NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 8

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It was a company phone so they would have had to get a warrant which I am assuming they did. But if it were my husband I would have gone through it before they got there :lookingitup::findinglink::eye:

As every wife would, IMO
I wonder if the police looked into his contact list and called everyone? I would have. His company probably has complete call detail on all his incoming and outgoing calls. How I would love to get some information from the bookkeeper about the wireless call detail.
IIRC IM said she had all phone records and had gone through them.
If, in fact, it is an active investigation..then yes.

I think the police have a theory and I think they believe he left based on the personal belongings left behind. They may not feel it is warranted and if there are any mob connections, they may just be scared to get involved and do not want to find out if he was snuffed out for someone. Everything is Hush Hush

There are alot less people here making a fuss after yesterday's article. I think everyone is starting to question everything based on the misinformation and inconsistencies that mount up with each interview.

IIRC IM said she had all phone records and had gone through them.

What I would like to know is what did they find? Maybe it will be revealed next interview. By the year 2025 we will have enough clues to start looking for this poor guy.
I am new to WS and have been hesitant to post but I have been following this from the beginning. I have always thought that RM left on his own however, I do not believe that his leaving came as a total surprise to IM. I think there is a good possibility she may have hidden his wallet from him (maybe the night before or that morning), thinking he would not leave the house without it. That is why it was originally stated that he left it at home that morning. His return to the house could have been to find his wallet and of course to leave the phone that belonged to his employer. IMO RM drove the car to the train station, as for the seat being pushed forward (If that is true) I think it was to remove a suitcase or duffel bag from the back.
I am new to WS and have been hesitant to post but I have been following this from the beginning. I have always thought that RM left on his own however, I do not believe that his leaving came as a total surprise to IM. I think there is a good possibility she may have hidden his wallet from him (maybe the night before or that morning), thinking he would not leave the house without it. That is why it was originally stated that he left it at home that morning. His return to the house could have been to find his wallet and of course to leave the phone that belonged to his employer. IMO RM drove the car to the train station, as for the seat being pushed forward (If that is true) I think it was to remove a suitcase or duffel bag from the back.

I posted earlier, as well, that maybe the wallet was hidden to entice him not to leave. I think too to get something out of the backseat.

I think the police have a theory and I think they believe he left based on the personal belongings left behind. They may not feel it is warranted and if there are any mob connections, they may just be scared to get involved and do not want to find out if he was snuffed out for someone. Everything is Hush Hush

There are alot less people here making a fuss after yesterday's article. I think everyone is starting to question everything based on the misinformation and inconsistencies that mount up with each interview.


Le afraid of the mob? :laughingfloor: Respectfully JMOO but I think not...
I think the police have a theory and I think they believe he left based on the personal belongings left behind. They may not feel it is warranted and if there are any mob connections, they may just be scared to get involved and do not want to find out if he was snuffed out for someone. Everything is Hush Hush

There are alot less people here making a fuss after yesterday's article. I think everyone is starting to question everything based on the misinformation and inconsistencies that mount up with each interview.


All this time we assumed that he left his personal belongings behind, and that made us think that it might be a sign that he left on his personal accord.

But this article says that it wasn't unusual for him to do so on Fridays.

"The neighbor's video footage prompted Mayer's wife to search their home for clues. In a drawer, she found his cell phone, wallet and about $300 cash. All of the items had been with Mayer on the day of his disappearance, suggesting he or whoever had been driving his vehicle had placed them in the drawer. However, the fact that the items were found in the drawer is not particularly unusual, as his wife said it would not be abnormal for him to place those items there at the end of a work week."


So that Friday everything was was according to the routine. He left for work, spoke to his wife, came back home on time, unloaded his pockets and he has most probably switched off his phone (I am assuming as usually because it was his work phone) and then :ufo:.

I am afraid that RM was harmed by someone familiar with his habits, and it was planed to look like that he left on his own.

Today marks three months that this handsome man and good father disappeared, and he has to be found.

Does not show the inside, shows vehicle coming in, does it NOT show who got out? Further...Mayer's wife is captured arriving in her vehicle..how do they KNOW it was Mayer's wife in her vehicle?

The only two things I can come up with that explain this in my mind:

1) They "know" it was Mayer's wife because she told them that's when she came home, and thus they're going off her word (not saying I don't question that...)

2) It could be a camera on the house directly across from IM/RM's and they both passed it going a different direction. As in if their house was on the south side of the street and the house with the camera on the north, if RM came from the east to their house you'd possibly only see the passenger seat, and thus not seeing someone in the driver's seat. But if IM came from the west, the driver's side of the car would then be facing the camera and so she could possibly have been seen.

But #2 only works if the house were directly across, thus both cars passing in view but only one driver visible.

#1 only works if they base it on IM's word.

I have a hard time with the possible explanation being a height difference in vehicles factoring in b/c to me, it'd seem a camera would, if anything, be aimed lower from the house it's on since they'd want to be able to see someone driving/walking up to their own house. And so it'd have to be aimed lower (at least in my mind) rather than higher, meaning seeing the bottom of a car more than a top possibly. But I guess that's just my own visualization in thinking about if a camera were across the street from my house and what it would have to be angled at to be any use for that neighbor.
Personally, I don't think that everything that has been said is the truth. He disappeared for a reason. I think he was killed because he was involved in maybe stealing from job sites and it caught up to him. The finances are in question too. Maybe he had to do other things to maintain that lifestyle. I also believe the wife knows a lot more than we are being told and let's not forget prior findings which I can't mention. There is a lot more to this story.:banghead:
An ordinary family man just does not vanish into thin air. This seems like a mob hit. He was running from someone and they got him.
I do not think the Mob would go into his home and remove him.
They could get him at work or on his routine drive to or from.
They could get him out on his bike!

Yes I believe he was Married to the mob but I feel there is something else going on here.
Family problems.

I do not think he left that house in that red car!

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