NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 6

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If he never took a train and he isn't in the preserve, where could he be? I would think someone would have seen him on that bike or on the train....so, maybe the bike has absolutely no meaning to the case, except another distraction........
The car was parked at the station to make it look like he took a train, or to make it look like he wanted people to think he took a train. The bike added in there for good measure confuses things so a person might think, well, he rode that bike to the preserve, which was nearby, as IM wanted the preserve to be searched.
The fact that the car was Not parked at the Preserve also has meaning. If he wanted to ride off on that mountain bike, he could have parked there, but the car wasn't found there. The car was parked where it was to add confusion and to add several possibilities of what could have happened, which in reality might not be fact at all.........He could have been somewhere else all together!!
Yes, very calculating indeed.
Clem---would you posit rehab or jail as possible places RM could be???????
Leaving his personal items gives credence to the suicide angle. Leaves the money, wallet and phone because he knows he doesn't need them. Very sad, but very possible.

If that is the case, he did not want to be easily identified if he committed suicide.
Tree--- I think he has been in one space --very contained with shelter, food, clothing and access to whom ever he needs to communicate with. Or has been moving around safely with those same things.
Tree--- I think he has been in one space --very contained with shelter, food, clothing and access to whom ever he needs to communicate with. Or has been moving around safely with those same things.

I checked vinelink just now and he isn't listed for the state of New York. There is only one county from New York which is offline and that is Montgomery county, which is not where he lives...



Do you think he could be in another state?
If he was in a safe place, I would think that LE would know about the jail part of it. I don't know how that would be if he were in a safe house.
Unless you think he is staying with someone he knows??

I always thought he left. I would get swayed now and again, for example when the scrap yard info was released, into thinking foul play.

The same things have bothered me as mentioned, the "we'll keep you safe" comment, along with the very aloof and singular TV interviews, and lastly the posting of the kids pics on FB.

The main thing that bothers me is this, and it has nothing to do with the last few days, I just never wanted to say it. With IM requesting/deciding/asking/accepting support from complete strangers seems to me to be a huge safety net, rock to hide behind, and a red flag. Hiding behind strangers who paint her as the poor wife left alone, all the accolades of how strong she is, while she portrays herself as weak, all the prayers and well wishes and hugs, often times IM would respond to a suggestion, followed with a "can someone look into this, I'm not thinking straight" or "I have that paralyzed feeling again" which would garner even more attention playing on that weakness.

It just always bothered me. Like a painting was being drawn.
have thought about that---its been such a long time and could have travelled far. The two "sightings" out of state I put no stock in---the timing of the sightings seemed very "reactionary" IMO. He could tho be in another state--up in Canada. I don't know if he is bi-lingual so I'd stick with places where English is primary language.
Curious---that is a red-flag----very much playing the victim
OMG--like a perverse twist of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome----isnt that the one where a parent makes the child sick to get attention for themselves????
That video was posted on July 7th, only a few weeks after his disappearance. So, this Sunday will have been 8 weeks since a search. Is there anything newer using SAR?

I haven't found anything else yet....
That video was posted on July 7th, only a few weeks after his disappearance. So, this Sunday will have been 8 weeks since a search. Is there anything newer using SAR?

That was the last official group search. I remember because it was the day after my birthday.
So no official searches for 8 weeks. No new leads. No ransom demands. No UID bodies that fit his description (the finger and mole would definitely show up in cross referenced searches).

What does that leave???
Curious---that is a red-flag----very much playing the victim
OMG--like a perverse twist of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome----isnt that the one where a parent makes the child sick to get attention for themselves????

Yes, but in this case I don't trust it was for attention as much as distraction.
That was the last official group search. I remember because it was the day after my birthday.

It means someone/s put alot of time and planning to either make this a clean escape or something way more sinister...which i really hope is not the case.

Oopsies...this was in response to #153. Sorry.
Although if someone is after him, why would IM want the searching to continue? That perhaps could lead to finding him, which if he was hiding from someone else that was perilous to his life, why would IM want him to be found?

Maybe she is pretending he is missing and knows exactly where he is.

Just a thought
Scrap on a job site can be a highly contested thing---who gets it, is it shared out etc.
I have family who are Union tradesmen (plumbers, pipe-fitters)---all have said it is not the "done" thing for a foreman to be taking scrap from the job and selling it. It goes usually to the apprentices b/c they are making the least amount. If the scrap money is shared out fine----if its pooled for BBQ's, lunches, Lotto, Sandy Relief or a charity fine. The fact that someone of position was taking scrap---sends up a red flag.

Interesting. Could he have put the money aside, so he could divide it up with the others on the next work day?
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