OH - 10 killed including Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019 #2

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Potentially? When has the klan committed a mass shooting this year? This guy is, like all mass murderers, as bad as it gets.
Well, the KKK certainly has a history of violence and undeniable hatred towards others who are different from them.
It's not really a comparison as to which are worse.
Just because they haven't killed anybody this year hardly makes them better.

Anyway I think the post you responded to said the same thing that you said. That his behavior is even worse. Imo
I think an absentee father has just as much affect on girls as it does boys.
Do we know if the father was not involved? If they were divorced, did they have visitation with him?

There are still a lot of unanswered questions, and it will likely take a long time for authorities to determine the motive and the mental health history of this guy. I'm sure they will look very deeply into his past. Imo

BBM: I agree with you, but interestingly, the psychiatric community doesn't seem to share this opinion. I know because in college in the 90s I took a child psychology class, and as part of the research I did I looked into parent/child dynamics. There were zero, that's right zero, studies pertaining to the daughter-father relationship and its effects upon teens/adults. You could find studies for every other pairing under the sun: Mother/son; Father/son, daughter/mother, son/mother, etc. - nothing on the relationships of father/daughter. you would have come to the conclusion that the psychiatric community thought fathers were of zero importance upon daughters' growth. I haven't kept up with studies, but a few years ago I asked one of my master's classmates whose undergrad degree was in child psychology, if she knew of any studies on the pairing.

She did not.

Considering how much time doctoral, etc. candidates spend trying to find untouched areas of research upon which they could make their mark on their particular field of study, I found this omission vastly odd.
BBM: I agree with you, but interestingly, the psychiatric community doesn't seem to share this opinion. I know because in college in the 90s I took a child psychology class, and as part of the research I did I looked into parent/child dynamics. There were zero, that's right zero, studies pertaining to the daughter-father relationship and its effects upon teens/adults. You could find studies for every other pairing under the sun: Mother/son; Father/son, daughter/mother, son/mother, etc. - nothing on the relationships of father/daughter. you would have come to the conclusion that the psychiatric community thought fathers were of zero importance upon daughters' growth. I haven't kept up with studies, but a few years ago I asked one of my master's classmates whose undergrad degree was in child psychology, if she knew of any studies on the pairing.

She did not.

Considering how much time doctoral, etc. candidates spend trying to find untouched areas of research upon which they could make their mark on their particular field of study, I found this omission vastly odd.
If you search hard enough you will find studies that pertain to both sexes.
I have my undergraduate degree in Child Psychology as well, and there are plenty of studies.
Are you sure you are looking at Psychological Journals? Maybe you just aren't looking in the right place.
Most notably Freud had an awful lot to say about father-daughter relationships, but theorists have had many opinions and have come a long way since then.
If you search hard enough you will find studies that pertain to both sexes.
I have my undergraduate degree in Child Psychology as well, and there are plenty of studies.
Are you sure you are looking at Psychological Journals? Maybe you just aren't looking in the right place.
Most notably Freud had an awful lot to say about father-daughter relationships, but theorists have had many opinions and have come a long way since then.

It is felt Freud’s clients were sexual abuse victims
How could this possibly get worse? Appears CB tried to get more friends to go to their death at his hand. :eek:

Pal reveals how Ohio shooter Connor Betts invited friends to come out to bar where he opened fire | Daily Mail Online

  • Connor Betts, 24, gunned down nine people, including his sister, and injured 27, including his best friend, at a bar in Dayton, Ohio, Sunday morning
  • A close friend of Betts - who does not wish to be named - told DailyMail.com that Betts invited 'a lot' of friends to come out with him to the bar that night
  • The friend speculates that Betts may have wanted to kill more of his friends
  • He and Betts hung out every day and were close in high school and said he was not a troubled loner, but 'charming, intelligent and fun'
  • Betts described himself on his Twitter profile as a 'leftist', while his friend said he was politically engaged but not obsessive
  • The shooting occurred Sunday morning just 14 hours after a gunman opened fire on an El Paso, Texas, Walmart, killing 20 and injuring 26 others
Dayton shooter Connor Betts tried to get more friends to join him in town on the night he opened fire in a massacre that left nine dead and 27 injured, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Betts drove to Dayton's Oregon District with one of his best friends and his sister, then shot them both, killing Megan Betts and leaving Charles 'Chace' Beard critically injured. Eight others died in the hail of bullets.

Now DailyMail.com has learned that he also asked 'a lot' of friends to be with him that night.

The disclosure raises the possibility that the mass murderer intended to target many more of his friends that night.

