GUILTY NY - Nixzmary Brown, 7, beaten to death in Brooklyn, 11 Jan 2006

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Rikers Island inmates spit on Nixzmary Brown's mother, pulled her hair and called her a "baby killer" Wednesday during a raucous bus ride to a Brooklyn courthouse.
Nixzaliz Santiago, 29, is usually separated from other inmates, and the morning encounter left her shaken and in tears, her lawyer said.
"She was physically harassed," lawyer Sammy Sanchez told Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Patricia DiMango at the first hearing since Nixzmary's stepfather was convicted of manslaughter last week.
Rikers Island inmates spit on Nixzmary Brown's mother, pulled her hair and called her a "baby killer" Wednesday during a raucous bus ride to a Brooklyn courthouse.
Nixzaliz Santiago, 29, is usually separated from other inmates, and the morning encounter left her shaken and in tears, her lawyer said.
"She was physically harassed," lawyer Sammy Sanchez told Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Patricia DiMango at the first hearing since Nixzmary's stepfather was convicted of manslaughter last week.

I am trying-I am looking deep inside of myself, but I am not feeling much sympathy. I will try again later....:rolleyes:
Rikers Island inmates spit on Nixzmary Brown's mother, pulled her hair and called her a "baby killer" Wednesday during a raucous bus ride to a Brooklyn courthouse.
Nixzaliz Santiago, 29, is usually separated from other inmates, and the morning encounter left her shaken and in tears, her lawyer said.
"She was physically harassed," lawyer Sammy Sanchez told Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Patricia DiMango at the first hearing since Nixzmary's stepfather was convicted of manslaughter last week.

Maybe the realization of what her life will be like finally hit her... I have absolutely no sympathy for this woman. :mad:
Maybe the realization of what her life will be like finally hit her... I have absolutely no sympathy for this woman. :mad:

All I can say is :woohoo: I hope she gets put in general population all the time or enough to get her what she deserves. Accidents do happen!
Spectators in the courtroom shouted "murderer!" and "I hope you die in jail." But Cesar Rodriguez continued to insist he was innocent in the shocking death of his 7-year-old stepdaughter even as he was sentenced Thursday to up to 29 years in prison.
The scrawny and battered girl, Nixzmary Brown, was bound to a chair, starved and forced to urinate in a litter box before she was killed with a fatal blow to the head.
In a short statement, Rodriguez told the judge: "I loved Nixzmary. I can honestly say that I'm being accused of something I didn't do."
I just posted something about this case over in the crimes section. I think the thread is called Dead Girl's Hell Revisted or something like that. This is a very sick and disturbing case to me. I hope the mom and stepdad burn in hell.
After four days of tense deliberations, the weary majority spared Rodriguez a possible life sentence, finding him guilty of first-degree manslaughter in the death of the girl so shamefully failed by the city.

my bold and italics...the fact of the matter is that the "weary majority" in the end let themselves be worn down rather than to continue to deliberate. It is not just these 11 that will have to live with their decision, or the "lawyer" juror who took a stand against the harsher conviction, but the thousands of other children who can now be murdered with depraved indifference and the perps know that they will be slapped on the wrist...AnD on top of that , the child was sexually abused by step-dad which potentially led ultimately to her death??? Why was this basically just whispered throughout the trial rather than thundered from the roof tops??

Where does common sense come into play here, can I ask?? i mean it's like these 11 want to lay it all at the feet on one juror rather than just owning up to the fact that they were sick of being there and what did it matter now that angel-girl was dead??? OOps, maybe I didn't really mean that...but some how i feel like I did.

