OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #2

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Let's speculate for a minute...

Let's say the guy from Mexico is Brian. How on Earth could Brian end up homeless in Mexico and why? I know from the report that the guy calls himself John, but that doesn't necessarily mean that his name is in fact John.

Ok, let's assume Brian willingly disappeared from the bar that night for unknown reasons, moved away from Columbus. Where did he get all the resources to survive? Did he become homeless shortly after or it happened later?

If he didn't disappear on his own... could it be possible that he was beaten, left somewhere to die and then had woken up and had no memory of who he was so he ended up in Mexico somehow?

This is just food for thought & certainly doesn't reflect what I personally think about this case. Just trying to open new window of possibilities here.

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If he disappeared on his own and went to Mexico, I think he would have taken enough cash to sustain him for a while. Possibly took a bus because it's cheap. To end up like that I think he had to have been injured and lost his memory. The guy does resemble him, eyebrows appear a bit bushy but the nose and hairline look really close. It would help to see him with his eyes open. Curious why it states he's no more than 25 y/o as it appears to me he could be somewhat older. Also Brian was 27 when he disappeared which would make him 38 now.
Brainy, keep us posted if she replies. Thanks.

She (Ms. Dean) replied, basically saying that she doesn't personally know anything else about the man in the photo than what she mentioned in the article. However, she mentioned a law enforcement officer and provided me with her contact info, thinking that she may be helpful in this matter. She also gave me contact info (telephone #) of a woman living in Tijuana (city near US-Mexico border where the the photo of the man was taken) who may also be able to help.

I am extremely overloaded with work and academics in the coming days but will certainly make the attempt to find out more. I don't believe it would be appropriate to share the contact info of individuals that Ms. Dean shared in this forum. If any of you are interested, please send me a private message, and I will be glad to share names/numbers if you plan to find out more about the man.
First time posting on this site. Sorry if this has been mentioned, I searched the thread for "Michigan" and nothing came up. But I noticed a poster on Reddit said this:

"I've always thought this was him:
I know it seems like a WTF as to how he got there, but at one time we ran the numbers and it’s less than 200 miles apart. To be precise, 155 miles door to door from last location seen to this location.
From 1966-2015 there have only been 71 unidentified caucasian males that from 73-74 inches tall and 150-200 lbs. None of their ages match from what I can tell. In the same time period, he is the only white male 73-74 inches in the country 150-200 lbs that we can verify is unaccounted for. He’s also the first one found after that missing persons report."

I am from Wayne County, I obviously have no idea about this person nor ever heard of the incident. But this is worth a look. Other posters said they reached out to the contacts listed on the website but got no response. Maybe LE has already looked into it?
First time posting on this site. Sorry if this has been mentioned, I searched the thread for "Michigan" and nothing came up. But I noticed a poster on Reddit said this:

"I've always thought this was him:
I know it seems like a WTF as to how he got there, but at one time we ran the numbers and it’s less than 200 miles apart. To be precise, 155 miles door to door from last location seen to this location.
From 1966-2015 there have only been 71 unidentified caucasian males that from 73-74 inches tall and 150-200 lbs. None of their ages match from what I can tell. In the same time period, he is the only white male 73-74 inches in the country 150-200 lbs that we can verify is unaccounted for. He’s also the first one found after that missing persons report."

I am from Wayne County, I obviously have no idea about this person nor ever heard of the incident. But this is worth a look. Other posters said they reached out to the contacts listed on the website but got no response. Maybe LE has already looked into it?

Interesting observations!

A picture of this John Doe would also help as well. Thanks for sharing.

Interesting observations!

A picture of this John Doe would also help as well. Thanks for sharing.


"Body conditionsNot recognizable - Charred/burned"

Or else one could check for the tattoo.
I can't find any information on this.... whether some found remains have been compared to see if they could have been Brian. This is such an awful thought, to imagine that someone was murdered and then burned in efforts to disguise their identity. Imagine that someone you loved and had a close relationship with has subject to such brutality. I can't even find words to describe what it stirs in me...

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So the fire dept was called? Sounds like the deceased was recent to that time period. If so, how could it be Brian unless he was held for a time, or his body. Horrific to think so. :cry:
I can't find any information on this.... whether some found remains have been compared to see if they could have been Brian. This is such an awful thought, to imagine that someone was murdered and then burned in efforts to disguise their identity. Imagine that someone you loved and had a close relationship with has subject to such brutality. I can't even find words to describe what it stirs in me...

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Murdered and burned. Horror beyond all comprehension:

That reminds me of Mike Klitch. A 12-year old boy who in 1971 was abducted from a tennis court and two weeks later, his burned remains were found 25 miles away in a abandoned shack. (Now a lake.) His killer was never found. This also happened just outside of Columbus Ohio, in the Grandview Heights area.


Murdered and burned. Horror beyond all comprehension:

That reminds me of Mike Klitch. A 12-year old boy who in 1971 was abducted from a tennis court and two weeks later, his burned remains were found 25 miles away in a abandoned shack. (Now a lake.) His killer was never found. This also happened just outside of Columbus Ohio, in the Grandview Heights area.



Satch, thank you for sharing. I indeed remember Michael. His murder has always deeply saddened me. That was way, way before my time but I have always felt close to this case like it happened to someone very close to me. I truly can't comprehend how can anyone hurt this young boy and kill him in such a horrific manner. I recall seeing Mike's black and white pictures and being struck by his clever smile and astute expressions. He was a good boy by all accounts, and it saddens me that there is still no closure after so many years.

