NY NY - Patrick Alford, 7, Brooklyn, 22 Jan 2010 - #1

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i dont know the mother personally, but one of the good friends of the mother is my relative. they are very close and my relative has even done an interview concerning this case. both are druggies and pathological liars and thieves...this mother should be thoroughly examined as well as my relative.

certain things that my relative has said dont make sense to me, but ive left it alone. the fact that she as well as the mother had to take lie detector tests, their phones are being tapped, and they are being followed by feds leads me to believe that my relative and patricks mother are most definitely suspects.
Who are you? maybe the phone is taped in case the boy knows the phone number?
The people you are talking to are druggies, :waitasec:
the child is not missing form the natural mothers house :banghead:

We are expecting a snow storm EAST NY is a bad area;
Who knows where this child fell pray to :waitasec:
this is not good, don't point fingers aimlessly....PRAY.....
How do you know their phones are tapped and they're being followed by the feds ?

And nobody has to take a lie detector test. It's voluntary and she passed.

maybe it is hallucinations :waitasec:
Like I said, I don't need to share it with you...I've shared my knowledge anonymously...this little boy is 7 and this could easily have been my own child...whether it is fact or hearsay...I've shared it because I can't tell what is truth or fiction but considering a little boy is gone...it's helpful to share what I know...

Getting texts from family member who is saying he is gone for good...I can't tell if that's truth or not...but considering hes still labeled as missing it...that alarmed me..so I did share that...I may have helped or I may not have...but it gives them one more lead to find this baby...
Maybe you need to show that text to LE, and maybe if they are not telling the public because they need to keep a few things close to the vest you should not either.
how does it help us here to know that the house has the phone taped, maybe it will trip up some perp...

all I know is it is East NY is a horrific area.
And what I don't know is who you are, but I am questioning it....
The mother was NOT locked up when Patrick went missing. She has not been locked up for a month or two...she even went to the foster home the day after the baby went missing, and she wasnt supposed to know where he was.

According to my relative, they were all told that their phones are being tapped since it does require a warrant. The information that I'm sharing is nothing more than hear say because I am getting it from my relative who is a drug user and pathological liar...Patrick's mother is no saint....and she's definitely been involved in a lot things both published by the media and not published...but like I said all of this information is coming from my relative who is good friends with Patrick's mom. I know what I am talking about in regards to character analysis...the truth will be hard to come by because both mother and friends are for the most part all junkies and liars. The mother has even offered 10,000 for his return...As I said before, both family member and mother have been giving interviews on NY news.

Well, I don't know anything about anything but there is a report that she passed the test overall, but failed certain questions. I will find the article and post it....

Your info about the mom is coming from someone you claim is a pathological liar. If that's the case, she's probably lying about the mom being a pathological liar and druggie.

The test showed she was truthful when she said she didn't know where Patrick was. I don't care if she passed on questions that didn't have anything to do with Patrick.

Why wasn't the foster mother supervising a 7 year old who had been threatening to run away ?
Why would a social worker who is supposed to HELP families call Patrick's mom ugly names ?
Why would the judge put someone in jail without any evidence other than hearsay ?
They're the ones who owe us the answers, as Patrick disappeared under their watch AND they're paid with our tax $$.
Hoping for some news before Tuesday.

Who is the lady holding the photo? is that his Mom?
The post you dislike at least looked like some new comments. I had not seen anything about phone taps before, might have been in a link that I did not read. We have no way of verifying anything here but I see you have not added anything to the discussion.

If you know something, then tell us. If you want to state an opinion fine - we all have them. Criticizing us for wanting to hear new information does not advance the cause of finding answers to what happened to Patrick.

The poster claimed the wire taps, etc to be facts, which requires a link to back it up.
We're WS and we verify everything we possibly can or else we post it as our opinion.
And the mods verify the identity of anyone claiming to be an 'insider'.
Good points webrocket - but do you think the biofamily would tell Patrick to go all the way to Bayline Road - a very, very busy street? It was reported earlier that the dogs had tracked his scent to this location. Someone posted some maps and pictures. I sure would not send my 7-year old to such a location at 9:00 p.m. in the dark :(

If he wanted to find his mom and if he knew the address, a 7 year old may be able to go out and start
asking where is that address (where he lived) and start to walk... BUT, BUT, BUT
a 7 year old alone in that Jungle of a neighborhood is pray. there are gangs, prostitutes, drugs, perps,
thieves, rape, It is scary....

