NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 5

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Blythe I looked up from my typing to see almost exactly what I have been thinking. Except that this was too well planned out. I think this person that hurt him, knew him pretty well, like an old college buddy (did RM go to college?) Ughh so much to go over and write

Well, I wonder, are we just seeing this as "well planned" and really leaving the car at the LIRR was actually a misstep? It has gotten more consideration and caused more questioning than anything else.
ack! it did it again. what I think it happening is my page is auto refreshing as this time I barely got down a paragraph. going to type out on word and then quickly copy and paste right before sending as this is getting crazy :bang head:
ack! it did it again. what I think it happening is my page is auto refreshing as this time I barely got down a paragraph. going to type out on word and then quickly copy and paste right before sending as this is getting crazy :bang head:

:banghead: Persevere, Sweet! You must be onto something!
I also believe it was someone they both knew but only RM was friends with, IMO long time friends. I believe IM knows and suspects and this is why all the hush hush secrecy. No I do not believe he intended to walk out on family permanently. IMO from what I have seen and heard about RM he strikes me as the type of man that plays by society's rules and so if he wanted out he would just get a divorce. However, I also believe he had a bit of a "wild side" that he tried to keep in check by doing things that maybe IM did not approve of but which was still acceptable by society's standards.
ack! it did it again. what I think it happening is my page is auto refreshing as this time I barely got down a paragraph. going to type out on word and then quickly copy and paste right before sending as this is getting crazy :bang head:

I suggest to type your post into some office or notepad program and when you are finished with, just copy it from there and paste it into the text box here.
To coin a Wall St. phrase, June 14 at 2:45pm is "Triple Witching Hour". According to 3 "facts" provided by our verified insider (2) and Ida (1) 3 things "happen" at that exact moment that I have not been able to reconcile. The car is seen on the neighbor's video, the phone goes dead, Ida is at her parents house. As Jerry said earlier, he doesn't believe in coincidences. This to me sticks out like a sore thumb. These 3 things happened all at once by accident? Of course, the video time stamp my not be exactly synchronized with the phone information but, it's likely very close. These 3 things occurring at the same time puzzles me.

I'm not implying Ida DID or DID NOT do anything. Simply stating that she is curiously not home, at her parent's house at that exact moment, for what ever reason.

And something else about that time----if I am out of line mod's tell me----that is the time of day I would expect to see alot of kid's coming home from school, getting off school buses. An active time of day. Am not speculating on the kids of RM but on kids in general.
Momoffourboys----your post 225---maybe it was his pin money, or from what I have been told by other trades--its not the "done" thing for a foreman to sell the scrap from the job--its usually done by apprentices b/c they make the least money. Or its agreed upon by all the workers and pooled for BBQ's, breakfasts, maybe they play Lotto with it.
And something else about that time----if I am out of line mod's tell me----that is the time of day I would expect to see alot of kid's coming home from school, getting off school buses. An active time of day. Am not speculating on the kids of RM but on kids in general.

I would think school was out for the summer unless there is a year round school there. Like 6 weeks on/2 weeks off. I know there are schools that do that.
I would think school was out for the summer unless there is a year round school there. Like 6 weeks on/2 weeks off. I know there are schools that do that.

Commack schools were still in session on 6/14.
Okay I am just going to type some quick thoughts down from what I remember of what I wrote before, just for now so I don’t leave everyone hanging, especially if it turns out everyone thinks I am way off base or proves me wrong. I will go back tonight and write out the whole thing with the links to substantiate my “thoughts”.

Remember the verified insider that said RM was getting texts that IM did not approve of? IMO they were from a man they both knew, an old friend of RM’s… perhaps back from his “wild youth”?? College??? Union brother??? I believe RM was planning on meeting up with him that day and why he left early for work. (IMO IM did not say he was running late, IIRC she said he could have been running late but she wasn’t sure as she was still sleeping.) I think most of us agree 430am was not “running late”. I believe he went to work early to get some things done because he had plans to meet up with this friend and wanted to leave work even earlier than normal for a Friday. (IIRC he was last seen at 1230pm by a co worker..why not afterwards if he was there later?) (IM and Rm may have even argued about this over the phone during the 9am phone call which is why IM was at parents house as she knew he was going to be meeting his friend and she was not happy about it. I think it also explains why she was so concerned so early and called family and friends that were LE long before she made “official call” ) I believe he ran his errands, stopped by the house, picked up his bike, maybe even changed clothes and accidently set down his wallet and money and forgot it in the garage. (I believe this was not intentional because I think he stop by to get that “minimal” amount of money for a reason ..ie to give his “friend” as IM would not know about the money or how much because IMO she would have been upset and he knew it.) As he was pulling out of street is when he shut off phone so that he would not have to explain himself If IM called or get into another argument. (The times are slightly off I know but what two clocks are exactly the same and all times except for the ping are estimated IMO.) He was suppose to meet the guy at the Preserve He met with said “friend” and realized he had forgotten his wallet and money at home. I think said friend was probably someone that has a criminal history or was involved with criminal activity and needed “help” . “Friend” was either on drugs or had a real bad anger problem and was very upset when RM said he forgot money at home. (Maybe he thought RM was lying or playing him) hurt RM , panicked and took off in car. Later after “coming down” or calming down, he realized what a mistake it was and in middle of the night went back to “plant” the car at the train station. It was at this time he pulled out the bike from the back seat to get back home. (it was by pure coincidence that he parked in RM’s old spot or maybe subconsciously he remembered from back in “the old days” …either way he purposely parked up front so that others could find the car and assume RM took off or disappeared after taking the train somewhere (to work?) maybe he didn’t know RM didn’t use train anymore)
I do like the time change shift idea. I'm not so sure on the hinky friend. I think there was something else going on in regards to the friend.
I also believe it was someone they both knew but only RM was friends with, IMO long time friends. I believe IM knows and suspects and this is why all the hush hush secrecy. No I do not believe he intended to walk out on family permanently. IMO from what I have seen and heard about RM he strikes me as the type of man that plays by society's rules and so if he wanted out he would just get a divorce. However, I also believe he had a bit of a "wild side" that he tried to keep in check by doing things that maybe IM did not approve of but which was still acceptable by society's standards.

