OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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I know exactly what you mean. It is very specific. The best I can say is that everyone that heard it was told by Randy. Actually the whole immunity deal talk was told by Randy as well. Sergeant Hurst debunked that one so I will see if he will comment about the 6 hours. And the words were actually notClint’s about picking up his car. They were Meredith’s words from her statement. I do not have Clint’s Statement. I will say that everyone that we have spoke to has said wonderful things about Meredith and how they believe she is truthful and she has always been very cooperative. As far as Brian’s apartment and computer he wouldn’t speak a whole lot on that but I will try again. I would love to have the computer investigated again.
Just want to add that it is delightful to have you here and to thank you for re energizing the search for Brian!
Can you give a little teensy hint as to where in the world pics of Brian may have turned up?
Okay guys you can actually help me with this part. If you have any questions you would like asked to Sergeant Hurst or Don Corbett please message me or reply to this thread. I’m working on follow up calls with both and can always use help coming up with questions that will get us the answers we need. I will tell you we asked Sergeant Hurst many other questions that he couldn’t answer due to it being an open investigation.

1.) Is there any way that new technology could be used to examine the Construction Site that was not available in 2006? What technology would this involve?

2.) Why does Detective Hurst believe that the scent that the search dogs picked up, going out that side door leading to Wendy's is not Brian?

3.) Why is it believed that Brian is not trapped in the construction site as there is no evidence of him exiting the building or any trace of him following that video at 1:55 PM on April 1, 2006?

Just want to add that it is delightful to have you here and to thank you for re energizing the search for Brian!
Can you give a little teensy hint as to where in the world pics of Brian may have turned up?[/QUOTE

Thank you! I really think this case is solvable if we can weed out the false information and ask the right questions. The most recent sightings and photos I am referring to were sent anonymously to Private investigator Don Corbett. The people told him they were using a fake email but wanted to share their sighting of Brian with him.
Follow up call with Private Investigator Don Corbett in 5 minutes.
Follow up call with Private Investigator Don Corbett in 5 minutes.

Prob too late to ask but I would love to know why Don thinks Brian is or was still alive and was it base solely on what Clint's lawyer said?
Saw this posted and though I would repost on here. Nothing new but disappearing in 14 minutes, leaving your friend behind in such a short amount of time really makes me question why they decided to leave so quickly. From the time Brian said he was going to talk to the band and the decision was made to search for him couldn't not have been more than about 5 minutes.

1:55am Brian is seen on camera talking to his 2 friends...and 14 mins later they left without him. At some point in those 14 mins Brian had to have excused himself from the conversation. I'm wondering how he excused himself...what reason he gave, and how long he was gone for before they started searching the bar for him.

Further to this...why did the friends wait such a short time before leaving. I know I've become separated from friends at a bar before and I looked A LOT longer than they did. We even split up and checked different area's. My point is this...Unless its a normal behavior for him, I would never have just left after such a short time.

The timeframe:
9:30 p.m.: Shaffer goes to Ugly Tuna Saloona, leaves after 30 minutes
1:15 a.m.: Shaffer comes up escalators with friends Clint and Meredith
1:55 a.m.: Shaffer is seen standing outside to the right of the bar, at top of escalators, talking to two friends. LAST VIDEO OF SHAFFER ANYWHERE
2:09 a.m.: Clint and Meredith leave
Saw this posted and though I would repost on here. Nothing new but disappearing in 14 minutes, leaving your friend behind in such a short amount of time really makes me question why they decided to leave so quickly. From the time Brian said he was going to talk to the band and the decision was made to search for him couldn't not have been more than about 5 minutes.

Assuming it wasn’t more than 5 minutes would also assume this conversation about going to talk to the band actually happened / happened at a specific time.

It’s possibe it happened, and also quite possible it didn’t.

All we know for sure is that he was outside the bar at 1:55am. The only evidence that the conversation about talking to the band happened is the account of two people who were both reportedly very drunk.

Even IF these two drunk witnesses remember the sequence of events correctly, can you explain how you came up with “couldn’t have been more than about 5 minutes?” There are 14 minutes between Brian being last seen on camera and Clint/Meredith leaving. Not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t follow where this came from.