Hoping for some news before Tuesday.


This woman does not look drugged out, but living in East NY she can be selling drugs, or hooking....If those are the reasons she was in jail for. :waitasec: I do not know

I have no idea how a boy just disappears, unless someone wanted him to disappear.

:banghead: Kidnapped while on the streets alone ?????
lots of back ally ways, back rooms...REALLY this is a raunchy area.
I think we need to look at all sides of this issue. Patrick is missing. The judge & CPS think mom is involved. LE thinks mom is NOT involved. We don't know who is involved. I think ladymay's comments are helpful. She has indicated that her information is hearsay - which means we take it with a grain of salt. Her comments reflect what we are hearing from CPS, even though LE disagrees with CPS.

In my opinion, it is unusual that LE would disagree with CPS, so I'm taking everything CPS says with a grain of salt. I'm more inclined to follow LE's lead because I believe they have more knowledge and experience in missing children cases and because CPS has a need to CYA. BUT that doesn't mean I don't want the opportunity to consider what CPS has to say and decide for myself how big a grain of salt I need to add to the mix, kwim?

We need to know everything we can learn so that if an opportunity arises where we can help, we will recognize it for what it is and we won't let it get by us. I think it is true that JR is a druggie - she more or less admitted it. And she may be a liar. I happen to believe that she does not know where her son is. I don't think she would have sent her son to the major street in the dark, regardless.

I also fully understand why she showed up at the place her son went missing from, regardless of the consequences. And after Patrick was reported missing, everyone who read a news story knew where that foster home was and I think she was entitled to be there - regardless of what CPS says.

But still... we need to consider everything.

This woman does not look drugged out, but living in East NY she can be selling drugs, or hooking....If those are the reasons she was in jail for. :waitasec: I do not know

I have no idea how a boy just disappears, unless someone wanted him to disappear.

:banghead: Kidnapped while on the streets alone ?????
lots of back ally ways, back rooms...REALLY this is a raunchy area.

She was arrested on 2 misdemeanor charges of petit larceny and possession or receiving (can't remember which) stolen property.
She said she called social services for help and they took her kids.
It's a little less than me not liking my own relative as it is knowing what type of people are being dealt with here...I don't need websleuths to communicate the info as I have already shared some of my information with the police. Regardless of hear say or not, it is only right to check every lead and all information because it just can't be for sure whats truth or fiction. I've offered to come here and share what I know with you all so you will not be tempted to believe all reports given by the media...The foster parent should be looked into as well, but seems like people want to give the mother a pass because she's stated she had problems...and she really really needs to be watched.

And I think you should relax if YOU don't know ANY of the people involved...

I'm only giving the mom a pass because she didn't lose him and she passed a polygraph.
She could be a lousy person, IDK, but the evidence doesn't point to her being involved in his disappearance at this point.
I think we need to look at all sides of this issue. Patrick is missing. The judge & CPS think mom is involved. LE thinks mom is NOT involved. We don't know who is involved. I think ladymay's comments are helpful. She has indicated that her information is hearsay - which means we take it with a grain of salt. Her comments reflect what we are hearing from CPS, even though LE disagrees with CPS.

In my opinion, it is unusual that LE would disagree with CPS, so I'm taking everything CPS says with a grain of salt. I'm more inclined to follow LE's lead because I believe they have more knowledge and experience in missing children cases and because CPS has a need to CYA. BUT that doesn't mean I don't want the opportunity to consider what CPS has to say and decide for myself how big a grain of salt I need to add to the mix, kwim?

We need to know everything we can learn so that if an opportunity arises where we can help, we will recognize it for what it is and we won't let it get by us. I think it is true that JR is a druggie - she more or less admitted it. And she may be a liar. I happen to believe that she does not know where her son is. I don't think she would have sent her son to the major street in the dark, regardless.

I also fully understand why she showed up at the place her son went missing from, regardless of the consequences. And after Patrick was reported missing, everyone who read a news story knew where that foster home was and I think she was entitled to be there - regardless of what CPS says.

