GUILTY NY - Vincent Viafore, 46, Newburgh, 19 April 2015 - #1

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After the hearing, Graswald’s lawyer, Richard Portale, appeared caught off guard by the apparent confession and said he statements may have been coerced or the result of a language barrier between police and Graswald, whose first language is Russian.

Graswald hails from Latvia and is a native Russian speaker.

Portale went on to state that he believed that the statements Graswald provided to investigators were coerced. A native of Latvia, Graswald grew up speaking Russian and sometime struggles to communicate in English.
Another thing on the defense's side, is that the day started out very nice and quickly turned cold and windy.

How could she have possibily planned this out AND have the weather cooperate??

Initially, that was the police response BEFORE they started investigating her.

IMO, the weather did cooperate. It was too early in the season to be out there.
Especially because they were ill-equipped.

I think she planned deliberately to make that crossing when it would have been much easier to launch from Cold Spring. 2 cents.

Here I found a report there were still ice floes on the river beginning of April

4/1 - Mid-Hudson Valley: The first week of April was traditionally the time for commercial fishermen to set their nets and catch the first of the American shad on their spawning run up the river from the sea. Two days ago the river was awash in ice; yesterday there were still enough scattered floes to tear a net; today (would have been just in time) the Mid-Hudson reach of the river was essentially ice-free.

4/3 - Four Mile Point, HRM 121: We checked out the Four Mile Point and Vosburgh Swamp area today and found that the river and marsh were both open with a few ice chunks here and there. Small ponds were still mostly frozen. Among the highlights, was a first-of-season deer tick! Of the 36 species of birds, we saw a dozen snow geese, and 75 green-winged teal.

4/4 - Beacon, HRM 61: The winter was still making itself felt on early fishing efforts, if my experience was any indication. By this time in years past, I could scratch out a catfish or a carp; today, not a bite in four hours of fishing. A total dud. The Hudson River water temperature was 36 degrees F - a strong negative for fishing.

Here's another:

Between mid-December and early April, the Coast Guard keeps at least one of its nine icebreaker tugs on the Hudson at all times. The tugs work the river from the George Washington Bridge to Albany, as ice conditions dictate, creating a shipping channel for barges and freighters. Of particular concern are the seven choke points north of West Point, where bends in the river cause ice flowing downstream to accumulate into plugs.
Hey all - just catching up wanted to comment!

A calm, soft-spoken Graswald told NBC 4 New York Friday she came to the United States when she was 15 and worked for a few months as a nanny in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had no legal right to be in the U.S. at the time, she said, but she has a green card now. Graswald said she got her first real job tending bar at the age of 21 and is relying on emotional support from her family in Latvia now.

Ms. Graswald, who first came to this country from Latvia at age 20 as an au pair for a family in Connecticut.
Graswald is not a U.S. citizen, he said, but has a green card valid until 2018.

From ^^

Came to US at 15 yo.

Nanny/au pair in CT at 20 yo for a few months.

Bartender at 21 yo.

She's been in the US since age 20, not 15.

In total, she's been in the US for 15 years.

There seems to be differing accounts of a few points.
Many of the news articles contradict each other.

Yes, a conflict in "when" she came here - as I bolded and put in red "when" she first came here. So if she really did come here when she was 15 years old, she would have attend school here, and learn English. I know they teach English in Latvian schools. So I believe she understands quite well what was asked of her by LE.

and isn't she Latvian, not Russian? Latvia is independent and the language is not Russian.

Actually, she "could" be Russian, as I saw on VV Facebook page, he talked in Russian. You see when WWII ended the Soviet Union took over the Baltic States (my parents escaped from Latvia to Sweden-thank you Lord), and moved a LOT of military and their families to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and when the Soviet Union fell - most of these families stayed. And some "refuse" to even speak Latvian. So I would have to say she is "Russian". The Russians living in Latvia tried to make Russian an official language in Latvia, but us Latvians prevailed!!!
Not sure when arrived in the US. Perhaps, returned home after first visit at 15. Then, returned and took an au pair position in CT at age 20.

But it appears she told the NBC reporter the following:

A calm, soft-spoken Graswald told NBC 4 New York Friday she came to the United States when she was 15 and worked for a few months as a nanny in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had no legal right to be in the U.S. at the time, she said, but she has a green card now.

Reporter (on video) who interviewed her at the jail stated that AG told her "she was awaiting the arrival of her family from Latvia."

But her attorney stated:

"This is a woman of limited financial means," he said. "Her family is in Latvia and it has had zero communication with her."
sorry for starting the slightly OT but interesting Latvian discussion. Back to finding out what happened here...
Can she even come into the country at 15 years old with no family here??

I think it was that she came over at 20 years old, with the understanding that she would work as a nanny. I think that's how she got into this country, not at 15 years old. Who would hire a 15 year old Latvian?????

A calm, soft-spoken Graswald told NBC 4 New York Friday she came to the United States when she was 15 and worked for a few months as a nanny in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had no legal right to be in the U.S. at the time, she said, but she has a green card now. Graswald said she got her first real job tending bar at the age of 21 and is relying on emotional support from her family in Latvia now.

Ms. Graswald, who first came to this country from Latvia at age 20 as an au pair for a family in Connecticut.
Graswald is not a U.S. citizen, he said, but has a green card valid until 2018.