I think the more suspicious aspect (and one based on factual timeline rather than speculation) is that Clint and Meredith left at 2:09. My understanding (and experience from being out in Columbus bars myself) is that they really don’t begin kicking people out until 2:30am. One might think that a friend would at least keep looking / wait until the bar closes.

But having said all that, just because you or I would look harder for a friend doesn’t mean everyone would.
From the Pearl Jam site. Take this with a grain of salt but wanted to share.

crittables Posts: 342
October 2006

there was an article about him on the front page of the columbus dispatch today. unfortunately no new leads in the case. and the cell phone thing was just a glitch.


what's weird is they say they don't have footage of him leaving the bar that night, but i know someone who works for security in the gateway (the gateway is a bunch of bars, restaraunts, stores and apt) and he said they do actually have footage of him. don't know if he's telling the truth.

Another interesting comment. Has anyone else seen this post on Brian's Myspace page? My browser sometimes doesn't show certain things. Someone said it may be a reference to July 4th but if so still kinda odd to post it that way.

unsung Posts: 8,497
July 2006

On the myspace page his GF posts about him enjoying his independence?

I guess if he actually did a runaway bride type thing it would be good. But to wait this long isn't very considerate considering the amount of people and time spent looking for him.

Hopefully if he did skip out he shows up soon. I guess it is better than the alternative.

There is another post when I find will post. Someone makes reference to Brian telling some of his friends that he had no intentions of going to Miami. I really would like to know what other friends Brian had. He was at a very large college campus I find it odd no one has ever posted claiming to be friends with him.
Dateline did a story on this a few weeks after it happened and I just noticed that they said Alexis called Brian at 10 pm. Hasn't it always been said that Brian called Alexis?
This poster was in touch with Randy up until he died. I also think she was in touch with Don Corbett. Her comment at the end is pretty interesting. If Clint did mention something about the Virgin Islands I would imagine that this was early on since by the time Randy died Clint was not speaking to the police. So here we have Clint mentioning the VI to police and months later when Randy died we have someone who posts from a library claiming to be Brian posting from the VI. Now that's a heck of a coincidence.

yahamita Posts: 1,508
October 2008

Lost In Ohio wrote:
Yeah, I suppose you're right. Two sides to the coin, and the question is which side has more weight, the good or the bad?

ALL might not be forgiven 100% of the way, but i'm sure they'd be very happy to see him. I'm sure some low-profile counseling would certainly be in order, which might help explain things more clearly.

As we know, the theory is that he became too stressed out with his mom's death and with his education. That might be cause for anyone to run away. It would also explain why there was never anything found -- because it's all either in Columbus or with him. If you take it one step further, he could be living under an alias, which would be why there was never any bank account activity.

I know two people who would probably have to be forgiven (barring anything yet unforeseen) would be Brian's friends, Clint & Meredith who were with him on the night he went missing. If he's in the US Virgin Islands, then perhaps they really didn't have anything to with it, after all. As to why the story changed? I'll play the devil's advocate and mention that they'd been drinking for quite some time, it was late, memories could have been clouded, and well, don't stories generally change a little bit over time anyway?

I'm certainly not ready to personally clear anyone of suspicion of foul play yet, but when the time comes, if Clint & Meredith didn't have anything to do with it, then I certainly feel they should be near the top of the forgiveness list.

Clint refused to take a lie detector test, Merideth's lawyer is telling the investigator to back off and leave her alone, but from my understanding, Clint did mention the VI in one of his interviews with the PD.

Wanted to post this to kinda show this girl apparently was in touch with someone (Don?) Maybe in the new podcast with Don C we will get some answers.

ahamita Posts: 1,508
October 2008

krissypj wrote:
any updates?
This is the email I received this morning....

Lisa: The "gay" angle was looked into but was not substantiated by any individuals interviewed. No specific information received revealed any homosexul activity. The CPD (as usual) failed to release any further information on the location where the email was sent from or where the cadaver dogs searched. I am still awaiting a response from Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien on the Writ of Mandamus. I'll be in touch!!!

This is what I was referring to

This is what I was referring to about Don making a comment he thought Brian was still alive.

Posts: 1,508

January 2010

Was able to get ahold of the private investigator, Don, and also had a chance to reconnect with Lori, she takes care of brians page. What I know is the same weirdo from before is at it again. This time the person has started calling Lori out by name, indicating she is a supporter of serial killers and an enabler of psychopaths, so she contacted Crimestoppers with the info to see if they can find the IP addy where he's posting from. Also, I will add a few quotes from Don from last night...his thoughts...