But still... we need to consider everything.


The social worker, I believe said that mom showed up at the foster home. There was another article where family members of the mom said that wasn't true. They claimed that they were distributing flyer's door to door in the apartment building and came across the foster home in the process. They also claimed that Jennifer wasn't even with them.
It sounds plausible, especially since we've heard so much hearsay and second hand info from the state in this case.
I think we need to look at all sides of this issue. Patrick is missing. The judge & CPS think mom is involved. LE thinks mom is NOT involved. We don't know who is involved. I think ladymay's comments are helpful. She has indicated that her information is hearsay - which means we take it with a grain of salt. Her comments reflect what we are hearing from CPS, even though LE disagrees with CPS.

In my opinion, it is unusual that LE would disagree with CPS, so I'm taking everything CPS says with a grain of salt. I'm more inclined to follow LE's lead because I believe they have more knowledge and experience in missing children cases and because CPS has a need to CYA. BUT that doesn't mean I don't want the opportunity to consider what CPS has to say and decide for myself how big a grain of salt I need to add to the mix, kwim?

We need to know everything we can learn so that if an opportunity arises where we can help, we will recognize it for what it is and we won't let it get by us. I think it is true that JR is a druggie - she more or less admitted it. And she may be a liar. I happen to believe that she does not know where her son is. I don't think she would have sent her son to the major street in the dark, regardless.

I also fully understand why she showed up at the place her son went missing from, regardless of the consequences. And after Patrick was reported missing, everyone who read a news story knew where that foster home was and I think she was entitled to be there - regardless of what CPS says.

But still... we need to consider everything.


I hear you salem... :)
from what I see unless I missed it.... we were not told that the phones in moms house are bugged, Not by any authority, maybe, just maybe LE did not want that info out :waitasec: Just saying...

We only want to see the boy come home safe....
I just trust my mistrust, until I change my mind. :)
I have been known to change my mind. :)
Night everyone.
Praying for a miracle for Patrick.
I don't have much hope that this is going to turn out well.

Anybody heard anything about Patrick's dad ?
A still from the video at the last link from Texas. Presumably with his sister?


Arguing is going to do absolutely nothing to find Patrick. Both the arguing here at WS, and the disagrements between ACS and LE.

I am so frustrated right now. An absolutely gorgeous and innocent boy is out there somewhere. He needs to be found. End of story.

Come home soon, Patrick.
Where's Patrick? Mother at a loss

She stays out of jail, but cops, kin are no closer to finding the 7-year-old

Jennifer Rodriguez was not sent back to jail, but the question that has preoccupied police and child welfare authorities for nearly three weeks still looms: Where is her 7-year-old son, Patrick Alford?
"Just because I'm free, I'm not free," Ms. Rodriguez, 20, of West Brighton, said yesterday outside Brooklyn Family Court, holding up a picture of Patrick for the TV cameras. "I just want to find my son."

More: http://www.silive.com/news/advance/index.ssf?/base/news/126579691138960.xml&coll=1
Still no name of foster mom? Who is she that she can dodge speculation after being the one who was with him when he went missing? It's hard to tell, but at this time it looks like child services is pointing fingers at Mom to cover their own azz.

Not that it has anything to do with it, but Mom is 20? Wow, she was young when she had him.

I have to say, I would rather it turn out that Mom is involved with his disappearance than the foster parent(s). At least there would be a chance Patrick is safe.
Still no name of foster mom? Who is she that she can dodge speculation after being the one who was with him when he went missing? It's hard to tell, but at this time it looks like child services is pointing fingers at Mom to cover their own azz.

Not that it has anything to do with it, but Mom is 20? Wow, she was young when she had him.

I have to say, I would rather it turn out that Mom is involved with his disappearance than the foster parent(s). At least there would be a chance Patrick is safe.

She was named in an article dated the 1/29

Patrick was last seen with his foster mother, Librada Moran, 58, in the lobby of the Spring Creek Development at 9p.m. Friday, police said.
She was named in an article dated the 1/29

Patrick was last seen with his foster mother, Librada Moran, 58, in the lobby of the Spring Creek Development at 9p.m. Friday, police said.

Thank you. I missed that.
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