NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 1

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I know someone above said this- "why go to work if you're going to commit suicide?"
I remember my dad went to work and didn't come home one night..

I'm sorry, that is quite tragic.

I agree with you that if a person is suicidal, it's possible that their final actions might not be understandable to anyone else, or fit any definite behavior pattern. I agree that Robert Mayer going to work that day doesn't preclude suicide. And it is of course possible that if he wanted to, he could have committed suicide and covered his tracks leading up to it so that the truth may never come out.
I'm sorry, that is quite tragic.

I agree with you that if a person is suicidal, it's possible that their final actions might not be understandable to anyone else, or fit any definite behavior pattern. I agree that Robert Mayer going to work that day doesn't preclude suicide. And it is of course possible that if he wanted to, he could have committed suicide and covered his tracks leading up to it so that the truth may never come out.

Thank you, the only thing I can't quite wrap my mind around is the seat being pulled up. Unless someone else was driving or something was in the back seat? Such as a bag of clothes? Has his wife said anything about any clothes missing? I'm sure she hasn't, but just checking.
I cannot find an active reference to the wife mentioning headaches. Do you recall where you got that information?

I too saw where RM's wife spoke (posted) about RM having bad headaches. I believe this was in the original FB group Re: Finding RM. It is my understanding, that group was closed and removed from FB and a replacement group was formed (the current one on FB). So you may not be able to locate the original posts. Question has been asked again about headaches in the current group.
Leaving the car at the train station IMO could mean several different things:

- Robert could have left to go somewhere with the train and fully intended to come back to his car but something happened preventing him from returning.
This could have been to meet someone somewhere his family didn't knew about. It could indeed have been for something illicit, but he could also have been busy trying to arrange some kind of surprise for his wife.

- He could have parked his car there to make sure his car will be found and it will get back to his wife. In this case he would have intentionally left his wife and his old life to begin a new life somewhere else, or he just wanted to give the impression he has left his family to spare them of the reality that he has committed suicide. In the latter case I can see him intentionally leaving his wallet home too, to make himself a John Do and could have also left with the train to go and do it somewhere else, again to make it more difficult to identify him. In this case the reason he could have gone to work could be simply because if he was no show maybe his workplace would have called his home and his wife would have become alarmed to fast which could have become a problem. For example if he needed something for the suicide which he could only receive in the afternoon.

- Someone else could have left his car there to give the impression he left on his own accord with the train and therefore he/she/they wanted to make sure the car will be found. He/she/they wanted the police to have the impression Robert is voluntarily missing and therefore stop investigating the case. In this case whatever happened it would have been caused by someone he knew, someone he intentionally met that day. It could have been premeditated, or done in the heat of the moment, or maybe it was some sort of accident which stil could have resulted in some kind of involuntary manslaughter charge. In that case he/she/they needed to get rid of the vehicle to distance themselves from him and try to place it somewhere which could indicate he left town. Best place would be a bus station or train station. It would be fitting to leave it in a place it would be find fast, because how faster it is found the faster LE concludes he left on his own.

- Maybe he had a medical episode, he left his car in the parking there because he left with the train to a place he was convinced he had to be and something happened to him after that.

This can go so many ways, is a real mystery.

I really hope for his family this gets resolved soon. The not knowing must be unbearable.
Thank you, the only thing I can't quite wrap my mind around is the seat being pulled up. Unless someone else was driving or something was in the back seat? Such as a bag of clothes? Has his wife said anything about any clothes missing? I'm sure she hasn't, but just checking.

Good point, my thoughts exactly. The only reason the seat is pulled up is because someone else was driving, or Robert had dropped or hidden something there that he needed to retrieve at the last minute. But in a way the idea, of someone else driving who was so much shorter they needed to adjust the seat of a car they had taken, seems a hair too far out there. Are we looking for a relatively short perpetrator who robbed a 6'1'' 200 lbs man of his muscle car in broad daylight?

If Robert or some other driver of the car actually got on a train at Deer Park (which is, after all, usually why people park at train stations), headed westbound (perhaps into Penn Station) the trains do not run very frequently in that direction during the afternoon. Once an hour is likely, at best. Whoever it was had to know the schedule, I don't think either Robert or the perpetrator would want to be seen waiting around upwards of 45+ minutes plus on the platform, or hanging out in the car for too long in the front row not terribly far from the ticket booth. This is just one of those hunches, useless perhaps, but I'm of the mind that if someone got on that train then they arrived at the station just in time, grabbing a relatively close spot, perhaps dropping something underneath the seat or retrieving something somewhat hidden down there.

