NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #5

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Has Dog/Bounty Hunter gotten to the area yet??? IMO Dog is the voice of reason. I saw video and news article this morning - Dog says he's got an informant now who was a pal of Matt's. Dog says Matt has cell phones with him, and rifles. Dog says Tillie's family lives about 20 mi. from last sighting, and Dog thinks for sure Tillie was there only 'ticket out of town' - NO 'back up plan', and Dog says he thinks the 2 are on the way to murder a family member of Tillie's, in order to get back at her. If anyone here has seen the new video of Matt from about 20 yrs. ago--Matt has his buddy shoot him all the way through his arm with a long 'dart' -thing (looks like a skinny knitting needle with sharp point) - and then Matt shows us viewers the 'in' and 'out places on his arm.... well, it makes sense to me that Matt's got a mission and a plan, and he's MAD now. Dog said police do NO searching dusk 'til dawn cuz' these 2 are mega dangerous and ruthless...
Has Dog/Bounty Hunter gotten to the area yet??? IMO Dog is the voice of reason. I saw video and news article this morning - Dog says he's got an informant now who was a pal of Matt's. Dog says Matt has cell phones with him, and rifles. Dog says Tillie's family lives about 20 mi. from last sighting, and Dog thinks for sure Tillie was there only 'ticket out of town' - NO 'back up plan', and Dog says he thinks the 2 are on the way to murder a family member of Tillie's, in order to get back at her. If anyone here has seen the new video of Matt from about 20 yrs. ago--Matt has his buddy shoot him all the way through his arm with a long 'dart' -thing (looks like a skinny knitting needle with sharp point) - and then Matt shows us viewers the 'in' and 'out places on his arm.... well, it makes sense to me that Matt's got a mission and a plan, and he's MAD now. Dog said police do NO searching dusk 'til dawn cuz' these 2 are mega dangerous and ruthless...

I believe this. He's vindictive and he's going to make her pay for standing them up. This may be his only chance and he knows it. I bet if he goes back to prison he'll somehow get her killed too.
What's gonna happen at arraignment now that Palmer lawyer is stepping down?
I am curious, to work in a prison; do you take tests? What IQ? Security check? Credentials? Training? Someone to watch you? Also why not switch CO s around so no one ever gets attached to convicts? This isn't a county jail. This is 'suppose' to be a MAX security prison. These guys are all super dangerous and now all innocents are at jeopardy. I am livid.
LOL You are not alone RE: capture, but the sordid details are fun to speculate about. JMO

Sordid is a perfect word for the details in this case...seamy and sordid! Golly geez (yup, I said that), I have been shaking my head at every new twist and turn. I admit, I look forward to any new details to come!

Yet, I am also trying to think of ways to catch these these buggers (self-edited that word). In most cases I follow I feel I have something to add, but when I get to the point that I don't...well, it's never been a good sign for how the case at hand is going in that...we simply don't have much to go on and the brainstorming starts to fizzle out. IMO (I hope that doesn't sound self-righteous, that is not my intent.)

We need some new info...come on LE...hook us up!
Does Palmer really live with wife? Or girlfriend?

His attorney said, He is a man of integrity. He passed his poly (cough).

Palmer cares for his chronically ill wife, that is, when he isn't working overtime at CCF.

How could he possibly have a GF on the side, let alone one that he might live with occasionally??
Arraignment pushed to Monday..

For drama's sake, I was hoping the delay was just because Palmer had fled town and wasn't going to show up. But no, that doesn't seem to be the reason. :p
well i see him but no sound for me..........bueller??
I am curious, to work in a prison; do you take tests? What IQ? Security check? Credentials? Training? Someone to watch you? Also why not switch CO s around so no one ever gets attached to convicts? This isn't a county jail. This is 'suppose' to be a MAX security prison. These guys are all super dangerous and now all innocents are at jeopardy. I am livid.
I can't answer your questions, but I will point out that "MAX" is just a word; it doesn't truly mean the highest security level.

ADX Florence is the federal Supermax prison, which is a higher security level and I hope is where these guys go once they're caught. Good luck getting out of there.

They thought Palmer would continue to speak to them, but he stopped speaking to LE, so moved to charge, arrest, quickly at that point.

Palmer did not disclose the pliers and other things until he got caught in his lies!! He lied first

One male Reporter really trying very very hard, desperate to spin that Palmer was duped! (Thank God for the likes of AC who actually may have been the first reporter/media to even Question Palmer's "story.") Joyce knew what she did, but Palmer, he was duped...tried several times to get DA to say Palmer was unaware of escape plan, he was duped, but Joyce knew exactly what she was doing.

^^All paraphrased
I've been wondering about that also. In this video an ex-inmate who got paintings said they were from Matt.


Last night another ex-inmate on AC360 said it was Sweat who was the artist. Video from that interview:

At some point, maybe several days ago, I remember posting a link that indicated Sweat was an artist. I commented something about maybe that's what Sweat and Matt had in common. It was from an article, I think, but BEFORE the interview with the video interview -- maybe same guy, maybe different. I do think Sweat must be artistic, though, judging from his beautiful handwriting -- almost like a woman's handwriting.
Keshia Clukey ‏@KClukey_TU 5s5 seconds ago

Andrew Brockway stepped down as Palmer's attorney saying the workload is too large for a small town lawyer and Palmer deserves better
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Keshia Clukey ‏@KClukey_TU 5s5 seconds ago

Andrew Brockway stepped down as Palmer's attorney saying the workload is too large for a small town lawyer and Palmer deserves better
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:escape: while he can !
Are folks really supposed to believe its a coincidence that Matt and Sweat escaped and went directly to where Palmer lives? And then 22 miles due west to a cabin being leased by correctional officers?

Well, when you put it THAT way...
OK.....so, where did the part about the ailing wife come from? Do we have any links to something about the wife? If he and his wife divorced...she could have gotten the house. Or...if she's in a nursing home....that would have taken a lot of money.

But, that reminds me...this same newspaper (I think) profiled the Mitchell's a while back, and had photos of their house -- it's big, but run down, broken windows, etc. Seems odd for a couple making over $100K/year, and a husband who's a maintenance man


Brockway said he intends to get his client out on bail as soon as possible so he can “take care of his ailing wife.”

The spongebob painting was made by an inmate (probably similar to what Matt and Sweat made). My former husband had it made and sent it to my son for his birthday. The indoor photo was on a visit at Clinton in the visiting room. The outdoor photo was a special visit at Clinton, it was a festival. We spent the day outside, groups of inmates cooked foods from all different cultures and inmates had to buy a ticket at commisary for each family member that would attend. All of these are from my former husband's time at Clinton Correctional Facility.

Sorry I don't know how to rotate the photos. I just thought you may be interested in seeing a painting and photos from Clinton Correctional Facility. The photos are taken by inmates that are in what is called the "click click" program. Those inmates come on visits solely to take photos of the inmates. Visitors pay for each polaroid photo.

As you can see, my former husband is wearing the state green issued pants, with his own shirt and his own footwear. These are items that his mom and I purchased for him and sent to Clinton.


I realize there's not much news at the moment, but you must stay On Topic. I've cleaned up several pages. Also, remember to provide links to your MSM, And SM sites.

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