OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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Hey there, I've been following this case for a long time. You can see my compilation posts about details in earlier months. But I wanted to reply that I think there is another single explanation that explains both questions.

That Brian snuck out to participate in a dangerous activity

I.e. He purposefully leaves under cover to buy drugs and the deal went bad.
I.e. He purposefully leaves to do drugs and OD'd.

I am willing to wager far more people die in bad drug deals or OD-ing than of being buried in secret crevices of buildings.

I stay open to all possibilities, but I think him intentionally sneaking out for some activity that proved dangerous is more likely than him being buried in concrete.

Why would anyone think he would be buried in concrete? That would pretty much have to be intentional. Accidentally under concrete is far more likely. Of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S.,

15 Most Common Causes of Death in the United States

only 3 are really possibilities for Brian Shaffer - accident, suicide, and homicide. Accident is far more likely statistically than the other 2. I accept LE's premise that someone seems not to have left the building that evening/morning. I believe that Brian disappeared that morning, and I think he died that morning. I accept detective Hurst's conclusion that Brian probably entered the 'completely dug up' construction area that morning. No need to conjure up nefarious activity and a homicide, especially a body-less homicide, when the facts and investigation point to the statistically more likely outcome - the accidental death of the individual who seemed not to have left the building and simultaneously permanently disappeared. There is only one location on the planet that could be searched with a greater than miniscule probability of success - the building where Brian was last seen the morning he disappeared. But a new search would cost money and, if successful, could expose certain parties to bad press and risk of liability and litigation.
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Why would anyone think he would be buried in concrete? That would pretty much have to be intentional. Accidentally under concrete is far more likely. Of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S.,

15 Most Common Causes of Death in the United States

only 3 are really possibilities for Brian Shaffer - accident, suicide, and homicide. Accident is far more likely statistically than the other 2. I accept LE's premise that someone seems not to have left the building that evening/morning. I believe that Brian disappeared that morning, and I think he died that morning. I accept detective Hurst's conclusion that Brian probably entered the 'completely dug up' construction area that morning. No need to conjure up nefarious activity and a homicide, especially a body-less homicide, when the facts and investigation point to the statistically more likely outcome - the accidental death of the individual who seemed not to have left the building and simultaneously permanently disappeared. There is only one location on the planet that could be searched with a greater than miniscule probability of success - the building where Brian was last seen the morning he disappeared. But a new search would cost money and, if successful, could expose certain parties to bad press and risk of liability and litigation.

Firearms are the most commonly used method of suicide for men and women, accounting for 60 percent of all suicides. Nearly 80 percent of all firearm suicides are committed by white males. The second most common method for men is hanging; for women, the second most common method is self-poisoning including drug overdose.

If Brian went down into the construction and shot or hung himself they most likely would have found him. I also don't see why he would go down there to swallow a bunch of pills.

I'd like to know what facts that you are talking about in the investigation statistically point to an accidental death? Also if it was a homicide it certainly didn't have to be in the construction area.

Also, in the latest interview Sargent Hurst said that they think Brian somehow got down into the construction area and exited out by the doors facing Wendy's.
i just don't feel suicide/ A hallmark is hopelessness and lack of a future vision/

He was getting educated (future oriented) had a relationship (future) was going on a vacation apparently had decent relationship with family (support) apparently had friends nice looking

his mothers death at his age does not seem IMO to compel suicide
there was prep time ( not a sudden death) which can be helpful

I am guessing here but it does not sound like he was declining academically dad reported he had been studying a lot the week before ( again goal driven behaviors)

spring break is super party and he started right away that too does not feel like a depressive slump (social )

coming up the escalator he was actively engaged with his friends looking back to talk with them again just social stuff

Initially it did not seem like the two that were with him described him as down that night

seen being a dude (!) flirting again not isolative down behavior

his g friend * at least not publically) did not describe seeing any changes or becoming concerned her behavior afterward seemed authentic and was a loss for her -- so it seems their relationship was meaningful and rewarding

if the notion about him asking her to marry shortly is accurate that too is future oriented

there does not seen to be indicators of encroaching suicidal notions

dad said he was tired exhaustion and alcohol (judgement accidental fall??)

he was outside at 155 (start of closing ) so he could have just left in the crowd

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i just don't feel suicide/ A hallmark is hopelessness and lack of a future vision/