"Clint's attorney has forbidden me to have any contact whatsoever with him. It's my belief that Clint holds the key to this mystery.

It is also my belief that Brian is still alive (but my opinion means nothing if I cannot locate and speak with Brian and inquire as to why he chose to leave in such a manner). I truly believe Brian will someday turn up based on the information discovered by Randy and I. There have been hundreds of adults who for whatever reason decide to completely disappear and start a new life and as hard as it is to believe that it could be accomplished in this day and age it does occur.

So there you have it...no new leads at this point, but some strange activity on his page..

Wanted to post this to kinda show this girl apparently was in touch with someone (Don?) Maybe in the new podcast with Don C we will get some answers.

ahamita Posts: 1,508
October 2008

krissypj wrote:
any updates?
This is the email I received this morning....

Lisa: The "gay" angle was looked into but was not substantiated by any individuals interviewed. No specific information received revealed any homosexul activity. The CPD (as usual) failed to release any further information on the location where the email was sent from or where the cadaver dogs searched. I am still awaiting a response from Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien on the Writ of Mandamus. I'll be in touch!!!

This seems a little confusing to me, what does all of this even mean? Any idea? TIA
Well, I have to appreciate you bringing all of this over, embufum, as it’s been quite a while since I’ve read over there.

I have to say some of this had slipped my memory, I mean, wow.

Aside from that, and I kind of hate to bring it up, but I don’t think it’s within TOS to post information, especially quotes, from another forum. But that’s all I will say at this point and will leave it to fate. ;).
Other than that I hope you know we’re both on the same page. :wave:
This seems a little confusing to me, what does all of this even mean? Any idea? TIA

This was a reply to the poster Yahamita (Lisa) from I'm assuming Don Corbett who was just interviewed for the podcast. He was getting back to her about a question that she had asked back in 2010. She was also in touch with Randy until his death. Don says point blank he and Randy thought Brian was still alive at least back in 2008 before Randy died based on info that he he had discovered.
Well, I have to appreciate you bringing all of this over, embufum, as it’s been quite a while since I’ve read over there.

I have to say some of this had slipped my memory, I mean, wow.

Aside from that, and I kind of hate to bring it up, but I don’t think it’s within TOS to post information, especially quotes, from another forum. But that’s all I will say at this point and will leave it to fate. ;).
Other than that I hope you know we’re both on the same page. :wave:

You're welcome and thanks for the info. Usually I'm asked where do I find my info so I was posting it for everyone to see. So from now on I will just say "from another forum".
Hey, it’s all good info, as far as I’m comcerened. Better than anything else we have at the moment, Aye?
We’ll just keep our fingers crossed, ok? :).
Well, I have to appreciate you bringing all of this over, embufum, as it’s been quite a while since I’ve read over there.

I have to say some of this had slipped my memory, I mean, wow.

Aside from that, and I kind of hate to bring it up, but I don’t think it’s within TOS to post information, especially quotes, from another forum. But that’s all I will say at this point and will leave it to fate. ;).
Other than that I hope you know we’re both on the same page. :wave:

Yeah I think we are on the same page. We all have our opinions and this case is so unique it's like we are just running around in circles due to the lack of evidence or completely wrong info that is posted.

There are many things that the police are holding back so that puts us at a disadvantage. Det Hurst mentioned that he couldn't tell us too many details about Brian's apartment being broke into but it's not related. I don't believe that. For example his guitars were not taken and other expensive items. Guitars are worth a lot of money why would someone break in and not take them? Is it possible "they" were looking for something specific?

Clint talked about the Virgin Islands to the police early on and when Randy died someone claiming to be Brian posts in his on line obituary and puts in parenthesis (US Virgin Islands) Of course this is all a hoax. Someone just happened to post VI and Clint just happened to mention it.

Also the poster never said he was posting from the VI just that he was possibly "in" the Virgin Islands. Get what I'm saying? Maybe someone posted that for Brian or maybe someone wanted people to know possibly where he was at the time.

Brian also mentioned wanting to live on an Island another coincidence? Now we also find out recently that Brian's phone rang all weekend not just for a day. All this to me adds up to more that "just coincidence".
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