NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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I thought it was suggested here that burlap bags are common in the area as they are used by fisherman?
I thought it was suggested here that burlap bags are common in the area as they are used by fisherman?

I'm sure burlap is commonly used in various ways in that area -- landscaping, fishing, etc. Coffee is just another possibility.
Oak Beach does have its colorful history, doesn't it? Too much money and free time leads to some pretty scandalous business, it seems. It is a small neighborhood but for its size it has had more than its fair share of misfortune.
inspctrgadget and Seaslug44

Re Post #419... I thought PCH called MG and he has admitted to that fact in a written letter. Do you two believe that no phone calls took place, and MG is mistaken? Or am I confused somehow?

Please advise
This was posted by over at LISK Jan 14, 2012.
Is it true? I have no idea?
But I have never before heard that the alleged May 1st (or 2nd) 2010 call to MG from a Dr. "was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone" .

Has anyone else?


The doc called MG just hours after SG went missing….he told her mother that he runs a rehab clinic for runaway girls and that he had treated Shannon…..he denies making this phone call. The call was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone. He then called SG ‘s family twice from his home phone. He denied making these calls for almost a year to LE, the OB community, and his family until 48 hrs was running their story….
Flukeyou on January 14th, 2012 at 5:01 pm
Dunno if this has been covered yet. Where did CPH's Dad live when he wrote that book? Does anyone have an idea?
For the purpose of this case, I think the definition of "person or interest" or "suspect" is someone who LE has questioned a number of times, asked to take a poly, searched their property with cadaver dogs, and finally brought a large crane to their backyard to dig a deep hole while by standing officers covered their noses and mouths with their sleeves... but that is just the way I see it.

When your suspect isn't a joe schmo, LE can't be one either. I bet when they questioned him, regardless of the number of hours the questioning lasted, CPH turned down every offer of coffee or water. He certainly doesn't want to hand LE his DNA. Maybe if he got real thirsty he drank the water then asked for a cigarette and set fire to the paper cup in the trash bin to destroy the DNA he would have left behind...lol

I hate to say it but in this case of CPH vs LE, my money is on CPH, the law is designed to be forgiving, which is why I am here.

Does the doctor even smoke? If not, what inspired you to write this?
This was posted by over at LISK Jan 14, 2012.
Is it true? I have no idea?
But I have never before heard that the alleged May 1st (or 2nd) 2010 call to MG from a Dr. "was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone" .

Has anyone else?

The Foreignor,
That is news to me also. I have not read that before.
This was posted by over at LISK Jan 14, 2012.
Is it true? I have no idea?
But I have never before heard that the alleged May 1st (or 2nd) 2010 call to MG from a Dr. "was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone" .

Has anyone else?


The doc called MG just hours after SG went missing….he told her mother that he runs a rehab clinic for runaway girls and that he had treated Shannon…..he denies making this phone call. The call was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone. He then called SG ‘s family twice from his home phone. He denied making these calls for almost a year to LE, the OB community, and his family until 48 hrs was running their story….
Flukeyou on January 14th, 2012 at 5:01 pm

There was a poster here who said the very same thing in this thread yesterday. The post has since been removed. It Was post #407.

I quoted the original post #407 in a post of my own. I asked a question about the "burn phones" mentioned (I thought it was a new theory being proposed). My question was never addressed. It was originally post #412. My post has also been removed. I did save a copy though.

The was another member who quoted the original post #407. The member made a comment about the "burn phones" mentioned. That post was also removed. I have a copy of that post too.
I sent a PM to various moderators regarding the missing posts on this thread.

**Update: The posts were removed due to rudeness. I don't know by who.**

Thanks for shedding light on this Mods!
There was a poster here who said the very same thing in this thread yesterday. The post has since been removed. It Was post #407.

I quoted the original post #407 in a post of my own. I asked a question about the "burn phones" mentioned (I thought it was a new theory being proposed). My question was never addressed. It was originally post #412. My post has also been removed. I did save a copy though.

The was another member who quoted the original post #407. The member made a comment about the "burn phones" mentioned. That post was also removed. I have a copy of that post too.

Thanks. I thought I was going crazy. LOL
inspctrgadget and Seaslug44

Re Post #419... I thought PCH called MG and he has admitted to that fact in a written letter. Do you two believe that no phone calls took place, and MG is mistaken? Or am I confused somehow?

Please advise

Incorrect. We all know that CPH called MG. What we're saying (I won't speak for Seaslug, but post#403 is pretty clear to me) is that Mari has made a huge mistake about both the timing and the content of the calls.

The calls definitely took place. In the 48 Hours letter, CPH admits the calls took place, and gives us the time and date.

In the Jim Jones interview, CPH says that during those calls, he mentioned to Mari that perhaps Shannan had checked herself into a rehab clinic.

Mari states that the calls came on the 2nd, but in other interviews the "mystery began on the 3rd" when Diaz called and told them that Shannan was missing (this is linked in my previous posts).

Mari alleges to have proof that the calls came on the 2nd, but she doesn't present it to anyone. Police have looked at the evidence and basically dismiss the notion that CPH (or anyone else for that matter) ever called Mari and said that Shannan was held overnight at a halfway house, and then left with her driver.

I don't know about you, but for me it is fairly clear that Mari has misrepresented (inadvertently or on purpose) both the timing and the content of these calls. As a result, we've all wasted countless hours sleuthing some poor local guy who was just offering his assistance in a missing persons case.
Incorrect. We all know that CPH called MG. What we're saying (I won't speak for Seaslug, but post#403 is pretty clear to me) is that Mari has made a huge mistake about both the timing and the content of the calls.

