NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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This lack of any new information and the media silence, re: SG's case and the LISK cases is growing old. Hopefully, LE is still following up on/investigating potential suspects.
How could you possibly know with Any Degree of Certainty, that the doctor hasn't denied writing the letters? Maybe he has told LE that he didn't? Just because it isn't on TV doesn't mean it didn't happen.

This is the last time I'm going to express my opinion on this, because I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall. I truly mean no offence by this, but what you are proposing makes no sense to me. There are times when it is logical to make an assumption, and in the absence of anything - anything at all - to refute that assumption or suggest it isn't correct, it is perfectly reasonable to continue to do so.

After all, using your logic, you could really question everything and anything, till the cows come home. Am "I" really writing this post? Maybe an intruder broke in and is using my computer. Maybe someone else is using my identity. Maybe the "real" me - the person who signed up here and started posting - is in Siberia and unaware that someone else is posing as "me" and that's why I haven't informed everyone that the posts are being made by someone else. Maybe I should assure everyone every time I write that it really is me. But then again, I could be lying. Do you see my point?! How do we know that David Furnish made nasty comments about Madonna on his Facebook page(it's on the news as I write this!)? Maybe someone else did it. Did anyone confirm it? He didn't come forward and deny it, but by your logic that doesn't mean anything.

I feel like it's a waste of time to argue about whether or not the doctor wrote those letters to the show. I think we can safely assume at this point that he did. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. We'll have to agree to disagree.

I Never Said That. Ever.

Sorry. There's another poster who seems to be on the same page as you and maybe I was lumping you together. Or inaccurately paraphrasing. All I mean is that someone has made the point that it might be more valuable to start concentrating on the serial killings without focusing on Oak Beach. I understand and think it's a very valid comment but agree only to a point, because I still think Oak Beach cannot yet be eliminated as having a possible connection.

I sometimes wonder if focusing on the doctor because we've been handed unsubstantiated rumors from questionable sources to work with (on purpose?), is a time waster in and of itself.

To focus on the doctor because one has been handed unsubstantiated rumors from questionable sources to work with, if that is true, would indeed probably be a time waster. To focus on the doctor because serious questions still remain and need to be answered isn't, IMO.

If you don't agree that the doctor is involved, you don't have to engage in those discussions. If you want to focus on other things and possibilities you should. I'm all ears (or eyes, as it were!)

You were the one who approached me with questions and comments regarding one of my posts. Remember?

You don't have to read and/or comment on any of my posts. That's cool. You won't hurt my feelings.

You do realize that the word assumption is not synonymous with the word fact? Here is a definition I pulled up on google:


1. A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof: "they made certain assumptions about the market".
2. The action of taking power or responsibility: "the assumption of an active role in regional settlements".

supposition - presumption - hypothesis - surmise
Hi Oriah and thanks for your expertise.

I am thinking we should ask a MOD to move all these HRD posts to their own thread so they don't get lost. We might be referring to these posts months from now.

Also, I haven't read all these posts yet, but do we know for sure that Blue searched in that bramble/swampy area where Shannan's possessions and remains were found? Ta
Blue could very well have picked up scent from discarded personal belongings that had come into contact with SG.
My curiosity is whether or not it was HR scent, or tracking or trailing scent.
If it was HR scent, then (in my world anyway) SG was deceased prior to being separated from her belongings.

Wouldn't Shannan have to have been dead for about 2 hours at the last point she touched those belongings for it to be a HRD?

I think Shannan's belonging's would have been visible to the eye right away if they were put there not long after she went missing. Same with the body. We could see the shape of her skeleton from an arial view with the officers standing by.

ETA: I agree with Waltzing M that if this area was searched previously for Shannon, her belongings and remains were not there at that time or they would have been spotted or sniffed.
This lack of any new information and the media silence, re: SG's case and the LISK cases is growing old. Hopefully, LE is still following up on/investigating potential suspects.

Hey, I'm new here.


I, too, hope something shakes loose on this soon. Until then, I think alot of wild speculation and bickering will continue to flourish because there's nothing new and solid to focus on.

I have a feeling that LE is sitting on something and I have a feeling that even if SG's case isn't connected to the others they don't really believe it was an accidental drowning, but we'll see.

Now, how long it will need to be sat on, who knows. It took 20 years to arrest that idiot Gary Ridgway and many officers knew it was him the whole time. Hopefully, this will be wrapped up sooner that that, but again we'll see.

Hope to contribute here more soon...:fence:
I have a feeling that LE is sitting on something and I have a feeling that ....

