NY-LI-4 bodies on Beach-Possible SK-12/10-All id'd,4 more found 3/11 #4

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I would be very surprised if this SK was married. Just my own feel for it.
A few questions some of you might be able to offer some insight on:

1). How exactly does a "gated community" work? I assume there is a gate with a locking mechanism, or a guard posted at the gate, correct? So then, how do landscapers, workmen, postal workers, guests of residents, etc. enter the community? Do they ring someone? Push in a code? Have a slide card? How do emergency vehicles (police, rescue,FD) enter the gates? How would SG's "driver" have entered?

2). Does anyone know if the OBCA contracts with a lawn or landscaping company? I know the individual residents are likely responsible for the upkeep on their own properties, but is there property that belongs to the CA itself? If so, who maintains that? Anyone know?

They don't have a security guard but they do have a gate and cameras...not sure if they use an electronic key or code.

I don't know if they have grounds keeps or if they keep their own...usually planned communities have some type of maintenence...
As I recall from their FB page, they talked with the doctor a second time when they went to the area to search for Shannen. At that time, he acknowledged calling them, but denied telling them he had kept Shannen at his "shelter" or whatever he called it. They were very puzzled that he would make the call, admit it, but then later deny that he told them she stayed at his "shelter". It wasn't something they would have imagined or made up.

Hi, Betty P., and thank you. I listened to the radio interview with Shannan's sister that recounted that visit and, to me at least, it was worded confusingly. That your account comes from a different source is helpful. That the doctor himself would admit calling is very telling (thus eliminating some other person, for example, a prankish serial killer), but we still don't know what exactly he said to the mother. (As far as I know, the daughters didn't hear the call.) It's possible that a quite understandably overwrought mother would jumble some information, although that does seem a stretch in this instance.

One earlier poster said that a web reviewer of the doctor indicated tht he might have been inebriated at an appointment. Perhaps that foible might have been a factor in the call.
omg...this thing feels like a weird upwardly mobile suburbanite sex club thing...like maybe the guys order up a girl and pass her around the cul de sac or whatever it is there.

if they arranged the driver, then they would have just booked it one way, right? cause she wouldn't need a ride home...right...or maybe a ride to another house down the road...? so she must have booked her driver right?

something spooked her...at JB's or somewhere near by...if she named her attacker...then it shouldn't be so hard for the cops to make sense of this...

I wish I could hear that damm tape!

You know, ordinarily I would find that an absurb thought, but there is something just...well, STRANGE, about this community. The feel of the OBCA website, the evening of SG's disappearance, JB & PH both odd characters imo, the way all these OBCA people socialize as a group...just odd. It almost has a kind of Stepford Wives feel to me. And yes, I know that's not rational, but it's still the way I walk away from this community feeling. Can't describe it any better than that, so I won't try. But I can tell that MANY of you are feeling the same hinky feeling.
MOO~ about "the Ripper"...
Didn't "Jack the Ripper" only kill prostitutes?
I think before news of the child that is why the SK was tagged as "Ripper"
You know, ordinarily I would find that an absurb thought, but there is something just...well, STRANGE, about this community. The feel of the OBCA website, the evening of SG's disappearance, JB & PH both odd characters imo, the way all these OBCA people socialize as a group...just odd. It almost has a kind of Stepford Wives feel to me. And yes, I know that's not rational, but it's still the way I walk away from this community feeling. Can't describe it any better than that, so I won't try. But I can tell that MANY of you are feeling the same hinky feeling.

I've stated it before that there is something strange about people on LI. Not all people, of course, but enough to leave you driving away thinking, "These people are strange..."
Ok, LE is having a press conference tomorrow at 1pm. They are either close to an arrest or are pleading for the public's help. I think the former.

I think the Dr. is 100% innocent and that JB, who knows everyone in the development, used his name to assuage the worried family of SG. They were in full damage control and wanted to take the heat off and send the family on their merry way.

Everything points to JB and I think he had accomplices. As I said before, this whole driver issue is really murky. I think LE will clean that up tomorrow. I want to know who the Asian guy is. I wan't to know why JB tole SG's sister that he told SG that she looked nothing like her picture and told her to leave, when we know she was there at least 3 hours. A lot of inconsistencies and a lot that points to JB.