He was getting educated (future oriented) had a relationship (future) was going on a vacation apparently had decent relationship with family (support) apparently had friends nice looking

his mothers death at his age does not seem IMO to compel suicide
there was prep time ( not a sudden death) which can be helpful

I am guessing here but it does not sound like he was declining academically dad reported he had been studying a lot the week before ( again goal driven behaviors)

spring break is super party and he started right away that too does not feel like a depressive slump (social )

coming up the escalator he was actively engaged with his friends looking back to talk with them again just social stuff

Initially it did not seem like the two that were with him described him as down that night

seen being a dude (!) flirting again not isolative down behavior

his g friend * at least not publically) did not describe seeing any changes or becoming concerned her behavior afterward seemed authentic and was a loss for her -- so it seems their relationship was meaningful and rewarding

if the notion about him asking her to marry shortly is accurate that too is future oriented

there does not seen to be indicators of encroaching suicidal notions

he was outside at 155 (start of closing ) so he could have just left in the crowd


So just to clarify a few things.

Brian's grades were not that good. This was verified by Don Corbett the PI that was helping Randy. Not sure why Randy would say they were.

Brian initially asked Alexis to run away with him then a short time later he told her she should move on.

Brian did not want to get married. This will come out later. As far as what Alexis said in her interviews I'm not surprised that she wouldn't say the above mentioned things about Brian telling her to move on. She wanted him back and for her to talk negatively about him on camera with him maybe watching was something she was not going to risk.
So just got done listening to the new podcast. We finally got confirmation that Brian was seen after he went off camera!

On my Windows Computer link it only goes up to Episode 4. Briefly, can it be stated where Brain was seen after he went off camera?

Also, to where did Brian ask Alexis and him to run away together?

I just listened to episode 5. I say, more power to the guy and gal who made it. I actually got a laugh when they declined to state their theories, but expressed with vehemence their absolute conviction that Brian made it out of the building alive. They're *certain* of it! If the building and especially the 'completely dug up' construction area is ever searched again, that may well come back to bite them.

The podcasters plan to interview Det. Hurst again. Were I in their shoes, I'd spend the entire half-hour or whatever inquiring about the construction area and the search of the building.

1) Sgt. Hurst, what did you mean by 'completely dug up'? Trenches?
2) Where was it dug up? Sunflower space? Other?
3) Why was it dug up? Utilities? Other? Was the building new and still being finished?
4) Was dirt moved after 4/1/06? If so, on what dates? Was concrete poured after 4/1/06? If so, on what dates? Was the 'construction area' illuminated at 2am on 4/1/06, or was it dark?
5) What were the dates the building housing the Tuna was searched? By LE? By Randy Shaffer? How many days had elapsed since 4/1/06?
6) Did LE, in conjunction with its search or searches of the building, consult with the building manager, the construction contractor, the building owner? Inquire as to what changes may have occurred in the construction area in elapsed time since 4/1/06? Check with workers to see if anyone had seen anything odd, such as dirt shifted over the weekend, etc.
7) Was the Tuna/Mad Mex space built at same time as the Gateway Theatre space, or did the Tuna/Mad Mex space exist and the Gateway Theatre space added on?
8) County records show the building is owned by OSU, held via The Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University. Did OSU own the building on 4/1/06?
9) Were campus police ever involved in the case in any way? Was there any effort on the part of the university to find 'one of its own'?
10) Did Randy Shaffer search the building before or after LE searched the building? If LE had already searched the building, why would Randy have felt compelled to search it?
11) Sgt. Hurst, you've stated that it may have been feasible for someone to have entered the construction area. You've suggested that Brian may have been in the construction area that morning - on what do you base that? You've suggested that Brian 'got exited out of' the construction area. On what do you base that, given that there has never been any sign of life for Brian Shaffer from around 2am on 4/1/06, not a single suggestion that he was ever outside the building in the many years since 4/1/06?
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Interesting questions, Itsrak.
I’m thinking about, hoping, that throughout the investigation they took photographs, or even videos, surely they would have. Of the construction area, of the other areas they searched ? Don’t they do this during investigations? I mean, dentists take photos of your teeth, etc., so surely they did. That said I have no idea if LE works this way.
I just listened to episode 5. I say, more power to the guy and gal who made it. I actually got a laugh when they declined to state their theories, but expressed with vehemence their absolute conviction that Brian made it out of the building alive. They're *certain* of it! If the building and especially the 'completely dug up' construction area is ever searched again, that may well come back to bite them.