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What a shame, Brian's case so cold. I wonder if Klein Investigations would be willing to take a look at it.
What a shame, Brian's case so cold. I wonder if Klein Investigations would be willing to take a look at it.

Neesaki, I think anything at this point would be helpful to this case. It's just so incredibly frustrating. I truly believe that the LE is empty-handed at this time. There are just no leads, no evidence. Nothing.

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I wonder why Clint and his attorney put out the idea that they believe Brian could be alive. And the person who sent the message from the library computer to Brian's dad, did so, IMO, to try and make it appear also as though Brian is alive. Why, so as to cloud the case, to try and direct attention away from looking for a killer and away from looking for a body? Throwing in a red herring ? And what does Clint know, or what did he do to ask for immunity just to talk and tell whatever he knows. Which means he knows something. :banghead:
Has anyone been to the bar he was at that looked around at other exits?

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I am just going to throw out a Clint theory here. This also assumes that Meredith left the bar through transportation of her own.

Since we have no physical evidence of what happened to Brian. Let's suppose that Clint and Brian got into an argument that night over whatever. If they fought, what they fought about, we can only speculate. We do know that no one can account for Brian's whereabouts after 2:10 or thereabouts. We know Clint's credibility is not credible at all/ They leave the bar, head back to Brian's apartment, and they argue. Their drunken state escalates into a physical fight and Clint accidentally hurts Brian. The injury is far more severe than realized. Say for example a punch to the face. Let's say that a drunken Brian falls down the stairs. (Assume they were there.) Clint in a panic screams profanity and doesn't know what to do. Knowing that something like this could destroy his reputation and Brian really badly injured, Brian is barely conscious. Putting him out of his misery, he suffocates him with a pillow. Brian is dead.

Clint lures Brian's body to a closet, takes Brian's keys, locks the apartment, gets whatever he needs to dispose of Brian's body. Goes back to Brian's apartment and gets rid of the body by using the tools to throw it into one of Ohio's lakes or rivers about 30 minutes away. He locks the apartment again so no one can enter.

Than he goes back and spends about six hours at Brian's apartment getting rid of all of the evidence that could incriminate him. He doesn't get involved in the search. Speaks about Brian only in a very cold narrative and only when forced. Gets a lawyer, stops talking, and a few months later moves away.

Could this scenario have really happened? If so, how do you think Clint got rid of Brian's body undetected? Is there any way that Clint could be incriminated through physical evidence if this actually occurred? What if Clint wore gloves to dispose of Brian's body?

Did Clint leave alone with the girl on video?

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I am just going to throw out a Clint theory here. This also assumes that Meredith left the bar through transportation of her own.

Since we have no physical evidence of what happened to Brian. Let's suppose that Clint and Brian got into an argument that night over whatever. If they fought, what they fought about, we can only speculate. We do know that no one can account for Brian's whereabouts after 2:10 or thereabouts. We know Clint's credibility is not credible at all/ They leave the bar, head back to Brian's apartment, and they argue. Their drunken state escalates into a physical fight and Clint accidentally hurts Brian. The injury is far more severe than realized. Say for example a punch to the face. Let's say that a drunken Brian falls down the stairs. (Assume they were there.) Clint in a panic screams profanity and doesn't know what to do. Knowing that something like this could destroy his reputation and Brian really badly injured, Brian is barely conscious. Putting him out of his misery, he suffocates him with a pillow. Brian is dead.

Clint lures Brian's body to a closet, takes Brian's keys, locks the apartment, gets whatever he needs to dispose of Brian's body. Goes back to Brian's apartment and gets rid of the body by using the tools to throw it into one of Ohio's lakes or rivers about 30 minutes away. He locks the apartment again so no one can enter.

Than he goes back and spends about six hours at Brian's apartment getting rid of all of the evidence that could incriminate him. He doesn't get involved in the search. Speaks about Brian only in a very cold narrative and only when forced. Gets a lawyer, stops talking, and a few months later moves away.

Could this scenario have really happened? If so, how do you think Clint got rid of Brian's body undetected? Is there any way that Clint could be incriminated through physical evidence if this actually occurred? What if Clint wore gloves to dispose of Brian's body?



I think this is a plausible scenario. However, like you mentioned, there is no evidence or motive that could point at Clint. The big issues in all these, we have no idea of Brian's or Clint's cars were searched for any evidence. Another thing that is very suspicious, how did Clint enter Brian's apartment and what was he doing there for hours?

If Brian was half conscious and drunk, he could have helped him stand on his feet and help him get into his car. I think Brian was already dead by the time he was moved from the apartment or was very out of it. I do also believe that whatever happened that night, it had a motive/reason that he could have only between Clint and Brian. I do also agree that Clint doesn't have any credibility and has had demonstrated a very strange behavior after his friend vanished into thin air. After more than an decade, he has not shared anything that could portray him being loving, caring or compassionate.

If Brian did not have any external injuries, and Clint was fairly familiar with his apartment, I honestly don't think there would be much evidence to remove. All he must have done would be tidy up a bit and make it look as normal and innocuous as it possibly can. After all, he wasn't a stranger, but someone who personally knew Brian.

As for dumping the body... It could have been in the river, it could have been somewhere in the woods or perhaps some place else. It is not that unusual (but surprising) that the body hasn't been discovered, but there are so many cases where someone was killed and then had their body dumped just a few miles away but the discovery of their remains wasn't made until years later. In this case, it's either luck or combination of several things.

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Did Clint leave alone with the girl on video?

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What girl? Meredith? Yes, LE says Clint and Meredith are seen leaving the bar together.

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