GUILTY NY - Maddox Lawrence, 21 mos, Syracuse, 20 February 2016

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It's my personal hunch that the life and death of his mother had a significant role in this murder. I do not blame the mother for whatever she did or did not do - the blame is 100% on the child murderer. I suspect we might learn of some troubled teens years and/or self-medication.

Eventually we all go through losing loved ones. Plenty of young people lose a parent and manage to continue on with life. But, not everyone is able to do that. That is NOT AN EXCUSE for murder, so please, nobody jump to conclude I am giving this child murderer a pass. However, delving into his motives is interesting to some of us and since we don't know what triggered him, we want to ponder it and try to figure it out.

I'd like to know more about his teen years (not that troubled teen years are an excuse for murder).


I don't think the death of his mother had anything at all to do with this. jmo
Well seeing what he eventually did to her, no one can blame her... He just isn't a picture of a warm, loving dad.

(But lots of kids prefer mom anyway because she's been the primary caregiver most of the time or because they're going through a phase etc.)

I don't think dad was handling being Mr. MOM. very well.
Maddox was probably crying for Mommy.
He was probably on his last nerve...
I think he is one very very disturbed individual for sure. No one in their right mind could do what he has done. Didn't he threaten to harm himself and the baby on a voice message to his wife? I thought i read that somewhere. What the hell prompted that? He should of just done himself in if that is what he wanted and left Maddox alone. Why do these types always take an innocent life and what do they really think they will achieve by doing that? Just to hurt someone else in the worse way possible it seems.

I have a feeling the text and video were sent AFTER he had already harmed Maddox. Hopefully they will release that info if they figure it out because I'd be curious to know the timeline.

As to why Ryan Lawrence killed Baby Maddox, the suspect was allegedly jealous that his daughter was more eager to spend time with her mom.

Now this is a different aspect!

If that's the makes even less sense than the other way around. So he's upset that the baby doesn't give him enough attention. Well, how much attention is he going to get from her when he kills her? I have a feeling this guy is just a murderer and an idiot.
I have a feeling the text and video were sent AFTER he had already harmed Maddox. Hopefully they will release that info if they figure it out because I'd be curious to know the timeline.

If that's the makes even less sense than the other way around. So he's upset that the baby doesn't give him enough attention. Well, how much attention is he going to get from her when he kills her? I have a feeling this guy is just a murderer and an idiot.

Yes, I suspect the video happened after the murder as well. I am curious about the timeline and planning.

HERE IS A GUESS of the sequence - just a guess
He came up with the idea.
Bought the book on how to hide. (I bet google searches will reveal more planning.)
Bought disguise (he was found with a wig).
Murdered his child while mother at work. Burned her, tied her to cement, put her in water.
Came home, made video and wrote note.
Dropped off car at wife's work. Sent text.
Walked off.
Days later, purchased a comforter at thrift store.

So...this was something long simmering in him, imo. He had so much rage about his life that he not only made a plan to murder his child, but over the course of time, he didn't change his mind about it.

JMOpinion at the moment.
Wonder why he just didn't take off? Wth bring the car and leave it for the wife?

Cripes, he could of been long gone before the wife even got done work? Did he think she would go looking for him and Maddox?
Just thought of something. He planned this in advance, it appears, yet didn't make a plan to get far away. He stayed in the area. Why? Did he want to live in the woods nearby indefinitely? Strange.
Yes I remember reading 1 article that said he left a video and a note.
Wonder why he just didn't take off? Wth bring the car and leave it for the wife?

Cripes, he could of been long gone before the wife even got done work? Did he think she would go looking for him and Maddox?

I just posted something similar - same thoughts at same time.
Over $19,000 on Baby Maddox's page.

I bet her punk of a father wishes he could get his his dirty little hands on it.
Yes, I suspect the video happened after the murder as well. I am curious about the timeline and planning.

HERE IS A GUESS of the sequence - just a guess
He came up with the idea.
Bought the book on how to hide. (I bet google searches will reveal more planning.)
Bought disguise (he was found with a wig).
Murdered his child while mother at work. Burned her, tied her to cement, put her in water.
Came home, made video and wrote note.
Dropped off car at wife's work. Sent text.
Walked off.
Days later, purchased a comforter at thrift store.