The podcasters plan to interview Det. Hurst again. Were I in their shoes, I'd spend the entire half-hour or whatever inquiring about the construction area and the search of the building.

1) Sgt. Hurst, what did you mean by 'completely dug up'? Trenches?
2) Where was it dug up? Sunflower space? Other?
3) Why was it dug up? Utilities? Other? Was the building new and still being finished?
4) Was dirt moved after 4/1/06? If so, on what dates? Was concrete poured after 4/1/06? If so, on what dates? Was the 'construction area' illuminated at 2am on 4/1/06, or was it dark?
5) What were the dates the building housing the Tuna was searched? By LE? By Randy Shaffer? How many days had elapsed since 4/1/06?
6) Did LE, in conjunction with its search or searches of the building, consult with the building manager, the construction contractor, the building owner? Inquire as to what changes may have occurred in the construction area in elapsed time since 4/1/06? Check with workers to see if anyone had seen anything odd, such as dirt shifted over the weekend, etc.
7) Was the Tuna/Mad Mex space built at same time as the Gateway Theatre space, or did the Tuna/Mad Mex space exist and the Gateway Theatre space added on?
8) County records show the building is owned by OSU, held via The Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University. Did OSU own the building on 4/1/06?
9) Were campus police ever involved in the case in any way? Was there any effort on the part of the university to find 'one of its own'?
10) Did Randy Shaffer search the building before or after LE searched the building? If LE had already searched the building, why would Randy have felt compelled to search it?
11) Sgt. Hurst, you've stated that it may have been feasible for someone to have entered the construction area. You've suggested that Brian may have been in the construction area that morning - on what do you base that? You've suggested that Brian 'got exited out of' the construction area. On what do you base that, given that there has never been any sign of life for Brian Shaffer from around 2am on 4/1/06, not a single suggestion that he was ever outside the building in the many years since 4/1/06?

Great questions Israk!

I also fail to understand how the Comeback hosts and the guests so far, completely dismiss the strong likelihood that Brian is burned in the Ugly Tuna itself. I am not ruling anything out concerning the other theories. This is the one part of the investigation that actually makes me angry. At least they COULD admit that something was missed. However, on the other theories they are doing a great job. But I can only give them a B- overall, until somebody comes on and disagrees with them, saying yes, there is a strong possibility that Brian died in the Ugly Tuna. Or give that the same weight as the other theories.

At least they gave slightly more weight to Brian's remains being around the Gateway Theater. What about the stench from the kitchen that was never explained? We need to ask that question of individuals involved! But yes, according to them, Brian without question got out of The Ugly Tuna Saloona alive, for sure.