But the friend who spoke to DailyMail.com could offer no reason for why Betts would kill his family and friends, or even strangers.
Megan Betts had been a student at Wright State University studying environmental science. The school held a Monday vigil to mourn her loss and has announced counseling will be available to students.

“Hold your friends and family a little closer tonight,” Wright State Student Government Association president Ivan Mallett, who spoke at the vigil, posted after the weekend shooting.

Megan Betts’ longtime friends are holding her memory close to their hearts, sharing messages of sorrow and support.

‘Your life was a blessing.’ Friends mourn shooting victim Megan Betts


Megan's longtime friends have several facebook posts/photos at WHIO 7 link above, and she is being kindly remembered and missed. She's a victim.

<modsnip - rumor>
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Megan Betts was the kindest person friends and former classmates knew - CNN

(CNN)Those who knew Dayton, Ohio shooting victim Megan Betts say she could light up any room she walked into and make everyone in it feel like family.

That light went out when Betts, 22, died on Sunday night in the Dayton, Ohio, mass shooting. Police say she was shot and killed by her brother, Connor Betts, along with eight others.

"From the start, I knew Megan had a good heart," her friend Sarah Coffee told CNN. "She was good to her roots, and I don't think she could have watched someone suffer and not done anything."

Coffee was a sophomore when she met Megan, then a junior, in Bellbrook High School's band. Coffee was a clarinet player and she says Megan was a talented trumpet player.

During her sophomore year, Coffee says she was going through difficult time with anxiety and depression issues. Megan was one of the first people to run to her side and help.

"At one point I was at rock bottom," she says. "Megan was one of the few people to help convince me to get help."
A physically present father does not mean a present and engaged father.

Maybe another piece to the puzzle.

Link between mass shooters, absent fathers ignored by anti-gun activists

Link between mass shooters, absent fathers ignored by anti-gun activists

What Do ALL the Mass Shooters Have in Common? No Father in the Home
Actually, studies have not shown a correlation between absent fathers and mass shooters.
Those studies are outdated and were based on innaccurate statistics.

One of the authors who made that claim later wrote an article for Crisis Magazine, admitting he got it wrong.
It's called, "Shooters and Fatherlessness: A Clarification on the Data." It's from March 2018.

It does seem like broken homes have played a role in many cases, though.
Also, with so many shootings each year the data is constantly changing.
The last article in your post looks like it's from 2015. Imo





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Well, the KKK certainly has a history of violence and undeniable hatred towards others who are different from them.
It's not really a comparison as to which are worse.
Just because they haven't killed anybody this year hardly makes them better.

Anyway I think the post you responded to said the same thing that you said. That his behavior is even worse. Imo

Not defending this vicious spree killer in any way, but the KKK and similar white supremacy domestic terrorist groups were and are far worse, if for nothing more than the sheer number of people they have murdered and terrorized. Their tactics and abuse are depraved, their messages filled with hate and crafted to incite further violence and death against innocent people.

They terrorized entire communities and states with various forms of torture, mutilation, whippings, lynchings bombings, and burning up people's homes, businesses and churches. One of the worst tactics they used was flogging black victims with leather straps embedded with nails that literally stripped the skin off the victim. That was a favored tactic to use against white women who they believed had associated with black men and vice versa.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism

No, the Ku Klux Klan Has Never, Ever Been a 'Leftist' Organization

What Connor Betts did was horrific, deranged and cruel, but no worse than anything the KKK and other white supremacist domestic terrorists have engaged in. Betts is dead, fortunately, but the organized white supremacist terrorist organizations are still active, an ongoing public threat. They shouldn't be blithely written off as if they're a minor threat. They're only harmless to those who are part of their cohort.
Not defending this vicious spree killer in any way, but the KKK and similar white supremacy domestic terrorist groups were and are far worse, if for nothing more than the sheer number of people they have murdered and terrorized. Their tactics and abuse are depraved, their messages filled with hate and crafted to incite further violence and death against innocent people.

They terrorized entire communities and states with various forms of torture, mutilation, whippings, lynchings bombings, and burning up people's homes, businesses and churches. One of the worst tactics they used was flogging black victims with leather straps embedded with nails that literally stripped the skin off the victim. That was a favored tactic to use against white women who they believed had associated with black men and vice versa.

Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism

No, the Ku Klux Klan Has Never, Ever Been a 'Leftist' Organization

What Connor Betts did was horrific, deranged and cruel, but no worse than anything the KKK and other white supremacist domestic terrorists have engaged in. Betts is dead, fortunately, but the organized white supremacist terrorist organizations are still active, an ongoing public threat. They shouldn't be blithely written off as if they're a minor threat. They're only harmless to those who are part of their cohort.
Yes, my grandparents were targeted by the KKK because they were Italian.
I'm not sure how much violence is done by them today, but there are some similarities in terms of motive.

