyanna blind and terrified so Sister Dee can torment her body AND mind. When Dee is satisfied she has screamed enough she discards the hood and slips on a ball gag. Lilyanna is an easy ........" burlap sisters?. there does seem to be a quite strong burlap/bdsm connection - dunno if this mentioned aleady.
Warning: The following is just a theory!!!

Okay, so Shannan and her driver arrived at Oak Beach at 2 am. Here's what I think happened after that. I think that either Shannan wanted drugs or someone else at the "party" suggested they get some drugs to get the party going (maybe adderall or some other RX upper) and Shannan agreed. Then maybe JB said something like "my neighbor is a doctor and he can help us out, let's drive over there, it's just around the corner."

So Shannan and JB drive to PH's house to get some pharm drugs. However, the pills they get are not what Shannan had in mind and instead she is provided with roofies or something of that nature.

The phone call to CVS was at 2:55, likely when the pills started kicking in and Shannan realized something didn't feel right. Maybe she was scared and wanted to call 911 at that point but JB or the Doc said something like "you're probably just be having a bad reaction, nothing to worry about." So in her altered state, she decided to call the nearest pharmacy to ask them if the pill could be interacting with her bipolar medication (or whatever). While trying to make that call, someone talked her out of it and she hung up or someone took the phone from her and hung it up (that's why the call was so short).

Beginning 2 minutes after the CVS call, Shannan's phone makes and receives 6 calls to and from MP until her 911 call at 4:51. If it was Shannan making these calls (I believe it was, for most of them), then clearly she knew something was horribly wrong. What was she saying to MP during all of these calls? How come he didn't come see what was wrong until JB called him?

So Shannan was drugged and incapacitated by the end of the evening. She encountered an actual danger at some point but due to her incapacitated state, was unable to coherently explain what/who she was of to anyone who tried to help her (i.e.- GC, 911 operators). She began to perceive everyone as a threat and ran and hid, until whoever was actually after her (likely the person or persons who drugged her) eventually caught up with her...

That'll all I've got right now, feel free to tear it apart.

I can't believe Shannan has been missing for a year now, I pray that her family finally gets some answers soon.

Given the drug angle, do we know if toxicology reports have been ordered on any of the found victims? (If it's even possible to detect drugs after decomposition?)
New Article:http://www.longislandpress.com/2011...murders-the-victims-of-a-killer-–-or-killers/

This article has a detailed list of the people and evidence found along the OP.

ETA: How could they know that the man found on OP was Asian unless he was mostly intact or only there for a short period of time? Could they have done a genetic test to determine his race and would that type of test have come back in one month?

I wondered too so took a peek, and it turns out there are three main skull types: Negroids, Caucasoids, and Mongoloids. I think Mongoloid is Asian, but there are differences in the shape of the skull or head bones between the 3.
If you can't get the link to work, Google: "suffolk county district attorney handout"

Put the quotation marks around the phrase, and it should pop up!
oh i found a Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Sexual Offender / Predator flyer concerning someone with the same name, age and ethnicity as someone mentioned in msm in connection with this case. probably not allowed post it. not sure it's same guy. anyone else see this?
If in doubt I wouldn't post it but if this name has been mentioned in the MSM and it is a flyer from a government agency I would say it is safe. I'm dying to see it. LOL

Salem, our Mod, will know. You could PM her or maybe she will see her name here :great:
No idea why I originally thought of a "team" for the LI crimes, but now I believe a single, twisted individual with definite LE awareness - which does NOT mean a connection to LE.... a simple fascination with True Crime will suffice. I live my life by an awareness to instinct, and my instinct on this crime is a very twisted, obsessed, AWARE, individual who has manipulated the system for a long time, and who is getting tired of the game, but is in it to win. I believe Shannon Gilbert was the turning point for him, and even though he killed after her - Megan Waterman (one month latter), and Amber Lynn Costello (4 months latter), I believe he has been horrified by his sloppiness, and inability to control himself ever since Shannon.

i still feel it's a team affair, even if there's only one executioner - though your phrase 'manipulated the system for a long time' rang true for some reason. seems like there's greater forces at play here than just a lone stalker/killer scenario. i could be way off though.


this is related to the unsolved murder of a las vegas prostitute. the main reason i bring it up is that it mentions that one prostitute said she believed a man was threatening her by providing details of the dead prostitute's disappearance and murder. i think it is possible that something similar happened to sg that night - i.e someone was trying to threaten her by mentioning details concerning the disappearance of one or another of the previously missing girls - and that is what may have freaked her out. also this only came to several years after the murder took place - so when dormer and co. say this isn't CSI and it may take a long time they just might mean it.
Speaking of ...

Tandem Serial Killers Through History
Authored by John Fredrik in Criminal Law
Published on 11-04-2009

Depending on the study, researchers claim that currently 6-15% of all serial killers are Tandem Serial Killers. These Serial Killers hunt and kill as a team, and like their solo counterparts, Tandem Serial Killers have been documented in several countries.


Bordello owner sisters Delfina and Maria Gonzales of Guanajuato, Mexico murdered over 90 men, women, and babies in their decade long run as Tandem Serial Killers from the 1950’s until their discovery in 1963. Most of their victims were their own prostitutes, who had become pregnant or otherwise undesirable. The pair was convicted in 1964 to 40 years in prison.


Except for Antarctica, Tandem Serial Killers operate on every continent, hunting everyone from homeless children, to the wealthy. They have been killing for hundreds of years and their crimes rank among the most gruesome of all. If you fall into their sights, it is unlikely you will live to tell the tale.
Article link
oh i found a Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Sexual Offender / Predator flyer concerning someone with the same name, age and ethnicity as someone mentioned in msm in connection with this case. probably not allowed post it. not sure it's same guy. anyone else see this?

Can you give more info...or link the article? Thank you!
I don't think SG called CVS becuase she was asking about a possible interaction with her bipolar med. From everything I've read from her family, she refused to take that kind of medication. I'm not sure SG actually made the call. Since it's the last call logged, and her phone is now nowhere to be found, I think JB or the driver used her phone. If she was that upset I just don't think she was thinking clearly enough to call a pharmacy. That's the act of a rational person..and everything we know so far, she was just not rational for whatever reason during that time. But if I was nervous about someone's behavior that I thought might be drug induced and called the CVS, I would not want caller ID bringing up my number. I would use SG's phone.
After looking at the map posted by shadowraiths I wonder if the SK once may have worked at Grumman's Calverton facility... It's very close to the Manorville sites. It's closed now. Was the SK commuting from the south shore of LI and felt comfortable in these two areas, Ocean Parkway and the backroads / woods around Calverton?
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