GUILTY NY - Nixzmary Brown, 7, beaten to death in Brooklyn, 11 Jan 2006

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OMG I am so disgusted! How can they not see that this was murder!!!!!! I am sickened by this justice system! This will be a free probably before he is fifty years old while this poor baby he tortured and slowly killed is dead!

Words can not say what I feel right now! These jurors are all 's also how can they make this ruling?

Children are completely, 100 percent disposable in this country as far as the courts are concerned, as long it's a "parent" doing the disposal.

You are so right! Babies and children have no rights in this country! I wonder what this would have got if he tortured and killed his adult neighbor??? Didn't he also sexually abuse her?? God I am sickened!!
Let's just hope that his other children are old enough to defend themselves against him by the time he is let out....
Moments after letting Nixzmary Brown's stepfather get off on a murder charge, one of his jurors called the panel's verdict of first-degree manslaughter "a compromise."
How shameful.
Many saw these jurors as the people who would finally bring justice for Nixzmary.
Instead, they brought injustice.
How tragic.
After eight weeks of heartbreaking but conclusive testimony that had them in tears, they managed to once again disrespect the little girl whose painfully short life was characterized only by torture, misery and despair.
Barely alive, this 7-year-old child suffered unimaginable torment at the hands of the two "responsible" adults who were supposed to protect her from harm.
In death, lying cold and alone in her white lace dress in Brooklyn's Cypress Hills Cemetery, Nixzmary Brown has again been deprived of the dignity she deserves.
How could the jurors not interpret Cesar Rodriguez's behavior - pulverizing his stepdaughter with his fists, whipping her, starving her, banging her skull so hard it caused a massive head injury and waiting hours before calling 911 - as "depraved indifference to human life?"
That his deeds reflected a "wicked, evil or inhuman state of mind," as manifested by "brutal, heinous and despicable acts," is, to me at least, a no-brainer.
Also in line with the count of second-degree murder, he is as much to blame as someone who intentionally killed his victim.
She was little more than a tiny, fragile baby, but he made no concession.
Squared against this broad-shouldered, hot-tempered bully with his deadly arsenal of right and left hooks, duct tape, bungee cords and belts, she didn't stand a chance.
The conviction on a lesser count means Rodriguez could be released in time to cash his Social Security checks. I shudder to think he may be young enough to father another child - or even to meet any grandkids by his two biological sons, both toddlers named Cesar.
Eight jurors in the Nixzmary Brown trial wanted to convict Cesar Rodriguez of murder, but a lawyer on the panel convinced them the stepfather's brutality wasn't depraved, jurors said Tuesday night.
After four days of tense deliberations, the weary majority spared Rodriguez a possible life sentence, finding him guilty of first-degree manslaughter in the death of the girl so shamefully failed by the city.
Renee Schnall, 38, who has a law degree and works as human resources director, acknowledged she voiced her opinion but said she hoped she hadn't tipped the scales in favor of the defendant because "everyone has to live with their decision."
She called Rodriguez "a clear abuser and a *advertiser censored*" but said, "The prosecution never proved to me he didn't care if Nixzmary lived or died."
every time i have tried to post my feelings on this verdict the lump in my throat makes it hard to breathe. she suffered her whole life and never saw justice. in death nothing has changed. dad blames mom and mom will blame dad and nobody will pay for killing this innocent baby. they actted together to torture and kill this child and this jury makes me feel ill because they failed to see that.
This is just absolutely disgusting. I can't beleive the jurors didn't see through that! Poor baby, at least she's finally at peace now even though she didn't get the justice she so deserved.

Here's to hoping that her step father suffers a fate worse than death at the hands of his fellow inmates.
every time i have tried to post my feelings on this verdict the lump in my throat makes it hard to breathe. she suffered her whole life and never saw justice. in death nothing has changed. dad blames mom and mom will blame dad and nobody will pay for killing this innocent baby. they actted together to torture and kill this child and this jury makes me feel ill because they failed to see that.

Sherri, I have the same problem, I wept yesterday when I read the verdict. No, I did not personally know Nixsmary, but she touched my heart & life. I grieve for this little girl, like I would if she were my child/grandchild. I will never understand how these 12 people sat there for 40 days, seeing photos of her starved, battered & lifeless little body, litter box that they made her use like some animal, chair she was tied too with duct tape & bungi cords. They couldn't decide who struck the fatal blow!! How could they not find him guilty of murder?? I feel like the world has gone crazy!
Renee Schnall is an idiot!!!!!! I'm so sick to my stomach. :behindbar

Renee Schnall - I hope you see those photos of that poor child every single night of your life as you lay down and close your eyes. I hope those photos torment you for the rest of your life.

And to the rest of the jurors who caved to this woman in the deliberation room, may God have mercy on your souls.
I am betting dollars to donuts they just wanted to get away and the writing was on the wall that she would be a hold out and just whip if they had not digested enough of this nightmare...I think the dude does not have a prayer in prison unless he is held separately or has the capacity to defend himself from grownups rather than stomping starving babies...sorry for my graphic statement.
Well, I can't say I am surprised. I think the surprise witness threw the trial into a tail spin of doubt. If there is reasonable doubt you cannot convict. So the reasonable doubt was the mother delivered the final blow because she caught her daughter given Cesar oral sex. I personally think it shouldn't matter who delivered the last blow. That does not determine which blow caused her to die. They are both responsible and now this will walk out of prison in probably less than 20 years. We give people who steal donuts life sentences but if you murder a child in the good old USA you can get out fairly soon.:mad:
Well, I can't say I am surprised. I think the surprise witness threw the trial into a tail spin of doubt. If there is reasonable doubt you cannot convict. So the reasonable doubt was the mother delivered the final blow because she caught her daughter given Cesar oral sex. I personally think it shouldn't matter who delivered the last blow. That does not determine which blow caused her to die. They are both responsible and now this will walk out of prison in probably less than 20 years. We give people who steal donuts life sentences but if you murder a child in the good old USA you can get out fairly soon.:mad:

Totally agree. I know you can't convict on 'would haves', but in my opinion, either of them 'would have' killed her eventually, so I might, if I were a juror, have convicted them on that. I don't think I would care about instructions. I would care about keeping these scumbags off the street. THAT'S WAAAY more important, imo.
I can't find anything online about this but did read in Sunday paper that Nixzmary Brown's father was found not guilty of murder but guilty ONLY of manslaughter in her Jan. 2006 death!!!
This to me is once again the justice system failing Nixzmary!!

I found an old article for anyone who may not remember or read her story..

Her step father refers to her as a "trouble maker' , who stole her siblings toys, and stole yogurt from the fridge.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this story made me sad than and even sadder that Rodriguez didnt get found guilty of first degree murder ! I think he and the mother both deserve the death penalty!
http://www. usatoday. com/news/nation/2006-01-21-child-death_x. htm

If anyone has the verdict link online i would appreciate it.

Sick feeling to my stomach on the injustice done in this case. Rest in Peace sweet angel.

Thanks ,MagicRose.

I wonder how much time he'll get?

My nephew got 20 years for manslaughter ( he and his best friend were out drinking--my nephew driving he wreck and his best friend died) they are saying he will likely do 4 to 5 of those years..he is so guilt ridden he says he doesnt care to do the whole 20.

What im wondering is if this piece of crap Rodriguez will be free again again in 5 years? Surely, he will in his lifetime..which is so not right on so many levels :(
How much time will he actually get?? IMO, not enough! This should have been given a life sentence. I will never understand how the jury came to this decision?? It's truly heartbreaking. :(

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