Hey guys! I’ve been swamped in some crazy cases and haven’t had a chance to come here for a bit. I figured our statements on the last episode would be unpopular. We both have our theories of what happened, but we can’t release everything yet. There is a lot that takes place during these phone calls that is strictly off the record. We are trying to get some of them to go on record, if they do it will open a lot of eyes. We will have a more thorough conversation with Hurst about the construction area but trust me when I say it wasn’t what everyone envisioned. Here is what I can say about my theory without giving away some off record information. Remember this is my theory about Brians disappearance. When I began this I 100% believed Brian met foul play in that bar. I have followed Brian’s case since the very first news story and thought if he wasn’t seen on camera leaving then he is still in that bar. And I honestly felt that way until November 2017 when we began this preparing for this podcast. I no longer feel that way. One person we interviewed got stern with us and said you guys have to get past the bar, Brian did! It wasn’t the opinion of the person we interviewed it was stated as a fact. It is my opinion that the police did a wonderful job searching the bar. Not to mention, Randy hired his own dogs to come in. There weren’t just one set of dogs used. Search and Cadaver dogs were used multiple times, both by the Police and the people that Randy brought in. A band member has recently went on record talking about using the construction area that night. Think about this question if the construction area was so dangerous why would the upstairs businesses still be using it to get to the trash exit? Why was the Ugly Tuna Saloona still having the bands use that location to enter and exit the bar? I don’t see the bar or the building owners taking the risk of a potential lawsuit by allowing this area to be used. It was not a dark area. There were lights there to illuminate the area since it was in use. Just because they keep stating it was a restricted area doesn’t mean it wasn’t accessible. It was restricted to patrons, not everyone. I believe Brian got out of that bar that night, so does everyone else that investigated this case including John Hurst and Don Corbett. Brian’s family doesn’t believe he is in the building, and Randy did not believe he was in the building. Now what ever happened after that only leaves theories and speculation. I think the new information we found about his timeline makes me question a lot of things. Tell me what you guys think of the timeline information?? The theories I have right now are 1.Brian got out of the bar and met foul play that night. 2. Brian got out of the bar and met foul play later in the day on Saturday. 3. Brian got out of the bar and decided to start a new life, later that day on Saturday. If Brian decided to start a new life I don’t think he chose Friday Night/Early Saturday morning while intoxicated to do it. Sorry for the novel. I really appreciate everyone of your theories. Even though I don’t believe he is in the bar doesn’t mean I won’t continue to investigate it. Im currently speaking to several people about ground penetrating radar just for a definitive answer and I think it will eventually happen.
First and foremost, I would like to commend the podcast team for doing such amazing work with this- truly awesome. That being said, this mini rant of mine is NOT aimed at you guys, but rather eyeing LE (and please forgive me if I confused any info given). As cool as it is to be starting to learn to new information about this case, the problem I have is that it just makes me question the legitimacy of what detectives and LE has ever said. For example, when this case was first brought to the public it was "Brian definitely couldn't have gone out any other way except this construction exits because cameras"... now after the last couple of podcasts it seems to be "Brian literally could have gone out any exit". Also earlier it was said that the construction zone was locked with a padlock because there's no reason for anyone to go there... now the detectives say that it was brightly illuminated because band members and staff were going through there. And the bit about Brian being accounted for at least a couple more minutes after being on the video at 1:55 am. I don't understand how investigations work, I admit that, but why was all this information never revealed earlier? Only seems to be known now because there are people pressing for answers. Basically what I'm saying is that there seems to be a pretty big flip flop from when the case was first introduced to now. I know that new evidence can come around at any time, but it seems like this was stuff they knew after the initial investigation. They introduced this case as a big disappearing act, now they're saying to look past the bar because we have reason to believe he's definitely not there. They really want us to believe that. I know that the podcast team obviously has more insight than any of us here, but from an "outsider looking in" 's perspective, this reeks of LE negligence coverup.
