GUILTY NY - Marc Bookal, 4, Newburgh, 14 Dec 2009

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Hmm.. so they're searching the banks of the river. And Nancy just showed small boats in the river. I think this is going exactly where we suspected all along... exactly where LE suspected too. At least the perp made it pretty obvious and little Marc will hopefully have justice brought to him sooner rather than later.

Sounds like grandma had no clue what was going on in the children's lives.

And my question is: WHY? Why didn't grandma & grandpa have a clue? They knew something terrible had happened to their oldest grandchild - he was in the hospital with broken ribs and a skull fracture for heaven's sake. It was in the NEWS! Hello........... Why didn't they know?

This poor child. It really is another Robert Manwell story. Heartbreaking. :( :(

I just saw the "mother" on HLN news. She is a moron. Flat affect, telling the reporter she "just wants her baby back". BooHoo, shoulda thought about that before you let Mr. Violent child abuser in your home to live and care for the poor little boy! I cannot tell if it seems she knows anything about the disappearance. She looks like a drug addict IMO. The grandparents from the post above apparently had no clue about what danger the children were in.
I have a couple of questions if anyone knows the answers: Is there a history of drug use with either "mother" or loser BF?
Did either of them work?
Did Social Services have that family on their books?
Did BF's parole officer ever visit and know he was living in a home with children, as that would be a violation of his parole?
I think LE already knows what happened, and they are talking plea deal w/ BF.:waitasec:

You got this right,I saw her last night and couldn't believe the lack of concern,seems like she was more concerned about protecting her bf.And when she said the child had constant stomachaches,I couldn't believe she didn't get why.I'm wondering if he abused her also,in alot of these violent men,they abuse the women and the children and women just accept it as their way of life.This needs to stop,if she knew the child was being abused and the bf did it,she should be charged for child endangerment,also.I felt so sorry for the father hearing him today on the news,he should have gotten custody with the record of this bf and the 2nd degree burns that was on the child.
Long before Cory Byrd was charged with endangering the welfare of 4-year-old Marc Bookal, he proved capable of frightening violence.

Byrd served five years and five months in state prison for the 2002 attack of an 18-year-old. Now 25 years old, the victim in that attack remembers Byrd as a “vicious animal” who brutally beat him and slashed his face even though he did everything Byrd asked.
The young man, who asked that his name be withheld, had come from out of town and stopped on Benkard Avenue to buy $10 worth of marijuana. Byrd and another man got in his car and stuck a gun against his ribs. They told him to drive.
Byrd directed them to Edward Street, a deserted two-block strip of asphalt near Byrd's Benkard home. The young man said he didn't have any money, but he gave them the drugs along with his wallet, necklace and keys. He hoped they would let him go if he did as they told him.
Instead, they beat him nearly unconscious before Byrd delivered a final blow. It looked like a punch, but Byrd had a knife in his fist and opened a gash that split the young man's face from his right eye to his left ear.
“After I got cut, they left me there to die,” the young man said.
Doctors at Westchester Medical Center needed about 250 stitches to close the 7-inch gash.

more at link

Oh my Lord!I didn't even know this and this woman kept these children with this evil thing,haul her in and arrest her,too!These parents need to be set as examples that the legal system is not going to tolerate these parents putting thier kids in danger.They keep leaving them surrounded with drug addicts and the kids wind up missing.

Seriously is sex that important to these parents?They put that over thier children's lives?
I saw the Mom on Nancy Grace. Her lack of concern was shocking. If that were my child I would be in hysterics, someone would have to sedate me.

I hate to say this but here goes.....he was out sick the day before and sick again the day he went missing...I just get this sinking feeling that this was all staged to dispose of his body that maybe he was killed a couple of days ago

Just thinking out loud

I thought the same thing last night. But didn't one of the reports today say they had the BF and the baby on surveillance video from earlier the day he went missing? Or am I crazy? Following too many cases here right now!

