OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in shallow grave, Carlisle, 7 May 2017 #2

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Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe somewhere between 5-15 years? It is horrible that Weaver (and maybe Richardson) murdered an innocent and defenseless baby, but I guess there is a part of me that also understands the fear, lack of support, and disassociation that these young women were experiencing. Not that this makes their actions in any way acceptable, and certainly a significant punishment is warranted. But I guess life imprisonment without the possibility of parole just seems excessive to me.

It is a significant punishment, for sure. I'm not sure why someone who kills in cold blood would deserve a lighter sentence. For example, I don't think this is any different than Chris Watts who killed both his little girls by smothering them. I think he deserves every moment he got in prison.

ETA: I also thought Casey Anthony deserved life in prison, no parole, for killing Caylee. I guess I don't see the difference because it happened right after birth and she was scared.
Also, someone pointed out how the mom often used "I" when she should have been using "you", or as she uses, "u". Super Freudian, disturbing and bizarre. Talk about enmeshment.

I'm very creeped out.

Enmeshment is one manifestation of the extreme psychological damage caused by a narcissistic parent.

Enmeshment is about boundaries being blurred or obliterated. A narcissistic parent does not view her daughter as being a separate individual, much less one deserving of love. To allow her daughter to be separate, to be her own person, is to lose control. Narcissists experience anything less than complete control as an existential threat to themselves.

If Kim is a narcissist then, those texts don't reflect a need by her to live vicariously through Skylar, however pathological that would be. What they reflect IMO is Kim's refusal to allow Skylar to have a life of her own at all. A zero sum game, in which only Kim is allowed to win, and one which Skylar must lose over and over again. With a smile on her face, and while expressing gratitude to her mother for loving her so much.
Yes. Definitely. Not least because the OB/GYN Kim lined up for Skylar to see was the DR who delivered both her children.

Perhaps. I'm not sure most people understand that, although abortions are legal, they are not readily available in most places, and most doctors do not perform them. Maybe I'm wrong about that, though. It is just hard for me to fathom that the mother was entirely unaware of the pregnancy, even though I think it highly unlikely that the mother was aware that BSR delivered the baby in her bathroom and buried her in the backyard.
Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe somewhere between 5-15 years? It is horrible that Weaver (and maybe Richardson) murdered an innocent and defenseless baby, but I guess there is a part of me that also understands the fear, lack of support, and disassociation that these young women were experiencing. Not that this makes their actions in any way acceptable, and certainly a significant punishment is warranted. But I guess life imprisonment without the possibility of parole just seems excessive to me.

Too bad that baby never got between 5 and 15 years to experience something besides a dumpster. Weaver was in university living life as a sorority girl, hardly lack of support much less resources. She killed her kid and then sent a text saying “no more baby” or something to that effect. I say put her on hard labor and let her sleep under the jail for the rest of her life.
It is extremely, extremely unlikely that the OB/GYN Skylar went to performs abortions at all, much less in a shared general OB/GYN practice, much less in such a practice based in Ohio.

I agree and I doubt Kim knew Skylar was pregnant, although the fact that Kim obviously scrutinized Skylars body so excessively gives me pause about her not noticing. But then from Kim's texts (keep up on the Dulcolax so you can rock your cute clothes in Destin!) I am now certain that she is absolutely bonkers, so I can't pretend to get inside her brain.

In the text series around the email from the Ob Gyn office saying Skykar's BC prescription was discontinued because 'preg'----Kim said something like, thank god it's not true because I want you to have a future and that would eliminate it. Yeah sounds like a mom one could go to with a pregnancy emergency to me.
JMO... but I am pondering the thought that her Mom also has some kind of ED.

At minimum, I'm thinking this is one of those cases of "Mother thinking Mother knows better than ED doctors", because when Mommy was in high school in 1985 Sandra/Elizabeth/"everybody" on the cheer squad took laxatives to lose weight and they all turned out perfectly fine!!1! (Whether or not it's even true, or if she would know beyond high school.)

I'm utterly gobsmacked by the Kim and Skylar texts. Talk about pathology laid bare. I'm glad Kim is being exposed as a *** mom but she seems too up herself (remembering in one of the police station tapes Kim said of herself 'I've done everything right') to perceive it.

