NY NY - Patricia Cabrera, 34, Centereach, 26 Dec 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Keep your fingers crossed...we might be able to get some answers to the many questions we have. I must have stepped in dog poo or something to be that lucky. It turns out that a relative of mine, someone I haven't seen since she was a little girl, is facebook friends with someone who knows Patricia well. I just got finished sending her a very lengthy email with about 35 questions that she is going to forward to Patricia's friend. Hopefully she will be able to help us out with some of our questions.

On a side note, some info on Patricia's past history. The other night I located an address on Perry Street in Brentwood that has Patricia living there as early as 2000. If it's accurate, that means she's been living in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

Any news?
Any news?

I would like to be able to answer that with a yes, but unfortunately it's a no. It's been a week since my email was sent to Patricia's friend and I haven't gotten a response back. I'm hoping she didn't have seconds thoughts about wanting to help. Even if I had gotten a response, apparently I wouldn't be allowed to post that info here unless there was a verification done. Not sure if that would mean me being verified or Patricia's friend.
Is it possible she has been located and LE is keeping mum or the family is not pursuing this???

My opinion on LE already locating her and keeping it mum is no. I say that for a reason. A couple of weeks ago while at work, I was chatting with a co-worker that I'm friendly with about Patricia's case. He brought up that his brother is a missing persons detective in Nassau. Of course after hearing that, naturally I'd have some questions to ask. I had mentioned that although Patricia's disappearance seems to be suspicious, we can't rule out it being voluntary. I had asked what happens if a person disappears on their own and LE locates them and that person wants to remain "unfound". I was told that the family would still be notified. I also was told the same thing by a recently retired cop.

It could be possible that they have located her and have notified family, but I am doubting it. There are quite a few members of Patricia's family that have posted her disappearance on their Facebook, but not a single one of them has updated the story since they first posted it. If she had been located and wants to remain missing, IMO at least one member of her family would have made mention that she was safe.

Updated the map to include the location of Patricia's job in Deer Park. I did a street view of that location and might have found Patricia's car in the parking lot.


Street view Sept 2013. Notice the black car parked facing the building. It's black, it's a hatchback and it looks to be about the size of a Honda Fit. Could be Patricia's car. Haven't able to find a way to zoom in close enough to get a clear view of the rear emblem and whether or not the windows are tinted.
I may have found an interesting clue. There is a person who has Patricia on his friends list. He posted a picture of himself at 10:35 am on December 27th. Patricia is listed as one of the people who liked it. Unless someone else accessed her account, she couldn't have disappeared in a criminal way on her way home from work. So where was she some time after 10:35 am on the 27th? Did she indeed make it home that night or did she stay at someone else's place?
I may have found an interesting clue. There is a person who has Patricia on his friends list. He posted a picture of himself at 10:35 am on December 27th. Patricia is listed as one of the people who liked it. Unless someone else accessed her account, she couldn't have disappeared in a criminal way on her way home from work. So where was she some time after 10:35 am on the 27th? Did she indeed make it home that night or did she stay at someone else's place?

UPDATE I just found a post left by a L.L. that was made on January 4th at 10:40 pm. Patricia liked it. It is starting to look like Patricia left of her own free will.
I was only able to locate three instances of Patricia liking someone's post after Dec. 26.

1. A post by C. Z. Dec 27 10:35 am
2. A post by G. G. Dec. 27 12:00 pm
3. A post by L. L. Jan. 4 10:40 pm

There could be more. There were a handful of people who have their accounts private and I don't doubt that I could have missed a couple of names that have ties to Patricia. Assuming it was Patricia, which seems more than likely, her electronic footprint has her using Facebook about 12 hours and 9 days after being last seen at work. Also a full day after the official police press release.
I cannot see any of her friends on fb...she has it private.
I cannot see any of her friends on fb...she has it private.