Poor little guy. Every time I see that picture of him with that great big smile, it breaks my heart a little bit more. Chances are, he had nothing to smile about living with these losers.
Again, Patti, thanks for your videos, it helps so much to keep up on the stories! I guess nothing is new to this case, was hoping the BF would have pled by now or confessed. I am hoping that he does so that little Marc's body can be found and laid to rest.
Are they still searching for him? Have not heard anything about that. All I heard was that they are focusing on the Hudson. I am so very angry about this case - I sincerely want the mother to be prosecuted for knowingly placing her child in danger. Women - you do NOT need a man to make you feel "wanted." You and your precious children are worth so much! Remember, your children are yours forever - men come and go!:twocents:
And my question is: WHY? Why didn't grandma & grandpa have a clue? They knew something terrible had happened to their oldest grandchild - he was in the hospital with broken ribs and a skull fracture for heaven's sake. It was in the NEWS! Hello........... Why didn't they know?

This poor child. It really is another Robert Manwell story. Heartbreaking. :( :(


Salem, I always so enjoy your posts. But this is one time when I'm not sure it would have made a difference. I'm not sure what the laws are there but I know that I live in a state that has NO "Grandparent's Rights" and I know that I have spent MANY hours at CPS and talking to police and still my own grand is in a situation that I cry over almost daily. They might well have known and not been able to do anything. I know they said they didn't question HER but hopefully, they did do their part at CPS. One thing for sure, I know that if something ever happens to my grand, they will have records of me asking: "When will I get him? When you want me to pay for his funeral?!" It's awful, so awful, but sometimes, a grandparent just can't do anything!
I think we all know how this case is going to end -- sadly :( I just pray they find little Marc soon. The mother doesn't get my sympathy either - her affect is just false. She's covering for the monster (IMHO) and should be charged right along with him.

People who hurt/kill children should be punished in the worst way!


There is a "plus" in this case and that is FINALLY the police arrested the person that was in charge for the well-being of Mark. This is what needs to be done each and every time a child goes missing under the watchful eye of an adult.
Searching the river bank.
Four K-9 units are involved in the search, including one from Ramapo Town Police. Two SCUBA teams also continue to search the Hudson River for any clues

Brr it's so cold too.. the wind is blowing like crazy. I drive past the Hudson almost every time I leave the house and it's frozen over in some places. No one should have to be out in this!!
I swear I want to slap some people. I'll start with "mom" and I use that term loosely then I'll move on to bf. Her parents, while they are not responsible, I wonder why they didn't know too much? I mean I know you can hide stuff from your parents and cut them off, but I just wished they'd tried a little harder. Not their fault what happened, but dang.....

Yeah, another Robert Manwill. Sick mom, sick bf. I'll bet he was dead a couple of days before they reported him.

Bless those police officers and others searching for him. Let him be found and laid to rest. I hate child abusers. And animal abusers. I'm at a loss for what else I can say....
I hope they find something to charge this ridiculous mother with...endangering ??

I hope that Marc's mom is not made out to be some sympathetic figure...nor do I wish to hear his grandparents sob stories....I think it is time for all people concerned with a child's abuse/endangerment/murder to be called out

if you are not part of a solution you are part of a problem

it is about time all the ones involved get what is due them..and I include incompentant social workers in that roll call

What a sweet little boy...what a happy smile....and then look at that weird "mother"...more concerned about her loveshack jerk

they had a "great relationship"...but the identifying feature that people are to look for is "burns on his hands" courtesy of the boyfriend?? Let's get real here
Just checking in to see if they found little Marc, but I guess not. Hopefully, soon the poor little one can be laid to rest and out of the cold. Moron mother, total loser BF, no family support by GP's, so sad for the children in these situations. CYS and parole board lousy, no social intervention. We as a society will continue to loose our precious children unless changes are made. :(
I was away at a training session yesterday so I'm just getting back to the case this morning. I didn't really see anything new in the local papers this morning but if anyone has some news, would they please share?

Watching the news the first nite this was reported, the reporter doing the story mentioned something that stuck with me for some reason. He was talking about how there are several abandoned buildings in the area near their apartment.

Total speculation but something in my gut said that the boyfriend hid the body in one of those abandoned buildings and is hoping they don't find Marc until cause of death can't be recognized any longer. Then he plays it off like "well, I told you he wandered away. He must have gone into one of those buildings and frozen to death."

The mother is a real winner too, by the way. Saw her on NG the first nite and her flat affect and bit of an attitude when called to the carpet on why she left her child alone with this guy really put me off.
These cases get to me ....especially at Christmas time.

I will never understand a mother allowing one hair on her child's head to be harmed.


I'm tired of the excuses, I'm tired of trying to understand.......

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