OH - 9 killed + Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019

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Omg. That picture really hits home.
Yes, SuziQ, it really does. It reminds me of Holocaust photos of (much larger piles) shoes.

The piles are just going to grow bigger as the murderers find better ways of killing their victims. In Dayton's case, the police was stationed nearby, arrived and stopped the killer in less than a minute.

Carrying a rifle, wearing body armor and ear "muffs," the killer stood out and never entered the nightclub. Instead, cosplaying of a mass murderer, he could have adopted a stealth approached and killed more.

Maybe cosplaying a mass murderer was part of thrill - as he approached the crowd and shot his way to the entrance, he experienced an enormous dopamine rush.
Six of nine victims are black...it seems pretty clear he wanted to kill black people and people who like black people.

Not really.

As much as I believe hateful rhetoric fuels and inspires hate crimes many of these losers have murder in them not due to an ideology but due to a defect of soul and character.

I don't know that their ethnicity was why he did what he did. I think mostly it's these are deeply unhappy people who resent the happiness of others. They take out happy fellow high school students, innocent and happy little kids at school, people having a blast at a concert or movie theater. People having fun at a bar. Young couples who are fresh faced and full of life near their college campus, out for a night of fun the loser never enjoys. A sister and her boyfriend and friends who have a life he doesn't.

They may look for an ideology or "cause" to justify what they do but IMO really it's mostly due to a defect of character and a host of complex issues that created the loser who spend hours alone, simmering with rage, believing he is being denied what is rightfully his.

It likely was well-intentioned.

But intent and effect are two entirely different things.

This school event you've described sounds totally cringe-worthy.

I'd guess the overall net result was negative vs positive.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions," as the saying goes.

Being kind and inclusive to a kid with few friends is never a bad thing. Some kids who are experiencing depression can be greatly helped by just having someone to talk to.

Not homicidial Psychopaths. Ya know, who want to skin people alive and chit. I wouldn't have wanted my kids "befriending" really any of the mass killers we know of. jmo
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why a big pile of shoes ?
did the medics take them off or they just fell off people's feet as they ran?
This always happens in events like this. Some are from victims, however most fall off when people are trying to get away. Which makes sense to me if theyre sandals, but I've never understood sneakers coming off. ???
Well said. So help me, I found myself thinking, at least this time it is an Adults Only venue". Ya know, so no kids will be killed.. Sick that that occurred to me almost as "the bright side" of this one. Yuck. I hate that these abberent thoughts even enter my mind.
Don't beat yourself up for thinking that. I bet the people that were shot would also be glad their children were't there. With the horror we have been seeing and reading about, we have to cling to something positive.

This appears to be a frequent common denominator in the background of these mass shooters.

As we all know, correlation does not equal causation.

Being bullied in school isn't an excuse to go shoot up a bar. Or a Wal-mart. Or a school.

Or anything.

Logically, though, it seems to me like if we identify the correlates or commonalities in these monsters' profiles and then work to alter the contributing factors, we might just be able to do a little better at preventing these monsters from being created in the first place.

How about let's try to address bullying in schools and see if that makes a difference.

Gotta' start somewhere.


Except most mass shooters tend to have been the bullies according to studies. Maybe when people push back against their anti-social nastiness then the bully is said to be bullied?
Being kind and iclusive to a kid with few friends is never a bad thing. Some kids who are experiencing depression can be greatly helped by just having someone to talk to.

Not homicidial Psychopaths. Ya know, who want to skin people alive and chit. I wouldn't have wanted my kids "befriending" really any of the mass killers we know of. jmo

Being kind and inclusive is never a bad thing.

Singling out certain kids who already feel isolated and "different" for unwanted attention by "encouraging,"
i.e., forcing, the other kids to go make nice with them is not being kind and inclusive.

It's being unintentionally cruel.

This always happens in events like this. Some are from victims, however most fall off when people are trying to get away. Which makes sense to me if theyre sandals, but I've never understood sneakers coming off. ???

I wondered that too. I've never seen this before.
*Warning: Graphic content*

Dayton 24/7 Now spoke with other classmates of Betts' who said he was expelled from school after officials found a notebook where he reportedly wrote a list of people who he wanted to rape, kill and skin their bodies. The classmate we spoke with said Betts was supposed to write a letter of apology to the people on the list. After being expelled, Betts was allowed back to school, according to the classmate. The classmate added Betts was not a loner, but had friends.

More at link Dayton Police, FBI search Bellbrook home of Oregon District shooting suspect

After being expelled he's allowed back in school? No hospital or anything? A letter of apology? Come on. This is ridiculous.
Two young white American men with two different motives. Two other young white American men just stabbed a police officer to death in Europe. As the mother of a white American young man (16), I'm alarmed. What is wrong with our boys???
I wish places like Twitter, Facebook, and powerful others would be more proactive shutting them down before something happens.

They won't. The Charlottesville attack that killed Heather Myers was planned on Reddit. Although the planning occurred in a specific political subreddit, Reddit never took action against that subreddit. It took years for Reddit to eliminate the gore subreddit r/watchingpeopledie.
I carry the small 2 gram package of these with my cash and credit cards.
I have the larger ones in vehicles, emergency kits and backpacks we carry to events.
At least I feel marginally more prepared.


I’m struggling with it a lot, too. I don’t like crowds to begin with and now the anxiety is even worse.

Schools aren’t safe.
Churches aren’t safe.
Stores aren’t safe.
Malls aren’t safe.
Festivals aren’t safe.

The worst part is that we are being expected to accept these shootings as just part of the risk of living in America, like tornadoes and earthquakes.

Yes. Anxiety. So much worse.

Well said. So help me, I found myself thinking, at least this time it is an Adults Only venue". Ya know, so no kids will be killed.. Sick that that occurred to me almost as "the bright side" of this one. Yuck. I hate that these abberent thoughts even enter my mind.

That was my very first thought especially after the baby in El Paso who's mother died and fell on him.

But why the sister?
Has it been confirmed that her bf was killed?
Just some observations:
Read that he was or planned to study Psychology at college. Could this have been an attempt to unravel his feelings of being not quite
normal or right or not fitting in?
Saw no evidence of any gf's or dating in his friends.
Could he be a closeted gay and fighting those demons in his head?
His mothers fb as reported in msm shows her
to be a loving, close, normal happy mom.
No family pics in msm, mother and children only.

There are family pics I'm not sure why the media isn't using them?
There is no confirmation Megan's boyfriend is deceased. The incorrect reports about them being found in a car said both were deceased. Since we got the correct report that Megan was at the bar, the boyfriend being deceased hasn't been mentioned.

Here is Megan's facebook:

Don't beat yourself up for thinking that. I bet the people that were shot would also be glad their children were't there. With the horror we have been seeing and reading about, we have to cling to something positive.
Thank you. That's true.
I was just internally going, "Oh! so I don't feel as bad about this one as the other one? Ugh.
But its just that I'm so numb right now. I feel for every single one.
It's too much.
So I'm guessing the boyfriend is a part of the victims list?
I wonder if his family doesn't want his name and pictures circulating online. MOO
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