It's not really clear whether this recent shooter targeted any specific group, his sibling, or just wanted to kill people.
He must have had a lot of hatred and rage inside him.
It seems there were warning signs that apparently no-one acted upon. Imo
Well, the KKK certainly has a history of violence and undeniable hatred towards others who are different from them.
It's not really a comparison as to which are worse.
Just because they haven't killed anybody this year hardly makes them better.

Anyway I think the post you responded to said the same thing that you said. That his behavior is even worse. Imo
Actually the post didn't say that, and what I meant was when was the last time they committed a terrorist act, unlike Antifa who commits terrorism often. It's time to take all terrorism seriously and we need consider actions to be more important than words. This isn't the 1960s, we have new monsters, and they need to be taken seriously.
Actually the post didn't say that, and what I meant was when was the last time they committed a terrorist act, unlike Antifa who commits terrorism often. It's time to take all terrorism seriously and we need consider actions to be more important than words. This isn't the 1960s, we have new monsters, and they need to be taken seriously.
Ok, sorry I guess I'm getting confused about who said who was worse and when.

Anyway, my point was it's not really about who is worse, and there are sometimes common factors in terms of motive and sometimes not.

I think all terrorism is taken seriously. LE certainly takes it seriously. Imo
To me the answer to this grave problem is not found in past history, but in the individuals now who are doing these unspeakable crimes.

Comparing what happened in our past history or who did it the most back then... doesnt begin to solve the problems we are facing now. We have had extremist violence on both sides. No side is immune. Its fruitless saying one is worse than the other. Anyone who acts out violently toward others are equally bad, and must be rooted out by everyone.

Instead of trying to come together as one nation, all I see constantly spewing on MSM is more nonstop hateful rhetoric. Instead of ratcheting it down many are purpisefully ratcheting it up instead to fever pitch.

And to do so on the pain, and suffering of all of the victims, and their shattered families before they can even properly bury them is beyond shameful, but yet no one has an ounce of regret for doing so.

Knowing that some have used these tragedies to do robo emails for campaign funds is reprehensible. Tradegies like this, and the victims are being used as pawns. Everyone should be disgusted by the behavior of those who have done so.

So instead of trying to come together in peace for the good of our nation they just spew more hate, and divisiveness. Even publically putting targets on totally innocent people who have done nothing wrong except exercise their freedom of choice to make their own decisions.

I was born in the south, and it was known by most that the leaders, officials, sheriffs etc back then were Democrats who belonged to the KKK. Once that all became exposed, and rooted out, thank God, I haven't seen a KKK ralley since I was a young teen many decades ago.

I dont care who encites or promotes violence over peace... they all need to be outed, and put on the DOJ domestic terrorist list.

Anyone that calls for any kind of violence against anyone should be immediately investigated, and regular citizens can be of vital help by send screenshots of any, and of everyone who does so.

Not just for some, but they must report ALl, and sadly the internet is saturated with those inciting violence, and making threats, and to do so simply because they insist their innicent targets must think exactly like they do. That goes against everything America stands for.

We are spiraling down a dark hole where our country, and what we have proudly always stood for is becoming unrecognizable.

And MSM news channels only makes it worse because every single day they have those on who only regurgitates more hate, violence, and continue to tear our country apart. They never talk about coming together to calmly try to find the answers to the underlying problems why this is now happening more often.

They don't want to discuss the changing cultural difference, and if that may be a part of the problem. Nope, that would be talking with reason, and concern of really trying to find out why it's an issue we face. They would much rather keep hissing hateful rhetoric instead they accomplish nothing, and add to the problem instead of concentrating on possible solutions.

How can it not affect some when they constantly see violence in our streets, and people ramping up the attacks as if only violence is the answer for everything???

You'll need to provide a link to back up your claim that antifa does not commit terrorism often, including some substantion of what antifa actually is, other than a catch-all term used by people with extreme left, socialist, anarchist, viewpoints.....moo
Well, I just googled it and the first article I saw said there have been no known murders.
Another said they were mostly dormant until around 2000, and they claim they denounce the use of weapons and violence.
I've never looked into this specific group before but it sounds like they mostly protest other protests and harass people online.

Interesting that a third article questioned whether or not this shooter was the first murder in this particular group (or whatever its called)
Anyway there were 3 articles I saw and I don't know how to link them so I guess this is just my opinion.

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