NY - Mari Gilbert, mother of Shannan Gilbert, murdered by daughter Sarra, 23 July 2016

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John Ray pleads Not Guilty for Sarra today in court.


Ray, who has said Shannan Gilbert’s death affected her sister’s mental health, added a new twist Friday, saying Mari Gilbert’s longtime practice of witchcraft also affected Sarra and he plans to use that as part of her defense.

“Mari was a lifetime practitioner of witchcraft and apparently of black magic,” Ray said. “And her children were adversely affected by it, there is no question about it whatsoever. Sarra suffered from terrible delusions about witches, about demons, about voices and such. How can one not connect that to what her mother was doing?”

RBIU by me

My head exploded when I read this...jeez. TKAM: Did you know about this? Is it true?

I thought I recalled seeing the mention of witchcraft before. From above link:

"When Sarra Gilbert stabbed her mother to death last month, she believed her mother was possessed by a demon, a delusion fed by years of exposure to her mother's practice of black magic and witchcraft, Gilbert's attorney said Friday."

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I think it's alot of sensationalism to try to stir up sympathy for Sarra. Nothing bad that I am aware of has been said about Mari. Maybe mention of some emotional problems in the past, which is clearly hereditary, so that probably couldn't be helped. But now, all of a sudden all of Sarra's emotional problems are all Mari's fault because basically, she was a witch? The lawyer seems to agree with family Sarra should have been hospitalized. Well, since supposedly he was such good friends with the family, why didn't he do anything to help with getting Sarra put in the hospital? Some friend! I think he likes the limelight, and is exploiting everything he possibly can. Maybe he's thinking about a book and all the royalties he might get. He's supposed to be trying to help Sarra get the help she needs, not using the family's story to get rich and famous on. Sorry, but I just don't buy all his baloney.
We will see what happens in court. There is a hearing on Sept. 9
i will go back and read everything as i have time:) lots of great work here im sure. I do have a question the ID stuff last week on SG it stated at end mother was dead and how i read it sister killed sg's mom? Is this real? I think is convenient the location but maybe the good dr is part of the boys club. Maybe thats why playboy panicked and took own life? I cannot find anything online major cover up? scpd seems ripe with problems besides not having a clue how to work this case. 10 bodies dont let the fbi in what is this. Keep up the good work people this is how others have fallen is like dominoes. I will say foti how he answered that call is someone who has limited control dangerous for sure but why the veiled or unveiled threat if he was the brains to trick these women he had to have a lot better game than that!! they like to play games we know sg said they are trying to kill me. They wont release the call but we know that is one fact. I want t work on with those that will work with me at putting the characters together how they tie together. They made mistakes a lot of them. This is imho vesolvable.

NY - Mari Gilbert, mother of Shannan Gilbert, murdered by daughter Sarra, 23 July 2016

Apparently, it is true. Sarra did kill her mother, Mari Gilbert. Interesting (unverified) post here.

I believe the son is eight. I cannot imagine the horror of having his little dog drowned in front of him. I hope Sarra becomes a lifer in a mental hospital. We can all hope and pray this little boy is taken in and loved and cared for the way he should have always been. And I'm certain he should receive some counseling to get through this horrible tragedy. I'm an LPN, and what really scares me is the fact that mental illness can be inherited. Hopefully that gene wasn't passed on to him!

Wasn't Shannan bi-polar? And Sarra had been "in and out of mental health facilities". It's obvious she was getting treatment, but nobody could ever have predicted this horror! Maybe she went off her meds, like so many do when unsupervised.

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You have a lot of knowledge on this subject then. I've been following a case where the murderer suffered from a mental illness, was sent to a state hospital for up to three years, got stabilized on his meds, and is now facing a death penalty trial. His crimes seemed much more organized and premeditated though.
Are you saying Sarra may not ever be able to be deemed stabilized to face trial?

I agree with your opinion about the type of care we could provide to the serious mentally ill, but why can't more get that kind of safety and care before they commit a horrible crime? Why wasn't Sarra in a setting like you described? Is the problem insurance coverage and financial concerns, or legalities to keep them in a facility, or medical decisions that leave a mentally ill person falling through the cracks?

Wondering if you have an opinion in general on Laura's Law.

I'm not an expert, by any means, but aren't the requirements for being able to stand trial the recognition of your actions as right or wrong, and the ability to aide in your own defense?

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Sorry for those following here daily but just a question. Was there ever any foul play found with the death of Mari G. From watching the series, she was very vocal in this case, so thought I would inquire with the experts. May she Rest In Peace.

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Sorry for those following here daily but just a question. Was there ever any foul play found with the death of Mari G. From watching the series, she was very vocal in this case, so thought I would inquire with the experts. May she Rest In Peace.

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Her other daughter killed her..

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Her other daughter killed her..

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Thank you- I just noticed someone asked the same question in a different thread. What a total tragedy. So sad and hope justice is swift (er) for the family and friends.

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Sorry for those following here daily but just a question. Was there ever any foul play found with the death of Mari G. From watching the series, she was very vocal in this case, so thought I would inquire with the experts. May she Rest In Peace.

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The home situation was not good. It's been well-documented that Shannon Gilbert had to be removed from Mari's house. Then it was revealed that Mari practiced black magic and witchcraft which led one of her other daughters to kill her. The home was plagued with mental illness.
Sorry for those following here daily but just a question. Was there ever any foul play found with the death of Mari G. From watching the series, she was very vocal in this case, so thought I would inquire with the experts. May she Rest In Peace.