So step dad claims he was not guilty of manslaughter (talk about not GETTING IT) and the jurors who showed up at sentencing said it wasn't fair that he didn't get life. Hmmm...well now he received the maximum sentence and will be out in 12-15 years thanks to them and his attorney...and I am still waiting to hear if the guy has to register as a sex offender, but I guess since that was glossed over, he will still be able to harm children when he gets out and moves on....Rest assured Mom will be slapped with it all since this one went sideways and clearly she is crazy we will never really know what happened and if justice was served in the end.
Sorry, IMO, 29 years is not long enough for the torture death of Nixzmary. I'm appalled that that's all he was given. He should have been given 29 years for starving her, 29 years for beating her, 29 years for sexually abusing her, 29 years for killing her!
I'm appalled & outraged that he only received 29 years! :furious:
I'm hoping he receives prison brand justice. And I'm not talking rape, I mean death by another inmate who is as sick/disgusted about this as we are.
I usually avoid child abuse cases, but I had stumbled upon something about this this morning and wondered if it had even been discussed here. That's how I found it in the Crimes section. I cannot bring myself to read that whole thread. It's like 14 pages long?? I imagine what I don't know about this case is even worse than what little I know. It absolutely sickens me. I can't even think of another word....The fact that the girl's own mother allowed it and even had a hand it makes it all worse to me. I do'nt even know when article I read this in the morning but it said the mom walks in on the little girl---7 YEARS OLD!!!!!---giving oral sex to step-dad, and instead of trying to KILL him, she beat the little girl??? What the hell is wrong with these women. I hope she too recieves prison justice.
Sorry, IMO, 29 years is not long enough for the torture death of Nixzmary. I'm appalled that that's all he was given. He should have been given 29 years for starving her, 29 years for beating her, 29 years for sexually abusing her, 29 years for killing her!
Was he ever charged and/or convicted for the sexual abuse? At least, the judge gave him the max. It was the jury that should have come back with the murder conviction. I hope that that pathetic mother gets life in prison.

To add, I hope both of them are beaten to death while in prison.
Was he ever charged and/or convicted for the sexual abuse? At least, the judge gave him the max. It was the jury that should have come back with the murder conviction. I hope that that pathetic mother gets life in prison.

To add, I hope both of them are beaten to death while in prison.
they dropped the sex abuse charges before trial. they said they wanted to focus on the murder charge. only a small amount of the sex abuse was actually brought up to the jury.
Was he ever charged and/or convicted for the sexual abuse? At least, the judge gave him the max. It was the jury that should have come back with the murder conviction. I hope that that pathetic mother gets life in prison.

To add, I hope both of them are beaten to death while in prison.

Yes, it was the jury who should have come back with murder conviction &
I am outraged that they didn't. I'm appalled that the maximum sentence for this innocent child's horrific death is only 29 years. :(
Thank you JJ for keeping us up to date-the step fathers trial was a headshaker...let's see how this one goes.
trial begins today, I think her defence may be battered womans syndrome and possible post traumatic shock
Eight jurors in the Nixzmary Brown trial wanted to convict Cesar Rodriguez of murder, but a lawyer on the panel convinced them the stepfather's brutality wasn't depraved, jurors said Tuesday night.
After four days of tense deliberations, the weary majority spared Rodriguez a possible life sentence, finding him guilty of first-degree manslaughter in the death of the girl so shamefully failed by the city.
Renee Schnall, 38, who has a law degree and works as human resources director, acknowledged she voiced her opinion but said she hoped she hadn't tipped the scales in favor of the defendant because "everyone has to live with their decision."
She called Rodriguez "a clear abuser and a *advertiser censored*" but said, "The prosecution never proved to me he didn't care if Nixzmary lived or died."

So this b*tch doesn't think forcing a small child to give a grown man a *advertiser censored* isn't depraved? Of course he cared if she died because if she did, he wouldn't get anymore sex off the poor baby and he would, naturally, go to jail. SO eight people had to settle because one IDIOT can't actually think. OMG this just makes me so mad.
So this b*tch doesn't think forcing a small child to give a grown man a *advertiser censored* isn't depraved? Of course he cared if she died because if she did, he wouldn't get anymore sex off the poor baby and he would, naturally, go to jail. SO eight people had to settle because one IDIOT can't actually think. OMG this just makes me so mad.

I have been waiting for anyone in the know to state whether or not he was even charged with a sex offense-I could not find anywhere in the original coverage that indicated he would be required to register as a sex offender when he gets out...

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