First and foremost, I would like to commend the podcast team for doing such amazing work with this- truly awesome. That being said, this mini rant of mine is NOT aimed at you guys, but rather eyeing LE (and please forgive me if I confused any info given). As cool as it is to be starting to learn to new information about this case, the problem I have is that it just makes me question the legitimacy of what detectives and LE has ever said. For example, when this case was first brought to the public it was "Brian definitely couldn't have gone out any other way except this construction exits because cameras"... now after the last couple of podcasts it seems to be "Brian literally could have gone out any exit". Also earlier it was said that the construction zone was locked with a padlock because there's no reason for anyone to go there... now the detectives say that it was brightly illuminated because band members and staff were going through there. And the bit about Brian being accounted for at least a couple more minutes after being on the video at 1:55 am. I don't understand how investigations work, I admit that, but why was all this information never revealed earlier? Only seems to be known now because there are people pressing for answers. Basically what I'm saying is that there seems to be a pretty big flip flop from when the case was first introduced to now. I know that new evidence can come around at any time, but it seems like this was stuff they knew after the initial investigation. They introduced this case as a big disappearing act, now they're saying to look past the bar because we have reason to believe he's definitely not there. They really want us to believe that. I know that the podcast team obviously has more insight than any of us here, but from an "outsider looking in" 's perspective, this reeks of LE negligence coverup.
This is the same issue I have. It seems most of what we have learned was already known. The timeline really throws me off. Such a big deal was made on what happened when Brian walked off camera. Well we know he didn’t re-enter the bar at that time. If your go off of 1:55 when Brian was last seen, add in a few minutes for Brightan to go to the restroom, then say goodbye to Brian. We know Clint and Meredith are leaving on the escalator at 2am. And Meredith calls Brian at 2:01am. I just don’t understand how they missed him. My curiosity has me wondering if Brian was trying to ditch someone and didn’t want to be seen.
Hey guys! I’ve been swamped in some crazy cases and haven’t had a chance to come here for a bit. I figured our statements on the last episode would be unpopular. We both have our theories of what happened, but we can’t release everything yet. There is a lot that takes place during these phone calls that is strictly off the record. We are trying to get some of them to go on record, if they do it will open a lot of eyes. We will have a more thorough conversation with Hurst about the construction area but trust me when I say it wasn’t what everyone envisioned. Here is what I can say about my theory without giving away some off record information. Remember this is my theory about Brians disappearance. When I began this I 100% believed Brian met foul play in that bar. I have followed Brian’s case since the very first news story and thought if he wasn’t seen on camera leaving then he is still in that bar. And I honestly felt that way until November 2017 when we began this preparing for this podcast. I no longer feel that way. One person we interviewed got stern with us and said you guys have to get past the bar, Brian did! It wasn’t the opinion of the person we interviewed it was stated as a fact. It is my opinion that the police did a wonderful job searching the bar. Not to mention, Randy hired his own dogs to come in. There weren’t just one set of dogs used. Search and Cadaver dogs were used multiple times, both by the Police and the people that Randy brought in. A band member has recently went on record talking about using the construction area that night. Think about this question if the construction area was so dangerous why would the upstairs businesses still be using it to get to the trash exit? Why was the Ugly Tuna Saloona still having the bands use that location to enter and exit the bar? I don’t see the bar or the building owners taking the risk of a potential lawsuit by allowing this area to be used. It was not a dark area. There were lights there to illuminate the area since it was in use. Just because they keep stating it was a restricted area doesn’t mean it wasn’t accessible. It was restricted to patrons, not everyone. I believe Brian got out of that bar that night, so does everyone else that investigated this case including John Hurst and Don Corbett. Brian’s family doesn’t believe he is in the building, and Randy did not believe he was in the building. Now what ever happened after that only leaves theories and speculation. I think the new information we found about his timeline makes me question a lot of things. Tell me what you guys think of the timeline information?? The theories I have right now are 1.Brian got out of the bar and met foul play that night. 2. Brian got out of the bar and met foul play later in the day on Saturday. 3. Brian got out of the bar and decided to start a new life, later that day on Saturday. If Brian decided to start a new life I don’t think he chose Friday Night/Early Saturday morning while intoxicated to do it. Sorry for the novel. I really appreciate everyone of your theories. Even though I don’t believe he is in the bar doesn’t mean I won’t continue to investigate it. Im currently speaking to several people about ground penetrating radar just for a definitive answer and I think it will eventually happen.