I happen to think that if SG had a driver that night he was outside the gate and not aware of the exact address of JB. I think the gig was arranged through an Asian escort ring and JB procured women through this in the past.

If it's not JB, it's a guest of his. I think they knew he would/could lawyer up easily and deemed him "not a suspect" early on so they could get their ducks in a row. But I think he was a suspect from Day One, all roads are leading to him imo. I guess we'll know more tomorrow.

On another note, as far as what went on that night. I thing she was drugged, and came to and saw either pictures/footage that freaked her out, or some sort of evidence that she was about to be a victim and climbed out a bathroom window. JB summoned the Asian to get her while he got rid of evidence, with the assumption that LE would show up. Of course, they would have no reason to search his house yet, because she's not missing yet. Of course, she saw some bad things so they have to get her. And I think they did. Why she left the old man's house is a mystery, but maybe she thought she could get to the driver if he was on the other side of the gate.

does anyone know if the drivers carry a gun? would they have a concealed weapon permit allowed due to the nature of their job? not just driving around expensive girls, any client for that matter could potentially be a threat.

if shannon was trying to get back to the driver, why not just scream out to him when he ran into the house? instead she accused the driver and jb of trying to kill her.

now it's possible that's now how the event went down and we are just hearing jb and the drivers' versions. yet these drivers need to be prepared to get those girls out of a hostile situation with a john, they are supposed to be able to protect the girls.

the driver claims he ran out of the house after shannon, yet gc says the driver creeped up in the suv, opened the door, peeped out, then did it again.
its not like the driver was yelling out for shannon he was all stealth about it. gc had to ask him what he was doing.
That makes sense and could be possible. Like somebody said pages ago, usually sk's are caught over a mistake that they make The sk (if it's the doctor) seems to have made a mistake. We don't know what LE knows and it's frustrating.

(Oh, and for the record, the bad boys from the Quantico, VA Behavioral Science Unit have been on this case since December.)

I have to say that the doctor does look like what I think the sk looks like in my mind in terms of weight and age. I think he is between 48 and 55 years of age. However, I do have an imagination that can really go places at times.

Anyway, I'm flattered that you admire my posts. I just be reading, analyzing, pretending to be a well-versed profiler like John Douglas, and talking smack.

What do I know?

thank god we got criminal minds on the case since dec, that gives me hope!
Some of the descriptions of the landscape sound so spooky and desolate. Not like a place some sunny people would want to live. You think?
If the sk was going to make up a story for SG's family, wouldn't he try to tell them something that would get their attention away from that area? We have to remember that no bodies had been found yet.

i guess he tried in a way by saying she had stayed there that night then left.
so giving them the false impression that she was safe that night, then took off again.
dealing with stereotypes, maybe some escorts don't check in with family a lot and go off with out telling them.
the killer wouldn't necessarily be aware that shannon and her family were close.

so possibly he'd think by telling them that she stayed and left, that she went somewhere else.

shannon's family was to smart for that.

i'm not sure what to make of this doctor, i'd guess that the sk pretended to be him to try and get attention away from gilgo and the hidey hole he had going on there.
Some of the descriptions of the landscape sound so spooky and desolate. Not like a place some sunny people would want to live. You think?

I'm not the best person to go by...beaches, in general, freak me out. I think they're all creepy. :crazy:
Hi, Fashionella; I think that "nervous" comes with the territory of being identified as the john who employed a young woman who went missing. As for the "I've had a very nice life", it comes immediately after his statements that he is not the victim, the family is, and that he is fortunate.

I think that the most significant quote on the tape is the statement by the police official that Mr. Brewer "has been most cooperative." That acknowledgment would weaken any prosecution. I honestly think that the police don't think of him as a prime target. And, from what has been public so far, I think that they are right.

And in that same story, it was also reported that the police didn't necessarily think the bodies were connected, or that that they'd even been murdered...!!! So clearly that early interview or their early statements aren't reliable...
I've stated it before that there is something strange about people on LI. Not all people, of course, but enough to leave you driving away thinking, "These people are strange..."