The calls definitely took place. The calls definitely took place. In the 48 Hours letter, CPH admits the calls took place, and gives us the time and date.

In the Jim Jones interview, CPH says that during those calls, he mentioned to Mari that perhaps Shannan had checked herself into a rehab clinic.

Mari states that the calls came on the 2nd, but in other interviews the "mystery began on the 3rd" when Diaz called and told them that Shannan was missing (this is linked in my previous posts).

Mari alleges to have proof that the calls came on the 2nd, but she doesn't present it to anyone. Police have looked at the evidence and basically dismiss the notion that CPH (or anyone else for that matter) ever called Mari and said that Shannan was held overnight at a halfway house, and then left with her driver.

I don't know about you, but for me it is fairly clear that Mari has misrepresented (inadvertently or on purpose) both the timing and the content of these calls. As a result, we've all wasted countless hours sleuthing some poor local guy who was just offering his assistance in a missing persons case.

"In the 48 Hours letter, CPH admits the calls took place, and gives us the time and date."

We don't know if the letters were ever properly vetted by 48 Hours. They never offered Any Information regarding whether or not the letters were ever authenticated in either program.
This was posted by over at LISK Jan 14, 2012.
Is it true? I have no idea?
But I have never before heard that the alleged May 1st (or 2nd) 2010 call to MG from a Dr. "was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone" .

Has anyone else?


The doc called MG just hours after SG went missing….he told her mother that he runs a rehab clinic for runaway girls and that he had treated Shannon…..he denies making this phone call. The call was made from SG’s throwaway cellphone. He then called SG ‘s family twice from his home phone. He denied making these calls for almost a year to LE, the OB community, and his family until 48 hrs was running their story….
Flukeyou on January 14th, 2012 at 5:01 pm

I was wondering if, in your experience reading that other site, that time and date stamps might get changed for some posts?

I thought I might of noticed that happening but, I am not sure.

Has anyone else noticed that happening over there?
"In the 48 Hours letter, CPH admits the calls took place, and gives us the time and date."

We don't know if the letters were ever properly vetted by 48 Hours. They never offered Any Information regarding whether or not the letters were ever authenticated in either program.

No offense intended, but it's kind of silly to expect any further verification beyond faxing. My recollection is that the top of the letter contained fax transmittal information from CPH's fax machine.

Besides, he directly admits to Jim Jones certain aspects of the letters:

“And when there was proof that you called me, you admitted it,” Mari adds.

“I had long since told the police that I called you. Because Alex (Shannan’s boyfriend) asked me to call you,” the doctor responds.

The doctor goes on to tell us that he gave Alex his card to give to Mari and everyone else.

Dwntwnslim, signing contractual documents and transmitting them by fax is usually enough for any court to accept them as original signature. Having wet ink is not legally required. 48 Hours would not need further authentication beyond receiving the letters from his fax machine.
No offense intended, but it's kind of silly to expect any further verification beyond faxing. My recollection is that the top of the letter contained fax transmittal information from CPH's fax machine.

Besides, he directly admits to Jim Jones certain aspects of the letters:

“And when there was proof that you called me, you admitted it,” Mari adds.

“I had long since told the police that I called you. Because Alex (Shannan’s boyfriend) asked me to call you,” the doctor responds.

The doctor goes on to tell us that he gave Alex his card to give to Mari and everyone else.

Dwntwnslim, signing contractual documents and transmitting them by fax is usually enough for any court to accept them as original signature. Having wet ink is not legally required. 48 Hours would not need further authentication beyond receiving the letters from his fax machine.

That is really scary if what you say is true.

I thought Dan Rather was fired from his anchor position at the same network for not properly vetting some emails he used as source material? Let me check.

"Dwntwnslim, signing contractual documents and transmitting them by fax is usually enough for any court to accept them as original signature."

Are there any legal eagles out there that can verify if what is quoted above is true?

**Here is one blog that I found that talks about "Electronic Signatures and the Law" in plain English:


***Advice from any legal eagles out there would be very helpful!!
Just throwing this out for debate... if the CPH calls were exactly as evidence we have suggests (i.e. there were only 2 calls, they took place AFTER Shannan was known to be missing, he never said he had a rehab and he never said that Shannan stayed with him), is the doctor still a highly suspicious player in this, why or why not? I am pretty torn on this so any input would be appreciated.
inspctrgadget and Seaslug44,

I think I have it straight now.

1) PCH did call MG
2) We cannot be exactly sure when those calls took place, or what was the content because we only have MG's statements with no other evidence.

What leads me back to PCH as a POI is

a) Where did he get MG's phone number? Nobody has ever admitted to giving PCH, MG's phone number. PCH could have got it from MP, AC, or from SG's phone. MP or AC are not saying they did give it out, which in itself is telling.

b) Assuming MG got the timing and the contents of the call from PCH all screwed up, PCH has never refuted as wrong, what MG has been claiming.

c) I want to believe that the kind and heroic doctor is a good guy and innocent of any involvement in SG's death. It is those damn phone calls he made that keeps bringing me back to him.

d) I tend to believe MG's recollection of events more than somebody who may be involved criminally.
Just throwing this out for debate... if the CPH calls were exactly as evidence we have suggests (i.e. there were only 2 calls, they took place AFTER Shannan was known to be missing, he never said he had a rehab and he never said that Shannan stayed with him), is the doctor still a highly suspicious player in this, why or why not? I am pretty torn on this so any input would be appreciated.

Great question! I think at minimum, it would raise my eyebrow and warrant further scrutiny and analysis on my part.
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