Of course any such theory is predicated on the understanding that any aspect of this could be a staged misdirection, or perhaps just bad information (maybe the seat was not actually pulled up, or was pulled up during the investigation, etc.)

Also, I'm not clear if it's known when that car arrived at the station.
one thing i do no is the tight lip of the suffolk county pd havent heard a peep this is very quiet rite now i did here from a friend of mine that the second body isnt our guy negative on mayor from yesterday
I'm rethinking some thoughts about Robert himself taking the train from Deer Park to Penn Station, since there is a subway not far from where he worked in Brooklyn that could have easily taken him to Penn Station - he could have just left the car parked in the area where he worked if he wanted to go there. This sends me back in the direction of thinking that he drove to the Deer Park train station to meet someone for some purpose.

I guess he could have been murdered in a planned manner that would have precluded the foul play taking place in public (where it would have been seen and reported), and then the car was driven and left at Deer Park for whatever purpose, but that feels a little too conspiracy to me.
one thing i do no is the tight lip of the suffolk county pd havent heard a peep this is very quiet rite now i did here from a friend of mine that the second body isnt our guy negative on mayor from yesterday

I can see their point of view if they are not seeing foul play here. I think to some extent only a premeditated hit, organized crime style, could have allowed for foul play against Robert and subsequent hiding of the body where no one has found it for two weeks. And if there's no indication he had any enemies, crime connections, or any clue whatsoever of anyone else's involvement (other than a pulled up front seat, maybe), I'd be hard pressed to see foul play here.
We have no idea what LE is or is not doing that the public or even Robert's family are or are not aware of.
one thing i do no is the tight lip of the suffolk county pd havent heard a peep this is very quiet rite now i did here from a friend of mine that the second body isnt our guy negative on mayor from yesterday

Would you mind not posting in text-speak? The lack of punctuation particularly makes it very difficult to discern your meaning sometimes. Thanks- and really, no snark intended.
We have no idea what LE is or is not doing that the public or even Robert's family are or are not aware of.

Police said that no criminality is believed to have taken place at this point. That's a quote from a news article.
just a thought were looking at all angles here rite.

Yeah, but best to focus on what is most likely, otherwise we get lost in speculation. The wife is seen in a video and appears to be extremely nice and genuinely heartbroken and concerned. She was even asked point blank if her husband had enemies. If the wife had enemies, and she wanted to find her husband, she would have at least told the police about it. But, police said that no criminality is believed to have taken place at this point.

It would be more believable (though I don't think it's likely) that the husband had enemies - he was a working blue-collar type guy who probably had lots of customers and likely belonged to a union etc., though that's a stereotype, and again I think the wife might have had some kind of idea about his business and would have communicated it to law enforcement if so; not definitely, but likely. But I don't go for the "enemies" angle here.
Police said that no criminality is believed to have taken place at this point. That's a quote from a news article.

The report does state that the police do not believe a crime was committed, but they are investigating. It may be they haven't fully ruled it out and/or that they are possibly considering a medical or accidental factor.

I haven't ruled anything out----yet.
The report does state that the police do not believe a crime was committed, but they are investigating. It may be they haven't fully ruled it out and/or that they are possibly considering a medical or accidental factor..

Understood, but my comment refers to the idea that if the police don't believe a crime was committed, that means they don't seem to have any evidence, anything to go on as of yet. I do hope they are investigating every possible and credible lead or idea.
that was scott petersons logo rite no body no crime till he slipped up
Yeah, but best to focus on what is most likely, otherwise we get lost in speculation. The wife is seen in a video and appears to be extremely nice and genuinely heartbroken and concerned. She was even asked point blank if her husband had enemies. If the wife had enemies, and she wanted to find her husband, she would have at least told the police about it. But, police said that no criminality is believed to have taken place at this point.

It would be more believable (though I don't think it's likely) that the husband had enemies - he was a working blue-collar type guy who probably had lots of customers and likely belonged to a union etc., though that's a stereotype, and again I think the wife might have had some kind of idea about his business and would have communicated it to law enforcement if so; not definitely, but likely. But I don't go for the "enemies" angle here.

I'm checking all angles, including looking into the lives of those closest to Robert. One can find things that can help tie things together.
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