You keep saying you think Brian got out of the bar. Of course he got out of the bar. Everyone thinks Brian got out of the bar. But he certainly still could be in what was at the time a 'completely dug up' construction area. I'll take Det. Hurst's word on that characterization. If he says it was completely. dug. up. I'll assume it was *completely* dug up. He ought to know.

Any theory that has Brian successfully navigating the challenging construction area and making it outside the building that housed the Tuna (as suggested by the Det. Hurst) gets difficult (not to mention 100% speculative), needs to account for Brian never once using his phone, never once being seen, never being on vid cam, never once showing sign of life, and needs to account for lack of body as well.

Until solid evidence somehow arises all these years later that Brian was outside the building (not the bar - the building) the morning of 4/1/06, the most solid theory by far IMO is that Brian's remains are under the building. Shame OSU, as owner of the building, won't have a new look for one of its own.
Hey guys! I’ve been swamped in some crazy cases and haven’t had a chance to come here for a bit. I figured our statements on the last episode would be unpopular. We both have our theories of what happened, but we can’t release everything yet. There is a lot that takes place during these phone calls that is strictly off the record. We are trying to get some of them to go on record, if they do it will open a lot of eyes. We will have a more thorough conversation with Hurst about the construction area but trust me when I say it wasn’t what everyone envisioned. Here is what I can say about my theory without giving away some off record information. Remember this is my theory about Brians disappearance. When I began this I 100% believed Brian met foul play in that bar. I have followed Brian’s case since the very first news story and thought if he wasn’t seen on camera leaving then he is still in that bar. And I honestly felt that way until November 2017 when we began this preparing for this podcast. I no longer feel that way. One person we interviewed got stern with us and said you guys have to get past the bar, Brian did! It wasn’t the opinion of the person we interviewed it was stated as a fact. It is my opinion that the police did a wonderful job searching the bar. Not to mention, Randy hired his own dogs to come in. There weren’t just one set of dogs used. Search and Cadaver dogs were used multiple times, both by the Police and the people that Randy brought in. A band member has recently went on record talking about using the construction area that night. Think about this question if the construction area was so dangerous why would the upstairs businesses still be using it to get to the trash exit? Why was the Ugly Tuna Saloona still having the bands use that location to enter and exit the bar? I don’t see the bar or the building owners taking the risk of a potential lawsuit by allowing this area to be used. It was not a dark area. There were lights there to illuminate the area since it was in use. Just because they keep stating it was a restricted area doesn’t mean it wasn’t accessible. It was restricted to patrons, not everyone. I believe Brian got out of that bar that night, so does everyone else that investigated this case including John Hurst and Don Corbett. Brian’s family doesn’t believe he is in the building, and Randy did not believe he was in the building. Now what ever happened after that only leaves theories and speculation. I think the new information we found about his timeline makes me question a lot of things. Tell me what you guys think of the timeline information?? The theories I have right now are 1.Brian got out of the bar and met foul play that night. 2. Brian got out of the bar and met foul play later in the day on Saturday. 3. Brian got out of the bar and decided to start a new life, later that day on Saturday. If Brian decided to start a new life I don’t think he chose Friday Night/Early Saturday morning while intoxicated to do it. Sorry for the novel. I really appreciate everyone of your theories. Even though I don’t believe he is in the bar doesn’t mean I won’t continue to investigate it. Im currently speaking to several people about ground penetrating radar just for a definitive answer and I think it will eventually happen.

For what it is worth i agree he left the bar. The whole notion that LE can confirm every single person on that crappy camera on an escalator just is silly to me

it was closing he was high and left Clints behaviors make me think ( drunk stuff ) that they had conflict and something bad happened and they covered it up

or they did some drugs and got some bad stuff and ..........

i def have not thought he is is in cement somewhere nor did he flee his life

something bad happened IMO after he was seen flitting with the ladies right before closing moo
I think people are under the impression that LE has or had to reveal anything. They are obviously keeping a lot of things under wraps. The place they searched that I told them about was searched with in days of Brian's disappearance so they are IMO following up on leads. Sargent Hurst also knew about the emergency door in the Tuna that was used a lot and the alarm not working. The question is how long did it take to find out about all these doors that didn't have an alarm on them?

One thing that I am puzzled about is why didn't Randy, Alexis, Derek, Meredith, Brightan and Amber ever come on the boards and reveal info that they knew? This is almost unheard of for key people not to participate on the Internet during a search. They knew for example almost from the beginning what time Clint and Meredith left. Alexis even said on tape that they were seen leaving at 2:09. What she didn't clarify or maybe the program didn't reveal was they where coming out of the parking garage at 2:09 not down the escalator. All this info that all of them had should have IMO been shared. Maybe it could have maybe helped early on when this was fresh in people's minds. Very odd indeed that people had to dig like they have to even find out the smallest of details.
Hey guys! I’ve been swamped in some crazy cases and haven’t had a chance to come here for a bit. I figured our statements on the last episode would be unpopular. We both have our theories of what happened, but we can’t release everything yet. There is a lot that takes place during these phone calls that is strictly off the record. We are trying to get some of them to go on record, if they do it will open a lot of eyes. We will have a more thorough conversation with Hurst about the construction area but trust me when I say it wasn’t what everyone envisioned. Here is what I can say about my theory without giving away some off record information. Remember this is my theory about Brians disappearance. When I began this I 100% believed Brian met foul play in that bar. I have followed Brian’s case since the very first news story and thought if he wasn’t seen on camera leaving then he is still in that bar. And I honestly felt that way until November 2017 when we began this preparing for this podcast. I no longer feel that way. One person we interviewed got stern with us and said you guys have to get past the bar, Brian did! It wasn’t the opinion of the person we interviewed it was stated as a fact. It is my opinion that the police did a wonderful job searching the bar. Not to mention, Randy hired his own dogs to come in. There weren’t just one set of dogs used. Search and Cadaver dogs were used multiple times, both by the Police and the people that Randy brought in. A band member has recently went on record talking about using the construction area that night. Think about this question if the construction area was so dangerous why would the upstairs businesses still be using it to get to the trash exit? Why was the Ugly Tuna Saloona still having the bands use that location to enter and exit the bar? I don’t see the bar or the building owners taking the risk of a potential lawsuit by allowing this area to be used. It was not a dark area. There were lights there to illuminate the area since it was in use. Just because they keep stating it was a restricted area doesn’t mean it wasn’t accessible. It was restricted to patrons, not everyone. I believe Brian got out of that bar that night, so does everyone else that investigated this case including John Hurst and Don Corbett. Brian’s family doesn’t believe he is in the building, and Randy did not believe he was in the building. Now what ever happened after that only leaves theories and speculation. I think the new information we found about his timeline makes me question a lot of things. Tell me what you guys think of the timeline information?? The theories I have right now are 1.Brian got out of the bar and met foul play that night. 2. Brian got out of the bar and met foul play later in the day on Saturday. 3. Brian got out of the bar and decided to start a new life, later that day on Saturday. If Brian decided to start a new life I don’t think he chose Friday Night/Early Saturday morning while intoxicated to do it. Sorry for the novel. I really appreciate everyone of your theories. Even though I don’t believe he is in the bar doesn’t mean I won’t continue to investigate it. Im currently speaking to several people about ground penetrating radar just for a definitive answer and I think it will eventually happen.