So...this was something long simmering in him, imo. He had so much rage about his life that he not only made a plan to murder his child, but over the course of time, he didn't change his mind about it.

JMOpinion at the moment.

This sounds feasible.
He didn't plan well for cold weather though, huh?
If he hadn't stopped to get that comforter at the thrift store, he could have been long gone, had he planned for transportation, or hid out in the woods or something...
This sounds feasible.
He didn't plan well for cold weather though, huh?
If he hadn't stopped to get that comforter at the thrift store, he could have been long gone, had he planned for transportation, or hid out in the woods or something...

Yes, it's strange because the clerks at the store recognized him from previous visits, IIRC. He stayed in the area and went to a store he had frequented in the past. He deliberately stuck around.


He clearly didn't want to sever all ties and start fresh somewhere. He destroyed what he had and then STAYED nearby. Can't figure that out.

I actually can see why he thought his reasoning for killing Maddox makes sense in his mind. He has no empathy and no realization that not everyone is a sicko like he is. Let's say that he somehow managed to NOT be under suspicion for his daughter's disappearance/murder. Does he realize that a huge percentage of couples who lost a child end up divorcing and a big reason is because of the differences in grieving? But that is not something he can even wrap his head around---Someone who murders their child in a premediated fashion is not thinking rationally and I can almost see how he would think his plan is a good one in his head. In his mind, Maddox is "worthless" so why would anyone care about her disappearance/murder?
this is just so so sad....why couldnt he have just left them and find someone to pay attention to him?
I have a feeling the text and video were sent AFTER he had already harmed Maddox. Hopefully they will release that info if they figure it out because I'd be curious to know the timeline.

If that's the makes even less sense than the other way around. So he's upset that the baby doesn't give him enough attention. Well, how much attention is he going to get from her when he kills her? I have a feeling this guy is just a murderer and an idiot.
I agree. All of these "reasons" are completely absurd, to me.
If u google Fathers jealous of mom you will be amazed at what u may find...and it is not pretty. I'm even wondering if the marriage was falling apart.
Most of these guys that kill their child also kill themselves or try to.

they kill the child to HURT the wife!
If u google Fathers jealous of mom you will be amazed at what u may find...and it is not pretty. I'm even wondering if the marriage was falling apart.
Most of these guys that kill their child also kill themselves or try to.

they kill the child to HURT the wife!

I think the most disturbing thing about the jealousy aspect is that he was jealous of the attention she got because of her illness. She had battled a rare form of cancer. What kind of parent feels jealousy over a sick child? If your child hurts you hurt but jealousy - that's just incredible to me!

Also why is he being charged with Second Degree and not First. He left a video saying he was going to harm her - obviously premeditated.
They said on the radio that Ryan Lawrence had an Uncle that was also murdered. Does anyone know if that is true? If it is I wonder how long ago and if there is some history of violence in his family. Two murders in the same family seems rather odd.
They said on the radio that Ryan Lawrence had an Uncle that was also murdered. Does anyone know if that is true? If it is I wonder how long ago and if there is some history of violence in his family. Two murders in the same family seems rather odd.

If you read upthread you can find links for his mom being a victim advocates. Uncle died before he was born
O ffs most young babies want mommy. Then they get to toddler and want daddy. My husband was so excited wen our toddler became more daddy's boy. It's like a rite of passage. Poor baby girl :(
I think the most disturbing thing about the jealousy aspect is that he was jealous of the attention she got because of her illness. She had battled a rare form of cancer. What kind of parent feels jealousy over a sick child? If your child hurts you hurt but jealousy - that's just incredible to me!

Also why is he being charged with Second Degree and not First. He left a video saying he was going to harm her - obviously premeditated.

There are very specific cases that are charged with first-degree murder in New York. Killing a police officer, for example, will warrant a first-degree charge. Most murders are second-degree in the state. It was explained upthread.

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