Yes it is private, that's what made checking a chore. I started by looking at all the people who liked her last post, which was on the day she was last seen. I then sifted through all their profiles looking through who liked their posts. That's how I was able to find three likes.
Yes it is private, that's what made checking a chore. I started by looking at all the people who liked her last post, which was on the day she was last seen. I then sifted through all their profiles looking through who liked their posts. That's how I was able to find three likes.

Lots of work! Very nice discovery..... Can they track her phone? She's most likely on Fb on her cell
Lots of work! Very nice discovery..... Can they track her phone? She's most likely on Fb on her cell

Well I know the phone can be tracked, it's just a question of if they have. About a week ago I was researching cell towers, phone tracking abilities and LE's ability to do so. You'd have to subpoena the records, but it would seem that they may not always be granted access. The case of Jennifer Huston was brought up. LE wasn't able to get her medical records due to privacy laws. They also weren't able to get her cell phone records even though her husband wanted them released. They didn't have the justification to get a subpoena because no evidence of a crime had been committed. What LE can do if they can't get the phone logs is get a cell tower dump.

If she did use her phone to access Facebook then there will be cell towers that picked up her general location on the 4th, but I'm not so sure she used the phone. Mama's manager said they tried calling and texting Patricia and got no response. Natalie said she tried calling and it kept going straight to voicemail, which would make you believe her phone was off.
There are apps available that will give you the phone number's activity. All you need is the cell phone number.
There are apps available that will give you the phone number's activity. All you need is the cell phone number.

Do you know which apps, because a while back I located some phone numbers that were associated with Patricia and one of them I believe was a cell number, although I don't know if it's a current number. I will have to go back a dig to find where I saw those numbers when I get home from work. Also, I did get in touch with the police regarding the info I found that has Patricia using Facebook after her disappearance. I will update that tonight if I hear back from them.
I may have found an interesting clue. There is a person who has Patricia on his friends list. He posted a picture of himself at 10:35 am on December 27th. Patricia is listed as one of the people who liked it. Unless someone else accessed her account, she couldn't have disappeared in a criminal way on her way home from work. So where was she some time after 10:35 am on the 27th? Did she indeed make it home that night or did she stay at someone else's place?

I found a FB that hasn't been updated since her disappearance...are there 2? reverse her name for the one I found..plenty of photos, different looks.
I notice now that we were looking at the same FB page as I came across her friend LL whose cover was liked by PC on 1/4/15 also. then I feel her family knows where she is if it was PC who "liked" it. I wonder if she cashed any checks(job) after her disappearance. If she did leave on her own ,I'm sure there is a trail or evidence forensically ( atm, renewal of some sort,communique, etc.)that backs it up.
Do you know which apps, because a while back I located some phone numbers that were associated with Patricia and one of them I believe was a cell number, although I don't know if it's a current number. I will have to go back a dig to find where I saw those numbers when I get home from work. Also, I did get in touch with the police regarding the info I found that has Patricia using Facebook after her disappearance. I will update that tonight if I hear back from them.

I have used whocalld.com in the past. Depending on privacy settings and carriers, you may be able to get info. I believe there is another one. I'll check.
I notice now that we were looking at the same FB page as I came across her friend LL whose cover was liked by PC on 1/4/15 also. then I feel her family knows where she is if it was PC who "liked" it. I wonder if she cashed any checks(job) after her disappearance. If she did leave on her own ,I'm sure there is a trail or evidence forensically ( atm, renewal of some sort,communique, etc.)that backs it up.

Now that we believe she is voluntarily missing, I am thinking maybe she is hiding. Maybe she is afraid. Maybe she had been the victim of abuse/violence and is hiding from that person. IDK.
Is there a way that you can tell when someone has liked a post on Facebook? On LL's picture she posted on Jan 4th, it looks like it's a repost of an older photo posted back in November as there are comments on it from then. Thoughts?
Is there a way that you can tell when someone has liked a post on Facebook? On LL's picture she posted on Jan 4th, it looks like it's a repost of an older photo posted back in November as there are comments on it from then. Thoughts?

I noticed that DDB's pic that she liked on 12/27 was also a repost from 6/14.

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