Here's 2 different accounts. Did she lie to NBC?
Let's also remember she has several aliases.
Which story is correct? IDK.
Here's 2 different accounts. Did she lie to NBC?
Let's also remember she has several aliases.
Which story is correct? IDK.

Perhaps, to the female reporter. Additionally, she also told said reporter that she was awaiting her family's arrival.
Can she even come into the country at 15 years old with no family here??

I think it was that she came over at 20 years old, with the understanding that she would work as a nanny. I think that's how she got into this country, not at 15 years old. Who would hire a 15 year old Latvian?????

More like, who would hire a 15 year old Russian?? A Russian family or of descent, wanted to teach their kids Russian?? Just a guess! :)
Yes, a conflict in "when" she came here - as I bolded and put in red "when" she first came here. So if she really did come here when she was 15 years old, she would have attend school here, and learn English. I know they teach English in Latvian schools. So I believe she understands quite well what was asked of her by LE.

If she came here illegally, she may not have gone to school. She may have had contacts here or agencies that place these girls.

<mod snip>
Did LE invite her back to Bannerman Island where she placed some flowers in VV's memory? And she went...

You could not pay me enough to return to the island with LE for a little outing, a little chat with them, even if I had done NOTHING to contribute to his death!!
She's been in the US since age 20, not 15.

In total, she's been in the US for 15 years.

A calm, soft-spoken Graswald told NBC 4 New York Friday she came to the United States when she was 15 and worked for a few months as a nanny in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had no legal right to be in the U.S. at the time, she said, but she has a green card now. Graswald said she got her first real job tending bar at the age of 21 and is relying on emotional support from her family in Latvia now.

Contradictory reports it seems.
And would you go to the island with LE if you sometimes struggle communicating in English?
Perhaps, to the female reporter. Additionally, she also told said reporter that she was awaiting her family's arrival.

That's the thing, she lied a lot.

I think she has a sister on facebook, still overseas.
She was married twice and never applied for citizenship?
I find that odd too.
My guess regarding the inconsistencies in when she got here is this--the NBC reporter incorrectly said AT 15 years instead of FOR 15 years. I'm pretty sure all of the other media accounts say she arrived at 20 years old and has been here for 15 years. I'm chalking it up to reporter error.
Thanks again to all those linking MSM to relevant factual information; lack of sourcing can allow half-truths and falsehoods to cloud what already can be a confusing picture.

I am ashamed to say I had never hard of Latvia until I met my (now) husband when I was 18. His dad is Latvian, so I have learned a lot in 25 years, lol... about Russia and Latvia... and I have also learned from being here at WS that details are important.

I agree. Details are important. Luckily, I have a mind for detail - I kind of have to. And I don't forget details in these kinds of cases. No misinformation of "half truths" will be uttered by me. I don't misquote.

Read below:

and isn't she Latvian, not Russian? Latvia is independent and the language is not Russian.

Graswald is originally from Latvia and is a native Russian speaker. Portale contends that a language barrier played into statements she made, and has accused police of coercing Graswald into incriminating herself.

After the hearing, Graswald&#8217;s lawyer, Richard Portale, appeared caught off guard by the apparent confession and said he statements may have been coerced or the result of a language barrier between police and Graswald, whose first language is Russian.

Graswald hails from Latvia and is a native Russian speaker.

Portale went on to state that he believed that the statements Graswald provided to investigators were coerced. A native of Latvia, Graswald grew up speaking Russian and sometime struggles to communicate in English.

A calm, soft-spoken Graswald told NBC 4 New York Friday she came to the United States when she was 15 and worked for a few months as a nanny in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had no legal right to be in the U.S. at the time, she said, but she has a green card now. Graswald said she got her first real job tending bar at the age of 21 and is relying on emotional support from her family in Latvia now.
Why would anyone choose to take the chance of being in cold choppy and twilit tidal waters, uncertain of her own safety, thus using this ill-favored setting and course of action as a legitimate means of overseeing the end of another's life? She could not in any sense be certain of her own rescue that evening.
My guess regarding the inconsistencies in when she got here is this--the NBC reporter incorrectly said AT 15 years instead of FOR 15 years. I'm pretty sure all of the other media accounts say she arrived at 20 years old and has been here for 15 years. I'm chalking it up to reporter error.

You may be right. But does that mean she only worked as an au pair for one year? ETA: Oh, the article state she worked as an au pair for only a few months.

In any event, in 15 years she's as fluent as she would be in 20. She's fluent. IMO.
Is the pros' accusation that she both tampered with the paddle & moved or pushed it away from him when he was sinking/drowning?

The tampering with the paddle may be distinct from moving the paddle from his reach bc during the Q & A portion of the presser, I transcribed that DA stated there was "an item on the paddle." Yet, I haven't read anything about that detail.

What could that be (item on paddle)? Perhaps, I did not hear him correctly.
Did LE invite her back to Bannerman Island where she placed some flowers in VV's memory? And she went...

You could not pay me enough to return to the island with LE for a little outing, a little chat with them, even if I had done NOTHING to contribute to his death!!

The way I understood it, she happened to go there that day, with the garden group? LE was there investigating.

This island is off limits, you are not supposed to just go there.
(especially in April)
There are scheduled tours according to their website.
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