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I've had a similar thought train for a while now but did not know how to properly word it to avoid upsetting anyone because I do not by any means intend to be disrespectful to any involved....

There was knowledge about that Sarra had been struggling with some severe mental health issues. I wonder what her phone records looked like? Could someone have possibly called her and convinced her that there were some type of demons in her mother? One report stated that Sarra asked Mari to come over that dreadful day. Was there a reason? The severely mentally ill can be particularly vulnerable. I wonder if these particular delusions were encouraged or brought up by someone else. Someone who didn't like Mari being so vocal about the other cases.

Just a thought. Once again, I mean no harm or disrespect to anyone, just thinking out loud here as the entire collection of cases has been very strange. No matter what the actual causes, all of this is simply tragic.
I've had a similar thought train for a while now but did not know how to properly word it to avoid upsetting anyone because I do not by any means intend to be disrespectful to any involved....

There was knowledge about that Sarra had been struggling with some severe mental health issues. I wonder what her phone records looked like? Could someone have possibly called her and convinced her that there were some type of demons in her mother? One report stated that Sarra asked Mari to come over that dreadful day. Was there a reason? The severely mentally ill can be particularly vulnerable. I wonder if these particular delusions were encouraged or brought up by someone else. Someone who didn't like Mari being so vocal about the other cases.

Just a thought. Once again, I mean no harm or disrespect to anyone, just thinking out loud here as the entire collection of cases has been very strange. No matter what the actual causes, all of this is simply tragic.

I can't unsee the connection with Hackett calling the Gilbert family earlier, and this theory. Could he be connected to a possible phone call to convince Sarra to kill her mother? Given Sarra's mental state, which was common knowledge, I would not be surprised if the killer called her to convince her to kill her mom, Mari.

And from what I have seen, it was mostly Mari Gilbert who kept the case alive, when neither the media, nor the police put the effort in to keep it up. She was always pushing law enforcement to keep investigating, talking to the media, giving interviews. The killer possibly thought he would benefit from Mari being killed (although it brought with it even more media attention, which he might not have counted on).

Even if it is not Dr Hackett, LISK is known for calling his victim's relatives.

Does anyone know if the phone records were ever released?
I can't unsee the connection with Hackett calling the Gilbert family earlier, and this theory. Could he be connected to a possible phone call to convince Sarra to kill her mother? Given Sarra's mental state, which was common knowledge, I would not be surprised if the killer called her to convince her to kill her mom, Mari.

And from what I have seen, it was mostly Mari Gilbert who kept the case alive, when neither the media, nor the police put the effort in to keep it up. She was always pushing law enforcement to keep investigating, talking to the media, giving interviews. The killer possibly thought he would benefit from Mari being killed (although it brought with it even more media attention, which he might not have counted on).

Even if it is not Dr Hackett, LISK is known for calling his victim's relatives.

Does anyone know if the phone records were ever released?

The phone records of Sarra were absolutely not released.
However, we may never know if they were even looked at in the first place.
I wonder if police looked into this and rushed to judgement the same way they did with Shannan (The theory that she tripped, hit her head, drowned and the branches ripped off her pants). I sure hope they are more competent than that and actually looked into it. Anyone would make the possible connection between this case and LISK, at least enough to investigate, I hope.
I wonder if police looked into this and rushed to judgement the same way they did with Shannan (The theory that she tripped, hit her head, drowned and the branches ripped off her pants). I sure hope they are more competent than that and actually looked into it. Anyone would make the possible connection between this case and LISK, at least enough to investigate, I hope.

It's just a theory that crossed my mind. And with separate departments handling each of these issues, plus an attorney who is more interested in the spotlight, I am not certain it would ever be explored outside of this forum.
I've had a similar thought train for a while now but did not know how to properly word it to avoid upsetting anyone because I do not by any means intend to be disrespectful to any involved....

There was knowledge about that Sarra had been struggling with some severe mental health issues. I wonder what her phone records looked like? Could someone have possibly called her and convinced her that there were some type of demons in her mother? One report stated that Sarra asked Mari to come over that dreadful day. Was there a reason? The severely mentally ill can be particularly vulnerable. I wonder if these particular delusions were encouraged or brought up by someone else. Someone who didn't like Mari being so vocal about the other cases.

Just a thought. Once again, I mean no harm or disrespect to anyone, just thinking out loud here as the entire collection of cases has been very strange. No matter what the actual causes, all of this is simply tragic.

Probably not...IMO. I hear stuff like this at work very often. Severely mentally ill people prone to delusions don't need help in coming up with strange and bizarre things...their brain does it all on its own.
Probably not...IMO. I hear stuff like this at work very often. Severely mentally ill people prone to delusions don't need help in coming up with strange and bizarre things...their brain does it all on its own.

While that might be true, it does not 100% disprove the theory the other person posted. Mentally unstable people like Sarra are prone to delusions, but they are also very easy to manipulate. It wouldn't even take a lot of effort to get her to kill Mari, if that was the goal in this. I just don't believe it is that easy to brush it off as "Sarra probably did it herself without any help"
Probably not...IMO. I hear stuff like this at work very often. Severely mentally ill people prone to delusions don't need help in coming up with strange and bizarre things...their brain does it all on its own.

That's exactly my point. If I wanted someone to disappear and knew someone that close to them was so vulnerable and easy to manipulate, I would swoop right the heck in and not a dang soul would suspect anything like that. They'd all say "she was very sick" just like that.

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