As a local I know I should have more LI pride but I agree with you. I can't pinpoint what it is exactly. I've lived here all my life but people from other states often ask me if I came here from out of state and I always take it as a compliment :innocent:
I wonder if Dr. Hackett was at the party that night.

It wasn't really a party; they were "partying"- A.K.A drugs/drinking. Mostly coke. :)

I watch a lot of movies. I also grew up in the 80s and 90s on Long Island. People used coke like it was going out of style quickly.
As I recall from their FB page, they talked with the doctor a second time when they went to the area to search for Shannen. At that time, he acknowledged calling them, but denied telling them he had kept Shannen at his "shelter" or whatever he called it. They were very puzzled that he would make the call, admit it, but then later deny that he told them she stayed at his "shelter". It wasn't something they would have imagined or made up.

Respectfully, BBM. Speechless. What I'm trying to figure out is how to explain JB in this scenario that early morning. What are your thoughts about him? How can it be a coincidence that both these individuals would be residing in the same gated community? Wait a sec, is this doc in the very same gated community or a neighboring one?
does anyone know if the drivers carry a gun? would they have a concealed weapon permit allowed due to the nature of their job? not just driving around expensive girls, any client for that matter could potentially be a threat.

if shannon was trying to get back to the driver, why not just scream out to him when he ran into the house? instead she accused the driver and jb of trying to kill her.

now it's possible that's now how the event went down and we are just hearing jb and the drivers' versions. yet these drivers need to be prepared to get those girls out of a hostile situation with a john, they are supposed to be able to protect the girls.

the driver claims he ran out of the house after shannon, yet gc says the driver creeped up in the suv, opened the door, peeped out, then did it again.
its not like the driver was yelling out for shannon he was all stealth about it. gc had to ask him what he was doing.

<modsnip>. In one paragraph, you paraphrase what the driver said Shannan said in the house. In the next, you seem to dismiss their versions. Actually, their versions about Shannan's behavior are not substantially different from those of the old man and the woman and one assumes that the police compared them to the extraordinarily lengthy 911 call that Shannan herself made.

The driver's behavior was perfectly reasonable. By every account, Shannan was running away. Shouting out her name would have only frightened her.
There's now way I can read the whole thread to figure everything out. Could someone do a brief recap on what happened with Shannon running and calling that night and who gc and jb are? I know there's a doctor involved, but also, how did he get involved?
Good question. Maybe he got it from Shannan's cell phone. He killed her so he had access to her cell phone which I'm sure she had momma's phone number. Did the family hang up fliers in the neighborhood with the phone number? That's possible.

Can someone clarify this:

I think the mom was called the day after she was reported missing to LE. The public knew nothing about her at that point. And her sister said LE didn't jump on it and the family was not at all happy with the local LE as they didn't make it public until later. So anything done to find Shannan at first was done by her family acc to Shere.

Of course the Dr just wanted to let the mom know she was OK, had spent the night with him and he treated her and she was OK.

It just sounds very suspicious to me and I think he knows exactly where she is - right now. I don't know if he is the SK tho.
Pinkhammer, in light of what was posted earlier by Salem, you should probably remove that image from here. They said no pictures of minors allowed unless they are known victims. Don't want you to get in trouble. I think it's okay to post the link, not sure though.

(someone linked to that pic a few days ago and I don't think it was an issue)
A few questions some of you might be able to offer some insight on:

1). How exactly does a "gated community" work? I assume there is a gate with a locking mechanism, or a guard posted at the gate, correct? So then, how do landscapers, workmen, postal workers, guests of residents, etc. enter the community? Do they ring someone? Push in a code? Have a slide card? How do emergency vehicles (police, rescue,FD) enter the gates? How would SG's "driver" have entered?

2). Does anyone know if the OBCA contracts with a lawn or landscaping company? I know the individual residents are likely responsible for the upkeep on their own properties, but is there property that belongs to the CA itself? If so, who maintains that? Anyone know?

1. The "gate" is a bar that comes down like a railroad crossing. You punch in a code to get in. One could easily walk around it. My friend mentioned that the key code is not given to guests- usually the family comes out to let them in with the code, or there may be a general code for utility/fire. She isn't 100% sure of that. SG's driver could have waited outside the gates.

Sorry, don't know #2
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