I have a feeling that LE is sitting on something as well, but I also have a feeling that what I think they are sitting on is not what you think they are sitting on.

me: beanbag, stained couch in Happaugue Holiday Inn Express, lazyboy, toilet...
you: information relevant to this case
I have a feeling that LE is sitting on something as well, but I also have a feeling that what I think they are sitting on is not what you think they are sitting on.

me: beanbag, stained couch in Happaugue Holiday Inn Express, lazyboy, toilet...
you: information relevant to this case

I hear you.

However, just because they may not be motivated to do something about it, now or ever doesn't mean there isn't plenty of stuff they know that they're not sharing or that they aren't telling/selling fairy tales to the public.
Hi Oriah and thanks for your expertise.

I am thinking we should ask a MOD to move all these HRD posts to their own thread so they don't get lost. We might be referring to these posts months from now.

Also, I haven't read all these posts yet, but do we know for sure that Blue searched in that bramble/swampy area where Shannan's possessions and remains were found? Ta

I think that's a good idea about moving the HRD posts to their own thread. I'm sure we'll need to refer to them often.
Was anyone else aware that during the infamous first phone call aside from the "halfway house for run away teens" line, the perp also claimed to be a police officer?

Did somehow this tidbit eluded us?

Listen closely to this interview:

Wow. Interesting. Especially in light of the mother of one of the victim's getting strange calls at work from somebody posing as a police officer.

I am so suspicious of this Doctor.
I think it was reported that at least one NYPD officer (or former officer) was looked at in connection with the Long Island murders. I will have to check to confirm.
I think it was reported that at least one NYPD officer (or former officer) was looked at in connection with the Long Island murders. I will have to check to confirm.

No need to waste your time slim, that was a bogus article from the NY Post, and it came out a good 6 months after this interview. This interview was talking about the phone call Mari Gilbert received shortly after May 1st.
Could it really be just a coincidence that the caller to victim SG's mom makes claims of being an officer and that another victim's(totally unrelated to SG's murder according to some)mother receives a call by a man claiming to be an officer?? Just a fluke coincidence??

I guess it may be that someone(the real killer) downloaded a program to hack into the good doctor's phone line and made this phone call claiming to be an officer to further set up the doc.. Along with downloading another program to help them then hack into the OBA surveillance system to erase any video that showed the "real killer" on it.. And then found yet another program and downloaded it that allowed him to hack into the good doc's computer/fax and send letters out.. And yet again downloaded another program that allowed him to forge the good doc's signature to the letters..

I guess that explains everything and wow any of us could have done it all from just downloading this software from our internets(don't forget the one for altering the voice as well).. There's no coincidences I guess here when they're all *explained away* with software we can all download.. :crazy:
Could it really be just a coincidence that the caller to victim SG's mom makes claims of being an officer and that another victim's(totally unrelated to SG's murder according to some)mother receives a call by a man claiming to be an officer?? Just a fluke coincidence??

I guess it may be that someone(the real killer) downloaded a program to hack into the good doctor's phone line and made this phone call claiming to be an officer to further set up the doc.. Along with downloading another program to help them then hack into the OBA surveillance system to erase any video that showed the "real killer" on it.. And then found yet another program and downloaded it that allowed him to hack into the good doc's computer/fax and send letters out.. And yet again downloaded another program that allowed him to forge the good doc's signature to the letters..

I guess that explains everything and wow any of us could have done it all from just downloading this software from our internets(don't forget the one for altering the voice as well).. There's no coincidences I guess here when they're all *explained away* with software we can all download.. :crazy:

Now you've got it! lol. It's just a long chain of very improbable events occuring back to back and framing the doc. See it's just a simple misunderstanding. Don't forget, the "real killer" is his monozygotic twin that no one knew about, that will explain the dna match.
Now I'm more inspired to pursue my theory. Thanks for that inspiration.

BTW, I don't think the perp needs to download anything from the interwebz. He's got the skills to make any programs he needs all by himself, IMHO.
Hey, I'm new here.


I, too, hope something shakes loose on this soon. Until then, I think alot of wild speculation and bickering will continue to flourish because there's nothing new and solid to focus on.

I have a feeling that LE is sitting on something and I have a feeling that even if SG's case isn't connected to the others they don't really believe it was an accidental drowning, but we'll see.

Now, how long it will need to be sat on, who knows. It took 20 years to arrest that idiot Gary Ridgway and many officers knew it was him the whole time. Hopefully, this will be wrapped up sooner that that, but again we'll see.

Hope to contribute here more soon...:fence:



:seeya: Glad to have you join us!
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