Thanks for sharing!

Can you ask the investigators about what they know about the foul stench reported by customers coming from the Gateway Theater kitchen area that existed for several years following Brian's disappearance?

Yes I will!

The other thing of note,

Is that Ugly Tuna patrons in online reviews always reported that the place smelled like piss and vomit. Reviews are bad food, rude management, among other things. It was little more than an OSU watering hole. Probably employees there got immune to some of the bad things mentioned about The Ugly Tuna. I always had this vision of Brian trapped in the construction site or lodged- jammed into the wall into such an area that the crew investigator's equipment could not get to without tearing the building apart.

In other words, this theory does not put Brian in the bar itself, but wedged between the bar and the theater infrastructure. Also, another thing to ask LE. If Brian was trapped in any part of the complex, how long could a dead body give off a stench?

The other thing of note,

Is that Ugly Tuna patrons in online reviews always reported that the place smelled like piss and vomit. Reviews are bad food, rude management, among other things. It was little more than an OSU watering hole. Probably employees there got immune to some of the bad things mentioned about The Ugly Tuna. I always had this vision of Brian trapped in the construction site or lodged- jammed into the wall into such an area that the crew investigator's equipment could not get to without tearing the building apart.

In other words, this theory does not put Brian in the bar itself, but wedged between the bar and the theater infrastructure. Also, another thing to ask LE. If Brian was trapped in any part of the complex, how long could a dead body give off a stench?

As to the 'stench' in the building. Two months ago, I checked Yelp reviews for Gateway Theatre. I found a 2008 review that commented on a stench. I cut and pasted it in my 4/2/2018 post. I just went back to Yelp to provide an actual link to Yelp so y'all could see for yourselves. But the post now seems to be gone from Yelp!!! Anyway, here is link to Yelp comments:

Gateway Film Center - University District - Columbus, OH, United States

Here is my original post:
Here is the Gateway Theatre Yelp review, (dated around 2.5 years after Brian Shaffer went missing, although reviewer presumably may have been referring to a stench noted on earlier visits) noting the stench:
7/21/2008 Previous review 1 Star for the Location. I lived on campus before the Gateway and regardless of what everyone says, I like the Gatway (aside from McFadden's and Skye Bar which annoy me 1 Star for the Indie films. In a city like Columbus you would think a good independant film wouldn't be impossible to find. Aren't we the "Indie Art Capitol" or some such nonsense? Seriously. 1 Star for the affordable parking and student priced tickets....cheaper and less annoying than Lennox or Easton for sure. 1 Star for not being jam packed like the Lennox. Zero Stars for the stench coming from the "cafe" and the fact that half the people in the theater either smell like alcohol or are actively consuming alcohol.​

Kinda weird. I can't really recalled having noticed a stench in a kitchen - usually you find stench around the dumpsters out back....
itsrak, Apr 2, 2018
Yelp was a new thing then. There are no comments from 2006, only one from 2007. Would be interesting to know if others, such as people who worked in the building, observed an out of the ordinary stench circa 2006-2007. As I'd noted in a prior post, when I was a college student, there'd been a dead body near a campus bar, and I and many others had noticed the stench of decay before the body was discovered. The stench can be very noticeable.
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