NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 7

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I am going to direct this question toward folks who live near it and have kids---is there are has there ever been a community clean-up program for the Preserve?? Something local kids (4-H, boy scouts, girl scouts, high-school kids) get involved with to clean up the area?? I am sure the kids would be heavily supervised--but does a program like that exist??

The Stewards of Edgewood do clean ups. They have a website and FB page.
What if most of the work was already completed?

Then maybe there is a maintenance agreement in play-----nice "get" for the Local------not saying that's the reason for silence but..........
Well you know we cant discuss where I heard it. Let me re-phrase - WHAT IF he had no co-workers?

You mean he was the only electrician on the site?

Or do you mean he may have been fired that day?
Or the job was over that day and he didn't have anything lined up for Monday?
Wouldn't his wife know if he was suicidal or depressed or something bothering him?

I would think-----the headaches IM mentioned must have been caused by something ( eye strain, hypertension, stress etc)----and she did say " See--You are important" (IIRC)--lot of little things tossed out that make me wonder if her fear is suicide.
Well you know we cant discuss where I heard it. Let me re-phrase - WHAT IF he had no co-workers?

A foreman with no co-workers? That seems unlikely to me.
Was he there all alone? If so, how was it reported he was seen there that day?
Sorry, doesn't make sense. :twocents:
Very true. Some others are experts at hiding their true feelings (in my little bit of life experience men generally are a bit more skilled at this). Its possible he gave no warning signs IF he was feeling that way. Sometimes its a complete shock to everyone who knew the victim. JMO

you know its another possible "text person"--maybe a doctor or therapist that RM was in touch with----
Force Ten---your post @ 744------how do we know that LE has told IM to withhold information?? If info was credible then I would think LE would be the one to announce it, not have a seemingly less-credible source announce it.

I am not saying that LE is looking at RM's disappearance as unimportant.
I've been following this case since day one and every evening reading the days posts. I thought I'd chime in with my thought of what happened to him.
I feel they were having some problems, maybe financial. JMO I truly believe he went somewhere and is starting a new life. I really hope that is the outcome, but of course, we will never know if that is the case unless someone recognizes him.

welcome Stormy415------thanks for your post---I think you are right--I think he left (tools and all) and either went out on an out-of-state work ticket or just lit out. You just reminded me---We should know a fave college team or pro team--maybe he will wear a hat or jersey and be watching a game in a bar--who knows-it could happen.
VCL-- you post at 752--- sorry love--did not mean to repeat!!!!
Possibly not. The preserve search was not extensive. Tracker has mentioned, a thorough search of that area would be beneficial to at least rule it out if nothing were found. I agree with that. I also think IF he were suicidal he may have gone further away, possibly by train, without his wallet to ID him + then could be almost anywhere unfound or unidentified. JMO And I so hope this is not the case, but I still feel its possible.

How do you know it was not extensive? They went out there at least 4 times and one time SAR was there and 50-75 volunteers. They flew helicopters with infrared. IMO that is pretty extensive.
I asked her on FB
she responded to me.

I asked her if he would ride with anyone she said he only rode with the kids no one else.
I asked her if she had any photos of him on his bike and she couldn't find any!

Thank you for explaining. Since I don't read anything over there, I had no idea.
I have no idea how any theory can be ruled out at this point. Also, no idea how any one theory can be settled upon by anyone. I honestly do not have a clue or anything even stronger than any other theory. But I sure can't say "this didn't happen" or whatever. JMO

Agreed, so of course anything any of us posits as a possible scenario is just that - a possibility. What else do we have? If we don't form theories, there really isn't much else to say at this point, I think.
Thanks F-10. I just have one question....how do we know LE asked her to withold that info. They have stated that they don't believe there was a crime and no foul play. The only reason I can think of to w/h that info is embarrassment of what it looks like. And it looks like he walked away and I get it...more than most. I do. But to find him if he didn't walk away well....I just believe we'd be seeing a lot more detailed info about RM , more openess, and not this IV drip .....sorry JMO

What if people were still calling/texting him on it? Clues?
interesting thought talula---------I guess the phone is with LE or given back to the employer---would be interesting to see who was the last call and who was the first call on Monday morning!!
I thought about that too teamilk----maybe the phone was "shut off" by his employer b/c he either quit or was fired

Its a "ticklish" situation--he is a Union man employed by a contractor---the union needs contractors---maybe the co-workers are being told to be quiet b/c it looks (IMO) like a man left ---should there be evidence of a crime b/c a body is found then I'd think more people will have to talk.

Isn't there a Labor Day parade soon??? coincides with 9-11?????????
Maybe he will be there or his co-workers----they have a beer or two and get "chatty"

You don't think LE called employer FIRST before anyone else to see if something happened at work??? I think they did.
I also think by talking to these ppl LE got a much better picture of what was happening that day than we did and this has made them say No Foul Play.
very true Eileen---------------damn---Monday begins the school year---will these kids catch a break??????

I am up to 20 different scenarios of what could be---I am sticking with my first thought-and have had a recent new one upon re-reading threads one and two
You don't think LE called employer FIRST before anyone else to see if something happened at work??? I think they did.
I also think by talking to these ppl LE got a much better picture of what was happening that day than we did and this has made them say No Foul Play.

I absolutely agree.
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