But why are the police convinced there was no crime involved???
I do like the time change shift idea. I'm not so sure on the hinky friend. I think there was something else going on in regards to the friend.

What are your thoughts? I would really like to know.

I apologize if that was hard to read or follow, I was trying to hurry and get it out
No blood, no crime scene, no insurance fraud attempts. It's not against the law to stop talking to someone and just disappear.
No blood, no crime scene, no insurance fraud attempts. It's not against the law to stop talking to someone and just disappear.

The preserve is a big place. A lot could be done under the cover of trees brush etc. Maybe they just have not found the spot yet or he was pushed down one of those manholes or whatever is out there...or maybe not as then he wouldnt have been able to get RM'S keys...
Okay I am just going to type some quick thoughts down from what I remember of what I wrote before, just for now so I don’t leave everyone hanging, especially if it turns out everyone thinks I am way off base or proves me wrong. I will go back tonight and write out the whole thing with the links to substantiate my “thoughts”.

Remember the verified insider that said RM was getting texts that IM did not approve of? IMO they were from a man they both knew, an old friend of RM’s… perhaps back from his “wild youth”?? College??? Union brother??? I believe RM was planning on meeting up with him that day and why he left early for work. (IMO IM did not say he was running late, IIRC she said he could have been running late but she wasn’t sure as she was still sleeping.) I think most of us agree 430am was not “running late”. I believe he went to work early to get some things done because he had plans to meet up with this friend and wanted to leave work even earlier than normal for a Friday. (IIRC he was last seen at 1230pm by a co worker..why not afterwards if he was there later?) (IM and Rm may have even argued about this over the phone during the 9am phone call which is why IM was at parents house as she knew he was going to be meeting his friend and she was not happy about it. I think it also explains why she was so concerned so early and called family and friends that were LE long before she made “official call” ) I believe he ran his errands, stopped by the house, picked up his bike, maybe even changed clothes and accidently set down his wallet and money and forgot it in the garage. (I believe this was not intentional because I think he stop by to get that “minimal” amount of money for a reason ..ie to give his “friend” as IM would not know about the money or how much because IMO she would have been upset and he knew it.) As he was pulling out of street is when he shut off phone so that he would not have to explain himself If IM called or get into another argument. (The times are slightly off I know but what two clocks are exactly the same and all times except for the ping are estimated IMO.) He was suppose to meet the guy at the Preserve He met with said “friend” and realized he had forgotten his wallet and money at home. I think said friend was probably someone that has a criminal history or was involved with criminal activity and needed “help” . “Friend” was either on drugs or had a real bad anger problem and was very upset when RM said he forgot money at home. (Maybe he thought RM was lying or playing him) hurt RM , panicked and took off in car. Later after “coming down” or calming down, he realized what a mistake it was and in middle of the night went back to “plant” the car at the train station. It was at this time he pulled out the bike from the back seat to get back home. (it was by pure coincidence that he parked in RM’s old spot or maybe subconsciously he remembered from back in “the old days” …either way he purposely parked up front so that others could find the car and assume RM took off or disappeared after taking the train somewhere (to work?) maybe he didn’t know RM didn’t use train anymore)

Hmmmm. One thing though...if IM knew he was in contact with an old friend that she didn't approve of, I think she would "rat" him out. I think she would say, possibly his last contact was with Joe Blow and then everybody would be scrutinizing him.
Hmmmm. One thing though...if IM knew he was in contact with an old friend that she didn't approve of, I think she would "rat" him out. I think she would say, possibly his last contact was with Joe Blow and then everybody would be scrutinizing him.

Not if she perceives that it doesn't make her look good. All along, questions that are vital haven't been answered. Rather than not knowing the answers, it is possible they haven't been answered because they don't look good, it's not pretty.
The preserve is a big place. A lot could be done under the cover of trees brush etc. Maybe they just have not found the spot yet or he was pushed down one of those manholes or whatever is out there...or maybe not as then he wouldnt have been able to get RM'S keys...

I think it is too tidy that the only place IM wants to search is where they find him.
Hmmmm. One thing though...if IM knew he was in contact with an old friend that she didn't approve of, I think she would "rat" him out. I think she would say, possibly his last contact was with Joe Blow and then everybody would be scrutinizing him.

I think she wants to and has told LE but they dont have evidence and she IMO acts like she wants. To talk but "others" have taken control and are telling her what she should and should not say and she is so scared she is listening as she doesnt know what to do. Her "tone" lately makes me think she is starting to crack and say the heck with it soon
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