I'm also struck by how intent Kim is on casting herself to Skylar as "Skylar's friend" in these text messages. There's very little and only sporadic "mothering" going on in these texts. She's definitely trying to position herself as Skylar's peer and buddy with all the adolescent-speak, MOO. This may be a function of the narrowed scope of the texts - they probably do occasionally speak of father/husband and brother/son at some point, but they certainly don't speak of them in connection with all this "girls' stuff", because I can't help but think that the prosecution would want to play it up if the male members of the family were also aware.

Detective Christopher Wong, an expert in digital forensics with the Warren County Sheriff’s Office, retrieved text messages from the phones of Richardson; her mother, Kim Richardson; and then-boyfriend Brandon Saylor. bbm

Richardson in interview: 'I think I killed her ... I squeezed her'

Rumor has it, yes. But, I can't confirm that. I was hoping he'd testify if they were still together or not.

Based on several MSM reports today referring to BS as 'former' or 'her boyfriend during time she delivered baby,' it doesn't appear rumors likely. And media is all over this case.

I hope he's moved on -- he testified he's a sophomore at Miami Univ. Also, if you saw BSR's zombie look when BR was in the court room -- I think it said more than words.
It seems that BSR's insistence that there was no umbilical cord attached is her attempt to distance herself from it for some reason...

The only reason that I keep coming up with is that she did not want to admit to cutting/using scissors/sharp objects near the baby?

And then my mind jumps to the unexplained puncture wound in the skull... I wonder if the Richardson family is missing a pair of scissors.

That's something that keeps nagging at me.
It seems that BSR's insistence that there was no umbilical cord attached is her attempt to distance herself from it for some reason...

The only reason that I keep coming up with is that she did not want to admit to cutting/using scissors/sharp objects near the baby?

And then my mind jumps to the unexplained puncture wound in the skull... I wonder if the Richardson family is missing a pair of scissors.

That's something that keeps nagging at me.
But forensic anthropologist called by the prosecution testified that the marks on the skull were postmortem. They were probably caused by animals-- the grave was very shallow and many of the bones were never found which to me says that animals were active at the site and carried some of the bones away.
I asked the same earlier -- judge doesn't believe prosecution met burdened of proof.

Huh? There's no dispute BSR buried/concealed the body of baby.

Is it that coroner didn't emphasize BSR hiding evidence and delaying discovery of remains prevented them from determining definitive COD?

The judge dismissed the tampering of evidence charge on what most probably view as a technicality.

In Ohio, the State's burden of proof for this charge has 3 elements, and all 3 must be satisfied. The judge ruled the State hadn't and couldn't satisfy on just one of those 3 elements:

The State must prove that the defendant was aware, at the time the alleged crime (tampering) was committed, that the underlying crime (murder) was already under investigation, or was certain to be investigated.

The State argued it had met it's burden of proof on that element because it was known by some (DR's) that Skylar was pregnant, and that the absence of her baby would be investigated.

The defense countered that sufficient time had elapsed between the baby's birth and Skylar's 2nd DR's appointment for the absence of her baby to be explained as......she had given birth. What was there to investigate, had Skylar not told the truth when asked about the baby?

So.....charge dismissed.
Apart from the eating disorder cheerleading from Kim Richardson to her teenager I found the content of these texts chilling

4/25 (a few days before that gynecology appt.to get birth control pills when Skyler was saying she was scared and didn't want to go):
'U r doing adult actions u do not want to get pregnant. Then there is no college cause will have to work to feed ur baby. No joke. Who will raise it'

5/1 (after Kim saw the message from the gynecology office that prescription should be discontinued because patient is pregnant):
'Ur life could potentially be over'

