NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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I was wondering, if he was in fact in any way involved, why PH would tell Mari that Shannan had spent the night there, (working on the assumption that he did indeed tell her that, which I personally believe to be true). One would think that would be a stupid thing to do, because why would you choose to alert anyone that you had any possible involvement if you didn't have to (if you had something to hide)? The only thing I can think of would be if Shannan had in fact been at his house, for whatever reason, even briefly, whether it was nefarious or not (perhaps, as some have suggested, that 15 minute mystery trip, to get drugs or whatever) and since when he called Mari he didn't at that point have any idea what anyone knew, he might have said it preemptively, to cover himslef in case they searched his house and found evidence she had been there. Then finding out no-one knew his involvement, he realized he hadn't needed to do that and so denied saying it. Or is that far-fetched?! It's the only thing I can think of that might explain why he would do that.

This brings me to a question: once the police arrived in Oak Beach after GC called them, I would expect in a situation like that that they would try to determine what house the female caller had come from, even if it meant going door to door. Once finding the house, I would also expect that they might ask (JB) if it would be okay if they took a quick look around. Surely they had connected Shannan's call with GC's. I realize Shannan had been seen running away and the assumption would be she was no longer there, and that they didn't yet know she had gone missing (they didn't know she hadn't either) but I still think under the circumstances - they had received a frantic 911 call from there - it would be reasonable. Did they do that? I doubt it. I'm just wondering what actually happened when the police showed up. And shouldn't they have asked to see the security tape right then and there? I wonder who the police officer was who answered that call and how he feels about it now.

I also without a doubt believe he told Mari Shannon was there,why would she be lying about that?IMO it excites him just like it did when he called Maureens sister.I think he backed away when he realized how much attention the case is really getting now.But then he decided to dump Shannan and her belongings really close to his house to keep the excitement going.I think LE is protecting him for some reason and that's why he feels safe.All this is my opinion just in case he is the long island serial killer IMO he is the strongest suspect.It seems so ridiculous to me how LE is trying to separate Shannon from the other bodies.I'm just hoping they're playing a game to make the killer think he's safe and are close to making an arrest.
I think it's so sad and ironic if in fact Shannon was running from Pak because she didn't get paid and ran right into the hands of a serial killer.
i think the jean, purse, cell phone, etc that they found was what Shannan left in MP's car when she went into JB's house. she might have retrieved them when and if she met up with MP again or they could have been toss by MP.

i asked about the remains being clothed because the other GB4 where found with no clothes or jewelry. just wanted to see how Shannan fit in with them.

I was told by a source close to the case that Shannan did not bring a change of clothes with her that night. But I'm still unsure how anyone but MP and SG and possibly JB would know that...
Did this press conference end up taking place?

Mornin' Clem, It's almost 10am. Do you or anyone here know what time they usually hold media events like this? I'm also wondering if we will have a new thread for the news conference?

Does it sound like maybe she wants to light a few fires? You GO Mari !!!
I don't know...look at the size of that spot vs a tree canopy. About the same size...
I think those are bushes or scrub brush... not trees. There is nothing else, of that color or variety anywhere else...within several hundred feet of that area.
I also without a doubt believe he told Mari Shannon was there,why would she be lying about that?IMO it excites him just like it did when he called Maureens sister.I think he backed away when he realized how much attention the case is really getting now.But then he decided to dump Shannan and her belongings really close to his house to keep the excitement going.I think LE is protecting him for some reason and that's why he feels safe.All this is my opinion just in case he is the long island serial killer IMO he is the strongest suspect.It seems so ridiculous to me how LE is trying to separate Shannon from the other bodies.I'm just hoping they're playing a game to make the killer think he's safe and are close to making an arrest.
I think it's so sad and ironic if in fact Shannon was running from Pak because she didn't get paid and ran right into the hands of a serial killer.

I don't believe for a second that Shannan didn't get paid. My understanding is that escorts always ask for money upfront. I think that JB is just saying that - and that he didn't sleep with her, which I think is also baloney - just to avoid embarrassment and possible prosecution for hiring an escort (not that they'd ever do that, of course. Since when do the johns get in trouble.)
I was told by a source close to the case that Shannan did not bring a change of clothes with her that night. But I'm still unsure how anyone but MP and SG and possibly JB would know that...

She was wearing jeans when she went out that night. I think it's unlikely that she would bring another pair of jeans to change into into. A change of shoes, yes, but jeans, no. The jeans they found were the ones she was wearing, I believe. And I think it's pretty odd that they were found so far from the body.
I have looked at several different aerial maps from different links, some realtors, some from seaslug, some just google or bing. It is obvious to me that there are well worn paths all over that brushy area and that Shannoan could have been found a long time ago. It is more of a brush than a marsh. Only the very recent photos of that area, that I have seen, show it to be wet. All the aerials, that I have looked at and that is about six or seven different views, have all looked dry and with obvious well worn paths large and small.
Dear LI locals, Please keep us posted on Mari Gilbert's press conference. Thanks. wm
I'm sure this has been asked before, but

If Serota is the person who removed the tape from the OB gate video, how is it that GC had access to the hard drive in order for him to turn it over to LE? How many others in that community had access to it?
Go Mari! Seriously, if there is not a method to the madness of the SCPD in this case, then they really are messing things up royally. The public battle between Spota and Dormer really put it over the top for me.

Ditto on your "Go Mari".

With Dormer leaving, he has nothing to lose by coming out to justify his stance. Sure would be nice if he offered the family and the community an assurance that he knows his stuff. I have to agree with another poster who said that it is unusual for a DA to speak out in this way as they are not the investigators. It does however present another public "flip-flop" as we are used to seeing in this case. Is it a ploy? Who knows, and they ain't talkin' :banghead:

I suppose any technique that LE uses in trying to catch a serial killer is not about being "nice" or bruised egos. Let's just hope "technique" is not used as a cover-up for incompetence.
Good for her to speak her mind. I assume that the SCPD is working with the FBI in some capacity. No? I know they were at one time.

Um, does anyone else get the feeling that Mari's lawyer had a parade to grand marshal shortly after today's press conference?
It's so frustrating 3 bodies have not been identified !!! Including a baby !!!!
So sad.
That's something that has been eating at me since it was released. I don't understand how a 16 month old baby can go unknown like this, unless the baby was born overseas or God forbid the baby was born while the SK was holding and torturing her mother.

IMO the 16 month old baby, her mother, and the Asian guy in a dress were likely illegal immigrants hence the reason why we can't ID them.
I don't believe they will release the COD . Wow I can't imagie having to live in your state with all these unsolved cases and sounds like police dept. has alot of work cut out for themselfs It's been over a year. They can't even solve just one case. There will always be hope I suppose.
Good for her to speak her mind. I assume that the SCPD is working with the FBI in some capacity. No? I know they were at one time.

Um, does anyone else get the feeling that Mari's lawyer had a parade to grand marshal shortly after today's press conference?

FBI assisted with some resources in the search, but not sure if their involvement went any further. Saw it somewhere that their offer of assistance was "rebuffed". Will try to find link.

Maybe that particular lawyer moonlights as Punxsutawney Phil's handler? ;)

ETA: Gotta luv google cache ;) Found the google hit (first hit in the following link) with the summary containing the original word "rebuffed", but the article doesn't seem to have the word in it anymore:

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