Skylar was full term pregnant at the time she got these messages from her mom. Unbelievable.
Tuesday, Sept. 10th:
*Trial continues (Day 6) (@ 9am ET) - OH - A few hours old baby girl Annabelle “Baby Jane Doe” (May 7, 2017, Carlisle, baby found buried on July 14, 2017) - *Brooke 'Skylar' Richardson (18/now 20) arrested (8/4/17), charged & indicted (8/4/17) & arraigned (8/7/17) on multiple felony charges including aggravated murder (special felony,) involuntary manslaughter (1st degree felony), endangerment of child (3rd degree felony), tampering with evidence (3rd degree felony) was dismissed on 9/9/19, & gross abuse of corpse (5th degree felony); allegedly killing, burning & burying her newborn baby in backyard of her Carlisle home. Free on $50K bond. House arrest & is placed on a curfew from 9pm to 7am, GPS monitoring, random drug tests & unannounced home visits will continue & surrendered passport.
Trial began on Sept. 3, 2019 (to 9/13/19 on court site). Jury selection begins 9/3/19 with an initial jury pool of 70 people.
Trial information from 9/3/19 (Day 1) thru 9/5/19 (Day 3) reference post #684 here:
OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in shallow grave, Carlisle, 7 May 2017 #1

9/6/19 Day 4: State witnesses: Dr. Susan Brown (forensic pathologist and the Montgomery County Coroner's Office). Dr. Krista Lathan (University of Ind. forensic anthropologist). Dr. William "Kim" Brady (fetal medical specialist). Trial continues on 9/9.
9/9/19 Day 5: State witnesses: Former Lt. John Faine. Second interrogation tape of Richardson on July 20, 2017 played for jurors. Brandon Saylor (was Skylar's boyfriend in Jan. 30, 2017). Warren Co. Sheriff Det. Christopher Wong (digital forensics). State rests their case. After hearing defense argument to dismiss charges the judge has dismissed count 4 - Tampering with Evidence. The charge dismissed carried a possible 9 month to 5 year sentence. Counts 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been denied. Trial continues on 9/10.
why on the toilet? wouldn't it be more comfortable lying in a bathtub or something? it just seems dirty and gross to me

She probably thought she needed to poop and pee. Apparently people that are in denial about being pregnant give birth over the toilet. Drowning is a big risk because the mothers sometimes pass out.
'You're scaring me,' Brooke Skylar Richardson tells mom in text after pregnancy revealed

Sept 9, 2019

“You’re scaring me.”

That’s what Richardson told her mom in a text message after her OB-GYN sent an email indicating she was pregnant. Richardson told her mother it was a mistake, and she had just gotten to school. She said she would call about it later.

Her mom chastised her, in a text, telling her to call now. Kim Richardson told her daughter she wanted her to have a future.

“That eliminates all that,” she said.


On Monday, prosecutors detailed text conversations between Richardson and her mom.

The texts paint a picture of a mother obsessed with her daughter's weight – and a daughter obsessed with her mother's acceptance.

Richardson's attorneys have said the two always text like that. She has suffered from an eating disorder since she was 12.

“I’m literally speechless with how happy I am,” Richardson said in one message. “My belly is back omg I am never ever ever evertrrr letting it grt like this again your about to see me look freaking better than before omg.”

Richardson sent that text to her mother on the day of her baby’s death.

In the weeks that followed, she regularly texted her mother about her weight and workouts. She took selfies showing her shrinking stomach and told her mom she was now strutting around school.

Her mother encouraged her.

Ten days after the nightmare in her backyard, Richardson told her mom she lost 20 pounds. She said it was announced in one of her classes and everyone clapped.

“I could cry,” her mom responded. “U literally (are) my hero.”
This is a message that was deleted from #SkylarRichardson’s phone. This message is from her mom, the day before her gynecologist appt in which she found out she was pregnant. Her mom said she is sick about it, too, but she has to do what is best for her future @Local12


Angenette Levy on Twitter
It's like some people here are choosing not to see it
I didn't read it that way.

I believe mom is saying that she's sick about the reality she's sending her little girl to mom's own OB-GYN for the purpose of obtaining bc.

She tells reluctant BSR that her other option is PP -- but doesn't recommend them because they are not quality doctors. Tells her she'll have to pay out of pocket for PP visit.

I believe she's referring to her own doctor when she says [m]y doctor is a surgeon and has been doing this for years. (He's superior over PP).

Mom upset having to face the fact that BSR is sexually active, but wants to be sure she's protected from pregnancy-- now and while at college.

I also believe these feelings are shared by many mothers when they're facing their only daughter leaving home for the first time.

So then why would she delete it
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